Włodzisław Duch

List of Publications, October 2023

A list of talks and links to some presentations.
Department of Informatics, Institute of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics | Nicolaus Copernicus University.
CV | and some DuchLab projects (look here for selected papers on specific topics).
Google list of videos with my lectures.

This list in PDF | papers by topics | Open all topics | conferences, past and planned | in PDF | Google Profile | arxiv page | ORCID ID | publikacje po polsku (papers in Polish).

Books | Papers in preparation | submitted | in print | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 || 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 || 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 || 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 || 1979 | 1978 | ...

6 Books

21 Edited Books

    Submitted     Submitted     Submitted     Submitted     Submitted     and      in preparation

  1. Furman, L, Minati L, Duch W. et al. (2025)
    Recurrence Quantitative Analysis of EEG Data in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Focus on Default Mode and Executive Networks.

  2. Furman, L, Minati L, Duch W. et al. (2025)
    Cortical-Thalamic Information Transfer in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Study of Theta-Gamma and Alpha-Beta Coupling Dynamics.

  3. Furman, L, Minati L, Duch W. et al. (2025)
    Highlighting Temporal Patterns in Resting-State EEG Using Autoencoder Latent Spaces and Multivariate Angular Distance Analysis

  4. Alexandre, L, Duch W. (2025) Schizophrenia Detection using EEG: A Study on Frequency Relevance.

  5. Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Szmytke M, Pawlaczyk N, Dreszer J, Duch W. (2023) The use of gaze interaction to study speech sound discrimination training in infants.

    In print     In print     In print     In print     In print     In print     In print     In print    

  1. Duch W, Tołpa K, Furman Ł, Ratajczak E. (2024)
    EEG Biomarkers based on Microstates and RQA. In:LNCS/LNAI 15541 Part I, Chapter 34.
    Presented at The 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2024) - Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence. December 13-15, 2024.

    2024     2024     2024     2024     2024     2024     2024     2024     2024     2024

  1. Duch W, Tołpa K, Ratajczak E, Hajnowski M, Furman Ł, Alexandre L. (2023)
    Asymptotic spatiotemporal averaging of the power of EEG signals for schizophrenia diagnostics.
    Communications in Computer and Information Science (Springer Nature Singapore) 1963, pp. 428–439, 2024.
    Presented at: ICONIP 2023, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Changsha, China.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8138-0_34| Link to preprint .

  2. Czekaj Ł, Kowalewski M, Domaszewicz J, Kitłowski R, Szwoch M, Duch W. (2024)
    A real-time sensor-based human activity recognition for eFitness and eHealth platforms.
    Sensors, 24(12), 3891. Pages 1-11.

  3. Duch W. (2023), Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities.
    Er(r)go. Teoria-Literatura-Kultura 48(1), 269-297, 2024.
    Preprint w Arxiv 2310.19425

  4. Tołpa K, Duch W. (2024)
    Similarity to Prototypes of Power Maps for Classification of EEG Signals
    PP-RAI 2024, 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Warsaw, Poland.

  5. Poetto S, Duch W. (2024)
    Classification of Schizophrenia EEG recording using homological features.
    PP-RAI 2024, 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Warsaw, Poland.

  6. Alexandre L.A, Duch W. (2024)
    Electrode Importance for EEG-based Schizophrenia Detection.
    PP-RAI 2024, Proc. 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI 2024), pp. 86-91.

  7. Alexandre L.A, Duch W. (2024)
    Schizophrenia Detection using EEG: A Study on Frequency Relevance.
    WCCI CEC 2024, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI CEC 2024), Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30.06- 5.07.2024.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/CEC60901.2024.10612161

  8. Poetto S, Duch W. (2024)
    Classification of Schizophrenia EEG Recording Using Homological Features.
    WCCI IJCNN 2024, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI IJCNN 2024), Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30.06- 5.07.2024.
    DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN60899.2024.10650296

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Włodzisław Duch, Przebudzenie Sztucznej Inteligencji, Co nas czeka 2025. Puls Biznesu 23.12.2024
  2. Włodzisław Duch, Sztuczna inteligencja coraz prawdziwsza. Czy właśnie zaczyna czuć i myśleć jak człowiek? Polityka 22.10.2024, (wersja cyfrowa jest dłuższa).
  3. Wywiad dla PR24 Sztuczna Inteligencja jest już wszędzie - prof Duch apeluje do polityków o przebudzenie. 2024.10.07:
  4. Wywiad w GW: Fizyk: Laureaci Nagrody Nobla czerpali inspiracje z działania ludzkiego mózgu. To był przełom w projektowaniu AI.
  5. Wywiad: Kraków i świat. Miesięcznik społeczno-kulturalny, Maj 2024, nr 5 (233), prowadziła Sylwia Pyzik. Granice poznania i strach przed nieznanym.

    2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2023

  1. Komorowski M.K, Rykaczewski K, Piotrowski T, Jurewicz K, Wojciechowski J, Keitel A, Dreszer J, Duch W. (2023)
    ToFFi - Toolbox for Frequency-based Fingerprinting of Brain Signals.
    Neurocomputing 544, 126236. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2023.126236
    ToFFi at Github repository.

  2. Kun Xia, Wlodzislaw Duch, Yu Sun, Kedi Xu, Weili Fang, Hanbin Luo, Yi Zhang, Dong Sang, Xiaodong Xu Fei-Yue Wang and Dongrui Wu (2023).
    Privacy-Preserving Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systematic Review.
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 2312-2324. DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3184818 (Cite Score 8.6)

  3. Bonna K, Hulme O.J, Meder D, Duch W, Finc K. (2023).
    Brain network reconfiguration during prediction error processing.
    bioRxiv:2023.07.14.549018 (Submitted to Network Neuroscience).

  4. Duch W. (2023), Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities.

  5. Czekaj Ł, Radzinski Ł, Kolimaga M, Domaszewicz J, Kitłowski R, Szwoch M, Duch W. (2023) On the recognition of the type of game based on physiological signals and eye tracking.
    In: Modelling and Simulation 2023. The European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2023 / Rob Vingerhoeds, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, Geril Philippe (eds.), 2023, EUROSIS-ETI, pp.235-238 arXiv.2310.17383

Abstracts and posters.

  1. Furman Ł, Tołpa K, Alexandre L, Duch W. (2023).
    Recurrence analysis of brain neurodynamics.
    Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives 15–17.03.2023, Potsdam, Germany.

  2. Komorowski, M.K, Rykaczewski, K, Piotrowski, T, Jurewicz, K, Wojciechowski, J, Keitel, A, Dreszer, J, Duch, W. (2023)
    Toolbox for Frequency-based Fingerprinting. TOFFI Toolbox.
    4-th PP-RAI Conference, Technical University of Łódź, 2023.04.24-26.

  3. Duch W, Tołpa K, Furman Ł, Ratajczak E, Hajnowski M, Alexandre L. (2023)
    Analysis of brain activity based on long-term averaging of EEG signals, and poster
    4th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI 4), Łódź, 26-29.04.2023

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W, Wywiad "Prof. Duch: Systemy sztucznej inteligencji nie zamienią się w Terminatora. One żyją w innych wymiarach" (Irena Cieślińska, Piotr Cieśliński), Wyborcza.pl, 14.09.2023.

  2. Duch W, Sztuczna inteligencja i mózgi. Wywiad (Damian Nowicki), Przegląd, xx.09.2023.

  3. Duch W, Terminator nam nie grozi, Wyborcza, Jutronauci 2023, 16.09.2023.

  4. Duch W, Sztuczna inteligencja zmienia wszystko, Nauka w Polsce, 17.01.2023.

  5. Duch W, Rozważania o transhumanizmie. Radio dla Ciebie. 24.01.2023, g. 21-22.

  6. Duch W, Gdzie są granice poznania? Podcast w Radio357, przez dwie godziny prowadził Patrycjusz Wyżga. 21.05.2023

  7. Duch W, Wywiad w ramach serii "This is IT" Macieja Kaweckiego.
    Sztuczna inteligencja już zyskała świadomość. Oto gdzie są jej granice, 4.06.2023.

  8. Duch W, nagranie fragmentu filmu dokumentalnego traktującego o potencjale najnowszych systemów sztucznej inteligencji, 5.06.2023

  9. Duch W, Konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego i Leopolda Infelda (Physics Colloquium), Warsaw University, Current state and future prospects of artificial intelligence. Link do YouTube wkrótce, 5.06.2023

  10. Duch W, Podcast z Edi Pyrkiem dla fundacji GAIA na temat rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji. Link do YouTube wkrótce. 5.06.2023

  11. Duch W, Długi wywiad w ramach serii "Didaskalia", prowadził Patryk Wyżga
    Jesteśmy w przełomowym momencie historii ludzkości, 20.08.2023.

  12. Duch W, skrót wywiadu z serii "Didaskalia", prowadził Patryk Wyżga
    Sztuczna inteligencja w rękach terrorystów to koszmar. Prof. Duch: Zmieni się wszystko, WP Wiadomości, 22.08.2023.

  13. Nie ma ludzi niezastąpionych, Tygodnik Przegląd 2-8.10.2023, str. 52-54

    2022     2022     2022     2022     2022     2022     2022     2022     2022     2022

  1. Duch W. (2022).
    Imagery agnosia and its phenomenology.
    Annals of Psychology, pp. 1-17 DOI: 10.18290/rpsych21242-5s.

  2. Duch W. (2022)
    Concept Representation and the Geometric Model of Mind.
    Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 67 (60), 151 - 167. doi: 10.2478/slgr-2022-0009

  3. Furman Ł, Tołpa K, Minati L, Duch W. (2022) Short-Time Fourier Transform and Embedding Method for Recurrence Quantification Analysis of EEG Time Series.
    European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-15. DOI: 10.1140/epjs/s11734-022-00683-7.

  4. Matulewski J, Bałaj B, Mościchowska I, Ignaczewska A, Linowiecki R, Dreszer J, Duch W. (2022) Learnability Evaluation of the Gaze Interaction Markup Language for a simple design of new applications. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 165, 1-14, art # 102863 (IF 4.9)

  5. Kun Xia, Lingfei Deng, Wlodzislaw Duch, , Dongrui Wu. (2022) Privacy-Preserving Domain Adaptation for Motor Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces.
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69(11), 3365-3376.
    DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3168570 (IF 4.76)

  6. Sokolov, O., Mrela, A., Bieniek-Majka, M., Osinska, V., & Duch, W. (2022). Model of Trust Dissemination of Products Based on Fuzzy Aggregation Norms.
    2022 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS), 741–744. https://doi.org/10.15439/2022F182.

  7. Dereziński K, Tołpa K, Furman Ł, Rutkowski T.M, Duch W. (2022)
    Time-frequency analysis combined with recurrence quantification for classification of onset of dementia using data from the oddball BCI paradigm (local preprint copy).
    Proc. of the 2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS/ISIS 2022), Ise-Shima, Mie, Japan. IEEE Press, p. 1-6.

Abstracts and posters.

  1. Włodzisław Duch, Łukasz Furman, Ludovico Minati, and Krzysztof Tołpa (2022)
    Non-linear features for EEG based on recurrence analysis and Short-Term Fourier Transform.
    3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, April 23-25, Gdynia, Poland (abstract + poster).

  2. Furman, Ł, Duch W. (2022)
    Closed-loop neurofeedback based on acoustic stimulation [BCBI – BB (binaural beats).
    Doctoral Consortium/PhD Track at 2nd IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems.

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W, Szudy J. (2022), Jerzy Aleksander Bodurka (1964–2021).
    Głos Uczelni 1-2, 66-68, 2022

  2. Duch W. (2022), Tajemnice kosmosu.
    Głos Uczelni 5-8, 77, 2022

  3. Duch W. (2022), Kosmos i życie – lektura obowiązkowa i uzupełniająca.
    Głos Uczelni 9-10, 6-12, 2022

  4. Duch W. (2022), O muzyce, ruchu i innych neuronalnych przyjemnościach. Ewie Walusiak-Bednarek opowiada prof. dr hab. Włodzisław Duch.
    Głos Uczelni 9-10, 20-26, 2022

  5. Duch W. (2022), Kosmos i życie – lektura obowiązkowa i uzupełniająca (2).
    Głos Uczelni 11-12, 11-17, 2022

    2021     2021     2021     2021     2021     2021     2021     2021     2021     2021

  1. Duch W. (2021).
    Memetics and Neural Models of Conspiracy Theories.
    Patterns. Cell Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2021.100353

  2. Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Nikadon, Jan; Duch, Włodzisław; Piotrowski, Tomasz. (2021)
    supFunSim: spatial filtering toolbox for EEG.
    Neuroinformatics 19, 107–125 (IF 5.1)
    Github Repository
  3. Ratajczak E, Hajnowski M, Stawicki M, Duch W. (2021).
    Novel methodological tools for behavioral interventions: the case of HRV-biofeedback. Sham control and quantitative physiology-based assessment of training quality and fidelity.
    Sensors 21(11), 3670 https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113670.

  4. Bonna, Kamil; Finc, Karolina; Zimmermann, Maria; Bola, Łukasz; Szul, Maciej; Mostowski, Piotr; Rutkowski, Paweł; Duch, Włodzisław; Marchewka, Artur; Jednoróg, Katarzyna; Szwed, Marcin. (2021)
    Early deafness leads to re-shaping of global functional connectivity beyond the auditory cortex.
    Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15, 1469–1482 (IF 3.6, on line 23/07/2020)
  5. I Visser, C Bergmann, K Byers-Heinlein, R Dal Ben, W Duch, S Forbes, L. Franchin, M. Frank, A. Geraci, J.K.Hamlin, Z. Kaldy, L. Kulke, C. Laverty, C. Lew-Williams, V. Mateu, J. Mayor, D. Moreau, I. Nomikou, T. Schuwerk, E. Simpson, L. Singh, M. Soderstrom, J. Sullivan, M. Van den Heuvel, G. Westermann, Y. Yamada, L. Zaadnoordijk, M. Zettersten (2022)
    Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model.
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, e35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X21000455
    Also a preprint in PsyArXiv .

  6. Gut, M, Finc K, Matulewski J, Goraczewski Ł, Walerzak-Więckowska A, Duch W. (2021) Number line estimation strategies used by children with dyscalculia and healthy controls.
    The Review of Psychology 64(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31648/pp.7353

  7. M.K. Komorowski, K. Rykaczewski, T. Piotrowski, K. Jurewicz, J. Wojciechowski, A. Keitel, J. Dreszer, W. Duch (2021)
    ToFFi - Toolbox for Frequency-based Fingerprinting of Brain Signals.
    Preprint arXiv:2110.09919 , submitted to Neurocomputing.

  8. Duch W, Tołpa K, Duda S, Furman Ł, Lewandowska M, Dreszer J. (2021).
    Neurodynamics of the brain revealed by EEG recurrence analysis.
    Ninth Recurrence Plot Symposium, Lublin, Poland.

  9. Duch W. (2021)
    Zagadnienie interdyscyplinarności w perspektywie polityki naukowej w Polsce. Podsumowanie wprowadzenia do debaty "Interdyscyplinarność jako wyzwanie dla naukoznawstwa", przygotowane na spotkanie Komitetu Naukoznawstwa PAN 22/11/2019.
    Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55(2), 39–45.

  10. Duch W. (2021).
    Imagery agnosia and its phenomenology.
    ArXiv CS/Bio, PsyArXiv (12/2021), extended version of the Annals of Psychology paper (2022, in print).

  11. Duch W. (2021)
    Neurocognitive Informatics Manifesto.
    ArXiv CS/Bio, 27 pages (updated version of 2009 paper)
  12. Duch W. (2021)
    Memetics and Neural Models of Conspiracy Theories.
    ArXiv.org > q-bio > arXiv:1508.04561, 14 pages (updated version of 2015 paper).
  13. M. Komorowski, J. Dreszer, K. Jurewicz, J. Wojciechowski, T. Piotrowski, W. Duch. (2021)
    Spectral Features of Human Brain Activity Are Related to Sensory-Associative Cortical Gradient.
    27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. OHBM 2021, 21-25.06.2021 (virtual conference, poster 1325).

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Centrum Nauki Kopernik w Warszawie, wystawa: "Przyszłość jest dziś. Cyfrowy mózg". Otwarcie 5.11.2021.
    Krótkie wideo wprowadzające do kilku ekspozycji.

  2. Wywiad na temat Stanisława Lema, w programie "Astronarium" 17.10.2021 na różnych kanałach TVP3 i regionalnych; oraz w serii Astronarium odcinek 126, Kosmos Lema na YouTube.

  3. Festiwal Nauki w Warszawie, debata główna, 2021.09.26: "Czy nauka może przekroczyć samą siebie?" Nagranie spotkania na YouTube, slajdy.

  4. Angela Merkel - najsilniejsza kobieta w polityce. Jaka jest prywatnie? - Dzień Dobry TVN 19.09.21

  5. WFAiIS UMK, Toruń, 2021.03.04.
    Informatyka neurokognitywna: stan obecny, zastosowania w fizyce i chemii, perspektywy. Nagranie na YouTube.

  6. WeInnovators Webinar, 2021.01.20, Anna Topol, discussion panel.

  7. Duch W. (2021), W poszukiwaniu drogi. Przestrzeń. Nieregularnik 13, 37-45.

    2020     2020     2020     2020     2020     2020     2020     2020     2020     2020

  1. Joanna Dreszer, Marek Grochowski, Monika Lewandowska, Jan Nikadon, Joanna Gorgol, Bibianna Bałaj, Karolina Finc, Włodzisław Duch, Tomasz Piotrowski. (2020)
    Spatiotemporal Complexity Patterns of the Frontoparietal Network Predict Fluid Intelligence: Sex Matters. Human Brain Mapping 41(17), 4846-4865 (IF 4.5)
  2. Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Xiaosong He, David Lydon-Staley, Simone Kühn, Włodzisław Duch and Danielle S. Bassett. (2020)
    Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain network during working memory training.
    Nature Communications 11, 2435 (IF=11.8), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15631-z. See also bioRxiv preprint and citing articles.

  3. Duch. W. (2020) IDyOT architecture - is this how minds operate?
    Physics of Life Reviews, Vol. 34–35, pp. 54-56 (IF. 13.8, online, in print 5/2020).

  4. Duch W, Mikołajewski D. (2020) Modelling effects of consciousness disorders in brainstem computational model – Preliminary findings.
    Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 16(2), 1-10, 20190059, 2020.

