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"Does relativistic cosmology software handle emergent volume evolution?"
Class. Quantum Grav. 39 (2022), 215007
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ac8ddb
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"Anti-clustering in the national SARS-CoV-2 daily infection counts"
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"The role of the elaphrocentre in void galaxy formation"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 505 (2021), 1223
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1342 - Mohammad Akhlaghi, Raul Infante-Sainz, B. Roukema, Mohammadreza Khellat, David Valls-Gabaud, Roberto Baene-Galle,
"Toward Long-Term and Archivable Reproducibility"
Comput. Sci. Eng. 23 (2021), 82
DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3072860
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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 497 (2020), 4626
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"Cosmological signatures of torsion and how to distinguish torsion from the dark sector"
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"Probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm for multi-object spectroscopic surveys"
Astron. Astrophys. 635 (2020), A101
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/20193722 - B. Roukema,
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3956058
- Richard Johan, Kneib Jean-Paul, et al (10 other authors), B. Roukema, et al (5 other authors),
"4MOST Consortium Survey 8: Cosmology Redshift Survey (CRS) "
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DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5127 - de Jong Roelof S., Agerz O., et al (267 other authors), B. Roukema, et al (37 other authors),
"4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals "
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"Does spatial flatness forbid the turnaround epoch of collapsing structures?"
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 12 (2019), 049
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2019/12/049
- de Zotti Gianfranco, 105 innych autorów, B. Roukema, 20 innych autorów,
"Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Extragalactic sources in cosmic microwave background maps"
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 04 (2018), 020
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2018/04/020 - Delabrouille Jacques, 165 innych autorów, B. Roukema, 36 innych autorów,
"Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design"
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"Replacing dark energy by silent virialisation"
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"On the Green and Wald formalism"
in Massimo Bianchi, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo Ruffini. (editor), The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: pp. 2209-2295, World Scientific, Singapore (2017), pp. 2209-2295
ISBN: 978-981-3226-59-3 - J. Ostrowski, Buchert Thomas, B. Roukema,
"On the relativistic mass function and averaging in cosmology"
in Massimo Bianchi, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo Ruffini. (editor), The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific, Singapore (2017), pp. 2333-2338
ISBN: 978-981-3226-59-3 - B. Roukema, J. Ostrowski, Buchert Thomas, Mourier Pierre,
"Order-unity Argument for Structure-generated "Extra" Expansion"
Acta Phys. Pol. B 10 (2017), 403 - B. Roukema, Mourier Pierre, Buchert Thomas, J. Ostrowski,
"The background Friedmannian Hubble constant in relativistic inhomogeneous cosmology and the age of the Universe"
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"The baryon acoustic oscillation peak: A flexible standard ruler"
in Massimo Bianchi, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo Ruffini. (editor), The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific, Singapore (2017), pp. 2327-2332
ISBN: 978-981-3226-59-3
- B. Roukema, Buchert, Thomas, Fujii, Hirokazu, J. Ostrowski,
"Is the baryon acoustic oscillation peak a cosmological standard ruler?"
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"Observational challenges for the standard FLRW model"
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 25 (2016), 1630007-24
DOI: 10.1142/S021827181630007X - B. Lew, B. Roukema,
"The comptonization parameter from simulations of single-frequency, single-dish, dual-beam, cm-wave observations of galaxy clusters and mitigating CMB confusion using the Planck sky survey"
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 11 (2016), 049/1-049/21
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" Is there proof that backreaction of inhomogeneities is irrelevant in cosmology?"
Class. Quantum Grav. 32 (2015), 215021
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/21/215021 - B. Roukema, Thomas Buchert, J. Ostrowski, Martin France,
"Evidence for an environment-dependent shift in the baryon acoustic oscillation peak"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 448 (2015), 1660
DOI: 10.1093/MNRASJ/stv041 - G. de Zotti, G. Castex, J. González-Nuevo, et al. (14 others), B. Roukema,
"Extragalactic sources in Cosmic Microwave Background maps"
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 06 (2015), 018
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2015/06/018
- B. Roukema,
"A first-digit anomaly in the 2009 Iranian presidential election"
JAS 41 (2014), 164-199
DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2013.838664 - J. Ostrowski, T. Kazimierczak, B. Roukema,
"Ciemna strona Wszechświata"
Urania; Post.Astronomii 85 (2014), 8-12 - B. Roukema, Martin France, T. Kazimierczak, Thomas Buchert,
"Deep redshift topological lensing: strategies for the T3 candidate"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 437 (2014), 1096-1108
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt1885
- C. Gałan, T. Tomov, Kato T., Pojmański, G., Szczygieł, D. M., Pilecki, B., Graczyk, D.;, Gromadzki, M., M. Mikołajewski, Gieren, W., Strobel, A., B. Roukema,
"A new look at the long-period eclipsing binary V383 Scorpi"
Astron. Astrophys. 550 (2013), 93-106
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201117912 - B. Roukema,
"Dark Energy with Rigid Voids Versus Relativistic Voids Alone"
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 22 (2013), 41018
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"Topological implications of inhomogeneity"
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"VI light curves of V383 Sco"
Astron. Astrophys. 550 (2013), 93-106
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"Virialisation-induced curvature as a physical explanation for dark energy"
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 10 (2013), 043
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2013/10/043
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"Long-term photometry and spectroscopy of EE Cep (Galan+, 2012)"
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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 418 (2011), 1441-1451
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"The residual gravity acceleration effect in the Poincaré dodecahedral space"
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"A test of the Poincaré dodecahedral space topology hypothesis with the WMAP CMB data"
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Astron. Astrophys. 423 (2004), 821-831