These talks should be collected into clusters on similar topics as some slides have been re-used in several talks, but I have no time to do so.
The list of papers associated with these talks
is here.
Some videos of my talks are on YouTube.
- The Coming of Superhuman Intelligence, PDF 11.5 MB
Konwersatorium DBP NCBJ, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych, Warszawa, 10.03.2025.
- Nobilitacja sieci neuronowych. Fizyka i niesamowita przyszłość sieci neuronowych, PDF 9.5 MB
Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, 21.01.2025 (updated INNS/UJ/IF PAN lecture). Slides in English,
lecture on YouTube recorded in Polish.
- Nobelization of Neural Networks. PDF 9.2 MB
Commission on Complex Systems, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Krakow, 2024.12.20 (updated INNS/UJ/IF PAN lecture).
- Nobelization of Neural Networks: Deep Roots and Insane Future of Neural Networks.
International Neural Network Society Annual Lecture, INNS Webinar Series.
2024.12.17, YouTube recording.
- The 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2024) - Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence.
EEG Biomarkers based on Microstates and Recurrence Quantification Analysis.
PDF Presentation, 4 MB and
MP4 recording, 2024.12.13-15.
- Nobilitation of Neural Networks. PDF 9.2 MB
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, 2024.10.29, and Jagiellonian University, Kraków, modified version.
Podcast, two bots discussing my slides.
- AI in near future. PDF 5 MB
Kraków, 2024.09.24, shortened presnetation for business meeting.
- Artificial intelligence and the great challenges due to the climate, environment and health. PDF 4.5 MB
Konferencja Centrum Modelowania Meteorologicznego Wyzwania środowiskowe i klimatyczne a zdrowie publiczne.
YouTube recording, in Polish. 2024.10.25-25.
- Deep dive into AI (mp3, 6 MB).
Summary of two talks that I gave in September 2024, in form of a podcast, generated from my slides by AI.
- Large Multimodal Models for Intelligent Digital Beings (PDF 5 MB).
Bioinformatics in Toruń (BIT 2024), 6.06.2024.
- AI in Life Science in the middle of 2014 .
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) Poland Affiliate), Gdańsk, 5.06.2024.
- Large multimodal models, scientific discoveries and artificial consciousness. (PDF, 1.4 MB)
EuroScience Open Forum, ESOF2024, Katowice, 6/2024.
Wideo recording (8 min).
- Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities II (PDF, 7.8 MB)
Current Trends in Human Science,
Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 15.05.2024.
Audio recording.
- Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities (PDF, 7.8 MB)
Current Trends in Human Science,
Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 24.04.2024.
- Large foundational models and scientific discoveries
Meeting of BosomShield Project participants in IBBE PAS in Warsaw, Poland, Seminar of the International Centre of Biocybernetics (MCB IBIB), Warsaw, 17.04.2024.
- GhostDay, Applied Machine Learning Conference. Poznań.
Discussion panel on
"Future of AI: our responsibilities" with Jurek Stefanowski and Robert Kroplewski, 5.04.2024
- Large foundational models, scientific discoveries and artificial consciousness.
Konwersatorium SDNŚiP dla doktorantów UJ, Cognitive science and AI.
, Webex, 04.04.2024.
Large foundational models, brains, and scientific discoveries (PDF 10 MB)
Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Center
(CD DAMSI), Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 19.12.2023
Youtube recording (slides in English, speaking in Polish):
Duże modele językowe, mózgi i odkrycia naukowe.
Asymptotic spatiotemporal averaging of the power of EEG signals for schizophrenia diagnostics (PDF 6.5 MB).
2023 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023), Changsha, China, 2023.11.18-26.
Limits of spatial, temporal, and recurrence analysis of EEG signals (PDF 7.7 MB)
Second International Workshop on Complex Systems Science and Health Neuroscience, Toruń, Poland, 25.09.2023
Understanding real brain neurodynamics using recurrence analysis (PDF 8.5 MB)
ICAISC 2023, The 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Bachleda Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland, 18-22.06.2023.
Current state and future prospects of artificial intelligence (PDF 7.5 MB)
Konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego i Leopolda Infelda (Physics Colloquium), Warsaw University, 5.06.2023 (video should be
on this channel).