  5. Duch W. (2020) Meta-analizy w badaniach nad nabywaniem języka.
    Psychologia Rozwojowa 25(1), 9-27.

  6. Czachowski S, Dereziński K, Lewandowska M, Milner R, Ratajczak E, Stawicki M, Duch W. (2020)
    EEG-neurofeedback w procesach kontroli sieci sensomotorycznych – perspektywy badawcze.
    Rozdz. 13 w: Nowe technologie i metody w psychologii. Red. M. Trojan i M. Gut. Wyd. Liberi Libri, Warszawa, pp. 281-298.

  7. Duch W, Międzobrodzka E. (2020)
    Edukacja wykorzystująca osiągnięcia neuronauki.
    W: XVII Konferencja Informatyka w Edukacji, Toruń, 22-25.09.2020; str 1-11.

  8. Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Nikadon, Jan; Duch, Włodzisław; Piotrowski, Tomasz. (2020)
    supFunSim: spatial filtering toolbox for EEG. bioRxiv preprint
  9. Duch. W. (2020) Experiential Learning Styles and Neurocognitive Phenomics.
    PsyArXiv. August 30, 2020.
    q-bio.NC ArXiv. January 12, 2021.

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Jak mózg tańczy? Polski Teatr Tańca, Rozmównica z Kayą Kołodziejczyk i prof. Włodzisławem Duchem, 25.04.2019.

  2. Duch W. (2020), Szczeble naukowej kariery. Pauza Akademicka 530, 5.11.2020, str. 2.

  3. Duch W. (2020), Recenzja tłumaczenia na język polski (tł. K. Cipora, A. Bereś, E. Międzobrodzka i J. Płachetka) raportu "Neuronauka i Edukacja: Przegląd Interwencji i Podejść Edukacyjnych Korzystających z Osiągnięć Neuronauki. Pełen Raport i Podsumowanie" (uzupełniony i nieco rozszerzony w 2019 roku przez tłumaczy i recenzenta). Oryginalna wersja: Paul Howard-Jones, Neuroscience and Education: A Review of Educational Interventions and Approaches Informed by Neuroscience. Full Report and Executive Summary. Education Endowment Foundation 2014 (patronat Centrum Kopernika UJ).

  4. Duch W. (2020), Critical remarks on the first draft of the Recommendation on the “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”, preliminary report prepared by the UNESCO experts.

  5. Duch W. (2020), Sztuczna inteligencja - szanse Polski. Sprawy Nauki 1 (246), 2020

  6. Duch W. (2020), Hamulce Rozwoju. Głos Uczelni 3-4, 22-27, 2020

    2019     2019     2019     2019     2019     2019     2019     2019     2019     2019

  1. Duch. W. (2019) Mind as a shadow of neurodynamics.
    Physics of Life Reviews 31: 28-31 (preprint).
    Special Issue "Physics of mind", Ed. F. Schoeller (IF. 13.8), online 9 July 2019 | Citing articles.

  2. Duch W. (2019), Autism Spectrum Disorder and deep attractors in neurodynamics | Show abstract
    Chapter 13, pp.135-148 in the Springer Handbook of Multi-Scale Models of Brain Disorders: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Assessment of Brain Dynamics (Nov. 2019). Preprint is here.
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-18830-6, ISBN 978-3-030-18829-0.

  3. Aghabeig M, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Lewandowska M, Milner R, Pawlaczyk N, Piotrowski T, Szmytke M, and Duch W.
    Perception of non-native phoneme contrasts in 8-13 months infants : tensor-based analysis of EEG signals.
    27th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2019, Corna, Spain, 2-6 Sept. 2019, pp. 2251-2256

  4. Bonna, Kamil; Finc, Karolina; Zimmermann, Maria; Bola, Łukasz; Szul, Maciej; Mostowski, Piotr; Rutkowski, Paweł; Duch, Włodzisław; Marchewka, Artur; Jednoróg, Katarzyna; Szwed, Marcin.
    Early deafness leads to re-shaping of global functional connectivity beyond the auditory cortex. arXiv.org > q-bio > arXiv:1903.11915 and in review in Brain Imaging and Behaviour (sub. 12/2018)
  5. Duch W, Mikołajewski D. (2019) Brain Stem – From General View To Computational Model Based On Switchboard Rules Of Operation.
    Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 16(1), 1-10, 20190059, 2019.

  6. O. Sokolov, V. Osińska, A. Mrela, W. Duch, M. Burak. (2019/2020) Scientists’ Contribution to Science and Methods of Its Visualization.
    In: Świątek J., Borzemski L., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 40th Anniversary International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1051. Springer, pp. 159-168, 2020

  7. Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Nikadon, Jan; Duch, Włodzisław; Piotrowski, Tomasz.
    SupFunSim: spatial filtering toolbox for EEG. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/618694
  8. Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Xiaosong He, David Lydon-Staley, Simone Kühn, Włodzisław Duch and Danielle S. Bassett.
    Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain network during working memory training. bioRxiv preprint
  9. J. Matulewski, B. Bałaj, I. Mościchowska, A. Ignaczewska, R. Linowiecki, J. Dreszer-Drogorób, W. Duch.
    The Markup Language for Designing Gaze Controlled Applications, p. 1-32, Human-Computer Studies, in rev. 7/2020),
    Long version in arxiv: 1911.06541 Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction

  10. Duch W. (2019) Tańczące mózgi, tańczące ciała.
    Rozdział w monografii na 45-lecie Polskiego Teatru Tańca, Wielość spojrzeń na taniec. 1973-2018. Wyd. Polski Teatr Tańca, Poznań. Str. 91-107. ISBN 978-83-951669-0-7

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W. (2019), Po co nam sztuczna inteligencja. Rozmowa z prof. Włodzisławem Duchem. Tygodnik Polityka, str. 52-57

  2. Duch W. (2019), Kognitywista: przyszłością sztucznej inteligencji są systemy wzorowane na mózgu. Nauka w Polsce, 06.05.2019.

  3. Duch W. (2019), Trudny problem świadomości.
    Psychologia Dziś (Wyd. Charaktery) 2/2019, str. 92-98. Wersja sieciowa: Czy już rozumiemy świadomość?.

  4. Duch W. (2019), Hamulce rozwoju nauki.
    Wszystko co najważniejsze 15, s.5-6 (nieco krótsza wersja w druku 9.07.2019).

  5. Duch W. (2019), Hamulce rozwoju nauki: ocena czasopism. Pauza Akademicka 471, 16.05.2019, str. 4.

  6. Duch W. (2019), Hamulce rozwoju nauki: tradycja. Pauza Akademicka 469, 2.05.2019, str. 1.

  7. Duch W. (2019), AI: projekty, które mają przyszłość. Uwagi do strategicznego programu sztucznej inteligencji w Polsce: "Podstawy uczenia maszynowego, informatyka kognitywna i technologie neurokognitywne”, przygotowanej dla OPI PIB.

  8. Lekcja mistrza Zen. Z Włodzisławem Duchem rozmawia Anna Mateja. Znak, nr 766, marzec 2019, str. 6-13

  9. "Nadchodzi-era-Homo-Sapiens Digital", Express Bydgoski, 15.03.2019;

  10. Sztuczna inteligencja to droga na skróty. Wywiad 12/2019, Sztucznainteligencja.org

  11. Nauka w Polsce, PAP 2019, krótkie wideo: Wyzwania umysłowe |

    Conference posters and abstracts

  12. Komorowski MK, Wojciechowski J, Nikadon J, Piotrowski TJ, Dreszer J, Duch W (2019) Spectral Fingerprints: identification accuracy of regions of the human brain varies with an analyzed dataset - a MEG and EEG data study.
    Neuroinformatics 2019 Abstract. doi: 10.12751/incf.ni2019.0069
  13. Finc K, Bonna K, Chojnowski M, Duch W (2019) FMRIDenoise: tool for automatic denoising and quality control of functional connectivity data.
    Neuroinformatics 2019 Abstract. doi: 10.12751/incf.ni2019.0077
  14. Rykaczewski K, Nikadon J, Duch W, Piotrowski TJ (2019) supFunSim: spatial filtering toolbox for EEG.
    Neuroinformatics 2019 Abstract. doi: 10.12751/incf.ni2019.0082

    2018     2018     2018     2018     2018     2018     2018     2018     2018     2018

  1. Duch W. (2018), Multi-level Explanations in Neuroscience I: From genes to subjective experiences.
    Acta Physica Polonica B 49(12), 1981-2010.
    Presented at the Cracow School of Theoretical Physics. Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory. Zakopane, 15-23 June 2018.

  2. Komorowski M, Aghabeig M. Nikadon J, Piotrowski T, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Lewandowska M, Wojciechowski J, Pawlaczyk N, Szmytke M, Cichocki A, and Duch W. (2018)
    Multi-level Explanations in Neuroscience II: EEG Spectral Fingerprints and Tensor Decompositions for Understanding Brain Activity - initial results.
    Acta Physica Polonica B 49(12), 2011-2028.
    Presented at the Cracow School of Theoretical Physics. Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory. Zakopane, 15-23 June 2018.

  3. Duch W. (2018), Kurt Lewin, psychological constructs and sources of brain cognitive activity | Citing articles | Show abstract
    Polish Psychological Forum 23(1), 7-21.
    Presented at: XXVI Psychology Colloqium, Polish Academy of Science "Brain-behavior relations in psychology", June 2017.
    arXiv:1711.01767, Neurons and Cognition

  4. Duch W. (2018)
    Hylomorphism extended: dynamical forms and minds.
    Philosophies 2018, 3, 36. Special Issue "Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies". Eds. G. Dodig-Crnkovic and M. J. Schroeder. Also a chapter in the book " Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies - Part 1".
  5. O. Sokolov, W. Osińska, A. Mreła, W. Duch. (2018) Modeling of scientific publications disciplinary collocation based on optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms.
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 853, pp. 145-153

  6. Duch W. (2018) Separability is not the best goal for machine learning.
    cs arXiv preprint, arXiv:1807.02873

  7. Duch W. (2018) Eliminatywizm i konstrukty psychologiczne. | Show abstract
    Rozdział w monografii "Filozof w Krainie Umysłów", dedykowany Andrzejowi Klawiterowi z okazji 45-lecia pracy naukowej. Wyd. Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM, Poznań, pp. 201-216, 2018.

  8. Boruta, M., Dreszer, J., Pawlaczyk, N., Kmiecik, M., Grzybowska, M., Ignaczewska, A., Duch, W. (2018). Gestures reflected – tracing gestural development from a child’s EEG signal.
    In: Cuskley, C., Flaherty, M., Little, H., McCrohon, L., Ravignani, A. & Verhoef, T. (Eds.): The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (EVOLANGXII). doi:10.12775/3991-1.010
  9. Jacek Matulewski, Bibianna Bałaj, Ewelina Marek, Łukasz Piasecki, Włodzisław Duch. MovEye: Gaze Control of Video Playback.
    ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2018), Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction (COGAIN), Warsaw 14-17.06.2018. DOI: 10.1145/3206343.3206352

  10. Rodkiewicz, J., Gut., M., Matulewski, J., Goraczewski, Ł., Mańkowska, K., Ciechalska, D., Mielewczyk, A., Witkowska, N., Duch., W. (2018). Różnice w poziomie zdolności matematycznych w parach bliźniąt jedno- i dwujajowych. [W:] M. Baran i J. Nyćkowiak (red.) Badania i rozwój młodych naukowców w Polsce: nauki przyrodnicze, cz. IV, str. 133-140. Wyd. Młodzi Naukowcy, Poznań.

Conference posters and abstracts

  1. Miriam Kosik, Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Simone Kühn, Włodzisław Duch. Brain Functional Network Alterations Due to Increasing Demands of Visuospatial and Auditory Working Memory Task.
    Network Neuroscience, Paris 11.06.2018, P. 5

  2. Karolina Finc, Miriam Kosik, Kamil Bonna, Włodzisław Duch and Simone Kühn. Task-related functional network reconfiguration following 6-week working memory training.
    Network Neuroscience, Paris 11.06.2018, P15

  3. Kamil Bonna, Karolina Finc, Miriam Kosik, Włodzisław Duch, Simone Kühn. Short and Long-Term Changes of Functional Network Segregation Over the Course of Working Memory Training.
    Network Neuroscience, Paris 11.06.2018, P19

  4. Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Miriam Kosik, Włodzisław Duch and Simone Kühn (2018). Dynamics and plasticity of functional brain networks. ?
    University of Washington eScience Institute, Seattle, USA, poster.

  5. Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Miriam Kosik, Włodzisław Duch and Simone Kühn (2018). Ongoing dynamics of functional brain network changes during 6-week working memory training.
    Singapore, poster.

  6. Karolina Finc, Miriam Kosik, Kamil Bonna, Włodzisław Duch and Simone Kühn. (2018). Task-based Functional Network Changes Following 6-week Working Memory Training,
    NEURONUS 2018 IBRO&IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, poster.

  7. Miriam Kosik, Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Włodzisław Duch, Simone Kühn (2018). Exploring working memory modalities - functional network alterations due to increasing demands of visuospatial and auditory working memory tasks.
    NEURONUS 2018 IBRO&IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, poster.

  8. Komorowski M, Wojciechowski J, Nikadon J, Piotrowski T, Dreszer J, Duch W, EEG Spectral Fingerprints as a method for classifying different regions of the human brain – initial results.
    11th Conference on Electrophysiological Techniques in Bioelectricity Research: from Ion Channels to Neural Networks, pp. 21.
    Warsaw, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 25-26.05.2018.

  9. Julia Rodkiewicz, Małgorzata Gut, Łukasz Goraczewski, Jacek Matulewski, Karolina Finc, Katarzyna Mańkowska, Dominika Ciechalska, Aleksandra Mielewczyk, Natalia Witkowska, Natalia Sobolewska, Jakub Słupczewski, Marta Szymańska and Włodzisław Duch. The effect of cognitive and cognitive-motor training with the use of mathematical computer game “Kalkulilo” on the number line estimation and number magnitude comparison, | Show abstract
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 129-130.

  10. Karolina Finc, Miriam Kosik, Kamil Bonna, Włodzisław Duch, Simone Kühn. Task-based functional network changes following 6-week working memory training.
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 127.

  11. Małgorzata Gut, Łukasz Goraczewski, Karolina Finc, Jacek Matulewski, Anna Walerzak-Więckowska, Włodzisław Duch. Number line estimation strategies used by children with dyscalculia and healthy controls.
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 129.

  12. Julia Rodkiewicz, Małgorzata Gut, Jacek Matulewski, Łukasz Goraczewski, Karolina Finc, Katarzyna Mańkowska, Dominika Ciechalska, Aleksandra Mielewczyk, Natalia Witkowska, Natalia Sobolewska, Jakub Słupczewski, Marta Szymańska, Włodzisław Duch. The effect of cognitive and cognitive-motor training with the use of mathematical computer game “Kalkulilo” on the number line estimation and number magnitude comparison.
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 129.

  13. Miriam Kosik, Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna,Włodzisław Duch, Simone Kühn. Exploring working memory modalities - functional network alterations due to increasing demands of visuospatial and auditory working memory tasks.
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 131.

  14. Michał Komorowski; J Wojciechowski; J Nikadon; T Piotrowski; J Dreszer, W Duch, Recognizing cortical and deep sources of human brain activity from resting-state EEG spectral fingerprints.
    Neuronus 2018, IBRO Science Forum, Kraków 20-22.04.2018, pp. 134.

  15. Michał Komorowski; J Wojciechowski; J Nikadon; T Piotrowski; J Dreszer, W Duch, Klasyfikacja struktur korowych i podkorowych na podstawie sygnału EEG za pomocą metody Spectral Fingerprints. pp. 11
    VI Neuromania conference, Toruń 2-4.06.2018

  16. Marcin Hajnowski; Mateusz Stawicki; Ewa Ratajczak; Michał Meina; Włodzisław Duch. Trening idealny. pp. 48
    VI Neuromania conference, Toruń 2-4.06.2018

    Popular articles, interviews:

  17. Duch W, Witek M, Międzyobszarowe dyscypliny naukowe. List przekazany kierownictwu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego.

  18. Duch W, Naukowa ślepota. Pauza Akademicka 435, 6.09.2018, str. 2-3.

  19. Duch W. Fizyka, Informatyka i Kognitywistyka. Głos Uczelni 1/2018.

  20. Duch W. Honorowy Doktorat dla Informatyka. Głos Uczelni 2/2018, str 7-8.

    2017     2017     2017     2017     2017     2017     2017     2017     2017     2017

  1. Finc K, Bonna K, Lewandowska M, Wolak T, Nikadon J, Dreszer J, Duch W, Kühn S. (2017) Transition of the functional brain network related to increasing cognitive demands. | Citing articles | Show abstract
    Human Brain Mapping 38(7), 3659–3674, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23621

  2. Duch W. (2017) Why minds cannot be received, but are created by brains | Show abstract
    Scientia et Fides 5(2), 171-198.

  3. Linowiecki R, Matulewski J, Bałaj B, Ignaczewska A, Dreszer J, Duch W. (2017) GCAF: Narzędzie do tworzenia eksperymentów dotyczących badania nabywania mowy i treningu z interakcją wzrokową u niemowląt.
    Lingwistyka Stosowana (Applied Linguistics / Angewandte Linguistik) 20, 83-99.

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W, Ocena nauki czy jednostek naukowych? Pauza Akademicka 372, 16.02.2017

  2. Duch W, Którędy do cyfrowego świata?
    Pauza Akademicka 1.06.2017, p. 3

  3. Duch W. Czy neuronauki pomogą nam rozwinąć pełny potencjał?
    Głos Uczelni 5/2017, str 12-16.

    Posters presented at conferences in 2017

  4. Finc, K, Bonna, K, Lewandowska, M, Wolak, T, Nikadon, J, Dreszer, J, Duch, W, Kühn, S. (2017) Default Mode Network Role in Global Workspace Formation During Increasing Cognitive Demands. Keystone Symposia: Connectomics, Santa Fe (USA), invited talk and poster.

  5. Finc, K, Bonna, K, Dobija, M, Pięta, B, Kosik, M, Lubiński, A, Muchlado M, Przybysz, A, Narębski, S, Migała, B, Duch, W, Kühn, S. (2017). Temporal dynamics of functional network changes following 6-week working memory training: preliminary results, Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, poster.

