Marek Weżgowiec, Reiner Beck, M. Hanasz, Marian Soida, Mathias Ehle, Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Marek Urbanik, "Hot magnetic halo of NGC 628 (M 74)" Astron. Astrophys.665 (2022), A64-1-A64-12 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243963
Marek Weżgowiec, Reiner Beck, M. Hanasz, Marian Soida, Mathias Ehle, Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Marek Urbanik, "Magnetic fields and hot gas in M 101⋆" Astron. Astrophys.664 (2022), A108-1-A108-15 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243874
M. Ogrodnik, M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, "Implementation of Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum (CRESP) Algorithm in PIERNIK MHD Code. I. Spectrally Resolved Propagation of Cosmic Ray Electrons on Eulerian Grids" Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.253 (2021), 18-36 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/abd16f
M. Hanasz, Andrew Strong, Philipp Girichidis, "Simulations of cosmic ray propagation" LRCA1 (2021), 1-92 DOI: 10.1007/s41115-021-00011-1
N. Peschken, M. Hanasz, Thorsten Naab, D. Wóltański, Artur Gawryszczak, "The angular momentum structure of cosmic ray driven galactic outflows triggered by stream accretion" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 508 (2021), 4269-4281 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab2784
Philipp Girichidis, Christoph Pfrommer, M. Hanasz, Thorsten Naab, "Spectrally resolved cosmic ray hydrodynamics – I. Spectral scheme" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 491 (2020), 993-1007 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz2961
Girichidis Philipp, Naab Thorsten, M. Hanasz, Walch Stefanie, "Cooler and smoother - the impact of cosmic rays on the phase structure of galactic outflows" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 479 (2018), 3042-3067 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty1653
M. Hanasz, "Galactic magnetic fields, cosmic rays and winds" in Biernacka, M., Bajan, K., Stachowski, G., Pollo, A. (editor), Second Cosmology School, Introduction to Cosmology, 11-27 July 2016, Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne, Warszawa (2017), pp. 141-156 ISBN: 978-83-938279-5-4
Girichidis, Philipp, Naab, Thorsten, Walch, Stefanie, M. Hanasz, Mac Low, Mordecai-Mark, Ostriker, Jeremiah P., Gatto, Andrea, Peters, Thomas, Wünsch, Richard, Glover, Simon C. O., Klessen, Ralf S., Clark, Paul C., Baczynski, Christian, "Launching Cosmic-Ray-driven Outflows from the Magnetized Interstellar Medium" Astrophys. J. 816 (2016), L19-L24 DOI: 10.3847/2041-8205/816/2/L19
Kulpa-Dybeł, K., Nowak, N., Otmianowska-Mazur, K., M. Hanasz, Siejkowski, H., Kulesza-Żydzik, B., "The effect of supernova rate on the magnetic field evolution in barred galaxies" Astron. Astrophys.575 (2015), A93-A103 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201323113
H. Siejkowski, K. Otmianowska-Mazur, M. Soida, D. J. Bomans, M. Hanasz, "3D global simulations of a cosmic-ray-driven dynamo in dwarf galaxies" Astron. Astrophys.562 (2014), 136-142 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201220367
M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, dr. Artur Gawryszczak, D. Wóltański, "High Performance Astrophysical Fluid Simulations Using InSilicoLab Framework" in Marian Bubak, Jacek Kitowski, Kazimierz Wiatr (editor), eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure, Achievements of PLGrid Plus, Springer, Switzerland (2014), pp. 293-304 ISBN: 978-3-319-10893-3
D. Wóltański, M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, "Cosmic Ray Driven Dynamo in Spiral Galaxies" ASSP34 (2013), 425-432 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35410-6_30
M. Hanasz, Lesch Harald, Naab Thorsten, Gawryszczak Artur, K. Kowalik, D. Wóltański, "Cosmic Rays Can Drive Strong Outflows from Gas-rich High-redshift Disk Galaxies" Astrophys. J. 777 (2013), L38-L43 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/777/2/L38
M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, "Interstellar and intergalactic dynamos" IAUS294 (2013), 225-236 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002573
Alexander M. Beck, M. Hanasz, Harald Lesch, Rhea-Silvia Remus, Federico A. Stasyszyn, "On the magnetic fields in voids" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 429 (2013), L60-L64 DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/sls026
K. Kowalik, M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, Artur Gawryszczak, "Streaming instability in the quasi-global protoplanetary discs" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 434 (2013), 1460-1468 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt1104
M. Hanasz, K. Otmianowska-Mazur, H. Lesch, G. Kowal, M. Soida, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, R.K. Pawłaszek, B. Kulesza-Żydzik, "Incorporating Cosmic Rays In Local And Global Models Of Disk-Halo Interaction" EAS PS56 (2012), 347-354 DOI: 10.1051/eas/1256057
M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, D. Wóltański, R. Pawłaszek, "PIERNIK MHD code – a multi–fluid, non–ideal extension of the relaxing–TVD scheme (III)" EAS PS56 (2012), 363-366 DOI: 10.1051/eas/1256059
M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, D. Wóltański, R.K. Pawłaszek, "PIERNIK MHD code – a multi–fluid, non–ideal extension of the relaxing–TVD scheme (IV)" EAS PS56 (2012), 367-370 DOI: 10.1051/eas/1256060
Katarzyna Kulpa-Dybeł, Katarzyna Otmianowska-Mazur, Barbara Kulesza-Żydzik, Grzegorz Kowal, D. Wóltański, M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, "Cosmic ray driven dynamo in barred and ringed galaxies" IAUS274 (2011), 398-400 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921311007368
M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, Hanna Kotarba, "Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in galaxies" IAUS274 (2011), 355-360 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921311007265
Katarzyna Kulpa-Dybeł, Katarzyna Otmianowska-Mazur, Barbara Kulesza-Żydzik, M. Hanasz, Grzegorz Kowal, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, "Global Simulations of the Magnetic Field Evolution in Barred Galaxies Under the Influence of the Cosmic-ray-driven Dynamo" Astrophys. J. 733 (2011), L18-L23 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/733/2/L18
M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, D. Wóltański, Pawłaszek Rafał, "The PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (I)" EAS PS42 (2010), 275-280 DOI: 10.1051/eas/1042029
M. Hanasz, K. Kowalik, D. Wóltański, Pawłaszek Rafał, Kornet Kacper, "The PIERNIK MHD code - a multi-fluid, non-ideal extension of the relaxing-TVD scheme (II)" EAS PS42 (2010), 281-285 DOI: 10.1051/eas/1042030
M. Hanasz, Otmianowska-Mazur Katarzyna, Lesch Harald, Kowal Grzegorz, Soida Marian, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, Pawłaszek Rafał, Kulesza-Żydzik Barbara, "Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in galactic disks" IAUS259 (2009), 479-484 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921309031147
M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, "Global Galactic Dynamo Driven by Cosmic Rays and Exploding Magnetized Stars" Astrophys. J. 706 (2009), L155-L159 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/706/1/L155
M. Hanasz, D. Wóltański, K. Kowalik, Pawłaszek Rafał, "Global simulations of a galactic dynamo driven by cosmic-rays and exploding magnetized stars" IAUS259 (2009), 549-550 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921309031275