Artificial Intelligence changes everything (PDF 11 MB)
Thursday Colloquium, WFAiIS UMK, Toruń, 1.06.2023
AI changes everything (on YouTube) |
State of Artificial Intelligence, Part I (PDF 8 MB)
and State of Artificial Intelligence, Part II (PDF 9 MB).
April 2023.
Klub Nauki i Biznesu Dell Technologies, Warszawa, 17.04.2023.
Artificial Intelligence and Neurotechnologies for Human Augmentation , PDF 6.5 MB.
FAIML 2023,
Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, China, organized by Chongquing University, Beijing, Hong Kong, 14-16.04.2023.
State of Artificial Intelligence March 2023.
Dept of Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 27.03.2023.
Artificial Intelligence, neurotechnologies and human augmentation (PDF 8 MB) and
YouTube recording.
YUFE Academy, NCU Toruń, 06.12.2022.
Neurodynamics and recurrence quantification analysis of EEG data.
Komisja Informatyki, Oddział PAN, Poznań, 25.11.2022.
Brains and evolution of culture. (PDF 7.5 MB)
Seminars "Paradygmat ewolucji w naukach społecznych", Poznań, 24.11.2022.
BMIs for human enhancement: what has been done and what is coming? (PDF 2.4 MB)
Keynote lecture, BMI Workshop, International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics . Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic, 10.09-12.10.2022.
BMI and digital privacy. (PDF 2.4 MB)
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics . Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic, 10.09-12.10.2022.
Artificial Intelligence and neuro-cognitive technologies for human augmentation. (PDF 9.5 MB)
PhD School: Artificial Intelligence for Urban Air Mobility (AI4UAM), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 6.09.2022
Mental states in brains and computers (PDF 7.5 MB)
SANO Krakow, 23.05.2022.
Recipe for a conspiracy theory. Memes and neuroscience (PDF 15 MB)
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 10.03.2022. Recording of the presentation on our server (158 MB) and
on YouTube.
- Most interesting developments in neuroscience, IMHO. In Prezi,
TYGIEL, 27.11.2021.
- Human enhancement and the future of BCI (PDF, 13.5 MB).
ACM ISS (Interactive Surfaces and Spaces), hybrid, 14-17.11.2021.11.
YouTube recording.
What is needed to fully understand mental processes? (PDF, 10 MB)
XIII Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Virtual, 2021.09.23-25, slightly modified
version in Prezi for "Przegląd i badania nad Ośrodkowym Układem Nerwowym – obecny stan wiedzy i perspektywy na przyszłość", Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki i rozwoju
TYGIEL, 27.11.2021.
Artificial Intelligence and the future of the world (PDF 8.7 MB)
Geophysics Toruń SA, Technological Workshop, Copernicus Hotel, Toruń, 9.09.2021.
Brain-inspired cognitive computing (PDF 7.5 MB)
ICAISC 2021, The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland, 21.06.2021.
Brain-Computer-Brain Interfaces (PDF 13.5 MB)
Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Center
(CD DAMSI), Toruń, 21.05.2021
Neuroinformatics: challenges – what, how and why. (PDF 13.5 MB)
University Centre of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, 12.05.2021
Challenges and prospects of neuroinformatics. (PDF 12.0 MB)
Statistical Physics in Complex Systems
(SPICy seminar), Wrocław Technical University, 7.05.2021,
YouTube recording.
Searching for fingerprints of brain activity. (PDF 5.0 MB)
Symposium on Measurement and Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 10.03.2021
Brain-inspired cognitive computing (PDF 6.5 MB)
KIiA PAN-UMK-UTP seminar, Poland, 27.11.2020,
AI and Neurocognitive Technologies for Human Augmentation, PDF 4.6 MB
The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane (ICAISC 2020), Poland, 12-14.10.2020
WCCI2020 Panel on Research Funding: European Union (PDF, 1.5 MB), and
with voice comments (PPTX, 7.6 MB).
World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Glasgow, Scotland, 7/2020
Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognitive Technologies for Human Augmentation, PDF 7.2 MB
PPTX with voice comments, 36 MB.
The 27th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2020), Warsaw, Poland, 1-10.07.2020
Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognitive Technologies for Human Augmentation. PDF 7.8MB, and
PPSX with voice comments.
, 42MB.
12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, ACIIDS 2020, Phuket Graceland Resort and Spa (Thailand), moved to the Web, 23-26.03.2020
AI for better brains. 12 MB PDF.