  6. Bonna, K, Finc, K., Duch, W. (2017) Discovering generative model of human connectome by symbolic regression. Keystone Symposia: Connectomics, Santa Fe (USA)
  7. Paluch, Paulina, Bartosz Kochański, Monika Lewandowska, Rafał Milner, Małgorzata Ganc, Katarzyna Cieśla, Tomasz Wolak, et al. 2017. “Elektrofizjologiczne I Behawioralne Korelaty Dojrzewania Funkcji Ośrodkowego Układu Słuchowego U Dzieci Z Głuchotą Prelingwalną Po Wszczepieniu Implantu Ślimakowego.” Nowa Audiofonologia, Nowa Audiofonologia, T. 6 (nr 1 Supl.): S,20-21.

  8. Ratajczak E, Hajnowski M, Fojutowska J, Stawicki M, Szczęsny P, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    Achievement or approach? Is psychophysiological stress upon divergent thinking related to task performance or to trait anxiety? (Aspects of Neuroscience 2017)

  9. Gut M, Goraczewski Ł, Matulewski J, Finc K, Mańkowska K, Babiuch K, Ciechalska D, Mielewczyk A, Poczopko K, Witkowska N, Duch W. (2017)
    The cognitive-motor training in development of a mental number line with the use of the mathematical computer game “Kalkulilo”. European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam 2017.

  10. Dołżycka J, Ignaczewska A, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Linowiecki R, Rafał B, Duch W. (2017).
    Użycie eye-trackera w badaniach nad słuchem fonematycznym niemowląt między 8. a 12. miesiącem życia. Neuromania, Toruń, 27-28.05

  11. Dołżycka J, Ignaczewska A, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Duch W. (2017).
    Różnice widoczne w słuchu fonematycznym między osobami dorosłymi a niemowlętami do 12. miesiąca życia. Neuromania, Toruń, 27-28.05

  12. Dygasiewicz M., Kępiński D., Joachimiak M., Duch W. (2017)
    System wirtualnej rzeczywistości wspomagający rehabilitację osób wybudzonych ze śpiączki. Neuromania, Toruń, 27-28.05

    2016     2016     2016     2016     2016     2016     2016     2016     2016     2016

  1. Gravier A, Quek H.C, Duch W, Abdul Wahab, Gravier-Rymaszewska J.
    Neural network modelling of the influence of channelopathies on reflex visual attention.
    Cognitive Neurodynamics 10(1), 49-72, 2016 | Citing articles.

  2. Duch W. (2016). Muzyka a wyobraźnia: Mózgowe preludium (Music and imagery).
    Słyszę 4(150), pp. 50-51, 2016.
    Presented at International Scientific Conference "Hearing Implants and Music", World Hearing Center, Kajetany near Warsaw, 16.07.2015

  3. Duch W, Wyzwania Polityki Naukowej w Polsce.
    Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 1(207), 2016, pp. 135-143
    Uwagi wygłoszone na panelu dyskusyjnym „Współczesne wyzwania dla naukoznawcy w świetle polityki naukowej, jak i refleksji filozoficznej”, Poznań, 18.09.2015.

  4. Duch W, Where will the neurosciences lead us?
    Interfaces, codes, symbols. The future of communication. City of the Future / Laboratory Wroclaw. E-book chapter, pp. 204-222, 2017
  5. Duch W, Gdzie nas zaprowadzą neuronauki?
    Interfejsy, kody, symbole. Przyszłość komunikowania. Miasto Przyszłości / Laboratorium Wrocław (rozdział ebooka), str 20-39. ISBN: 978-83-946602-8-4

  6. Gut M, Goraczewski Ł, Matulewski J, Finc K, Ignaczewska A, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Kmiecik M, Stępińska J, Majewski J, Bendlin E, Cholewa P, Duch W. (2016) Trening poznawczy przy użyciu komputerowej gry matematycznej a przetwarzanie informacji numerycznej u dzieci – wyniki badań pilotażowych. Rozdział w książce: Cywilizacja zabawy, rozrywki i wypoczynku. M. Suchacka (red.), Wydawnictwo E-bookowo, str. 57-83.

Posters presented at the Neuromania conference, Toruń 28-28.05.2016

  1. Fojutowska J, Szczęsny P, Ratajczak E, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Aktywność przedczołowa w procesach twórczych – badanie techniką EEG.
  2. Mańkowska K, M. Gut, J. Matulewski, Ł. Goraczewski, K. Finc, M. Kmiecik, N. Witkowska D. Sebastian, A. Mielewczyk, E. Sobiechowski, K. Poczopko, K. Babiuch, J. Majewski, P. Cholewa, E. Bendlin, W. Duch.
    Kształtowanie mentalnej reprezentacji osi liczbowej pod wpływem edukacyjno-terapeutycznej gry komputerowej „Kalkulilo”.
  3. Mielewczyk A, Gut M, Matulewski J, Finc K, Goraczewski Ł, Kmiecik M, Mańkowska K, D. Sebastian, Sobiechowski E, Witkowska N, Duch W.
    Operowanie różnymi formatami liczb i zależności numeryczno-przestrzenne u dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym.
  4. Rafał B, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Ignaczewska A, Duch W.
    Wzrokowa reakcja antycypacyjna u niemowląt.
  5. Ratajczak E, Wojciechowski J, Fojutowska J, Szczęsny P, Szczypiński J, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Twórczy intelekt? Neuroobrazowanie zależności między kreatywnością a inteligencją płynną techniką EEG.
  6. Stawicki M, Szreder K, Ratajczak E, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Odzwierciedlenie poziomu odczuwanego stresu oraz lęku w zmienności rytmu serca.
  7. Stawicki M, Ratajczak E, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Zmienności rytmu serca a poziomu odczuwanego stresu.
  8. Wojciechowski J, Jan Szczypiński, Ewa Ratajczak, Julita Fojutowska, Joanna Dreszer, Bibianna-Bałaj, Duch W.
    Kontrola zachowania a aktywność spoczynkowa mózgu.

    Posters presented at the Neuronus conference, Kraków 22-24.04.2016

  9. Fojutowska J, Ratajczak E, Szczęsny P, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Frontal complexity: higher variability correlates with lower creativity and lower HRV.
  10. Kmiecik M, Goraczewski, Ł, Matulewski, J, Gut, M, Finc, K, Ignaczewska, A, Stępińska, J, Bałaj, B, Dreszer J, Majewski, J, Bendlin, E, Cholewa, P, Duch, W.
    The cognitive training with the game “Kalkulilo” and mathematical abilities in children – the preliminary results of a pilot study.
  11. Szczęsny P, Ratajczak E, Fojutowska J, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Heart Rate Variability dynamics as a psychophysiological marker of temperament and anxiety.
  12. Szczypiński J, Wojciechowski J, Fojutowska J, Szczęsny P, Dreszer J, Ratajczak E, Duch W.
    Behavioral control linked to resting-state EEG complexity.

    Remaining posters 2016

  13. Fojutowska J, Ratajczak E, Szczęsny P, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Divergent thinking and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (Aspects of Neuroscience, Warsaw, 25-27.11.2016)
  14. Ratajczak E, Szczęsny P, Fojutowska J, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    HRV-biofeedback: the effects of session count on psychophysiological functioning – preliminary results. (Aspects of Neuroscience 2016)
  15. Szczypiński J, Wojciechowski J, Ratajczak E, Fojutowska J, Bałaj B, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    Is brain neurodynamics tied to self-control? (Aspects of Neuroscience 2016)
  16. Ignaczewska A, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Linowiecki R, Duch W.
    Badanie słuchu fonematycznego niemowląt – zastosowanie procedury z wykorzystaniem eyetrackera (IV Polska Konferencja Eyetrackingowa, 7-8.04.2016).
  17. Mikołajewski D, Duch W.
    Computational models for understanding of the role of brainstem in disorders of consciousness (4th Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroinformatics, BNNI 2016)
  18. Ratajczak E, Szczypiński J, Wojciechowski J, Fojutowska J, Szczęsny P, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Creative intellect? An EEG study of creativity and fluid intelligence (Krakowska Konferencja Kognitywistyczna 2016)
  19. Ratajczak E, Szczypiński J, Wojciechowski J, Fojutowska J, Szczęsny P, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Między twórczością a inteligencją płynną – neuroobrazowanie zależności techniką EEG (Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Białystok 2016)

    2015     2015     2015     2015     2015     2015     2015     2015     2015     2015

  1. Duch W, Memetics and Neural Models of Conspiracy Theories.
    arXiv.org > q-bio > arXiv:1508.04561
  2. Sokolov O, Dobosz K, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Duch W, Grzelak S, Komendzinski T, Mikolajewski D, Piotrowski T, Świerkocka M, and Weber, P. (2015) Intelligent emotions stabilization system using standardized images, breath sensor and biofeedback - preliminary findings - short communication,
    Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 5(2):260-268, 2015.

  3. Sokolov, O, Meszyński, S, Weber, P, Mikołajewski, D, Piotrowski, T, Dreszer, J, Bałaj, B, Grzelak, S, Duch, W, Komendziński, T, Dobosz, K, Świerkocka, M. (2015) Multiagent modeling of emotions influence on physiological systems: new concept.
    Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 5(1):221-240, 2015.

  4. Sokolov O, Dobosz K, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Duch W, Grzelak S, Komendzinski T, Mikolajewski D, Piotrowski T, Świerkocka M, and Weber, P. (2015)
    Spirometry Data Analysis and Monitoring in Medical and Physiological Tests.
    Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(3):35-46. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16171

  5. Weihui Dai, Wlodzislaw Duch, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Dongrong Xu, and Ye-sho Chen. (2015) Recent Advances in Learning Theory.
    Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol. 2015, Article ID 395948.

  6. Processing clinical text with domain-specific spreading activation methods.
    US Patent Application No. 12/006.813 (April 2008), published 2015, co-authors: John Pestian, Paweł Matykiewicz, Tracy Glauser, Robert Kowatch, Jackie Grupp-Phelan. | Citing articles

Conference posters and abstracts

  1. Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Lewandowska M, Goraczewski Ł, Duch W. XVIII. European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2015), Vienna, 16-21.08.2015.
    The Gaze Controlled Game as a Cognitive Training for Children with Math Difficulties, p. 260
    Poster: A gaze-contingent paradigm as a basis for interactive training of the phonetic contrasts discrimination : a pilot study.
  2. Stępińska, J, Goraczewski, Ł, Matulewski, J, Gut, M, Finc, K, Bałaj, B, Dreszer J, Majewski, J, Bendlin, E, Cholewa, P, Ignaczewska, A, Szczypiński, J, Kmiecik, M. i Duch, W. (2015).
    The computer game “Kalkulilo” as a cognitive training method for children with developmental dyscalculia and its application value in the mathematical education - poster prezentowany na Vth International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, listopad 2015;
  3. Ignaczewska A, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Matulewski J, Linowiecki R, Rafał B, Duch W.
    Using an eye-tracker in the study of the phonemic hearing infants - a comparison research methods. Vth International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, 11/2015, poster.
  4. Kmiecik, M, Goraczewski, Ł, Matulewski, J, Gut, M, Finc, K, Ignaczewska, A, Bałaj, B, Dreszer J, Szczypiński, J, Stępińska, J, Majewski, J, Bendlin E, Cholewa P, Duch, W. (2015).
    The cognitive training with the game “Kalkulilo” and mathematical abilities in children – the preliminary results of a pilot study. Vth International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, 11/2015, poster.
  5. Wojciechowski J, Czarnecka M, Dołżycka J, Szczypiński J, Bałaj B, Dreszer J, Duch W.
    Differentiation of French phonemes, that are not present in polish language by monolingual Polish individuals - EEG study. Vth International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, 11/2015 (presentation).
  6. Ratajczak E, Szczęsny P, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Nikadon J, Meina M, Bałaj B, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    In the Heart of Creativity. Divergent thinking and HRV in Computerized Alternativee Uses Task. An EEG-ECG pilot study. Vth International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience, Warszawa, 11/2015 (poster).
  7. Ratajczak E, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Nikadon J, Bałaj B, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    Creative thinking in computerized Alternative Uses Task – an EEG pilot study. Neuronus, Kraków 05/2015 (poster).
  8. Ratajczak E, Szczęsny P, Wojciechowski J, Szczypiński J, Nikadon J, Bałaj B, Dreszer-Drogorób J, Duch W.
    Neuronalne korelaty twórczości. Neuromania, Toruń 5/2015 (poster).

    Popular articles, interviews:

  9. Duch W, Life sciences and the quality of life, European Files, March 2015, pp. 10-11.

  10. Duch W, wywiad: Trzy razy wynalazłem koło? Forum Akademickie 10, s. 18-20, 2015

  11. Duch W, wywiad: Otwarta wiedza dla otwartych głów.
    Przegląd Techniczny 6-7, s. 8-9, 2015

  12. Duch W, wywiad: Nauka na "kliknięcie".
    Przegląd Techniczny 8, s. 31-32, 2015

  13. Duch W, Wszystkie grzechy ludzkiej pamięci, wywiad, Gazeta Wyborcza, 14.03.2015

  14. Duch W, A long way to go (interview, Cristinna Gallardo)., Research Europe 411, 18.06.2015

  15. Duch W, Słyszę. Lipiec/sierpień 4/144/2015. Od dźwięków gwizdanych do rapu.

  16. Duch W, Radio dla Ciebie - Światowy Dzień Mózgu, 18.03.2015

  17. Program Rozwoju Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Nauki na lata 2015–2030, praca zbiorowa pracowników MNiSW, opublikowana w 2015 roku.

  18. Duch W, wywiad: It all leads to the Open Science. Otwarta Nauka 2015.

    2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014

  1. Matykiewicz P, Duch W. (2014) Multiple inheritance problem in semantic spreading activation networks.
    Dominik Slezak, Ah-Hwee Tan, James F. Peters, Lars Schwabe (Eds.): Brain Informatics and Health - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8609, Springer 2014, pp. 252-265.
    Presented at: The 2014 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health, BIH 2014, Warsaw 11-14.08.2014.

  2. Sokolov O, Dobosz K, Dreszer J, Bałaj B, Duch W, Grzelak S, Komendzinski T, Mikolajewski D, Piotrowski T, Świerkocka M, and Weber, P. (2014) Intelligent emotions stabilization system using standardized images, breath sensor and biofeedback - new concept,
    IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Healthcare and e-health (CICARE) Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 9-12, 2014, P. 48-55.

  3. Duch W. (2014) Komunikacja jako rezonans między mózgami, w: Współczesne oblicza komunikacji i informacji. Problemy, badania, hipotezy. Red. E. Głowacka, M. Kowalska, P. Krysiński. Wyd. Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2014, str. 19-50
    Presented at: Homo Communicativus, Toruń, 24-25.06.2013

Conference posters and abstracts

  1. Dobosz, K, Dreszer, J, Duch, W, Grzelak, S, Komendziński, T, Mikołajewski, D, Piotrowski, T, Sokolov, O, Świerkocka, M. (2014).
    Abstract book, P. Spirometry data analysis and monitoring in medical and physiological tests. 8th International Conference on Breath Research and Cancer Diagnosis „Breath Analysis-2014”, 6-9 July,2014, Toruń, Poland.

  2. Ratajczak, E, Dreszer, J, Duch, W. (2014).
    The heart and the brain – attempts to reveal the neurodynamics of HRV-biofeedback-induced coherence. Aspects of Neuroscience. Warszawa, 14-16 XI 2014.

    Neuromania, Konferencja Studentów Toruńskiej Kognitywistyki, 25-26.05.2013; posters:

  3. Beata Janicka, Patrycja Dzianok, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Monika Lewandowska, Rafał Milner, Włodzisław Duch, Wpływ masażu wibracyjnego na spontaniczną aktywność bioelektryczną mózgu – projekt badań pilotażowych
  4. Karol Sontowski, Bibianna Bałaj, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Monika Lewandowska, Włodzisław Duch, Niemowlęta wiedzą jak mają brzmieć słowa: Uniwersalia językowe
  5. Dorota Sobiepanek, Bibianna Bałaj, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Włodzisław Duch, Badania niemowląt z użyciem eye-trackera: warunki skutecznej kalibracji
  6. Marta Milewska, Bibianna Bałaj, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Włodzisław Duch, Uwaga wzrokowa u niemowląt w wieku od 8 do 12 miesięcy
  7. Romana Owedyk, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Monika Lewandowska, Włodzisław Duch, Różnicowanie fonemów, uwaga słuchowa i temperament u niemowląt – projekt badań

    Popular articles, interviews:

  8. Duch W, Nie płaczmy nad humanistyką !
    Polityka nr 8 (2946), 19.02–25.02.2014, s 66-67 (przedruk "Głos Uczelni 2/4, 2014").

  9. Duch W, Mamy dużo do zrobienia (wywiad, M. Kilanowski). Respublica 3/2014, str. 33-38.

  10. Duch W, Czy zabawka może pomóc dziecku w nauce języków obcych? Wywiad z prof. Włodzisławem Duchem, Dwumiesięcznik Słyszę, marzec/kwiecień 2014

  11. Duch W, Gimnastyka neuronów. Kwartalnik Neuropozytywni, 2(09), 2014 str 45-47.

  12. Duch W, wywiad Od mózgu do Matriksa , Głos Uczelni, nr 7 (341), lipiec 2014,

  13. Duch W, "Mysli przestają być prywatne", Rzeczpospolita 23-24.08.2014, A14.

  14. Duch W, Barbarzyńcy w życiu publicznym, 12.2014 (nieopublikowany art. popularny, na temat badań naukowych z użyciem zwierząt).

    2013     2013     2013     2013     2013     2013     2013     2013     2013     2013

  1. Duch W, Dobosz K, Mikołajewski D, Autism and ADHD – two ends of the same spectrum?
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8226, pp. 623-630, 2013.
    Presented at the 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2013, Degu, Korea.

  2. Duch W, Amuzja Wyobrażeniowa (Imagery Amusia), book chapter,
    Neuroestetyka muzyki, red. P. Podlipniak i P. Przybysz. Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk 2013, str. 243-266.

  3. Dobosz K, Mikołajewski D, Wójcik G.M, Duch W, Simple cyclic movements as a distinct autism feature - computational approach.
    Journal of Computer Science 14(3), pp/ 475-490, 2013. DOI: 10.7494/csci.2013.14.3.475

  4. Duch W, Computational Creativity.
    Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (Eds.), Springer 2013, pp. 464-468
  5. Duch W, Meta-learning.
    Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (Eds.), Springer 2013, pp. 1293-1296
  6. Duch W, Rule discovery.
    Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, H. Yokota, K-H Cho (Eds.), Springer 2013, pp. 1879-1883
  7. Pilichowski M, Duch, W, BrainGene: computational creativity algorithm that invents novel interesting names
    2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence (CIHLI) Singapore, April 2013, pp. 92-99.

