M. Komorowski, Krzysztof Rykaczewski, T. Piotrowski, Katarzyna Jurewicz, Jakub Wojciechowski, Anne Keitel, Joanna Dreszer, W. Duch, "ToFFi - Toolbox for Frequency-based Fingerprinting of Brain Signals." Neurocomputing544 (2023), 126236-126236 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2023.126236.
Aleksandra Mreła, O. Sokolov, Vesława Osińska, W. Duch, "Analysis of Dynamics of Emergence and Decline of Scientific Ideas Based on Optimistic and Pessimistic Fuzzy Aggregation Norms" in Communications in Computer and Information Science (editor), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 (2022), pp. 327-339 ISBN: 978-981-19-8233-0
O. Sokolov, Aleksandra Mrela, Maryla Bieniek-Majka, Veslava Osinska, W. Duch, "Model of Trust Dissemination of Products Based on Fuzzy Aggregation Norms" Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems30 (2022), 741-744 DOI: 10.15439/2022F182
K. Bonna, Karolina Finc, Maria Zimmerman, Łukasz Bola, Piotr Mostowski, Maciej Szul, Paweł Rutkowski, W. Duch, Artur Marchewka, Katarzyna Jednoróg, Marcin Szwed, "Early deafness leads to re-shaping of global functional connectivity beyond the auditory cortex." Brain Imaging Behav.15 (2021), 1469-1482 DOI: 10.1007/s11682-020-00346-y
W. Duch, "Memetics and Neural Models of Conspiracy Theories" Patterns3 (2021), 100353 DOI: 10.1016/j.patter.2021.100353
Ewa Ratajczak, M Hajnowski, M Stawicki, W. Duch, "Novel methodological tools for behavioral interventions: the case of HRV-biofeedback. Sham control and quantitative physiology-based assessment of training quality and fidelity." Sensors21(11) (2021), 3670 DOI: 10.3390/s21113670
K Rykaczewski, J Nikadon, W. Duch, T. Piotrowski, "supFunSim: spatial filtering toolbox for EEG" Neuroinformatics19 (2021), 107-125 DOI: 10.1007/s12021-020-09464-w
Karolina Finc , K. Bonna, Xiaosong He, David M. Lydon-Staley, Simone Kühn, W. Duch, Danielle S. Bassett , "Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain network during working memory training." Nat. Commun. 11 (2020), 2435-2450 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15631-z
W. Duch, "Meta-analizy w badaniach nad nabywaniem języka" Psychologia Rozwojowa25(1) (2020), 9-27 DOI: 10.4467/20843879PR.20.001.11998
W. Duch, Dariusz Mikołajewski, "Modelling effects of consciousness disorders in brainstem computational model – Preliminary findings" Bio-Algorithms Med-Syst.16(2) (2020), 1-10 DOI: 10.1515/bams-2020-0018
dr Joanna Dreszer, M. Grochowski, dr Monika Lewandowska, mgr Jan Nikadon, mgr joanna Gorgol, dr Bibianna Bałaj, dr Karolina Finc, W. Duch, mgr Patrycja Kamała, dr hab Adam Chuderski, T. Piotrowski, "Spatiotemporal Complexity Patterns of the Frontoparietal Network Predict Fluid Intelligence: Sex Matters" Hum. Brain Mapp.41 (2020), 4846-4865 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25162
W. Duch, "Autism Spectrum Disorder and deep attractors in neurodynamics" in V. Cutsuridis (editor), Springer Handbook of Multi-Scale Models of Brain Disorders: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Assessment of Brain Dynamics, Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland (2019), pp. 135-148 ISBN: 978-3-030-18829-0; 9
W. Duch, Mikołajewski Dariusz, "Brain Stem – From General View To Computational Model Based On Switchboard Rules Of Operation" Bio-Algorithms Med-Syst.16 (1) (2019), 20190059-20190059 DOI: 10.1515/bams-2019-0059
M. Aghabeig, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Lewandowska M, Milner R, Pawlaczyk N, T. Piotrowski, Szmytke M, W. Duch, "Perception of non-native phoneme contrasts in 8-13 months infants : tensor-based analysis of EEG signals." in M.F. Bugallo, L. Castedo (editor), 27th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2019, IEEE, Coruna, Spain (2019), pp. 2251-2256 ISBN: 978-9-0827-9702-2
O. Sokolov, Osińska V., Mrela A., W. Duch, Burak M., "Scientists’ Contribution to Science and Methods of Its Visualization" in Świątek J., Borzemski L., Wilimowska Z. (editor), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Berlin (2019), pp. 159-168 ISBN: 978-3-030-30603-8