Artificial Intelligence: Art or Science? SISSA, Trieste, Italy. 11-14.11.2019
High performance computing and neuropsychiatry. 9 MB PDF.
High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Mental Illness, Suicide Prevention, and Substance Abuse Research Summit. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN USA, July 2019.
Multi-level explanations in neuroscience II: Searching for fingerprints of brain cognitive activity. 8.5 MB PDF.
1st Summer School of Interdisciplinary Research on Brain Network Dynamics, Val di Sole Monastery, Dolomite mountains, Italy, June 6/2019
Multi-level explanations in neuroscience I: From genes to subjective experiences. 11 MB PDF.
1st Summer School of Interdisciplinary Research on Brain Network Dynamics, Val di Sole Monastery, Dolomite mountains, Italy, June 6/2019
Analysis of neurodynamics for diagnosis of mental states. 10 MB PDF.
The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, 16-20 June, Zakopane.
How to understand brain-mind. 12 MB PDF.
10 years of Cognitive Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University, 29.05.2019.
Artificial intelligence and neurocognitive technologies. 9.1 MB PDF.
Polsko-Niemieckie Spotkania Naukowe: Warszawski Oddział Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Ambasada Niemiec, DAAD i Niemiecki Instytut Historyczny (DHI), 14.03.2019.
Diagnosis based on nonlinear analysis of brain neurodynamics (PDF 5.5 MB).
161st Seminar of International Centre of Biocybernetics, “Computer-aided diagnosis support by digital pathology", Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 04-06.11.2018.
Critical review of current Autism Spectrum Disorders theories (PDF, 4.5 MB).
Psychological, Genetic and Neurological Aspects
of ASD Diagnosis. X International Scientific Symposium, Gdańsk, Poland, 19-20.10.2018.
Artificial intelligence and neurocognitive technologies. 9 MB PDF.
PP-RAI 2018, Polish Collaboration for Development of Artificial Intelligence, Poznań 18-19.10.2018
Brain Research in Poland - Executive Summary. 2.4 MB PDF.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Miyazaki, Japan,
Meeting of Global Current and Emerging Brain Initiatives. 7-10.10.2018.
Neurocognitive informatics for understanding brain functions. 11.8 MB PDF.
FedCSIS 2018, Poznań 09-12.09.2018,
Youtube Recording.
Representation of concepts in brain networks. 6.5 MB PDF.
Knowledge representation in many–agent systems. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 7-8.09.2018
Multi-level explanations in neuroscience: from genes to subjective experiences.
III. Fingerprints of mental activity. Neurodynamics on real brain networks. 7.1 MB PDF.
Neuroscience: Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory, The 58th Cracow School of Theoretical Physics. Zakopane, Poland, 15-23.06.2018.
Multi-level explanations in neuroscience: from genes to subjective experiences.
II. Neurodynamics. Brain simulations at different levels. 4.6 MB PDF.
Neuroscience: Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory, The 58th Cracow School of Theoretical Physics. Zakopane, Poland, 15-23.06.2018.
Multi-level explanations in neuroscience: from genes to subjective experiences.
I. Brain and Machine Learning inspirations. 3.7 MB PDF.
Neuroscience: Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory, The 58th Cracow School of Theoretical Physics. Zakopane, Poland, 15-23.06.2018.
Fingerprints of brain cognitive activity. PDF 10.7 MB.
ICAISC 2018, The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland, 03-07.06.2018.
Optimizing brain processes. Neurocognitive technologies. 8.5 MB PDF.
Polonium Foundation, University of Surrey, UK, 16.05.2018.
Fingerprints of brain activity - promising approaches. 8 MB PDF.
3rd International Scientific Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces, Opole, Poland, 13-03-2018.
A few machine learning algorithms worth further development. 9.6 MB PDF.
Systemy inteligentne. teoria, praktyka, wyzwania. Seminarium środowiskowe, Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej, 21-11-2017.
Perspective on disorders of consciousness (PDF, 4.1 MB)
IV International Conference „Towards standards of care for coma patients", Toruń 7-8.09.2017
From understanding the brain to neurocognitive technologies (PDF, 12.5 MB)
18th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks conference (EANN) keynote talk. Athens, Greece, 25-27.08.2017.
Brains and the limits of self-knowledge (PDF, 3.9 MB)
Limits of knowledge. International Scientific Conference Humboldt-Kolleg. Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, invited talk, Kraków, 22-25.06.2017.