  8. Duch W, Dobosz K, Sieci neuronowe w modelowaniu chorób psychicznych, rozdział w (book chapter): Tadeusiewicz R, Duch W, Korbicz J, Rutkowski L (Eds), Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej.
    Wyd. Exit, str 637-666, 2013 (rozdział w książce); Tłumaczenie rosyjskie.

  9. Mikołajewski D, Duch W, Modelowanie pnia mózgu, rozdział w (book chapter): Tadeusiewicz R, Korbicz J, Rutkowski L, Duch W (Eds), Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej.
    Wyd. Exit, str 605-636, 2013 (rozdział w książce) Tłumaczenie rosyjskie.

  10. Duch W, Brains and Education: Towards Neurocognitive Phenomics.
    In: "Learning while we are connected", Vol. 3, Eds. N. Reynolds, M. Webb, M.M. Sysło, V. Dagiene. pp. 12-23.
    Presented at: X World Conference on Computers in Education July 2-5, 2013; Toruń, Poland.

  11. Duch W, Mózgi i Edukacja: w stronę Neurokognitywnej Fenomiki.
    W: Informatyka w Edukacji, Toruń, 2-5.07.2013; str 1-14.

  12. Mikulska K, Jakubowski R, Peplowski L, Dabrowski M, Gogolinska A, Duch W, Nowak W. On applications of virtual atomic force microscope in studies of brain proteins,
    European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters S42, p. 93

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Mózg kobiety, mózg mężczyzny,
    Wywiad dla pisma "Wysokie Obcasy Extra", kwiecień 2013, ss. 45-47.

    2012     2012     2012     2012     2012     2012     2012     2012     2012     2012

  1. Szymański J, Duch W, Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition.
    Control and Cybernetics 41(1), 1–16, 2012

  2. Rzeniewicz J, Szymański J, and Duch W, Adaptive Algorithm for Interactive Question-based Search,
    Intelligent Information Processing 385, 186-195, 2012.
    Best Paper Award at the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP2012), Guilin, China, 12-15.10.2012.

  3. Duch W, Mind-Brain Relations, Geometric Perspective and Neurophenomenology,
    American Philosophical Association Newsletter 12(1), 1-7, 2012.

  4. Duch W. (2012) What can we know about ourselves and how do we know it?
    In: Ed. B. Buszewski, M. Jaskuła, The World Without Borders - Science Without Borders. Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, 2012, pp. 181-208.
  5. Duch W. (2012) Autonomy requires creativity and meta-learning, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 3(2), 39–41, 2012

  6. Duch, W, Tan, Ah-Hwee, Franklin, Stan. (2012) Cognitive architectures and autonomy: Commentary and Response. Special issue of the Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 3(2), 2012

  7. Blachnik M, Kordos M, Duch W. (2012), Extraction of prototype-based threshold rules using neural training procedure.
    A.E. Villa, W. Duch, P. Erdi, F. Masulli, G. Palm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7553, pp. 255–262, 2012
    Presented at the ICANN 2012 conference, Lausanne, Switzerland

  8. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Recursive Similarity-Based Algorithm for Deep Learning.
    T. Huang et al. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7665, pp. 390–397. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012
    Presented at ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar,
  9. Szymański J, Duch W, Annotating Words Using WordNet Semantic Glosses.
    T. Huang et al. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7666, pp. 180–187, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012
    Presented at ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar.

  10. Szymański J, Duch W, Self Organizing Maps for visualization of categories.
    T. Huang et al. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7663, pp. 160–167. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012
    Presented at ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar,

  11. Blachnik M, Duch W, Maszczyk T. (2012), Feature ranking methods used for selection of prototypes.
    A.E. Villa, W. Duch, P. Erdi, F. Masulli, G. Palm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7553, pp. 296–304, 2012
    Presented at the ICANN 2012 conference, Lausanne, Switzerland

  12. Duch W, Nowak W, Meller J, Osiński G, Dobosz K, Mikołajewski D, and Wójcik G.M, Computational approach to understanding autism spectrum disorders.
    Computer Science 13(2): 47–61, 2012.

  13. Duch W, Maszczyk T, Jankowski N, Make it cheap: learning with O(nd) complexity.
    2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 10-15.06.2012, IJCNN, IEEE Press (ISBN: 978-1-4673-1489-3), pp. 132-135.
  14. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Locally Optimized Kernels.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 7267, pp. 412–420, 2012.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2012).
  15. Duch W, Future Trends in Computational Intelligence from the 2012 perspective,
    Foresight 2020, book chapter (2012); presented at the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2012), Zakopane, Poland.

  16. Duch W, Jak reprezentowane są pojęcia w mózgu i co z tego wynika. In Polish, book chapter, in: „Pojęcia. Jak reprezentujemy i kategoryzujemy świat”, red. J. Bremer, A. Chuderski, Wyd. TAiWPN, Kraków 2011, pp. 459-494
  17. Duch W. (2012) Neuronauki i natura ludzka. W: Nauki przyrodnicze a nowy ateizm, seria "Filozofia przyrody i nauk przyrodniczych", red. M. Słomka, str. 79-122
    Książka wydana po konferencji, 16-17.11.2011, KUL, Lublin (nagrania z konferencji).

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Wywiad dla „Bloomberg Businessweek Polska”, wrzesień 2012.

    2011     2011     2011     2011     2011     2011     2011     2011     2011     2011

  1. Szymański J, Duch W, Information Retrieval with Semantic Memory model
    Cognitive Systems Research, 14 (2012) 84-100;
    electronic version published 24.11.2011, DOI information: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2011.02.002

  2. Duch W, Lee M (Editors), Preface to the special issue on "Computational Modeling and Application of Cognitive Systems".
    Cognitive Systems Research 14, 2012.
  3. Duch W, Dobosz K, Visualization for Understanding of Neurodynamical Systems.
    Cognitive Neurodynamics 5(2), 145-160, 2011.
  4. Blachnik M, Duch W, LVQ algorithm with instance weighting for generation of prototype-based rules.
    Neural Networks 24(8), 824–830, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2011.05.013.
  5. Duch W, Dobosz K, Attractors in Neurodynamical Systems.
    Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics II (eds. R. Wang, F. Gu), pp. 157-161, 2011
  6. Duch W, Neurodynamics and the mind.
    Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, CA, IEEE Press, pp. 3227--3234, 2011.
    Presented at the IJCNN 2011, San Jose, special session "What Neural Modeling Tells Us about Ourselves''.
  7. Duch W, Maszczyk T, Grochowski M, Optimal Support Features for Meta-Learning. | Show abstract
    Book chapter, in: Meta-learning in Computational Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Eds: N. Jankowski, K. Grabczewski, W. Duch, Springer 2011, pp. 317-358.
  8. Grochowski M, Duch W, Fast Projection Pursuit Based on Quality of Projected Clusters.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6594, pp. 89-97, 2011.
    Presented at ICANGA 2011.
  9. Szymański J, Duch W, Induction of the common-sense hierarchies in lexical data.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 7063, pp. 726-734, 2011.
    Presented at the 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2011, Shanghai, China.

  10. Cutsuridis V, Heida C , Duch W, Doya K, Neurocomputational Models of Brain Disorders.
    Preface to the special issue of the Neural Networks 24(6), 513-514, 2011.
  11. Duch W, Nowak W, Meller J, Osinski G, Dobosz K, Mikołajewski D, and Wójcik G.M, Consciousness and attention in autism spectrum disorders.
    In: Proceedings of Cracow Grid Workshop 2010, pp. 202-211, 2011.

  12. Guang Lan Zhang, Hifzur Rahman Ansari, Phil Bradley, Gavin C. Cawley, Tomer Hertz, Xihao Hu, Jim C. Huang, Nebojsa Jojic, Yohan Kim, Oliver Kohlbacher, Ole Lund, Claus Lundegaard, Craig A. Magaret, Morten Nielsen, Harris Papadopoulos, G. P. S. Raghava, Vider-Shalit Tal, Li Xue, Chen Yanover, Hao Zhang, Shanfeng Zhu, Michael T. Rock, James E. Crowe Jr, Christos Panayiotou, Marios M. Polycarpou, Włodzisław Duch, Vladimir Brusic, Machine Learning Competition in Immunology – Prediction of HLA class I molecules.
    Special issue of Journal of Immunological Methods 30;374(1-2):1-4, 2011.
    Epub 2011 Sep 29

  13. Duch W, Free Will and the Brain: Are we automata?
    In: 3rd International Forum on Ethics and Humanism in European Science, Environment and Culture, Ed. M.Jaskuła, B.Buszewski, A. Sękowski and Z. Zagórski, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, 2011, pp. 155-170.
  14. Szymański J, Duch W, Wizualizacja struktury Wikipedii do wspomagania wyszukiwania informacji.
    W: Wizualizacja wiedzy. Od Biblii pauperum do hipertekstu, Warszawa 2011, str. 312-319

  15. Jankowski N, Duch W, Grąbczewski K,
    Preface to: Meta-learning in Computational Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Eds: N. Jankowski, K. Grabczewski, W. Duch, Springer 2011.

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W. (2011) Neuronauki i natura ludzka. Krótkie uwagi. Wszechświat, Pismo Przyrodnicze. Tom 117, nr 1-3.
    Art. popularny (in Polish).
  2. Duch W. (2011) 55 lat sztucznej inteligencji. "Niezbędnik inteligenta", Polityka, lipiec 2011.
  3. Duch W. (2011) Wszyscy żyjemy złudzeniami. Wywiad, Gazeta Wyborcza 3.06.2011
  4. Duch W. (2011) O tym jak nie zgłupieć. Prof. Duch: dlaczego nie pamiętam, w jakiej sukience jest żona? (tytuł redakcji) Wywiad, Gazeta Wyborcza, str 16-17, 8.09.2011
  5. Conference posters and abstracts

  6. Duch W, From autism to ADHD: comprehensive theory based on computational simulations. In: Models of Physiology and Disease Symposium, Center for Life Sciences, NUS, Singapore, p. 34

  7. Alexandre Gravier, Quek Hiok Chai, Wlodzislaw Duch, Abdul Wahab, Modeling bottom-up visual pathway to assess the influence of individual neuron dynamics on reflex attention. In: Models of Physiology and Disease Symposium, Center for Life Sciences, NUS, Singapore, poster, abstract

  8. What would the robots play? Wywiad z J. Kevinem O’Reganem W co bawiłyby się roboty?? Interview with J. Kevin O’Regan. Avant. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard Vol. 2(2), 2011
    Włodzisław Duch, Przemysław Nowakowski, Witold Wachowski ; przekł. Witold Wachowski, pp. 21-26, 125-131.

    2010     2010     2010     2010     2010     2010     2010     2010     2010     2010

  1. Dobosz K, Duch W. (2010) Understanding Neurodynamical Systems via Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics.
    Neural Networks Vol. 23 (2010) 487-496, 2010
  2. Blachnik M, Duch W, Improving accuracy of LVQ algorithm by instance weighting.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6353, pp. 256-266, 2010.
    Presented at the 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2010), Thesalloniki, Greece, 15-18.09.2010.
  3. Duch W, Dobosz K, Jovanovic A, Klonowski W. (2010) Exploring the landscape of brain states
    NeuroMath COST Action BM0601, archived in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

  4. Grochowski M, Duch W. (2010) Constructive Neural Network Algorithms that Solve Highly Non-Separable Problems
    In: Constructive Neural Networks, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol. 258, pp. 49-70.
    Eds. Franco L, Elizondo D.A, Jerez, J.M.
  5. Grudziński K, Grochowski M, and Duch W, Pruning Classification Rules with Reference Vectors Selection Methods
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6113, pp. 347-354, 2010.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2010).

  6. Jovanovic A, Perovic A, Klonowski W, Duch W, Dordević Z, Spasić S. (2010) Detection of Structural Features in Biological Signals.
    Journal of Signal Processing Systems (Springer), 60(1), 115-129, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s11265-009-0407-7

  7. Kachel A, Duch W, Blachnik M, Biesiada J, Infosel++: Information Based Feature Selection C++ Library.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6113, pp. 388-396, 2010.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2010).

  8. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Almost Random Projection Machine with Margin Maximization and Kernel Features.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6353, pp. 40-48, 2010.
    Presented at the 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2010), Thesalloniki, Greece, 15-18.09.2010.
  9. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Support Feature Machine for DNA microarray data.
    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 6086, pp. 178-186, 2010.
    Presented at: 7th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2010); PPTX presentation: Support Feature Machine for DNA microarray data (PPTX 1.0 MB).
  10. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Support Feature Machines: Support Vectors are not enough.
    World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE Press, pp. 3852-3859, 2010, and Arxiv 1901.09643 in cs.LG.
    Presented at: World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), July 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  11. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Triangular Visualization
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6113, pp. 445-452, 2010.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2010).

  12. Maszczyk T, Grochowski M, Duch W. (2010) Discovering Data Structures using Meta-learning, Visualization and Constructive Neural Networks
    In: Advances in Machine Learning II, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 262, pp. 467-484.
    Eds. Koronacki J, Ras Z.W, Wierzchon S.T, Kacprzyk J.
    Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ryszard S. Michalski.

  13. Perovic A, Klonowski W, Duch W, Djordjevic Z and Jovanovic A. (2010) Weak brain connectivity and causality measures
    NeuroMath COST Action BM0601, archived in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

  14. Spasić S, Perović A, Klonowski W, Duch W, Jovanovic A, Forensics of Features in the Spectra of Biological Signals.
    International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism 12(2): 62 - 75, 2010

  15. Szymański J, Duch W, Representation of hypertext documents based on terms, links and text compressibility
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6443, pp. 282-289, 2010.
    Presented at the 18th International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2010, Sydney, Australia.

  16. Szymański J, Duch W, Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management.
    In: Series of Information and Management Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, 9th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2010), pp. 130-138.
    Presented at the Ninth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2010), Urumchi, China, 11-19.08.2010.
  17. Duch W. (2010) Architektury kognitywne.
    In: Neurocybernetyka teoretyczna, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Rozdz. 14, pp. 329-361, ed. R. Tadeusiewicz
  18. Duch W. (2010) Czy jesteśmy automatami? Mózgi, wolna wola i odpowiedzialność.
    Rozdz. 8, str. 219-264, Na ścieżkach neuronauki. red. P. Francuz, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
  19. Duch W. (2010) Reprezentacje umysłowe jako aproksymacje stanów mózgu.
    Studia z Kognitywistyki i Filozofii Umysłu 3: 5-28, 2009 (appeared in 2010)

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W. (2010) E-wolucje. Siedem dekad technologii komputerowych.
    Portfel 1: 22-23 (popular article)
  2. Conference posters and abstracts

  3. Duch W, Dobosz K. (2010) Attention Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD (abstract)
    BioInformatics in Torun (BIT10)

  4. Duch W. (2010) The apparent lack of free will and its social consequences (abstract)
    Welt Ohne Grenzen. VIII Congres of Societa Humboldtiana Polonorum 2010, p. 68

  5. Klonowski W, Duch W, Perovic A, Jovanovic A. (2010) Automatic detection of spectroscopic features.
    Neurodynamic insight into functional connectivity, cognition and consciousness. 2nd Joint Workshop of the NeuroMath COST Action BM0601 and Consciousness COST Action BM0605 Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27-28.03.2010.

  6. Duch W, Nowak W, Meller J, Osinski G, Dobosz K, Mikołajewski D, and Wójcik G.M. (2010) Three-Stage Neurocomputational Modelling Using Emergent and GENESIS Software..
    In: Proceedings of Cracow Grid Workshop 2010, Poster.

    2009     2009     2009     2009     2009     2009     2009     2009     2009     2009

  1. Duch W, Maszczyk T. (2009) Universal Learning Machines.
    C.S. Leung, M. Lee, J.H. Chan (Eds.): ICONIP2009, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5864: 206–215.
    Presented at the ICONIP 2009, Bangkok, Thailand.

  2. Duch W, Maszczyk T. (2009) Almost Random Projection Machine
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5768: 789-798
    Presented at the 19th International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, September 14-17, 2009 (ICANN 2009)
  3. Grochowski M, Duch W. (2009) Constrained Learning Vector Quantization or Relaxed k-Separability
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5768: 151-160
    Presented at the ICANN 2009
  4. Klonowski W, Duch W, Perovic A, Jovanovic A, Some Computational Aspects of the Brain Computer Interfaces Based on Inner Music.
    Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol 2009, Article ID 950403, 9 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/950403

  5. Klonowski W, Duch W, Perovic A, Jovanovic A, Automatic detection of spectroscopic features.
    Proc. of. Neuromath, Leuven 2009.

  6. Duch W, Neurocognitive Informatics Manifesto.
    In: Series of Information and Management Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, 8th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2009), Kunming-Banna, Yunan, China, pp. 264-282.
  7. Matykiewicz P, Duch W, Pestian J.P, Clustering semantic spaces of suicide notes and newsgroups articles.
    Proceedings of BioNLP Workshop, ACL, pp. 179-184, 2009.
    Presented at BioNLP Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, June 4-5, 2009
  8. Pilichowski M, Duch W, Neurocognitive Approach to Creativity in the Domain of Word-invention .
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5507, pp. 88–96, 2009. Online doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03040-6_11
    In: Köppen, M, Kasabov, N, Coghill, G. (Eds.): 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2008), Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-28, 2008, Part II.
  9. Matykiewicz P, Duch W, Zender P.M, Crutcher K.A, Pestian J.P, Neurocognitive approach to clustering of PubMed query results.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5507, pp. 70–79, 2009. Online doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03040-6_9
    In: Köppen, M, Kasabov, N, Coghill, G. (Eds.): 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2008), Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-28, 2008, Part II.
  10. Blachnik M, Duch W, Kachel A, Biesiada J. (2009). Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Kolmogorov-Smirnov Class Correlation-Based Filter.
    Methods of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 33-40.
    Presented at: Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence, 18-19 November 2009, Gliwice, Poland
  11. Duch W, Umysł, świadomość i działania twórcze (Mind, consciousness and creativity, in Polish).
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 1-2, 9-40, 2008 (appeared in 2009).

Conference posters and abstracts

  1. Duch W, Consciousness and Attention in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    Coma and Consciousness. Clinical, Societal and Ethical Implications. Satellite Symposium of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Studies of Consciousness, Berlin, 4-5 June 2009, p. 46
  2. Duch W, Imagery Agnosia: what goes on in my head?
    Coma and Consciousness, Clinical, Societal and Ethical Implications. Satellite Symposium of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Studies of Consciousness, Berlin, 4-5 June 2009, p. 46
  3. Duch W, Klonowski W, Perovic A, Jovanovic A, Some computational aspects of the Brain Computer Interfaces based on Inner Music.
    Neuromath, Leuven 12-13.03.2009 (abstract).