W. Duch, "Tańczące mózgi, tańczące ciała. " in Wielość spojrzeń na taniec. 1973-2018, Wyd. Polski Teatr Tańca, Poznań (2019), pp. 91-107 ISBN: 978-83-951669-0-7
Dariusz Mikołajewski, W. Duch, "Brain stem modeling at a system level – chances and limitations." Bio-Algorithms Med-Syst.14(2) (2018), 1-7 DOI: 10.1515/bams-2018-0015
W. Duch, "Kurt Lewin, psychological constructs and sources of brain cognitive activity" Pol. Psychol. Forum23(1) (2018), 5-19 DOI: 10.14656/PFP20180101
O. Sokolov, dr hab Wiesława Osińska, dr Aleksandra Mreła, W. Duch, "Modeling of Scientific Publications Disciplinary Collocation Based on Optimistic Fuzzy Aggregation Norms" in Springer Nature (editor), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 853 Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - ISAT 2018 Part II, Springer, Switzerland (2018), pp. 145-156 ISBN: 978-3-319-99995-1
J. Matulewski, Bibianna Bałaj, Ewelina Marek, Łukasz Piasecki, Dawid Gruszczyński, Mateusz Kuchta, W. Duch, "Moveye: Gaze Control of Video Playback" ACM Proceedings of the Workshop on Communication by Gaze Interaction 20182018 (2018), 4 DOI: 10.1145/3206343.3206352
W. Duch, "Multi-level Explanations in Neuroscience I: From genes to subjective experiences. " Acta Phys. Pol. B49 (2018), 1981-2010
M. Komorowski, Aghabeig Mansoureh, J. Nikadon, T. Piotrowski, Deszer Joanna, Bałaj Bibianna , Lewandowska Monika, Wojciechowski Jakub , Pawlaczyk Natalia, Szmytke Magdalena, A. Cichocki, W. Duch, "Multi-level Explanations in Neuroscience II: EEG Spectral Fingerprints and Tensor Decompositions for Understanding Brain Activity - initial results. " Acta Phys. Pol. B49 (2018), 2011-2028
R. Linowiecki, J. Matulewski, Bibianna Bałaj, Agnieszka Ignaczewska, Joanna Dreszer, Magdalena Kmiecik, W. Duch, "GCAF. Platforma tworzenia aplikacji kontrolowanych wzrokiem – nowy sposób przygotowywania w pełni interaktywnych eksperymentów z użyciem okulografu" Lingwistyka Stosowana20 (2017), 83-99
dr Dariusz Mikołajewski, W. Duch, "Pień mózgu. Przybliżenie aspektów medycznych dzięki modelowaniu biocybernetycznemu.", Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń (2017) ISBN: 978-83-231-3942-3
Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Monika Lewandowska, Tomasz Wolak, Jan Nikadon, Joanna Dreszer, W. Duch, Simone Kuhn, "Transition of the functional brain network related to increasing cognitive demands. " Hum. Brain Mapp.38(7) (2017), 3659-3674 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23621
W. Duch, "Why minds cannot be received, but are created by brains" SetF5(2) (2017), 171-198 DOI: 10.12775/SetF.2017.014
dr Alexander Gravier, prof. dr Quek Hiok.Chai, W. Duch, prof. Abdul Wahab, dr J Gravier-Rymaszewska, "Neural network modelling of the influence of channelopathies on reflex visual attention." Cognitive Neurodynamics10(1) (2016), 49-72
O. Sokolov, S. Meszyński, Dreszer-Drogorób Joanna, Bałaj Bibianna, W. Duch, S. Grzelak, Komendziński Tomasz, D. Mikołajewski, "Intelligent emotions stabilization system using standarized images, breath sensor and biofeedback – preliminary findings - short communication" J. Educ. Health Sport5(2) (2015), 260-268 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16251
O. Sokolov, S. Meszyński, Weber Piotr, D. Mikołajewski, Dreszer Joanna, Bałaj Bibianna, S. Grzelak, W. Duch, Komendziński Tomasz, "Multiagent modeling of emotions influence on physiological systems: new concept" J. Educ. Health Sport5(1) (2015), 221-240 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16252
O. Sokolov, K. Dobosz, dr Dreszer Joanna, W. Duch, S. Grzelak, dr Komiedziński Tomasz, D. Mikołajewski, T. Piotrowski, dr Świerkowska Małgorzata, P. Weber, "Spirometry Data Analysis and Monitoring in Medical and Physiological Tests" J. Educ. Health Sport5(3) (2015), 35-46 DOI: 10.5281
Stefan Wermter, Cornelius Weber, W. Duch, Timo Honkela, Petia Koprinkova-Hristova, Sven Magg, Günther Palm, Allessandro E.P Villa, " Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning -- ICANN 2014", Springer, New York (2014) ISBN: 978-3-319-11179-7