Mapping psychological concepts on higher order brain dynamics (PDF, 9.7 MB).
ICAISC 2017, The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, plenary talk, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland, 2017.06.11-15.
Visualization of mind inside the brain (PDF, 5.4 MB).
Information Visualisation in Humanities, plenary talk, Collegium Humanisticum, NCU Toruń, 2017.03.23-24.
Imagery agnosia (PPTX, 7.5 MB).
KU Leuven, invited talk 25.11.2016
Self as a function of the brain (PDF 4 MB).
Soul or brain: what makes us human?, Interdisciplinary Workshop, Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, in cooperation with the Department of Christian Philosophy, University Innsbruck. Plenary talk, Toruń, 19-21.10.2016.
YouTube recording.
Communication as a resonance between cognitive systems. PDF 8.5 MB.
CogInfoCom, Cognitive Infocommunications, Keynote talk, Wroclaw, Poland, 16-18.10.2016
Neurodynamics, Neuroimaging and Brains. PDF 7.5 MB.
ICANN 2016, 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, keynote talk, Barcelona, Spain 6-9.09.2016
Music and the Brain. PDF 3.5 MB.
Second International Scientific Conference
Cochlear Implants and Music, plenary talk, Warsaw 13-14.07.2016
Understanding Brains Through Experiments and Models of Neurodynamics. PDF 7 MB.
ICAISC 2016, The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, plenary talk, 12-16.06.2016.
From brain to mind - challenges for mathematicians (or problems where I could use help …). PDF 6.5 MB.
Biofizmat, Centrum Banacha, plenary talk, Warszawa, 2016.05.19-20
What is digital world doing to our brains? PDF 6.4 MB.
European University Information Systems 2016 Rectors' Conference, plenary talk, Kraków, 14.04.2016.
Neurolinguistics: what do we want to achieve (PDF, 5.6 MB).
45th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM2015), UAM Poznań, invited talk, 19.09.2015.
Signs of consciousness in humans and machines (PDF, 1.7 MB).
Symposium on Machine Consciousness, X Congress of Polish Philosophy. Invited talk, UAM Poznań, 19.09.2015.
Visualization for Science Policy Makers (PD, 7 MB).
Wizualizacja dla nauki, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, invited plenary, 18.09.2015
Cognitive Science and Music (PDF, 3 MB).
International Scientific Conference
Cochlear Implants and Music, invited talk, Warsaw 16.07.2015
Grand Challenge: Computational Neurophenomics for understanding people’s behavior (PDF, 5.5 MB).
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of Polish Academy od Science (CAMK), Warsaw 1.07.2015
Neurobiological foundations of ethics and law (PDF, 4 MB).
Humboldt-Kolleg, plenary talk, Ethics in Science and Life, Standards and Dilemmas. Toruń 10-13.05.2015
Dariah and other digital humanities projects
(PDF, 3.4 MB).
Digital Humanities, invited talk, Warsaw University, Poland, 27.11.2014
Grand challenge: Computational Neurophenomics for understanding people’s behavior (PPTX, 11 MB).
CGW Workshop 2014, Cyfronet Kraków , Poland; and a bit newer version (CAMK, Warszawa, 1. 07.2015).
The Universe, Mind and Intelligence - without God? (PPTX, 4.5 MB),
Debate with Andy McIntosh, orgniazed by students in Collegium Minus, NCU Toruń, 10.12.2013
Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD: some conclusions from computational simulations (PDF, 5.7 MB), and
extended version here (PDF 7 MB).
XXVI Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, "Complexity of Brain: Critical Behaviour and Scaling", Plenary talk, Kraków, Collegium Maius. 28-31.08.2013
YouTube recording.
Education and the brain. (PDF, 8.7 MB),
WCCE Toruń, invited plenary, 1-7.06.2013.
Make it cheap: learning with O(nd) complexity. (PPTX, 1.3 MB),
WCCI, Brisbane 6/2012.
Meta-Learning: the future of data mining. (PPTX, 5 MB),
INFER mid term workshop, invited talk, 16.04.2012.
Social intelligence: what we need to understand (PPTX 6.6 MB),
European Network for Social Intelligence, Warsaw 10.03.2012
How to reach full human potential: take care of the brain (PPTX 8.3 MB),
Youtube video,
TEDx Poznań, 18.02.2012.