  4. Perovic A, Klonowski W, Duch W, Djordjevic Z, Jovanovic A, Detection of structural features in brain signals and causality tests.
    COST Consciousness, Cyprus 2009, (poster P04, extended abstract).

  5. Klonowski W, Duch W, Djordjevic Z, Spasic S, Perovic A, Jovanovic A, Automatic recognition of features in biological signals.
    COST Neuromath: Advanced Methods for the Estimation of Human Brain Activity and Connectivity, Sept. 2009 (extended abstract).

    Popular articles, interviews:

  6. Duch W, Debata: "Mózg - Maszyna - Świadomość - Dusza", Debata w Szkole Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej, Warszawa, 18 marca 2006 r.
    Jak należy rozumieć relację mózg–umysł–świadomość–dusza?
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 111-152, 9-40, 2008 (appeared in 2009).
  7. Duch W, Mózg, mój właściciel, Gazeta Wyborcza, sobota-niedziela 21-22.02.2009, p. 27.

    2008     2008     2008     2008     2008     2008     2008     2008     2008     2008

  1. Duch W, Matykiewicz P, and Pestian J, Neurolinguistic Approach to Natural Language Processing with Applications to Medical Text Analysis. | Abstract.
    Neural Networks 21(10), 1500-1510, 2008 (on-line from Science Direct).

  2. Kordos M, Duch W, Variable Step Search Training for Feedforward Neural Networks. | Abstract.
    Neurocomputing 71(13-15), 2470-2480, 2008. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.02.019 on line).
  3. Duch W, Mandic D.P, Preface to the Special Issue of Elsevier Neural Networks, selected articles from the 17th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Porto, Portugal, Sept. 2007, eds. W. Duch and D.P. Mandic.
    Neural Networks 21(6), 797-798, 2008.
  4. Blachnik M, Duch W, Building Localized Basis Function Networks Using Context Dependent Clustering
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5163, 482-491, 2008.
    Presented at: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'08), Prague, Czech Republic
  5. Grochowski M, Duch W, Projection Pursuit Constructive Neural Networks Based on Quality of Projected Clusters
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5164, 754-762, 2008.
    Presented at: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'08), Prague, Czech Republic
  6. Duch W, Szymański J, Semantic Web: Asking the Right Questions.
    Series of Information and Management Sciences, M. Gen, X. Zhao and J. Gao, Eds, California Polytechnic State University, CA, USA, pp. 456-463, 2008.
    Presented at 7th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Urumchi,China, Aug.12-19, 2008.
  7. Dobosz K, Duch W, Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics for Neurodynamical Systems.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5164, 471-478, 2008.
    Presented at: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'08), Prague, Czech Republic
  8. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Support Vector Machines for visualization and dimensionality reduction.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5163, 346-356, 2008.
    Presented at: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'08), Prague, Czech Republic
  9. Maszczyk T, Duch W, Comparison of Shannon, Renyi and Tsallis Entropy used in Decision Trees. | Abstract.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5097, 643-651, 2008.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'08), Zakopane, Poland
  10. Grochowski M, Duch W, A Comparison of Methods for Learning of Highly Non-Separable Problems. | Abstract.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5097, 566-577, 2008.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'08), Zakopane, Poland
  11. Szymański J, Duch W, Knowledge representation and acquisition for large-scale semantic memory.
    Presented at the World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'08), Hong Kong, 1-6 June 2008, IEEE Press, pp. 3117-3124
  12. Szymański J, Sarnatowicz T, Duch W, Towards Avatars with Artificial Minds: Role of Semantic Memory. | Abstract.
    Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence, American Scientific Publishers, 2, 1-11, 2008.
  13. Duch W, Oentaryo R.J, Pasquier M, Cognitive architectures: where do we go from here? | Abstract.
    In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 171 (Ed. by Pei Wang, Ben Goertzel, and Stan Franklin), IOS Press, pp. 122-136 | Citing articles.
    Presented at The First Artificial General Intelligence Conference (AGI 2008), Memphis, March 1-3, 2008
  14. Biesiada J, Duch W,
    A Kolmogorov-Smirnov correlation-based filter solution for microarray gene expressions data. | Abstract.
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4985, pp. 285–294, 2008,
    Presented at the 14th Int. Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP07), Kitakyushu, Japan, Nov.2007
  15. Biesiada J, Duch W, Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Pearson Redundancy Based Filter | Abstract | Citing articles.
    Advances in Soft Computing Vol. 45, 242-249, 2008.
  16. Blachnik M, Duch W, Prototype rules from SVM | Abstract.
    Book chapter, in: Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines, ed. J. Diederich, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 80, 163-184, 2008.
  17. Duch W, Perspektywy neuromarketingu.
    W: Neuromarketing. Interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na klienta. H. Mruk, M. Schneider (red), Wyd. Uniw. Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu, str. 39-49, 2008.

Conference posters and abstracts

  1. Dobosz K, Duch W, Global Visualization of Neural Dynamics.
    Neuromath Workshop, Dornburg Castle, Jena, Germany, 28-29 April 2008, pp. 15-16
  2. Matykiewicz P, Duch W, Zender P.M, Crutcher K.A, Pestian J.P, Neurocognitive approach to clustering of PubMed query results.
    In: Neural Information Proceesing, 15th Int. conference ICONIP 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 160-161, 2008.
  3. Pilichowski M, Duch W, Neurocognitive Approach to Creativity in the Domain of Word-invention.
    In: Neural Information Proceesing, 15th Int. conference ICONIP 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 481-482, 2008 (extended abstract).
  4. Duch W, Consciousness, Imagery and Music.
    COST BM0605 Meeting, Consciousness: A transdisciplinary, integrated approach, Ghent, Belgium, Nov. 2008 (abstract), pp. 15-16.

  5. Duch W, Klonowski W, Perovic A, Jovanovic A, Some computational aspects of the Brain Computer Interfaces based on Inner Music.
    Neuromath, Sept. 2008.

  6. Duch W, Review of: Robot Brains. Circuits and Systems for Conscious Machines, book by Pentti O. Haikonen (Wiley 2007).
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol 19(5), 925-926, 2008

    Popular articles, interviews:

  7. Duch W, Nieludzka kreatywność.
    Wiedza i Życie, Numer specjalny 2/2008, str. 71-75
  8. Duch W, Czy komputery będą kiedyś świadome?
    Newsweek, 3.02.2008, w artykule "Komputer a myśli".

    2007     2007     2007     2007     2007     2007     2007     2007     2007     2007

  1. Duch W, Intuition, Insight, Imagination and Creativity.
    IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 2(3), August 2007, pp. 40-52
  2. Duch W, Computational Models of Dementia and Neurological Problems. | Abstract, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-520-6_17.
    Chapter 17 of a book: Neuroinformatics, C.J. Crasto (Ed), "Methods in Molecular Biology" series (J. Walker, series ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 307-336, 2007
  3. Duch W, Creativity and the Brain. | Abstract.
    A Handbook of Creativity for Teachers. Ed. Ai-Girl Tan, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing 2007, pp. 507-530.
  4. Duch W, What is Computational Intelligence and where is it going? | Abstract.
    In: W. Duch and J. Mandziuk, Challenges for Computational Intelligence. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 63, 1-13, 2007.
  5. Duch W, Towards comprehensive foundations of computational intelligence. | Show abstract
    In: W. Duch and J. Mandziuk, Challenges for Computational Intelligence. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 63, 261-316, 2007.
  6. Duch W, Learning data structures with inherent complex logic: neurocognitive perspective. | Abstract.
    Presented at the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS '07), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, Dec. 14-16, 2007, pp. 294-303
  7. Duch W, Matykiewicz P, Pestian J, Neurolinguistic Approach to Vector Representation of Medical Concepts. | Abstract.
    Presented at the 20th Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Orlando, IEEE Press, August 12-17, 2007, pp. 3110-3115
  8. Duch W, Matykiewicz P, Pestian J, Towards Understanding of Natural Language: Neurocognitive Inspirations. | Abstract.
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4668, 953–962, 2007.
  9. Duch W, Pilichowski M, Experiments with computational creativity. | Abstract.
    Neural Information Processing – Letters and Reviews, Vol. 11, No. 4-6, April/June 2007, pp. 123-133
  10. Duch W, Swaminathan K, Meller J, Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Rational Drug Design and Discovery. | Abstract.
    Current Pharmaceutical Design, Vol. 13(14), 1497-1508, 2007.
  11. Grochowski M, Duch W, Learning highly non-separable Boolean functions using Constructive Feedforward Neural Network. | Abstract.
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4668, 180-189, 2007.

  12. Itert L, Duch W, Pestian J, Influence of a priori Knowledge on Medical Document Categorization, | Abstract.
    IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, IEEE Press, April 2007, pp. 163-170.
  13. Pestian J, Brew C, Matykiewicz P, Hovermale D.J, Johnson N, Cohen K.B, Duch W, A shared task involving multi-label classification of clinical free text. | Abstract.
    BioNLP 2007: Biological, translational, and clinical language processing, pp. 97–104, ACL 2007.
  14. Rajan J, Davis K.C, Matykiewicz P, Duch W, Pestian J, Medical Acronym Disambiguation Using Online Sources.
    Presented at the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, pp. 123-130, 2007.
  15. Szymański J, Duch W, Semantic Memory Knowledge Acquisition Through Active Dialogues. | Abstract.
    Presented at the 20th Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Orlando, IEEE Press, August 2007, pp. 536-541
  16. Szymański J, Duch W, Semantic Memory Architecture for Knowledge Acquisition and Management. | Abstract.
    Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2007), July 1-6, 2007, California Polytechnic State University, CA, pp. 342-348
  17. Duch W, Neuroestetyka i ewolucyjne podstawy przeżyć estetycznych.
    Współczesna Neuroestetyka, Wyd. Poli-Graf-Jak, Poznań 2007, str. 47-52.

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Dobosz K, Osiński G, Duch W, Computational model of brain stem functions.
    Presented at the Neuromath Workshop, Rome, 1-5 Dec. 2007, pp. 34
  2. Duch W, Mandziuk J, Preface: Challenges for Computational Intelligence.
    In: W. Duch and J. Mandziuk, Challenges for Computational Intelligence. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 63, V-IX, 2007.
  3. Kollias S, Stafylopatis A, Duch W (Eds.), Introduction to the special issue based on the 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2006), Athens, Greece (10 articles),
    International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 17 (4), p. V, 2007
  4. Kollias S, Stafylopatis A, Duch W (Eds.), Introduction to the special issue: Artificial Neural Networks (6 articles),
    Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (IOS Press), Vol. 14 (4), 281-281, 2007

    2006     2006     2006     2006     2006     2006     2006     2006     2006     2006

  1. Blachnik M, Duch W Prototype-based threshold rules. | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4234, 1028-1037, 2006.
    Presented at the 13th Int. Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'2006), Hong Kong, Oct. 2006.

  2. Duch, W, K-separability. | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4131, 188-197, 2006.
  3. Pestian J.P, Itert L, Andersen C, Duch W, Preparing Clinical Text for Use in Biomedical Research.
    Journal of Database Management 17(2), 1-11, 2006.
  4. Duch W, Biesiada J, Margin-based feature selection filters for microarray gene expression data. | PDF file.
    International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing 1, 9-33, 2006
  5. Kordos M, Duch W, Variable Step Search MLP Training Method | PDF file.
    International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing 1, 45-56, 2006.
    More in Mirek Kordos PhD Thesis
  6. Matykiewicz P, Duch W, Pestian J, Nonambiguous Concept Mapping in Medical Domain, | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4029, 941-950, 2006
  7. Blachnik M, Duch W, Wieczorek T, Selection of prototypes rules – context searching via clustering. | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4029, 573-582, 2006
  8. Duch W, Filter Methods. | PDF file.
    In: Feature extraction, foundations and applications. Eds: I. Guyon, S. Gunn, M. Nikravesh, L. Zadeh, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2006, pp. 89-118 | Citing articles.

  9. Duch W, Computational Creativity. | PDF file.
    Presented at the World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'06), Vancouver, 16-21 July 2006, IEEE Press, pp. 1162-1169
  10. Lee W.K, Duch W, Ng G.S, Robot Space Exploration Using Peano Paths Generated by Self-Organizing Maps. | PDF file.
    Presented at the 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2006, Singapore, 6-8.12.2006, IEEE Press, pp. 1325-1330
  11. Duch W (2006) Madhyamika, nauka i natura rzeczywistości. Uwagi na marginesie książki: Matthieu Ricard i Trinh Xuan Thuan, Nieskończoność w Jednej Dłoni: Od Wielkiego Wybuchu do Oświecenia. (Madhaymika, science and reality. Remarks on the book by Matthieu Ricard i Trinh Xuan Thuan, The Quantum and the Lotus: a Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 1-2:293-316, 2006 (in Polish).

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Wieczorek T, Blachnik M, Duch W. (2006), Heterogeneous distance functions for prototype rules: influence of parameters on probability estimation. | Abstract.
    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Studies (in print since 2006, journal never started).

  2. Matykiewicz P, Pestian J, Duch W, and Johnson N, Unambiguous Concept Mapping in Radiology Reports: Graphs of Consistent Concepts,
    AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006, p. 1024.
  3. Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W (2006) Od mózgu do umysłu.
    Charaktery 1, pp. 18-23 (in Polish)

    2005     2005     2005     2005     2005     2005     2005     2005     2005     2005

  1. Duch W, Brain-inspired conscious computing architecture. | PDF file.
    Journal of Mind and Behavior, Vol. 26(1-2), 1-22, 2005
  2. Duch W, Rules, Similarity, and Threshold Logic.
    Commentary on Emmanuel M. Pothos, The Rules versus Similarity distinction.

    Behavioral and Brain Sciences Vol. 28 (1): 23-23, 2005
  3. Duch W, Uncertainty of data, fuzzy membership functions, and multi-layer perceptrons. | PDF file.
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 16(1): 10-23, 2005
  4. Kordos M, Duch W, A Survey of Factors Influencing MLP Error Surface. | PDF file.
    Control and Cybernetics 33(4): 611-631, 2004 (appeared in 2005).
    More in Mirek Kordos PhD Thesis
  5. Duch W, Support Vector Neural Training. | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3697, 67-72, 2005
  6. Itert L, Duch W, Pestian J, Medical document categorization using a priori knowledge, | PDF file.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3696, 641-646, 2005
  7. Duch W, Internal representations of multi-layered perceptrons.
    In: Issues in Intelligent Systems: Paradigms. Eds. O. Hryniewicz, J. Kacprzyk, J. Koronacki, S.T. Wierzchoń, Exit, Warszawa 2005, pp. 49-62.
  8. Szymański J, Sarnatowicz T, Duch W, Semantic memory for avatars in cyberspace. | PDF file.
    2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds, Singapore 23-25 Nov. 2005, T.L. Kunii, S.H. Soon and A. Sourin (eds), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 165-171
  9. Duch W, Szymański J, Sarnatowicz T, Concept description vectors and the 20 question game. | PDF file.
    Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Advances in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-25056-5 (Eds. Klopotek, M.A, Wierzchon, S.T, Trojanowski, K.), pp. 41-50, 2005.
  10. Duch W, Matykiewicz, P. Minimum Spanning Trees Displaying Semantic Similarity. | PDF file.
    Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Advances in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-25056-5 (Eds. Klopotek, M.A, Wierzchon, S.T, Trojanowski, K.), pp. 31-40, 2005.
  11. Biesiada J, Duch W (2005), Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Kolmogorov-Smirnov Correlation-Based Filter. | PDF file.
    In: Computer Recognition Systems. Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems (CORES'05), Ed. M. Kurzynski, E. Puchała, M. Wozniak, A. Zolnierek, Advances in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-25054-9, pp. 95-104, 2005.

  12. Blachnik M, Duch W, Wieczorek T, Probabilistic distance measures for prototype-based rules. | PDF file.
    Proc. of the 12th Int. Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'2005), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 445-450
  13. Blachnik M, Duch W, Wieczorek T, Threshold rules decision list. | PDF file.
    In: T. Burczyński et al. (Eds), Methods of Artificial Intelligence, AI-METH Series, Gliwice 2005, pp. 23-24
  14. Wieczorek T, Blachnik M, Duch W. (2005), Influence of probability estimation parameters on stability of accuracy in prototype rules using heterogeneous distance functions. | PDF file.
    In: Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Studies, Vol.2 (25), 2005, pp. 71-78.
    Presented at the VII International Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI-20'2005, 22-23.09, Siedlce, Poland.

  15. Biesiada J, Duch W. Kachel A, Maczka K, Palucha S (2005), Feature ranking methods based on information entropy with Parzen windows. | PDF file.
    In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Research in Electrotechnology and Applied Informatics (REI'05), 31.08-3.09.2005, Katowice-Kraków, Poland, Vol. I, pp. 109-119.

  16. Duch W, Jankowski N, Grabczewski K, Computational intelligence methods for information understanding and information management. | PDF file.
    The 4th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2005), July 1-10, 2005, Kunming, China, Vol. 4. Series of Information and Management Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, pp. 281-287
  17. Duch W, Future of the information society and information technology from the 2005 perspective.
    In: New Age Communication Media. ICFAI Press 2005

    2004     2004     2004     2004     2004     2004     2004     2004     2004     2004

  1. Duch W, Setiono R, Zurada J.M, Computational intelligence methods for understanding of data. | PDF file.
    Proc. of the IEEE 92(5) (2004) 771- 805 (see also the front cover of the issue, and the Prolog by J. Esch Full Bibtex Entry
  2. Duch W, Blachnik M, Fuzzy rule-based systems derived from similarity to prototypes.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3316 (2004) 912-917. Full Bibtex Entry
  3. Kordos M, Duch W, On Some Factors Influencing MLP Error Surface. | PDF file.
    The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2004), Zakopane, Poland, June 2004. Eds. L. Rutkowski, J. Siekemann, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Zadeh. Lecture Notes in AI Vol. 3070 (2004) 217-222
  4. Duch W, Visualization of hidden node activity in neural networks: I. Visualization methods. | PDF file.
    The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2004), Zakopane, Poland, June 2004. Eds. L. Rutkowski, J. Siekemann, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Zadeh. Lecture Notes in AI Vol. 3070 (2004) 38-43
  5. Duch W, Visualization of hidden node activity in neural networks: II. Application to RBF networks. | PDF file.
    The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC), Zakopane, Poland, June 2004. Eds. L. Rutkowski, J. Siekemann, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Zadeh. Lecture Notes in AI Vol. 3070 (2004) 44-49
  6. Duch W, Mandziuk J, Quo Vadis Computational Intelligence? | PDF file.
    In: Machine Intelligence. Quo Vadis? Eds: P. Sinčák, J. Vaščák, K. Hirota. Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory - Vol. 21, World Scientific, 2004, pp. 3-28
  7. Pestian J, Itert L, and Duch W, Development of a Pediatric Text-Corpus for Part-of-Speech Tagging,
    Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Eds. M.A. Klopotek, S.T. Wierzchon, K. Trojanowski. Advances in Soft Computing, Springer 2004, pp. 219-226
  8. Duch W, Wieczorek T, Biesiada J, Blachnik M, Comparison of feature ranking methods based on information entropy. | PDF file.
    Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest 2004, IEEE Press, pp. 1415-1420
  9. Kordos M, Duch W, Variable step size search algorithm for MLP training.
    The 8th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2004), Sept. 1-3, 2004, Marbella, Spain, pp.215-220


  1. Grand Challenge: Building Artificial Minds. EU meeting in Brussels on challenging problems for the 7th Framework Future Emerging Technologies Program, May 2004.