O. Sokolov, K. Dobosz, Dreszer Joanna, Bałaj Bibianna, W. Duch, S. Grzelak, Komendziński Tomasz, Mikołajewski Dariusz, T. Piotrowski, Świerkocka Małgorzata, Weber Piotr, "Intelligent emotions stabilization system using standardized images, breath sensor and biofeedback : new concept" CICARE 20141 (2014), 48-55
W. Duch, "Komunikacja jako rezonans między mózgami" in Ewa Głowacka, Małgorzata Kowalska, Przemysław Krysiński. (editor), Współczesne oblicza komunikacji i informacji : problemy, badania, hipotezy, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń (2014), pp. 19-50 ISBN: 9788323131755
Paweł Matykiewicz, W. Duch, "Multiple inheritance problem in semantic spreading activation networks. " LNAI8609 (2014), 252-265 DOI: 978-3-319-09890-6
W. Duch, "Amuzja Wyobrażeniowa " in P. Podlipniak i P. Przybysz (editor), Neuroestetyka muzyki, Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, Poznań (2013), pp. 243-266 ISBN: 978-83-7654-202-7
W. Duch, K. Dobosz, Dariusz Mikołajewski, "Autism and ADHD – Two Ends of the Same Spectrum?" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.8226 (2013), 623-630 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-42054-2_78
Maciej Pilichowski, W. Duch, "BrainGene: computational creativity algorithm that invents novel interesting names" in J. Mańdziuk, W. Duch (editor), IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence , IEEE, Singapur (2013), pp. 92-100 ISBN: 978-1-4673-5923-8/13
W. Duch, "Brains and Education: Towards Neurocognitive Phenomics. " in N. Reynolds, M. Webb, M.M. Sysło, V. Dagiene (editor), Learning while we are connected, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Toruń (2013), pp. 12-23 ISBN: 9788323130956
W. Duch, "Computational Creativity. " in W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (editor), Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Berlin (2013), pp. 464-468 ISBN: 978-1-4419-9862-0
W. Duch, "Meta-learning." in W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (editor), Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Berlin (2013), pp. 1293-1296 ISBN: 978-1-4419-9862-0
Dariusz Mikołajewski, W. Duch, "Modelowanie pnia mózgu" in Tadeusiewicz R, Korbicz J, Rutkowski L, Duch W (editor), Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej. , Exit, Warszawa (2013), pp. 605-636 ISBN: 978-83-7837-024-6
W. Duch, "Mózgi i Edukacja: w stronę Neurokognitywnej Fenomiki. " in M. Sysło, A. Kwiatkowska (editor), Informatyka w Edukacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń (2013), pp. 1-14 ISBN: 9788323131052
W. Duch, "Rule discovery. " in W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (editor), Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Berlin (2013), pp. 1879-1883 ISBN: 978-1-4419-9862-0
Tadeusiewicz R, Korbicz J, Rutkowski L, W. Duch, "Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej. ", Wyd. Exit, Warszawa (2013) ISBN: 978-83-7837-024-6
W. Duch, K. Dobosz, "Sieci neuronowe w modelowaniu chorób psychicznych" in R. Tadeusiewicz, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski, W. Duch (editor), Inżynieria biomedyczna: Podstawy i zastosowania. Tom 9: Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej, EXIT, Warszawa (2013), pp. 637-666 ISBN: 978-83-7837-024-6
K. Dobosz, Dariusz Mikołajewski, Grzegorz M. Wójcik, W. Duch, "Simple Cyclic Movements as a Distinct Autism Feature: Computational Approach" Computer Science14(3) (2013), 475-489 DOI: 10.7494/csci.2013.14.3.475
Julian Szymański, W. Duch, "Annotating Words Using WordNet Semantic Glosses" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7666 (2012), 180-187
A.E.P. Villa, W. Duch, P. Érdi, , F. Masulli, G. Palm, "Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning ICANN 2012, Part I", Springer, New York (2012) ISBN: 978-3-642-33268-5
A.E.P. Villa, W. Duch, P. Érdi, F. Masulli, G. Palm, "Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning ICANN 2012, Part II", Springer, New York (2012) ISBN: 978-3-642-33265-4