Brains: the ultimate challenge for complex systems (PPTX 16.8 MB),
NTU SPMS, Singapore, 5.09.2011
Attention deficits in autism and ADHD (PPTX 6.3 MB),
Innovative Methods of Neurorehabilitation, Toruń, Poland, 17-19.04.2011
Support Feature Machine for DNA microarray data (PPTX 1.0 MB).
Presented at: 7th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2010);
Paper: Maszczyk T, Duch W,
Support Feature Machine for DNA microarray data.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 6086, pp. 178-186, 2010.
Support Feature Machines: Support Vectors are not enough (PPTX 1.0 MB).
Presented at: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010), Barcelona, 18.07.2010;
Paper: Maszczyk T, Duch W,
Support Feature Machines: Support Vectors are not enough.
WCCI IEEE Press, pp. 3852-3859, 2010.
Almost Random Projection Machine with Margin Maximization and Kernel Features (PPTX 1.0 MB).
Presented at: Talk presented at the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'10), Thessaloniki, Greece, 15.09.2010.
Paper: Maszczyk T, Duch W,
Almost Random Projection Machine with Margin Maximization and Kernel Features.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6353, pp. 40-48, 2010
Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management (PPTX 2.0 MB),
presented at the 9th conf. on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2010), with Julian Szymanski.
Urumchi, Xinjang, China, 11-14 August 2010
Imagery, Creativity, Brains and Talent. (PPT 12.1 MB),
Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory. Hatoyama-machi, Saitama, Japan, 14.07.2010
Consciousness and Creativity in Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures. (PPTX 6.7 MB),
First CHIST-ERA conference. Rome-EUR, Italy May 27-28, 2010
Meta-Learning: towards universal learning paradigms. (PPT 9.2 MB),
Tutorial at the 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, (ICONIP'09). Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 1-5, 2009
Clustering semantic spaces of suicide notes and newsgroups. (PPT 1.2 MB),
Poster Presented at BioNLP Workshop (with Pawel Matykiewicz and John P. Pestian). Boulder, Colorado, June 4-5, 2009
Imagery Agnosia: what goes on in my head? (PPT 2.2 MB),
Body, perception and awareness. Motor and multimodal perspectives. Torun, Poland, Nov. 23-25, 2009
Attractors in Neurodynamical Systems (PPT 3.6 MB),
2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN 2009). Hangzhou, China, Nov. 15-19, 2009
Autism and Computational Simulations (PPT 11.7 MB),
Centre of Research for Computational Sciences & Informatics in Biology, Bioindustry, Environment, Agriculture & Healthcare (CRYSTAL), University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct. 26-29, 2009
Autism, Ion Channels and Computer Simulations (PPT 4.4 MB),
Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2009. Torun, Poland, May 21-23, 2009
Consciousness, Imagery and Music (PPT 2.8 MB),
Abstract (PDF 0.1 MB).
Consciousness: A Transdisciplinary, Integrated Approach, COST Action BM0605 workshop. Ghent, Nov 20-21, 2008
Free Will and the Brain: Are we Automata? (PPT 3.5 MB)
3rd Ethics and Science for Environment Forum. Torun, UMK, Oct 12-14, 2008
Is embodiment necessary for natural language understanding? (PPT 6.7 MB)
Enactivism: A new paradigm? From neurophenomenology and social/evolutionary robotics to distributed cognition. Torun, UMK, Oct 6-8, 2008
Mind from brain: physics & neuroscience (PPT 5.8 MB)
Neuroscience Meets Theoretical Physics. Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Sept 25-26, 2008
Neurocognitive approach to natural language understanding and creativity (PPT 7.5 MB)
AKRR'08 - International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Porvoo, Finland, September 17-19, 2008.
Computational intelligence for data understanding.
Tutorial presented at the BEST 2008 School. Warsaw, Poland, 7.07, 2008
How to learn highly non-separable data (PPT 3.8 MB)
The 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2008, Zakopane, Poland, 23.06.2008
Brains, logic and computational models. (PPT 4.8 MB)
Argumentation as a cognitive process, Torun, Poland, May 2008.
Global Visualization of Neural Dynamics, K. Dobosz + WD (PPT 1.8 MB)
COST Neuromath Meeting, Jena, Germany, April 2008
Cognitive Architectures: Where do we go from here? (PPT 4.0 MB),
First Conference on the
Artificial General Intelligence, Memphis, TN, USA, 1-3.3.2008.