    2003     2003     2003     2003     2003     2003     2003     2003     2003     2003

  1. Duch W, Just bubbles? Commentary on Steven Lehar, Gestalt Isomorphism and the Primacy of Subjective Conscious Experience: A Gestalt Bubble Model. | PDF file.
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26(4) (2003) 410-411

  2. Duch, W, Coloring black boxes: visualization of neural network decisions. | PDF file.
    International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Portland, Oregon, 2003, IEEE Press, Vol. I, pp. 1735-1740

  3. Kordos M, Duch, W, Multilayer Perceptron Trained with Numerical Gradient. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, June 2003, pp. 106-109

  4. Kordos M, Duch, W, Search-based training for logical rule extraction by Multilayer Perceptron. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, June 2003, pp. 86-89

  5. Duch W, Winiarski T, Biesiada J, Kachel, A, Feature Ranking, Selection and Discretization. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, June 2003, pp. 251-254. Full Bibtex Entry
  6. Duch W, Itert L, Committees of Undemocratic Competent Models. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, June 2003, pp. 33-36

  7. Grudzinski K, Karwowski M, Duch W, Computational Intelligence Study of the Iron Age Glass Data. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, June 2003, pp. 17-20

  8. Duch W, Synchronicity, Mind and Matter | link to PDF.
    Neuroquantology 1 (2003) 36-57
    Reprinted from The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21 (2002) 155-170.
  9. Duch, W, Complex Agents for Socio-Cognitive Engineering.
    First International Workshop on Socio-Cognitive Engineering Foundations (SCEF-2003), Rome, Italy, Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2003

  10. Rutkowska D, Duch W, From the editors.
    Artificial and Computational Intelligence, special issue of the TASK Quarterly, Vol. 1/2003, pp. 1-2

  11. Duch W, Neurokognitywna teoria świadomości. | PDF file.
    Studia z kognitywistyki i filozofii umysłu (red. W. Dziarnowska i A. Klawiter). Tom. I, Subiektywność a świadomość. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2003, str. 133-154.
  12. Duch W, Geometryczny model umysłu. | PDF file.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji, Vol. 6 (2002) 199-230 (appeared in 2003)

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W, Connectionism and computational intelligence,
    ICONIP 2002 discussion panel. INNS Newsletter Vol. 1, no. 2, p.2 (2003)
  2. Duch W, Bioinformatics in Singapore.
    Neural Networks Society (INNS, ENNS, JNNS) Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 8-9

    Conference posters and abstracts

  3. Duch, W, Connectionism, Computational Intelligence and AI.
    A note for the discussion organized by Asim Roy at ICONIP 2003 (circulated in the Connectionist list)
  4. Duch, W, Dokąd zmierza inteligencja obliczeniowa? (in Polish, PDF, 283 kB).
    W: R. Cierniak (ed.), Ewolucja czy rewolucja: Nowoczesne techniki informatyczne, Katedra Inżynierii Komputerowej Politechniki Częstochowskiej, s. 19-40, 2003.

    2002     2002     2002     2002     2002     2002     2002     2002     2002     2002

  1. Duch W, Synchronicity, Mind and Matter.
    The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21 (2002) 155-170.

  2. Duch W, Grudziński K, Meta-learning via search combined with parameter optimization.
    Inteligent Information Systems, Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer) 2002, pp. 13-22
  3. Grąbczewski K, Duch W, Heterogenous forests of decision trees.
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2415 (2002) 504-509.
    Presented at the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2002), Madrid.
  4. Duch W, Itert. L, A posteriori corrections to classification methods.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 406-411, 2002. Full Bibtex Entry
  5. Duch W, Biesiada J, Winiarski T, Grudziński K, Grąbczewski K, Feature selection based on information theory filters and feature elimination wrapper methods.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 173-176, 2002.
  6. Duch W, Itert L, Grudziański K, Competent undemocratic committees. | PDF file.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 412-417, 2002.
  7. Naud A, Duch W, Visualization of large data sets using MDS combined with LVQ.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 632-637, 2002.
  8. Grąbczewski K, Duch W, Forests of decision trees.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 602-607, 2002.
  9. Marczak M, Duch W, Grudziński K, Naud A. Transformation Distances, Strings and Identification of DNA Promoters.
    In: Neural Networks and Soft Computing (eds. L. Rutkowski and J. Kacprzyk), Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 620-625, 2002.
  10. Duch W, Grąbczewski K, Heterogeneous adaptive systems
    IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, May 2002, pp. 524-529.
  11. Duch W, Winiarski T, Grąbczewski K, Biesiada J, Kachel, A, Feature selection based on information theory, consistency and separability indices.
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Vol. IV, pp. 1951-1955, Singapore 2002
  12. Duch W, Future of the information society and information technology.
    In: Wissenschaft und Bildung in einer informatorischen Gesellschaft in der Zeit der europaischen Integration, Ed. Ryszard Grzaslewicz, Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej, Wroclaw 2001, pp. xxx-yyy

Conference posters, abstracts and reviews

  1. Duch W (2002) Review of the book: Learning and Soft Computing, by V. Kecman
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol. 13 (No. 3), 2002, 786-786
  2. Popular articles, interviews:

  3. Duch W, Przyszłość technologii informacyjnych i przyszłość książki.
    Wirtualna Edukacja Nr. 9 (2002)
    (pierwotnie przedstawione na Konferencji na zakończenie programu "Librarius", Toruń, 19-20.11.2001)
  4. Duch W, Fizyka umysłu.
    Postępy Fizyki 53D (2002), 92-103
  5. M. Berndt-Schreiber, W. Duch, A. B. Kwiatkowska, A. Polewczyński, K. Skowronek (2002) Pokolenie dorastające z komputerem wkracza na uniwersytety - nowe wyzwania edukacyjne.
    W: Rola i Miejsce Technologii Informacyjnej w Okresie Reform Edukacyjnych w Polsce", red. T. Lewowicki, B. Siemieniecki. Wyd. Adam Marszalek, Torun 2002, pp. 307-314.
  6. Duch W (2002) Sceptycyzm wobec sceptycyzmu (kontynuacja dyskusji o AI)
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji, 2002.

    2001     2001     2001     2001     2001     2001     2001     2001     2001     2001

  1. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, A new methodology of extraction, optimization and application of crisp and fuzzy logical rules. | PDF file, citing articles.
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12 (2001) 277-306
  2. Duch W. Facing the hard question.
    Commentary on J.A. Gray, The contents of consciousness: a neuropsychological conjecture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2001) 187-188
  3. Duch W, Grudziński K, Meta-learning: searching in the model space. | PDF file | Citing articles. Arxiv entry.
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Shanghai, 2001, Vol. I, pp. 235-240
  4. Duch W, Grudziński K, Prototype based rules - new way to understand the data.
    IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C. 14-18.07. 2001, pp. 1858-1863
  5. Duch W, Grudziński K, Ensembles of Similarity-Based Models.
    Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 75-85
    Presented at the Inteligent Information Systems 2001.

  6. Duch W, Grąbczewski K, Adamczak R, Grudziński K, Hippe Z.S. (2001) Rules for melanoma skin cancer diagnosis. | PDF file
    Proc. of the 2nd Polish Conference on Computer Pattern Recognition Systems (KOSYR 2001), Wroclaw 2001, pp. 59-68
  7. Duch W, Jankowski N, Transfer functions: hidden possibilities for better neural networks.
    Presented at the 9th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brugge 2001. De-facto publications, pp. 81-94 | Citing articles.

  8. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF, Constructive density estimation network based on several different separable transfer functions.
    Presented at the 9th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brugge 2001. De-facto publications, pp. 107-112
  9. Jankowski N, Duch W, Optimal transfer function neural networks.
    Presented at the 9th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brugge 2001. De-facto publications, pp. 101-106
  10. Duch W, Neurokognitywna teoria świadomości . | PDF file
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji, T.5 (2) 2001, pp. 47-67.
  11. Duch W, Kognitywistyka drogą do zrozumienia człowieka.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji, T.5 (2) 2001, pp. 40-42.
  12. Duch W, Psychophysics.
    Zamojskie Studia i Materiały (ISSN 1507-9090), zeszyt 6, str. 71-86 (red. W. A. Kamiński, CBS Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Zamościu, 2001)
  13. Duch W, A solution to fundamental problems of cognitive sciencies.
    Zamojskie Studia i Materiały (ISSN 1507-9090), zeszyt 6, str. 45-70 (red. W. A. Kamiński, CBS Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Zamościu, 2001)
  14. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud N, Extraction of Knowledge from Data using Computational Intelligence Methods.
    In: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Vienna, 21-25.08.2001 (tutorial, separate brochure, 63 pp)
  15. Duch W, Rewolucja informatyczna w medycynie.
    Kardiologia Polska Supp. III, 49 (1998) 87-92 (appeared in 2001)

Conference abstracts

  1. Duch W, Models of topographic map’s formation and comparison with experimental data.
    5th Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Torun, Poland, September 2001, 1 p. abstract.
  2. Duch W (2001) Fizyka umysłu.
    Materiały Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego (abstract), September 2001, Torun, Poland
  3. Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W, Jan Żytkow,
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji, T.5 (2) 2001, pp. 267-268.
  5. Duch W, Szufladki w nauce.
    Sprawy Nauki 12(75) (2001) 12-13.
  6. Duch W (2001) Psychika i świadomość
    Encyklopedia Multimedialna PWN, 2001 (7 p).
  7. Duch W, Publikacje naukowe o sieciach neuronowych w Internecie.
    EBIB, Elektroniczny Biuletyn Informacyjny Bibliotekarzy 1 (2001) 19
  8. M. Berndt-Schreiber, W. Duch, A. B. Kwiatkowska, A. Polewczyński, K. Skowronek (2001) Pokolenie dorastające z komputerem wkracza na uniwersytety - nowe wyzwania edukacyjne.
    II Krajowa Konferencja "Technologia informacyjna w zmieniającej się edukacji", 14 - 16 maja 2001 - Toruń.
  9. Duch W (2001) Droga do piekła
    Głos Uczelni, 9/2001, p. 10
  10. Duch W (2001) Smutne refleksje z Brukseli
    Głos Uczelni, 7/2001, p. 1
  11. Duch W (2001) Nieuctwo szkodzi bardziej
    Głos Uczelni, 6/2001, p.1
  12. Duch W, Pływanie pod prąd,
    Głos Uczelni, 4/2001 (dłuższa wersja)
  13. Duch W, Straszenie przyszłością,
    Głos Uczelni, Kwiecień 2001, str. 3
  14. Duch W (2001) Sympleksy w wielu wymiarach.
    Wstęp do katalogu "Komplex symplexu" Jerzego Olka i Witolda Szymańskiego, Politechnika Wrocławska 2001
  15. Duch W, Wywiad n/t sztucznej inteligencji, PC Komputer On-line (Anna Meller)

    2000     2000     2000     2000     2000     2000     2000     2000     2000     2000

  1. Duch W, Similarity based methods: a general framework for classification, approximation and association,
    Control and Cybernetics 29 (4) (2000) 937-968. | Citing articles
  2. Duch W, Therapeutic applications of computer models of brain activity for Alzheimer disease.
    J. Medical Informatics and Technologies 5 (2000) 27-34
  3. Duch W (2000) Neural networks papers on the Internet.
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol. 11 (No. 6), 2000, 1509-1511
  4. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen G.H.F, Classification, Association and Pattern Completion using Neural Similarity Based Methods.
    Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 10:4 (2000) 101-120
  5. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF, Neural Networks from Similarity Based Perspective.
    New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and its Applications. Ed. M. Mohammadian, IOS Press, Amsterdam 2000, pp. 93-108
  6. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Jankowski N, Neural methods of knowledge extraction,
    Control and Cybernetics 29 (4) (2000) 997-1018
  7. Duch W, Jankowski N, Grąbczewski K, Adamczak R, Optimization and interpretation of rule-based classifiers,
    Intelligent Information Systems 2000, Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 1-13
  8. Duch W and Hayashi Y, Computational intelligence methods and data understanding.
    In: Quo Vadis computational Intelligence? New trends and approaches in computational intelligence. Eds. P. Sincak, J. Vascak, Springer studies in fuzziness and soft computing, Vol. 54 (2000), pp. 256-270
  9. Grudziński K, Duch W, SBL-PM: A Simple Algorithm for Selection of Reference Instances for Similarity Based Methods,
    Intelligent Information Systems 2000, Advances in Soft Computing, Physica Verlag (Springer), pp. 99-108
  10. Adamczak R, Duch W, Neural networks for structure-activity relationship problems.
    5th Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, June 2000, pp. 669-674
  11. Duch W, Adamczak R, Hayashi Y, Eliminators and classifiers,
    ICONIP-2000, 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Nov. 2000, Dae-jong, Korea, ed. by Soo-Young Lee, pp. 1029 - 1034, and Arxiv 1901.09632 in cs.LG
  12. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF, Feature space mapping neural network applied to structure-activity relationship problems.
    ICONIP-2000, 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Nov. 2000, Dae-jong, Korea, ed. by Soo-Young Lee, pp. 270 - 274
  13. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud N, Extraction of knowledge from data using Computational Intelligence methods.
    In: ICONIP-2000, 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Nov. 2000, Dae-jong, Korea (tutorial, separate brochure, 54 pp)
  14. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud N, Understanding the data: extraction, optimization and interpretation of logical rules.
    In: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2000 (IJCNN) (tutorial, separate brochure, 70 pp)
  15. Duch W, Grudziński K and Stawski G, Symbolic features in neural networks.
    5th Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, June 2000, pp. 180-185
  16. Duch W, Jankowski N, Taxonomy of neural transfer functions,
    IEEE, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2000 (IJCNN), Vol. III, pp. 477-484
  17. Grąbczewski K and Duch W, The separability of split value criterion.
    5th Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, June 2000, pp. 201-208. Full Bibtex Entry
  18. Naud A and Duch W, Interactive data exploration using MDS mapping.
    5th Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, June 2000, pp. 255-260
  19. Duch W, Świadomość i dynamiczne modele działania mózgu.,
    Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska T. 34 (50), Supl. 2, 2000, pp. 69-84
  20. Adamczak R, Duch W, Model FSM w zastosowaniu do klasyfikacji.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. III.26, pp. 801-824
  21. Duch W, Sieci neuronowe w modelowaniu zaburzeń neuropsychologicznych i chorób psychicznych.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. II.18, pp. 589-616
  22. Duch W, Grudziński K, Sieci Neuronowe i Uczenie Maszynowe: próba integracji.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. III.21, pp. 663-690
  23. Chojnowski A, Duch W, Analiza szeregów czasowych obrazów.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. II.17, pp. 569-588
  24. Jankowski N, Duch W, Ontogeniczne sieci neuronowe.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. I.8, pp. 257-294
  25. Grąbczewski K, Duch W, Adamczak R, Neuronowe metody odkrywania wiedzy w danych.
    Biocybernetyka 2000, Tom 6: Sieci neuronowe (red. W. Duch, J. Korbicz, L. Rutkowski i R. Tadeusiewicz), rozdz. III.20, pp. 637-662
  26. Duch W, Jaka teoria umysłu w pełni nas zadowoli?
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 3(1) (2000) 29 - 53

Conference posters, abstracts and reviews

  1. Duch W, Book review: Statistics and Neural Networks: Advances at the Interface. J.W. Kay and D.M. Titterington (eds.).
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol. 11 (No. 6), 2000, 1508-1509
  2. Duch W, Naud A, Book review: Faithful representations and topographic maps, by Marc M. van Hulle.
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol. 11 (No. 6), 2000, 1508-1508
  3. Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W, Debata: Sztuczny mózg, sztuczna inteligencja.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 3(1) (2000) 95-98.
  5. Duch W, "W 2050 - nieśmiertelność !!!".
    Wywiad dla Gazety Toruńskiej 30.12.2000, p. 19

    1999     1999     1999     1999     1999     1999     1999     1999     1999     1999

