Djordje Stojić, T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Improved Fixed-Frequency SOGI Based Single-Phase PLL" Energies15 (2022), 1-15 DOI:
Ł. Niewiara, R. Szczepański, T. Tarczewski, prof. Lech M. Grzesiak, "State Feedback Speed Control with Periodic Disturbances Attenuation for PMSM Drive" Energies15(2) (2022), 1-18 DOI:
K. Wyrąbkiewicz, Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, "Application of load torque observer for ground quality identification in a wheeled mobile robot" in 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), IEEE, New York (2021), pp. 682-686 ISBN: 978-1-7281-5661-3
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Artificial Neural Network-Based Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Controller for Synchronous Reluctance Motor" Power Electronics and Drives6 (2021), 276-288 DOI: 10.2478/pead-2021-0017
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor" in 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), IEEE, New York (2021), pp. 559-565 ISBN: 978-1-7281-5661-3
R. Szczepański, T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, prof. Djordje Stojic, "Identification of mechanical parameters in servo-drive system" in 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), IEEE, New York (2021), pp. 566-573 ISBN: 978-1-7281-5660-6
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, "Operating analysis of SiC DC/DC power converter for synchronous and asynchronous modulation" in 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), IEEE, New York (2021), pp. 140-146 ISBN: 978-1-7281-5661-3
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Application of extended Kalman filter for estimation of periodic disturbance and velocity ripple reduction in PMSM drive " Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech.vol. 68 No. 5 (2020), 983-995 DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.134649
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Artificial bee colony based state feedback position controller for PMSM servo-drive – the efficiency analysis" Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech.vol. 68 No. 5 (2020), 997-1007 DOI: DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.134622
K. Wyrąbkiewicz, T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, "Local Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on APF-BUG Algorithm with Ground Quality Indicator" in A. Bartoszewicz, J. Kabziński, J. Kasprzyk (editor), Advanced, Contemporary Control, Springer International Publishing, Cham (2020), pp. 979-990 ISBN: 978-3-030-50936-1
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, L. M. Grzesiak, "Application of extended Kalman filter for estimation of periodic disturbance in PMSM drive" in Sterowanie w energoelektronice i napędzie elektrycznym SENE 2019 : XIV Konferencja Naukowa, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź (2019), pp. 1-8 ISBN: 978-83-66287-33-4
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Application of State Feedback Controller with Feedforward for velocity ripples reduction of PMSM drive at low speed operation" in University of Genova (editor), Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ECCE Europe), IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA (2019), pp. 1-10 ISBN: 978-9-0758-1531-3
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, L. M. Grzesiak, "An application of flower pollination algorithm to auto-tuning of linear-quadratic regulator for DC-DC power converter" in Riga Technical University (editor), Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ECCE Europe), IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA (2018), pp. 1-8 ISBN: 978-9-0758-1528-3
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, M. Skiwski, L. M. Grzesiak, "Gain-scheduled constrained state feedback control of DC-DC buck power converter" IET Power Electron.11 Iss. 4 (2018), 735-743 DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2017.0370
T. Tarczewski, M. Skiwski, Ł. Niewiara, L. M. Grzesiak, "High-performance PMSM servo-drive with constrained state feedback position controller" Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech.66 No. 1 (2018), 49-58 DOI: 10.24425/119058
L. Wydźgowski, Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, L. M. Grzesiak, M. Zieliński, "Jednofazowy mostkowy przekształtnik DC-AC z tranzystorami GaN GIT" Przegl. Elektrotech.94 nr 3 (2018), 111-115 DOI: 10.15199/48.2018.03.21
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Application of DC/DC/AC dual voltage source inverter for current harmonics reduction in PMSM drive" in Proceedings of 19th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’17-ECCE Europe , New York, NY: IEEE, New York (2017), pp. P.1-P.9 ISBN: 978907581526
L. Wydźgowski, Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, L. M. Grzesiak, "DC-DC power converter with Gallium Nitride Gate Injection Transistors" in Proceedings of 19th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’17-ECCE Europe, New York, NY: IEEE, New York (2017), pp. p.1-p.8 ISBN: 978907581526
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Analysis of circuit and operation for DC–DC converter based on silicon carbide " Computer Applications in Elect14 (2016), 268-279 DOI: 10.21008/j.1508-4248.2016.0024
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, L. M. Grzesiak, "Application of artificial bee colony algorithm to auto-tuning of state feedback controller for DC-DC power converter" Power Electronics and Drives1(36) (2016), 83-96 DOI: 10.5277/PED160205
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, L. M. Grzesiak, "Constrained state feedback control of DC-DC power converter based on model predictive approach" in Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla (editor), Proceedings of the 2016 4th International Symposium on Environmental Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA), IEEE, USA (2016), pp. 1-6 ISBN: 978-1-5090-0749-3
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "DC-DC converter based on silicon carbide (SiC) power devices with P+ based current controller" Przegl. Elektrotech.6 (2016), 18-24 DOI: doi:10.15199/48.2016.06.04
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "SILICON CARBIDE BASED DC-DC CONVERTER – OPERATING ANALYSIS" Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering88 (2016), 109-120
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, M. Skiwski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "9 kW SiC MOSFET BASED DC-DC CONVERTER" in PROCEEDINGS OF 17TH CONFERENCE ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, EPE’15-ECCE EUROPE, New York, NY: IEEE, New York (2015), pp. P.1-P.9 ISBN: 9789075815238
Ł. Niewiara, M. Skiwski, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Computer aided design of snubber circuit for DC\DC converter with SiC power mosfet devices" Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering84 (2015), 77-83
Ł. Niewiara, M. Skiwski, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Experimental study of snubber circuit design for SiC power MOSFET devices" Computer Applications in Elect13 (2015), 120-131
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK STATE FEEDBACK CONTROLLER TO TORQUE RIPPLE MINIMIZATION OF PMSM" in ICINCO 2014 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications,, Lisbon, Portugal (2014), pp. 363-369 ISBN: 978-989-758-039-0
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Based on neural network adaptive linear quadratic regulator for inverter with voltage matching circuit" Computer Applications in Elect12 (2014), 434-443
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "NEURAL NETWORK BASED ADAPTIVE STATE FEEDBACK CONTROLLER FOR INVERTER WITH VOLTAGE MATCHING CIRCUIT" Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering80 (2014), 230-238
T. Tarczewski, Ł. Niewiara, prof. dr hab. inż. Lech M. Grzesiak, "Torque ripple minimization for PMSM using voltage matching circuit and neural network based adaptive state feedback control" in Proceedings of 16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’14-ECCE Europe, New York, NY: IEEE, New York (2014), pp. P.1-P.10 ISBN: 978-1-4799-3014-2
Ł. Niewiara, T. Tarczewski, Lech M. Grzesiak, "Trójfazowy mostkowy falownik napięcia o regulowanym napięciu obwodu pośredniczącego" Przegl. Elektrotech.06/2014 (2014), 109-114 DOI: 10.12915/pe.2014.06.21
Ł. Niewiara, Krzysztof Zawirski, "Auto-strojenie regulatora typu PID z wykorzystaniem logiki rozmytej" Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering75 (2013), 79-84
Ł. Niewiara, Krzysztof Zawirski, "Autotuning of PID controller based on fuzzy logic" Computer Applications in Elect11 (2013), 230-240