Meta-Learning and learning in highly non-separable cases (PPT 4.8 MB)
Neuroinformatica 2008, Moskov, Russia, 22.1.2008.
Creativity, Neuroscience and Neurocognitive Informatics (PPT 3.2 MB)
Neuropsychology and Cognitive Methods in Medicine, CM Bydgoszcz, 16.1.2008.
Computational model of the brain stem functions, WD + K. Dobosz, G. Osiński (PPT 1.1 MB)
COST Neuromath Meeting, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2007
A Kolmogorov-Smirnov Correlation-Based Filter for Microarray Data (PPT 1.5 MB)
International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2007), Kitakyushu, Japan, Nov. 2007
Are we automata? (PPT 3.4 MB)
Talk presented at the confernece: Self, Intersubjectivity and Social Neuroscience: From Mind and Action to Society. Torun, Poland, September 24-26, 2007
Semantic Memory Architecture for Knowledge Acquisition and Management (with J. Szymanski, PPT 3.2 MB),
Talk presented at the 7th conf. on information and management sciences (IMS2007) Lhasa, Tibet, China, 1-6 July 2007
Neurocognitive Inspirations in Natural Language Processing (PPT 3.9MB)
Talk organized by the Ohio State's Departments of Biomedical Informatics and Linguistics and The Computational Medicine Center (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati), Columbus, OH, Feb. 9, 2007
Automatic Discovery of Shared Interest: Minimum Spanning Trees Displaying Semantic Similarity (PPT 6.2 MB)
Talk presented at the Brain Science Institue, RIKEN, Wakoshi,
Japan, Jan. 10, 2007
Towards comprehensive foundations of Computational Intelligence (PPT 3.2 MB)
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP2006,
Hong Kong, 5.10.2006
Cognitive Systems discussion panel (PPT 1.0 MB)
Talk presented at the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'06),
Athens, Greece, 13.09.2006
k-separability (PPT 1.0 MB)
Talk presented at the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'06),
Athens, Greece, 11.09.2006
Neurocognitive approach to creativity (PPT 3.5 MB)
Talk presented at the International Symposium on Artificial Brain with Emotion and Learning (ISABEL),
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 25.08.2006
Brain, Mind, Consciousness and the Ghost in the Machine (PPT 12 MB)
Cincinnati, Polish-American society meeting, Piotr Chomczynski's residence, 13.07.2006
How to learn hard Boolean functions (PPT 1.8 MB)
Talk presented at the 24th Polioptimization Conference,
Sabrinowo, Poland, 20.06.2006
Neurocognitive science: mind from brain? (PPT 2.4 MB)
Neurocognitive Days, SWPS, Warsaw, Poland, 7.06.2006
Neurocognitive approach to creativity and higher-level cognition (PPT 4.1 MB)
Talk presented at the ICAISC 2006,
Zakopane, Poland, 6.06.2006
Neurocognitve NLP. Towards human-level competence (PPT 1.2 MB)
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, Feb. 2006
Filters and wrappers for feature selection and discretization methods (PPT 0.5 MB.
Workshop on features selections, Bachotek, Poland, May 2005
Semantic Memory for Avatars in Cyberspace (PPT 2.3 MB)
Talk presented at the CyberWorlds 2005 conference,
Singapore, Nov. 23-25, 2005
Creativity, Intuition, Emotions and Perceptual Learning (PPTX 2.7 MB)
Talk presented at the
School School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
NTU, Singapore, November 17, 2005
Probabilistic distance measures for prototype-based rules (PPT 0.7 MB)
Talk presented at the
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP2005,
Tipei, Taiwan, 1.11.2005
Cognitive informatics: HITs, DREAMs & Perfect Babies (PPT 5477 kB)
Talk presented at the
A*STAR Cognitive Science Symposium,
Singapore, September 26, 2005
Large-scale projects to build artificial brains: review (PPT 2327 kB), and
Large-scale projects to build artificial brains: ABACCUS (PPT 514 kB),
Talks presented at the Building Artificial Brain, workshop after the
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'2005).