  1. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G (1999) Hybrid neural-global minimization method of logical rule extraction,
    | PDF file. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 3(5): 348-356
  2. Duch W, Jankowski N (1999) Survey of neural transfer functions,
    Neural Computing Surveys 2: 163-213 | Citing articles.
  3. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF (1999) Neural Networks in non-Euclidean spaces. | PDF file.
    Neural Processing Letters  10: 201-210
  4. Meller J, Duch W (1999) SGA derivation of matrix elements between spin-adapted perturbative wavefunctions.
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 74: 123-133
  5. Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF (1999) Distance-based multilayer perceptrons. | PDF file.
    Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation. Neural Networks and Advanced Control Strategies. Ed. M. Mohammadian, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 75-80
  6. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G, Hayashi Y (1999) Fuzzy and crisp logical rule extraction methods in application to medical data.
    In: P.S. Szczepaniak, P.J.G. Lisboa, J. Kacprzyk (eds.), Fuzzy Systems in Medicine. Physica - Verlag, Springer 2000, pp. 593-616
  7. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1999) Neural optimization of linguistic variables and membership functions.
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'99), Perth, Australia, Nov. 1999, Vol. II, pp. 616-621
  8. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1999) Neural methods for analysis of psychometric data. | PDF file.
    Proc. of the International Conference EANN'99, Warsaw, 13-15.09.1999, pp. 45-50
  9. Duch W, Adamczak R (1999) Neural networks in non-Euclidean metric spaces,
    1999 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, July 1999, paper no. 740 (6 pages)
  10. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1999) Optimization of logical rules derived by neural procedures,
    1999 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, July 1999, paper no. 741 (6 pages)
  11. Duch W, Grudziński K (1999) Search and global minimization in similarity-based methods,
    1999 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, July 1999, paper no. 742 (6 pages)
  12. Duch W (1999) Alternatives to gradient-based neural training and optimization,
    4th Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, May 1999, pp. 59-64
  13. Duch W, Grudziński K (1999) The weighted k-NN method with selection of features and its neural realization | PDF file.
    4th Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, May 1999, pp. 191-196
  14. Duch W, Grąbczewski K (1999) Searching for optimal MLP,
    4th Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, May 1999, pp. 65-70
  15. Grąbczewski K, Duch W (1999) A general purpose separability criterion for classification systems,
    4th Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, May 1999, pp. 203-208
  16. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1999) Methodology of extraction, optimization and application of logical rules | PDF file.
    Intelligent Information Systems VIII, Ustroń, Poland, 14-18.06.1999, pp. 22-31
  17. Duch W, Grudziński K (1999) Weighting and selection of features in Similarity Based Methods | PDF file.
    Intelligent Information Systems VIII, Ustroń, Poland, 14-18.06.1999, pp. 32-36
  18. Duch W (1999) Duch i dusza, czyli prehistoria kognitywistyki.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 1 (1999)  pp. 7-38
  19. Berndt-Schreiber M, Duch W, Kwiatkowska A, Polewczyński A, Skowronek K (1999)
    Różnorodność oferty nauczania w zakresie podstaw informatyki i technologii informatycznych jako szczególne wyzwanie dla szkoły wyższej.
    XV Konferencja "Informatyka w Szkole", Katowice, 24-27.09.1999, str. 84-87

Conference posters, abstracts and reports

  1. Duch W, Korczak J, Optimization and global minimization methods suitable for neural networks | PDF file.
    KMK UMK Technical Report 1/99; submitted to Neural Computing Surveys (was in revision, but we never finished)
  2. Duch W, Conscious mind as a limit of brain-like computing | PDF file.
    KMK UMK Technical Report 2/99; also submitted to Mind and Machines (was in revision, but we never got finished)
  3. Duch W (1999) Inteligentne metody szukania informacji medycznych.
    IV Konferencja Internetu Medycznego, 12-13.11.1999 (materiały na CD-ROMie)
  4. Duch W (1999) Recenzja: Antonio Damasio, Błąd Kartezjusza. Emocje, rozum i ludzki mózg. Rebis, Seria "Nowe horyzonty", Poznań 1999.
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 1 (1999), pp. 267-268

    1998     1998     1998     1998     1998     1998     1998     1998     1998     1998

  1. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1998) Extraction of logical rules from backpropagation networks.
    Neural Processing Letters 7: 211-219
  2. Kasabov N, Kozma R, Duch W (1998) Rule Extraction from Linguistic Rule Networks and from Fuzzy Neural Networks: Propositional versus Fuzzy Rules,
    4th International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications, March 11-13, 1998, Marseille, France, pp. 403-406
  3. Duch W, Grudzinski K and Diercksen G.H.F (1998) Minimal distance neural methods.
    World Congress of Computational Intelligence, May 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, IEEE IJCNN'98 Proceedings, pp. 1299-1304
  4. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Jankowski N, Żal G (1998) Medical diagnosis support using neural and machine learning methods,
    Proc. of the Intern. Conference EANN'98, Gibraltar, 10-12.06.1998, pp.  292-295
  5. Duch W (1998) A framework for similarity-based classification methods, | PDF file.
    Intelligent Information Systems VII, Malbork, Poland, 15-19.06.1998, pp. 288-291
  6. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G (1998) Hybrid neural-global minimization logical rule extraction method for medical diagnosis support,
    Intelligent Information Systems VII, Malbork, Poland, 15-19.06.1998, pp. 85-94
  7. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G (1998) A hybrid method for extraction of logical rules from data. | PDF file.
    Second Polish Conference on Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Łódź, 28-30 Sept. 1998, pp. 61-82
  8. Duch W, Grudziński K (1998) A framework for similarity-based methods. | PDF file.
    Second Polish Conference on Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Łódź, 28-30 Sept. 1998, pp. 33-60
  9. Duch W (1998) Neural implementation of psychological spaces. | PDF file.
    Int. Conf. on Neural Network and Brain, Beijing, China, October 1998, pp. 32-35
  10. Duch W, Adamczak R (1998) Statistical methods for construction of neural networks. | PDF file.
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'98, Kitakyushu, Japan, Oct. 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 629-642
  11. Duch W (1998) Czym jest kognitywistyka?
    Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji 1 (1998)  pp. 9-50
  12. Duch W (1998) Open peer commentary on Moravec's paper
    Journal of Transhumanism Vol. 1. (1998)

Conference posters, abstracts and technical reports

  1. Duch W, What constitutes a good theory of mind? | PDF file.
    Available in CogPrints as DI UMK Technical Preprint 1/1998
  2. Press Info: Intelligent Systems Report, Report on WCCI'98 Anchorage discussion panel, quoting me, May 1998, vol.15, No.5

    1997     1997     1997     1997     1997     1997     1997     1997     1997     1997

  1. Duch W (1997) Artificial Intelligence Support for Computational Chemistry.
    Advances in Quantum Chemistry 28: 329-343
  2. Duch W and Jankowski N (1997) New neural transfer functions.
    Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 7 (1997) 639-658 (invited by the Editor)
  3. Duch W (1997) Platonic model of mind as an approximation to neurodynamics | PDF file.
    In: Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, ed. S-i. Amari, N. Kasabov (Springer, Singapore 1997), chap. 20, pp. 491-512
  4. Duch W (1997) Yves Burnod, An Adaptive Neural Network. The Cerebral Cortex,
    Minds and Machines 7 (1997) 144-147
  5. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1997) Constraint MLP and density estimation for extraction of crisp logical rules from data.
    ICONIP'97, New Zealand, Nov.1997, pp. 831-834
  6. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1997) Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks. | PDF file.
    IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'97), Houston, Texas, 9-12.6.1997, pp. 2384-2389
  7. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Ishikawa M, Ueda H (1997) Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks - comparison of two new approaches.
    Proc. of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'97), Bruge 16-18.4.1997, pp. 109-114
  8. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski (1997) Logical rules for classification of medical data using ontogenic neural algorithm.
    Solving Engineering Problems with Neural Networks, Proc. of the Intern. Conference (EANN'97), Stockholm, 16-18.06.1997, pp. 199-202
  9. Adamczak R, Duch W, Jankowski N (1997) New developments in the Feature Space Mapping model.
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 65-70
  10. Duch W, Adamczak R, Jankowski N (1997) Initialization of adaptive parameters in density networks.
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 99-104
  11. Duch W, Adamczak R, Jankowski N (1997) Initialization and optimization of multilayered perceptrons.
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 105-110
  12. Duch W (1997) Scaling properties of neural classifiers.
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 189-194
  13. Duch W (1997) Neural minimal distance methods.
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 183-188
  14. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1997) Extraction of crisp logical rules from medical datasets,
    Third Conference on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Kule, October 1997, pp. 707-712

Conference posters, abstracts and technical reports

  1. Duch W, Bekkering H, Neggers B (1997) Sensorimotor integration
    CIL-KMK/MPPF-4/97, Technical Report
  2. Duch W, Korczak J (1997) Some remarks on soft computing methods and their applications,
    CIL-KMK/LSIIT-3/97, Technical Report
  3. Duch W, Korczak J (1997) Optimization and global minimization methods for neural networks,
    CIL-KMK/LSIIT-2/97, Technical Report
  4. Duch W (1997) Neural versions of minimal distance methods,
    CIL-KMK-1/97, Computational Inteligence Lab. Technical Report (long version)
  5. Duch W, Adamczak R, Jankowski N (1997) New developments in the Feature Space Mapping model.
    CIL-KMK-2/97, Computational Inteligence Lab. Technical Report (long version)
  6. Duch W, Adamczak R, Jankowski N (1997) Initialization and optimization of multilayered perceptrons.
    CIL-KMK-3/97, Computational Inteligence Lab. Technical Report (long version)
  7. Duch W (1997) Internet i WWW. Materiały dla Podyplomowego Studium Badania Środowiska PRONAT (26 stron).
  8. Popular articles, interviews:

  9. Duch W (1997) Sztuczna Inteligencja.
    Computerworld 24 (1997) 31
  10. Duch W (1997) Pytanie dnia - komentarz do przegranej Kasparova z Deep Blue. Gazeta Wyborcza 13.05.1997, str. 2

1996     1996     1996     1996     1996     1996     1996     1996     1996     1996

  1. Duch W (1996) Computational physics of the mind. | PDF file.
    Computer Physics Communication 97: 136-153
  2. Duch W (1996) From cognitive models to neurofuzzy systems - the mind space approach. | PDF file.
    Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation 24 (1996) 53-65
  3. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1996) Extraction of logical rules from training data using backpropagation networks | Abstract
    Presented at CAI'96, First Polish Conference on Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Łódź, 19-21.12.1996, pp. 171-178
  4. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1996) Constrained backpropagation for feature selection and extraction of logical rules | Abstract
    Presented at CAI'96, First Polish Conference on Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Łódź, 19-21.12.1996, pp. 163-170
  5. Duch W, Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K (1996) Extraction of logical rules from training data using backpropagation networks
    The 1st Online Workshop on Soft Computing, 19-30.Aug. 1996, pp. 25-30
  6. Duch W and Naud A (1996) Simplexes, Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Self-Organized Mapping | PDF file.
    Proc. of the 8th joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing '96, Kraków 17-21.9.1996, pp. 367-370
  7. Duch W, Adamczak R, Jankowski N (1996) Improved memory-based classification.
    Solving Engineering Problems with Neural Networks, Proc. of the Intern. conference EANN'96, London, 17-19.06.1996 (ed. A.B. Bulsari, S. Kallio, D. Tsaptsinos), pp. 447-450
  8. Duch W and Naud A (1996) On global self-organizing maps | PDF file.
    Proc. of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'96), Bruge 22-26.4.1996, pp. 91-96
  9. Duch W and Jankowski N (1996) Bi-radial transfer functions. | PDF file.
    Proceedings of the Second Conference on Neural Networks and their applications, Orle Gniazdo, 30.IV-4.V.1996, pp. 131-137
  10. Duch W and Naud A (1996) Multidimensional scaling and Kohonen's self-organizing maps . | PDF file.
    Proceedings of the Second Conference on Neural Networks and their applications, Orle Gniazdo, 30.IV-4.V.1996, pp. 138-143
  11. Duch W and Adamczak R (1996) Feature Space Mapping network for classification. | Abstract and PDF file.
    Proceedings of the Second Conference on Neural Networks and their applications, Orle Gniazdo, 30.IV-4.V.1996, pp. 125-130
  12. Duch W (1996) On simplifying brain functions | Abstract.
    Proceedings of the Second Conference on Neural Networks and their applications, Orle Gniazdo, 30.IV-4.V.1996, pp. 118-124
  13. Duch W (1996) Categorization, Prototype Theory and Neural Dynamics, 113 KB.
    Proc. of the 4th International Conference on SoftComputing'96, Iizuka, Japan, ed. T. Yamakawa and G. Matsumoto, pp. 482-485
    (invited paper, cognitive science session)

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1996) From brain to mind to consciousness without hard problems, | PDF file.
    Sympozjum Kognitywne '96: Świadomość a Percepcja. Instytut Filozofii UAM, 6-7 Dec. 1996
  2. Duch Włodzisław, Rafał Adamczak, Norbert Jankowski, Antoine Naud, Jerzy Gomuła, Tomasz Kucharski (1996) Neural-based classification and visualization methods with applications to psychometry.
    34th International Seminar on Statistics and Clinical Practice, Warsaw 24-28.06.1996 (extended abstract), pp. 93-94
  3. Duch W (1996) Review of "The roots of backpropagation. From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks and Political Forecasting, by Paul John Werbos,
    Network: Computation in Neural Systems 7: 151
  4. Duch W (1996) Review of "Shadows of the Mind: a search for the missing science of consciousness", by Roger Penrose (unpublished)
  5. Duch W (1996) Scaling of classification methods.
    KIT-TR-1/96, Kyushu Institute of Technology Technical Report
  6. Duch W and Jankowski N (1996) Bi-radial transfer functions. | Abstract and PDF file.
    UMK-KMK-TR 1/96, Computational Inteligence Lab. Technical Report
  7. Duch W and Naud A (1996) Simplexes, Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Self-Organized Mapping. | Abstract and PDF file.
    ICONIP'96, Hong Kong 24-27.9.1996 (submitted; missed the deadline); also UMK-KMK-TR 2/96 report (1996)
  8. Popular articles, interviews:

  9. Duch W (1996) Informatyka i KBN.
    Computerworld 12: 19
  10. Duch W (1996) Śmierć Internetu.
    Computerworld, 32: 19
  11. Duch W (1996) Profesor - głupi i skąpy?
    Computerworld 9: 16

     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995     1995

  1. Duch W and Diercksen GHF (1995) Feature Space Mapping as a universal adaptive system. | PDF file
    Computer Physics Communications 87: 341-371 | Citing articles.

  2. Duch W (1995) Quantitative measures for the self-organized topographical mapping. | PDF file.
    Open Systems and Information Dynamics 2:295-302
  3. Duch W, Jankowski N, Naud A, Adamczak R (1995) Feature Space Mapping: a neurofuzzy network for system identification. | PDF file
    Proc. of Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN'95), Helsinki 21-23.08.1995, pp. 221-224
  4. Duch W (1995) Physics of consciousness.
    IV Krajowa konferencja ,,Modelowanie Systemów biologicznych", Kraków 2-3.06.1995, pp. 101-114
  5. Duch W (1995) From cognitive models to neurofuzzy systems | PDF file
    In: E. Kącki, editor, Volume 3, Artifical Neural Networks and Their Applications (Polish Society of Medical Informatics, Łódź 1995), p. 22-27 (Proc. from "System, Modelling, Control", Zakopane, 1-5.05.1995)

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1995) Psychophysics | PDF file
    European Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics, Skalský Dvur, 5-14.09.1995 (Lecture Notes)
  2. Duch W (1995) Transparent theory of consciousness: is there a problem?
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences (submitted, KMK TR 1/95)
  3. Duch W (1995) Sieci globalne w nauce i kulturze. Materiały z otwarcia sieci TORMAN (UMK, luty 1995), str 1-12;

    Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W (1995) Sieci globalne w nauce i kulturze.
    Komputer w Edukacji, 2: 19-28
  5. Duch W (1995) Życie wewnętrzne komputerów cd.
    Komputer w Edukacji, 3-4: 19-27
  6. Duch W (1995) Sieci globalne w edukacji.
    In: Badania środowiska, red. J. Turło (Top Kurier, Toruń 1995), pp 151-155
  7. Duch W (1995) Zastosowania komputerów.
    In: Perspektywa edukacji z komputerem, red. B. Siemieniecki, Wyd. Adam Marszałek (Toruń-Płock 1995), pp. 9-38
  8. Duch W (1995) Możliwości sieci komputerowych.
    Toruńskie Studia Dydaktyczne, rok IV(8), pp.18-33
  9. Duch W (1995) Buddyjskie ideały.
    Przegląd Powszechny, 4.1995, pp. 72-82
  10. Duch W (1995) Komputery 5 generacji 
    ComputerWorld, 3/1995, 16.01.1995
  11. Duch W (1995) Sieci globalne w nauce i kulturze.
    Głos Uczelni nr. 4/95, s. 8-9, nr 5/95, s. 10-11; nr 6/95,

    1994     1994     1994     1994     1994     1994     1994     1994     1994     1994

  1. Duch W (1994) Floating Gaussian Mapping: a new model of adaptive systems
    Neural Network World 4:645-654
  2. Duch W and Diercksen GHF (1994) Neural networks as tools to solve problems in physics and chemistry. | PDF file
    Comp. Phys. Comm. 82: 91-103
  3. Duch W and Diercksen GHF (1994) Size-extensivity corrections in the configuration interaction method.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 101:3018-3030 | Citing articles.

  4. Duch W, Meller J (1994) On multireference superdirect configuration interaction in third order.
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 50: 243-271
  5. Duch W (1994) Mind space approach to neurofuzzy systems.
    In: Proc. of the Japanese Neural Networks Society 1994, Tsukuba, 9-11.11.1994, Japan, pp. 173-174
  6. Duch W (1994) Towards Artificial Minds | PDF file
    In: First National Conference "Neural Networks and Their applications", Kule, 12-15.IV.1994, pp. 17-28
  7. Duch W and Jankowski N (1994) Complex Systems, Information Theory and Neural Networks | PDF file
    In: Materiały Konferencyjne I Krajowej Konferencji "Sieci Neuronowe i ich Zastosowania", Kule, 12-15.IV.1994, pp. 224-230
  8. Duch W (1994) Neural networks for approximation.
    In: Materiały Konferencyjne I Krajowej Konferencji "Sieci Neuronowe i ich Zastosowania", Kule, 12-15.IV.1994, pp. 218-223

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1994) Mind Space.
    In: Molecular Physics Seminar 1994, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Munich, 11.07-3.08, 1994
  2. Duch W, (1994) Cerebrations on computational science. | PDF file
    Academic Programs in Computational Science and Engineering Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico 10-12.02.1994; available in electronic form via gopher from Educational High-Performance Computing Project; also Proceedings from Conference ``Toruń Unix Center", 25-26.03.1994
  3. Duch W, (1994) Matrix Elements Primer (about 90 pages, primer of symmetric group methods for matrix element calculations, with excercises),
    UMK-KMK-TR 3/94 report
  4. Duch W (1994) Synchronicity and the Unified View of Mind and Matter | PDF file
    UMK-KMK-TR 2/94 report
  5. Duch W (1994) A solution to the fundamental problems of cognitive sciences. | PDF file
    UMK-KMK-TR 1/94 report, also in the International Philosophical Preprint Exchange, WWW Archive
  6. Duch W (1994) Czy istnieją nauki komputerowe?.
    KMK Tech. Rep. 1994.