W. Duch, "Autonomy requires creativity and meta-learning" Journal of Artificial General Intelligence3 (2012), 39-41
W. Duch, W. Nowak, J. Meller, G. Osiński, K. Dobosz, Dariusz Mikołajewski , Grzegorz M. Wójcik, "Computational Approach to Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders" Computer Science13 (2012), 47-61 DOI: 10.7494/csci.2012.13.2.47
Julian Szymański, W. Duch, "Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition" Control and Cybernetics41 (2012), 1-16
Julian Szymański, W. Duch, "Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition." Control and Cybernetics41 (2012), 1-16
Marcin Blachnik, Mirosław Kordos, W. Duch, "Extraction of prototype-based threshold rules using neural training procedure" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7553 (2012), 255-262
dr Marcin Blachnik, W. Duch, T. Maszczyk, "Feature ranking methods used for selection of prototypes" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7553 (2012), 296-304 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33266-1_37
Szymański Julian, W. Duch, "Information Retrieval with Semantic Memory model" Cognitive Systems Research14 (2012), 84-100
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Locally Optimized Kernels" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7267 (2012), 412-420
W. Duch, "Mind-Brain Relations, Geometric Perspective and Neurophenomenology" American Philosophical Association Newsletter12 (2012), 1-7
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Recursive Similarity-Based Algorithm for Deep Learning" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7665 (2012), 390-397
Julian Szymański, W. Duch, "Self Organizing Maps for categories visualization" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7663 (2012), 160-167
W. Duch, K. Dobosz, "Attractors in Neurodynamical Systems" in Rubin Wang, Fanji Gu (editor), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II): Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2009, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (2011), pp. 157-161 ISBN: 978-90-481-9695-1
W. Duch, Dobosz Krzysztof, "Attractors in Neurodynamical Systems" in R. Wang, F. Gu (editor), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics II, Springer, Springer (2011), pp. 157-161 ISBN: 978-90-481-9694-4
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Fast Projection Pursuit Based on Quality of Projected Clusters" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.6594 (2011), 89-97
W. Duch, "Free Will and the Brain: Are we automata? " in M.Jaskuła, B.Buszewski, A. Sękowski, Z. Zagórski (editor), 3rd International Forum on Ethics and Humanism in European Science, Environment and Culture, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Kraków (2011), pp. 155-170 ISBN: 978-83-923622-6-5
Szymański Julian, W. Duch, "Induction of the common-sense hierarchies in lexical data" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.7063 (2011), 726-734
Blachnik Marcin, W. Duch, "LVQ algorithm with instance weighting for generation of prototype-based rules" Neural Networks24 (2011), 824-830
Guang Lan Zhang, Hifzur Rahman Ansari, Phil Bradley, Gavin C. Cawley, Tomer Hertz, Xihao Hu, Jim C. Huang, Nebojsa Jojic, Yohan Kim, Oliver Kohlbacher, Ole Lund, Claus Lundegaard, Craig A. Magaret, Morten Nielsen, Harris Papadopoulos, G. P. S. Raghava, Vider-Shalit Tal, Li C. Xue, Chen Yanover, Hao Zhang, Shanfeng Zhu, Michael T. Rock, James E. Crowe Jr., Christos Panayiotou, Marios M. Polycarpou, W. Duch, Vladimir Brusic, "Machine Learning Competition in Immunology – Prediction of HLA class I molecules" J.of Immunological Methods374 (2011), 1-4
W. Duch, "Neurodynamics and the mind" in Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE Press, San Jose (2011), pp. 3227-3234 ISBN: 978-1-4244-9635-8
W. Duch, T. Maszczyk, M. Grochowski, "Optimal Support Features for Meta-Learning" in Norbert Jankowski, Włodzisław Duch, Krzysztof Grąbczewski (editor), Meta-Learning in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Springer (2011), pp. 317-358 ISBN: 978-3-642-20979-6
