Włodzisław Duch

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Talks on science abroad and in Poland, and talks to general audience popularizing science

Many talks are here and the list of papers associated with these talks is here.
Google list of videos with my lectures, and my calendar.

  1. Microsymposium on Quantum Chemistry
    October 1977, Stary Smokovec, Czechoslovakia
    Contribution: The direct CI from molecular integrals (with J. Karwowski)
    Contribution: Generalization of the Roos scheme.
  2. School on diagramatic methods in quantum chemistry
    September 1978, Bachotek, Poland
  3. Quantum Chemistry Symposium
    September 1978, Orenas, Sweden
    Contribution: Calculation of the coupling constants in
    the direct CI method (presented by J. Karwowski)

  4. Symposium on Quantum Chemistry
    April 1979, Janowice, Poland
    Contribution: Generalization of the Roos scheme
  5. Unitary Group for Calculation of Electronic Energy Orbitals
    September 1979, Bielefeld, Germany
    Contribution: Symmetric group graphical approach to the
    configuration interaction method (presented by J. Karwowski)
  6. X-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society
    September 1979, Wrocław, Poland
    Contributions: Calculation of the coupling constants in
    the direct CI method (with J. Karwowski)
    Generalization of the Roos scheme.
  7. XXVI-th Congress of the Polish Physical Society
    September 1979, Torun, Poland
    Contribution: Direct determinantion of eigenvectors and
    eigenvalues (with J. Karwowski).
  8. School of computational methods in theoretical physics
    September 1979, Roznov, Czechoslovakia
    Contribution: Large-scale N-fermion calculations.

  9. XI-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society
    September 1980, Wrocław, Poland
    Contribution: New approach to the CI method
  10. Third West Coast Theoretical Chemistry Conference
    April 1981, NASA-Ames Center, California
    Contributions: Symmetric group graphical approach to the
    configuration interaction method (talk)
    Direct CI program based on symmetric group approach (poster)
  11. Fourth West Coast Theoretical Chemistry Conference
    April 1982, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
  12. XXIII Congres of Theoretical Chemistry
    June 1982, Uppsala, Sweden
    Contribution: Jahn-Teller distorted states in cyclopropane (presented by G. Segal).
  13. XIV-th Congress of the Polish Chemical Society
    September 1983, Katowice, Poland
    Contribution: Group-theoretical approaches to the configuration interaction method.
  14. Microsymposium on Quantum Chemistry
    September 1983, Liblice, Czechoslovakia
    Contribution: Group-theoretical approaches to the configuration interaction method (presented by J. Karwowski.
  15. Europhysics Conference on Software Engineering, Methods and Tools
    August 1984, Brussels, Belgium.
  16. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry
    May 1985, Bachotek, Poland
    Contribution: Graphical representation of model spaces.
  17. Conference "Microphysical reality and quantum formalism"
    October 1985, Urbino, Italy
    Contribution: The great Quantum Poll.
  18. Quantum Chemistry Microsymposium
    October 1986, Garching, W.Germany
    Contribution: Living and dying with graphs.

  19. XIV Arbeitstagung über Probleme der Quantenchemie,
    March 1987, Ostseebad Kühlungsborn, DDR
    Contribution: Symmetric Group Approach to CI method.
  20. School on advanced methods of quantum chemistry
    May 1987, Bachotek, Poland
    Contribution: SGGA CI Program
    Contribution: Application of GRMS in many-body theories
    Contribution: Holism in Physics.
  21. First International Conference on the Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    June 1987, Paris, France
    Contribution: Fixed-slope graphs in physics and mathematics.
  22. MPA Garching Lectures Series
    August 1987, Garching, W.Germany
    Contribution: How deeply can we understand quantum mechanics.
  23. World Congres of Organic Theoretical Chemistry (WATOC)
    August 1987, Budapest, Hungary
    Contribution: Structure of many-particle model spaces, p.94.
  24. Open Problems in Physics
    September 1987, Gdansk, Poland
    Contribution: Violation of Bell's inequalities in interference experiments.
  25. Third International Meeting on Epistemology: The Concept of Probability
    October 1987, Delphi, Greece
    Contribution: Schrödinger's thoughts on perfect knowledge.

  26. Workshop on Quantum Chemistry
    June 1988, Girona, Spain
    Contribution: Application of GRMS in variational and perturbational methods.
  27. Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Molecular Physics
    August 1988, Jerusalem, Israel
    Contribution: Graphical representation of algebraical problems.