    Popular articles, interviews:

  7. Duch W (1994) Refleksje na temat rozwoju informatyki na UMK
    Głos Uczelni nr.6/94: 11-12, nr 7/94: 18-19
  8. Duch W (1994) Życie wewnętrzne komputerów.
    Toruńskie Studia Dydaktyczne, rok III(6), pp.191-206
  9. Duch W (1994) Wywiad ,,Dobry Bóg zrobił, co mógł", Gazeta Pomorska 10.06.1994, p. 4

    1993     1993     1993     1993     1993     1993     1993     1993     1993     1993

  1. Duch W (1993) Modeling neural networks - a physicist's point of view.
    In: Psychological and neurophysiological backgrounds of new computer technologies, Eds. Kulikowski J.L and Zmyslowski W (International Center of Biocybernetics, Warsaw 1993); also UMK-KMK-TR 1/92 report.

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1993) On the optimal processing functions for neural network elements.
    UMK-KMK-TR 6/93 report
  2. Duch W (1993) Complex systems, Information Theory and Neural Networks.
    UMK-KMK-TR 5/93 report
  3. Duch W (1993) Neural networks for approximation.
    UMK-KMK-TR 4/93 report
  4. Duch W (1993) Floating Gaussian Mapping for Modeling of Human Conceptual Space.
    UMK-KMK-TR 3/93 report
  5. Duch W (1993) Syntactic and semantic information in finite systems.
    UMK-KMK-TR 1/93 report
  6. Duch W (1993) Przyszłość komputerów w edukacji.
    IX Konferencja ,,Informatyka w szkole": Metody i Środki Informatyki w Zmieniającej się Szkole (15-18.09.93, Toruń).
  7. Duch W (1993) Metody komputerowe w leksykografii.
    UMK-KMK-TR 2/93 report
  8. Popular articles, interviews:

  9. Duch W (1993) Otwarte środowisko badań naukowych.
    ComputerWorld 24.05.1993, p. 28
  10. Duch W (1993) Wykład im. A. Jabłońskiego '93.
    Postępy Fizyki, 44 (1993) 426
  11. Duch W (1993) 6 wykład im. A. Jabłońskiego
    Fizyka w szkole
  12. Duch W (1993) Wywiad ,,Cząstka Higgsa.
    Gazeta Pomorska 10-12.04.1993
  13. Duch W (1993) Kłopoty z AmiPro.
    PC-Magazine po Polsku, 11/93

    1992     1992     1992     1992     1992     1992     1992     1992     1992     1992

  1. Duch W and Diercksen GHF (1992) Perturbation theory in multireference spaces.
    Phys Rev A 46: 95-104

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1992) Noisy data trees or learning without adaptation.
    UMK-KMK-TR 2/92 report
  2. Duch W (1992) Modeling neural networks - a physicist's point of view.
    UMK-KMK-TR 1/92 report.
  3. Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W (1992) Elektroniczne podróże w przeszłość. Humanistyka cyfrowa
    Nowa Europa 8/06/1992
  5. Duch W (1992) Myślące maszyny?
    Nowa Europa 11/4/1992
  6. Duch W (1992) Końca świata nie będzie!
    Nowa Europa 4/4/1992

    1991     1991     1991     1991     1991     1991     1991     1991     1991     1991

  1. Duch W (1991) Configuration Interaction Method: the past and future perspectives
    Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM) 234: 27-49

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W (1991) 30 lat konferencji Sannibel.
    Postępy Fizyki
  2. Duch W (1991) Super! Trzecia doroczna konferencja poświęcona superobliczeniom.
    Postępy Fizyki
  3. Duch W (1991) Neurokomputery.
    Problemy, 9/91

    1990     1990     1990     1990     1990     1990     1990     1990     1990     1990

  1. Duch W (1990) Towards flexible CI.
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry S24: 683-692
  2. Diercksen GHF, Duch W, Karwowski J (1990) CI calculations on the Rydberg spectrum of H3 molecule.
    Chemical Physics Letters 168: 69-74
  3. Diercksen GHF, Duch W, Karwowski J (1990) Method for locating errors in Hamiltonian matrices.
    Physical Review A 41: 3503-3510

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W (1990) Komputery - jakie są?
    Magazyn Polski, 5/90: 47-51
  2. Duch W (1990) Nauczanie programowania.
    Komputer 4/90: 6

    1989     1989     1989     1989     1989     1989     1989     1989     1989     1989

  1. Duch W (1989) Superdirect approach to the configuration interaction method.
    Chem Phys Lett 162: 56-60
  2. Duch W (1989) Operator algebra for the many body problem in the spin eigenfunction basis.
    J Chem Phys 91: 2452-2456

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W, Styp-Rekowski O (1989) Large matrix diagonalization.
    Sixth school of advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  2. Duch W, Karwowski J, Diercksen GHF (1989) A method for localizing errors in CI programs.
    Sixth school of advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  3. Duch W (1989), Open-shell MBPT in the spin eigenfunction basis.
    Sixth school of advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  4. Duch W (1989), EPR Paradox and Local Realism.
    Sixth school of advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  5. Popular articles, interviews:

  6. Duch W (1989) Komputery w nauce.
    Problemy 8/1989: 12-18
  7. Duch W (1989) Małe czy duże?
    Przegląd Techniczny 4: 16-17
  8. Duch W (1989) Przygody z Fizyką.
    ITD 9/04/1989 (artykuł popularny)

Duch W, Complementarity, Superluminal Telegraph and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox (unpublished manuscript).
In this paper I have proposed to measure correlations between pairs of particles in a double Mach-Zehnder experiment. I did send it to two journals and then gave up, referees found it "seriously flawed" and "completely wrong". Unfortunately I had no time or energy to push the paper through the refereeing procedure. Yet in 1993 experiment had been done confirming all predictions and the excitement about entangled systems continues to this day, see my letter to Physics Today here.

    1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988     1988

  1. Duch W (1988) Schrödinger's thoughts on perfect knowledge.
    In: The Concept of Probability, Ed. Bitsakis EI and Nicolaides CA (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989), pp. 5-14
    Surprising result of this paper, called the "Quantum Mach principle", is: energy of the localized system (ex. single atom) calculated with the total wave function of the world is all in the interactions with the rest of the world, although distances are infinitely large!
  2. Canuto S, Duch W, Geertsen J, Müller-Plathe F, Oddershede J, Scusseria GE (1988) The Dipol Polarizability of Li-.
    Chem Phys Lett 147:435-442
  3. Duch W (1988) Violation of Bell's inequalities in interference experiments.
    In: Open Problems in Physics, Eds. Kostro L, Posiewnik A, Pykacz J and Zukowski M, (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 483-486; comment by Zukowski and Pykacz.
  4. Duch W, Karwowski J, Diercksen GHD, Rettrup S (1988) A comment on several results of CI calculations for H2O.
    Chem Phys Lett 144:421-422

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W (1988) H. Rauch: Interferometria neutronowa testem mechaniki kwantowej (translation).
    Postępy Fizyki 39: 519-541
  2. Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  3. Duch W (1988) Graphical representation of algebraical problems.
    Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Molecular Physics Jerusalem, Israel.
  4. Duch W (1988) Application of GRMS in variational and perturbational methods. Workshop on Quantum Chemistry, Girona, Spain.

    1987     1987     1987     1987     1987     1987     1987     1987     1987     1987

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1987) Multireference direct CI program based on the symmetric group graphical approach. Theor Chim Acta(Berl.) 71:187-199
  2. Duch W (1987) Visualization of many-particle model spaces, with application to shell-model calculations. J Phys A 20:1633-1643

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1987) Structure of many-particle model spaces. World Congres of Organic Theoretical Chemistry (WATOC), Budapest, Hungary, p. 94
  2. Duch W (1987) Fixed-slope graphs in physics and mathematics. First International Conference on the Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Paris, France
  3. Duch W (1987) Holism in Physics. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  4. Duch W (1987) Application of GRMS in many-body theories. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  5. Duch W (1987) SGGA CI Program. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  6. Duch W, Karwowski J (1987) Symmetric Group Approach to CI method. XIV Arbeitstagung über Probleme der Quantenchemie, Ostseebad Kühlungsborn, DDR

    1986     1986     1986     1986     1986     1986     1986     1986     1986     1986

  1. Duch W (1986) From determinants to spin eigenfunctions - a simple algorithm. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 30:799-807
  2. Duch W (1986) Calculation of the one-electron coupling coefficients in the configuration interaction method. Chem Phys Lett 124:442-446
  3. Karwowski J, Duch W, Valdemoro C (1986) Matrix elements of spin-adapted reduced Hamiltonian. Phys Rev A 33:2254-2261
  4. Duch W, Aerts D (1986) Microphysical reality and quantum formalism. Phys Today 6:11-13


  1. Duch W, Segal GA (1986) Erratum: Theoretical calculation of the absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectrum of a Jahn-Teller distorted excited state: the 1E' excited state of cyclopropane. Journal of Chemical Physics 84:544-545

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W (1986) Stany świadomości. Mandragora

    1985     1985     1985     1985     1985     1985     1985     1985     1985     1985

  1. Duch W (1985) Graphical representation of Slater determinants. Journal of Physics A 18:3283-3307
  2. Duch W (1985) On the number of spin functions in the first order interaction space. Theor Chim Acta(Berl.) 67:263-269
  3. Duch W (1985) Efficient method for computation of the representation matrices of the unitary group generators. Int J Quantum Chem 27:59-70
  4. Duch W, Karwowski J (1985) Symmetric group approach to configuration interaction methods. Computer Physics Reports 2:92-170 | Citing articles


  1. Duch W (1985) Graphical representation of model spaces. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry, Bachotek, Poland
  2. Popular articles, interviews:

  3. Duch W (1985) Mechanika Kwantowa, paradoks EPR i komunikacja z szybkością nadświetlną. Cz I: Delta 10/1985 i Cz II: Delta 11/1985

  4. Duch W (1985) Inżynieria wiedzy. ITD 4/1985
  5. Duch W (1985) Brakująca materia (o ciemnej materii). Sztandar Młodych 11/01/1985

    1984     1984     1984     1984     1984     1984     1984     1984     1984     1984

Popular articles, interviews:

  1. Duch W (1984) Sztuczna Inteligencja. Problemy 6/1984
  2. Duch W (1984) Z czego zrobiony jest świat? ITD 18/3/1984; Grand Prix w konkursie popularyzacji nauki "Śladami Infelda"
  3. Duch W (1984) Refleksje na temat ,,Tao of Physics". Przegląd Techniczny 35/84, reprinted in: Mandragora, 11/84
  4. Duch W (1984) Wzajemne przenikanie. Przegląd Techniczny 35/84
  5. Duch W (1984) Czy Przyroda ma nawyki? Przegląd Techniczny 32/84
  6. Duch W (1984) Tao i Fizyka. Sztandar Młodych 31/08/84

    1983      1983      1983      1983      1983      1983      1983      1983      1983      1983

  1. Duch W (1983) Matrix elements of xk and xk eax in the harmonic oscillator basis. J Phys A 16:4233-4236
  2. Duch W, Segal GA (1983) Theoretical calculation of the absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectrum of a Jahn-Teller distorted excited state: the 1E' excited state of cyclopropane. J Chem Phys 79:2951-2963


  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1983) Group-theoretical approaches to the configuration interaction method. Microsymposium on Quantum Chemistry, Liblice, Czechoslovakia
  2. Duch W (1983) Group-theoretical approaches to the configuration interaction method. XIV-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society, Katowice, Poland
  3. Popular articles, interviews:

  4. Duch W (1983) Living buddhist life in a christian country. Western Buddhist, No. 9 (1983) 13
  5. Duch W (1983) Każdy ma prawo być inteligentnym. Przekrój N.2006, 10/1983, s. 20.
    Książka Louise Alberta Machado o projekcie inteligencja w Wenezueli.
  6. Duch W (1983) O sztucznej inteligencji. Wczoraj, dziś, jutro. Przekrój N.1974, 10/4/1983.
  7. Duch W (1983) Kiedy komputer wygra z Arcymistrzem? Przekrój N. 1973, 3/4/1983
  8. Duch W (1983) Szał Gier Komputerowych. Przekrój N.1972, 27/3/1983
  9. Duch W (1983) Czy Komputery Myślą? Przekrój N.1971, 20/3/1983

    1982     1982     1982     1982     1982     1982     1982     1982     1982     1982

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1982) Symmetric group graphical approach to the direct configuration interaction method. Int J Quantum Chem 22:783-824


  1. Duch W, Segal G.A (1982) Jahn-Teller distorted states in cyclopropane. XXIII Congres of Theoretical Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden

    1981     1981     1981     1981     1981     1981     1981     1981     1981     1981

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1981) Symmetric group graphical approach to the configuration interaction method. Lecture Notes in Chem 22:260-271


  1. Duch W (1981) Symmetric group graphical approach to the configuration interaction method. Third West Coast Theoretical Chemistry Conference, NASA-Ames Center, California

    1980     1980     1980     1980     1980     1980     1980     1980     1980     1980

  1. Duch W (1980) The direct configuration interaction method for general multireference expansions: symmetric group approach. Theor Chim Acta(Berl.) 57:299-313
  2. Duch W (1980) Large-scale N-fermion calculations. Computer Physics Communications 20:49-52

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W (1980) New approach to the CI method. XI-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society, Wrocław, Poland
  2. Duch W (1980) Metoda bezpośredniego oddziaływania konfiguracyjnego. Rozprawa doktorska. Instytut Fizyki UMK, Toruń, Maj 1980

    1979     1979     1979     1979     1979     1979     1979     1979     1979     1979

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1979) Coupling constants in the direct configuration interaction method. Theor Chim Acta(Berl.) 51:175-188

Conference posters, abstracts, technical reports and book reviews

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1979) Large-scale N-fermion calculations. School of computational methods in theoretical physics, Roznov, Czechoslovakia
  2. Duch W, Karwowski J (1979) Direct determinantion of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. XXVI-th Congress of the Polish Physical Society, Torun, Poland
  3. Duch W (1979) Generalization of the Roos scheme. X-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society, Wrocław, Poland
  4. Duch W, Karwowski J (1979) Calculation of the coupling constants in the direct CI method. X-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society, Wrocław, Poland

    1978     1978     1978     1978     1978     1978     1978     1978     1978     1978

Popular articles, interviews (written when I was PhD student):

  1. Duch W (1978) Out-of-body and reincarnation phenomena from the point of view of physics. New Humanity, No.23-27, 34 pp.
    Comments and scanned manuscript
  2. Duch W (1978) Tradycje Wschodu: Buddyzm. Przekrój N.1747, 1/10/1978
  3. Duch W (1978) Medytacja Transcendentalna. Przekrój N.1736, 16/7/1978 10.
  4. Duch W (1978) Medytacja. Przekrój N.1734, 2/7/1978
  5. Duch W (1978) Dwie półkule i twórczość. Przekrój N.1732, 18/6/1978, str. 20
  6. Duch W (1978) Elektronika i stresy , Przekrój N.1730, 4/6/1978, str 21-22. Pierwszy artykuł po polsku na temat biofeedback!
  7. Duch W (1978) Życie po życiu. Przekrój N.1725, 30/4/1978. Pierwszy artykuł po polsku na temat doświadczeń bliskich śmierci (NDE).
  8. Duch W (1978) Niewiadome czy nieprawdopodobne. Przekrój N.1720, 26/3/1978

    1977     1977     1977     1977     1977     1977     1977     1977     1977     1977

  1. Duch W, Karwowski J (1977) Coupling constants in the direct configuration interaction method. Preprint UMK No.357


  1. Processing clinical text with domain-specific spreading activation methods.
    US Patent Application No. 12/006.813 (April 2008), published 2015, granted and published 6.01.2016, Patent 8,930,178 B2.
    co-authors: John Pestian, Paweł Matykiewicz, Włodzisław Duch, Tracy Glauser, Robert Kowatch, Jackie Grupp-Phelan; granted in Oct 25, 2016, U.S. No. 9,477,655 Processing Text with Domain-Specific Spreading Activation Methods.
  2. Włodzisław Duch, Bibianna Bałaj, Joanna Dreszer-Drogorób, Oleksandr Sokolov, Tomasz Komendziński, Jacek Matulewski, Dariusz Mikołajewski, Tomasz Piotrowski, Michał Meina System do wspomagania rozwoju percepcyjno-poznawczego niemowląt i małych Dzieci (System supporting perceptual-cognitive development of infants and babies), Zgłoszenie Patentowe PL P411648 (2015).
  3. Układ aktywnego stymulatora ośrodków mowy, zwłaszcza niemowląt i dzieci.
    BUP nr: 99/03 str.73 zawierającej skrót wynalazku,
    Polish patent: granted in 2002, patent no. 184102, submitted on 1997.07.29, number 321411.

    In preparation     In preparation     In preparation     In preparation     In preparation    

  1. Ratajczak E, Dreszer J, Duch W. (2018). Changes of heart. The influence of HRV-biofeedback treatment on various conditions – a detailed review and experimental guide”. In revision, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

  2. Minati L, .... Duch W. (2020). Various approaches to brain dynamics (in submission).

  3. Ratajczak E, Duch W. (2015). Global warning: Psychology and psychopathology of modern changing environment. (in submission).

  4. Duch W, Towards comprehensive approach to attention deficit disorders.
    Neural Networks (in prep).
  5. Duch W, Consciousness, Top-Down Attention and Imagery Agnosia.
    (in prep)

  6. Duch W, Autism.
    New ideas in psychology? BBS? (in prep.)
  7. Duch W, Amusia and Talent.
    New ideas in psychology? BBS? JCS? (in prep.)
  8. Duch W, Bridging the Mind-Brain Gap.
    Journal of Consciousness Studies (in prep.)
  9. Duch W, Biesiada J,
    Boosted margin-based feature selection filter for microarray gene expression data.

  10. Duch W, Mapping pursuit networks.
    NPL (in prep.)

Summary (all contributions, without books and papers in preparation):
14 papers in 1977-79; | 62 papers in 1980-89; | 59 papers in 1990-95, | 79 papers in 1996-99, razem 214 | 89 papers in 2000-03, razem 303 | 9 papers in 2004, | 17 papers in 2005, | 13 papers in 2006, | 20 papers in 2007 | 25 papers in 2008 | 16 papers in 2009 | 20 papers in 2010 | 19 papers in 2011 | 16 papers in 2012 | 21 papers in 2013 | 17 papers in 2014 | 12 papers in 2015 | 25 papers in 2016 | 12 papers in 2017 | 10 papers in 2018 | 11 papers in 2019 | 15=9+6 papers in 2020 | 13+7 papers in 2021 |
Total 2021: 371+134+153=658 printed, including posters, abstracts, interviews