Torun, Poland, September 15, 2005
Medical Document Categorization Using a Priori Knowledge, paper by L. Itert, W. Duch, J. Pestian (PPT 245 kB)
Talk presented at the
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'2005),
Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005
Support Vector Neural Training (PPT 1137 kB),
Talk presented at the
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'2005)
Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005
Computational intelligence methods for information understanding and information management (PPT 1965 kB),
Talk presented at the 4th conf. on information and management sciences (IMS2005)
Kunming, Yunan, China, July 1-10, 2005
Minimum Spanning Trees Displaying Semantic Similarity (PPT 699 kB),
Talk presented at the
Information Processing and Web Mining (IIPWM'2005).
Gdansk, Poland, June 13-16, 2005
Visualization of the hidden node activity, or hidden secrets of neural networks. (PPT, 2.2 MB),
Talk presented at the ICAISC Zakopane, Poland, June 2004
Computational intelligence tools for data understanding.
tutorial presented at the ICISIP 2004, International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing,
Chennai, India, 4-7.01, 2004
Coloring back boxes. (PPT, 0.5 MB),
poster presented at the IJCNN 2003, Portland, Oregon
Conscious mind as a limit of brain-like computing.
Talk presented at the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, 17-21.09, 2003
Computational intelligence tools for data understanding.
3-hour tutorial presented at the Joint International Conference On Artificial Neural Networks and
International Conference on Neural Information Processing Conferences (ICANN/ICONIP 2003),
Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29.06, 2003
Attractor neural networks and concept formation in psychological spaces.
Bio-inspired Computational Models of Learning and Memory, Lejondal castle in Stockholm, Sweden, Sept. 23-24, 2002
Neural networks as an aid in medical diagnostics.
Bayer Diagnostic Lab Symposium, Berlin, April 8-10, 2002
What is data mining? |
Data mining II - the fuzzy way |
GhostMiner Wine example.
Neural networks in supervised classification and regression school, Porto, Portugal, July 8-12, 2002 tutorials
Tutorial "Computational intelligence for data mining" |
"Heterogeneous adaptive systems"
World Congress of Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, May 12-17, 2002
Heterogeneous Forests of Decision Trees.
ICANN, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, August 27-31, 2002
Computational Intelligence for Data Mining.
2-hour tutorial to be presented at the 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, 12-17 May 2002
Meta-learning: searching in the model space. (PDF, 474 KB)
ICONIP 2001, Shanghai, China, 14-18.11.2001
Creation of topographical maps and modeling of brain plasticity. (PPT, 175 KB)
5th Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Toruń, Poland, 7.09.2001
Understanding Medical Data. (PPT, 770 KB)
Towards a better understanding of genomic data: computational approaches. Childrens Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio, 23.07.2001
Understanding the Data.
2-hour tutorial to be presented at The IJCNN, Washington D.C., 15.07.2001
Future of technology and information society.
V International Congress of the Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Wroclaw 22-24.06.2001
Rules for Melanoma Skin Cancer Diagnosis.
KOSYR 2001, Ustroń, Poland, 28-31.05.2001
Mind from brain: psychological spaces and neuroscience.
Starlab, Belgium, 8.05.2001 (Power Point format)
Therapeutic Implications of Computer Models of Brain Activity for Alzheimer Disease.
Invited talk, Medical Informatics & Technologies, Ustroń, Poland, 8-10.11.2000
Computational intelligence methods and data understanding.
Invited talk, Euro-International Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Kosice, Slovakia, 30.08-1.09.2000
Extraction of Knowledge from Data Using Computational Intelligence Methods.
4-hour tutorial to be presented at The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
Como, Italy, 24-27 July 2000
Neurophilosophical solution to the hard problem of consciousness.
Talk given at the University of Konstanz, Germany, 20.07.2000
Understanding the data: extraction, optimization and interpretation of logical rules.
Talk given at RIKEN, Wako-shi, 28.04.2000
Optimization and interpretation of rule-based classifiers.
Talk given at the Intelligent Information Systems IX, Bystra, Poland, 12-16.06.2000 conference.
Feature space mapping neural network applied to structure-activity relationship problems.
Talk given at International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP'2000, Teojon, Korea 13-18.11.2000
How does the brain work?
Talk given at the University of Tokyo, 14.04.2000
Artificial Intelligence and intelligent search techniques.
Talk given at the International Center of Information Management, 4.03.1999
Towards a plausible theory of mind.
Transparencies for a talk (PDF) given at the Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, 22.3.1995, and Birmingham University, UK, 30.3.1995
Other talks: see
the list here; I will slowly add links to more transparencies as soon as I'll find a bit of time ...