W. Duch, K. Dobosz, "Visualization for Understanding of Neurodynamical Systems" Cognitive Neurodynamics5 (2011), 145-160 DOI: 10.1007/s11571-011-9153-1
W. Duch, Dobosz Krzysztof, "Visualization for Understanding of Neurodynamical Systems" Cognitive Neurodynamics5 (2011), 145-160
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Almost Random Projection Machine with Margin Maximization and Kernel Features" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.6353 (2010), 40-48
T. Maszczyk, M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Discovering Data Structures Using Meta-learning, Visualization and Constructive Neural Networks" in Advances in Machine Learning II. Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ryszard S. Michalski., Springer (2010), pp. 467-484 ISBN: 978-3-642-05178-4
dr Karol Grudziński, M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Pruning Classification Rules with Reference Vector Selection Methods" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.6113 (2010), 347-354
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Support Feature Machine for DNA Microarray Data" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.6086 (2010), 178-186
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Triangular visualization" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.6113 (2010), 445-452
K. Dobosz, W. Duch, "Understanding Neurodynamical Systems via Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics" Neural Networks23 (2010), 487-496 DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2009.12.005
W. Duch, T. Maszczyk, "Almost random projection machine" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5768 (2009), 789-798
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Constrained Learning Vector Quantization or Relaxed k-separability" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5768 (2009), 151-160
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Constructive Neural Network Algorithms that Solve Highly Non-Separable Problems" in Constructive Neural Networks, Springer (2009), pp. 49-70
W. Duch, T. Maszczyk, "Universal learning machines" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5864 (2009), 206-215
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, " Projection Pursuit Constructive Neural Networks Based on Quality of Projected Clusters" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5164 (2008), 754-762
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "A Comparison of Methods for Learning of Highly Non-Separable Problems" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5097 (2008), 566-577
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Comparison of Shannon, Renyi and Tsallis Entropy used in Decision Trees" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5097 (2008), 643-651
K. Dobosz, W. Duch, "Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics for Neurodynamical Systems" in V{\v{e}}ra K{\r{u}}rkov{\'a} and Roman Neruda and Jan Koutn{\'i}k (editor), Artificial Neural Networks --- ICANN 2008: 18th International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3--6, 2008: Proceedings, Part II, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg (2008), pp. 471-478 ISBN: 978-3-540-87559-8
W. Duch, "Review of: Robot Brains. Circuits and Systems for Conscious Machines, book by Pentti O. Haikonen (Wiley 2007)" IEEE Trans/ Neural Net.19(5) (2008), 925-926
T. Maszczyk, W. Duch, "Support Vector Machines for visualization and dimensionality reduction" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.5163 (2008), 346-356
M. Grochowski, W. Duch, "Learning Highly Non-separable Boolean Functions Using Constructive Feedforward Neural Network"" Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.4668 (2007), 180-189
W. Duch, "Why minds cannot be received, but are created by brains" SetF5(2) (1997), 171-198 DOI: 10.12775/SetF.2017.014