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We wtorek, 1 grudnia 2009 r. o godz. 14:15 w sali 25 dr Michael Zwolak z Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA wygłosi wykład pt.: "TDNA sequencing and detection using nanopores "
A rapid and low-cost method to sequence DNA would create a revolution in personalized medicine. Recently, it was theoretically shown that in an ideal setup, transverse electronic current measurements could be used to distinguish the different bases of single-stranded DNA (ss- DNA). In a device where ss-DNA translocates through a nanopore with embedded electrodes, there will be variations of the current due to structural fluctuations, ions, water, and other sources of noise. We explore these effects by coupling molecular dynamics simulations with transport calculations to obtain the real-time transverse current of ss-DNA translocating through a nanopore. We find that the distributions of current for each base are statistically different even in the presence of various noise sources and for different pore diameters and transverse field strengths, thus supporting the proposal that DNA sequencing could be done using transverse current measurements. In addition to sequencing and molecular detection, nanopores may also be used to study fundamental physical processes at the nanoscale.
Organizatorem Kolokwium Czwartkowego jest Instytut Fizyki UMK w Toruniu. Wykłady odbywają się w Instytucie Aleksandra Jabłońskiego przy ul. Grudziądzkiej 5.