  28. Sixth school of advanced methods of quantum chemistry
    June 1989, Bachotek, Poland
    Contribution: EPR Paradox and Local Realism
    Contribution: Open-shell MBPT in the spin eigenfunction basis
    Contribution: A method for localizing errors in CI programs
    (with J. Karwowski and G.H.F. Diercksen
    Contribution: Large matrix diagonalization (with O. Styp-Rekowski)
  29. MPA Molecular Physics Seminars
    August 1989, Garching, W.Germany
    Contribution: Superdirect methods in quantum chemistry

  30. 30th Sannibel Conference
    March 1990, Ponce de Leon, Florida
    Contribution: Two new approaches to CI
  31. Super! 1990 supercomputer conference
    April 1990, Gainesville, Florida

  32. Molecular Physics Seminar Series 1992
    May 1992, Garching, Germany
    Contribution: Size Consistency Corrections in Configuration Interaction Methods.
  33. NATO ASI on Correlation and Relativistic Effects in Atoms and Molecules
    August 1992, Vancouver, Canada
    Contribution: Multireference size-extensivity corrections.
  34. Quantum Chemistry Symposium 1992
    September 1992, Katowice, Poland
    Contribution: What's new in configuration interaction methods (invited talk).
  35. Workshop on Coupled Clusters in the Theory of Atoms and Molecules. October 1992, Warsaw, Poland
    Contribution: Perturbation and variation-perturbation methods for open-shell systems (invited talk).
  36. Seminar on Bioinformatics: Psychological and neurophysiological bases of new computer technologies.
    November 1992, Warsaw, Poland
    Contribution: Modeling neural networks - a physicist's point of view. (invited talk)
  37. Potential of Maple for teaching. December 1992, Birmingham, UK
  38. Do the computational sciences exist?
    May 1992, Kraków, Cyfronet (invited talk)
  39. Computational sciences: what is it?
    December 1992, Cyfronet, Swierk near Warsaw, Poland (this talk was also given twice at UMK, Torun).

  40. IX Konferencja ,,Informatyka w szkole": Metody i Środki Informatyki w Zmieniajacej się Szkole.
    September 1993, Toruń
    Contribution: Przyszłość komputerów w edukacji (invited talk)
  41. NEURONET'93
    September 1993, Prague, Czech Republic
    Contribution: Floating Gaussian Mapping: a new model of adaptive systems.
  42. The 26th symposium on mathematical physics,
    December 1993, Torun
    Contribution: Graph-theoretical Concept of Information
  43. Hity'93, Symposium in quantum chemistry.
    December 1993, Warsaw, Poland

  44. Academic Programs in Computational Science and Engineering Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 10-12.02.1994.
    Contribution: Cerebrations on computational science (invited)
  45. Computer physics school
    Kraków, Poland, February 1994
    Contribution: Modeling adaptive systems (invited talk)
  46. I Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Interdyscyplinarne: Jezyk i Kultura Japonii.
    Torun, Poland, March 1994
  47. Torun Unix Center - Quo vadis?.
    Torun, Poland, March 1994
    Contribution: Cerebrations on computational science (invited talk)
  48. Open systems and information dynamics.
    Torun, Poland, April 1994
    Contribution: Information theory and neural networks (invited talk)
  49. First conference on neural networks and applications.
    Kule, Poland, April 1994 (member of the scientific committee).
    Contribution: Towards Artificial Minds (invited talk, plenary session chairman, session chairman)
    Contribution: What can you teach neural networks (short talk)
    Contribution: Complex systems, information theory and neural networks (short talk, with Norbert Jankowski)
  50. International symposium on electron correlation in atoms and molecules.
    Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 14.06-18.06.1994
    Contribution: Superdirect configuration interaction method
  51. Academy of Consciousness.
    Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 24.06-10.07.1994
    Contribution: Artificial minds and the mind/body problem
  52. Japanese Neural Networks Society.
    Tsukuba Japan, November 1994
    Contribution: Mind space approach to neurofuzzy systems
  53. Parallel Processing Workshop, International Center for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan, 24-25.11.1994
    Contribution: Towards massively parallel CI algorithms: superdirect method (invited talk, 1 hour)
  54. International Symposium on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994, ICOT (Institute for New Generation of Computer Technology), Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 12-16, 1994

  55. COST meeting "Intelligent software for chemistry" (invited), Bad Windsheim, Germany 24-27 Jan 1995
  56. TRM meeting "Excited states in atoms and molecules" (invited), Bad Windsheim, Germany 27-31 Jan 1995
  57. Eastern School on "Computational methods in psychology", Kings College, Cambridge, UK, 26-28.03.1995
  58. Language and Technology, Poznan, Poland, 12-13.04.1995 (organized by Univ. of Adam Mickiewicz and European Community DG 13)
  59. ESANN'95, 3rd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. Brussels, Belgium, 19-21.04.1995 (member of the scientific committee, session chairman).
  60. SMC, System Modelling Control, Zakopane, Poland, 1-5.05.1995
    Contribution: From cognitive models to neurofuzzy systems (session chairman).
  61. IV Krajowa Konferencja "Modelowanie Systemów Biologicznych", Kraków, Poland, 2-3.06.1995.
    Contribution: Physics of consciousness.
  62. EANN'95, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Helsinki, Finland, 21-28.08.1995 (member of the scientific committee, (session chairman).
    Contribution: Feature Space Mapping: a neurofuzzy network for system identification.
  63. Phare-Tessa-Tempus workshop "Computer-aided education" Nicolaus Copernicus University, 21-25.8.1995 (co-organizer).
  64. European Physical Society (EPS) Computational Physics Summer School. Skalský Dvur, Czech Republic, 5-14.9.1995 (lecturer, plenary session chairman).
    Contribution: Psychophysics.
  65. III Internationaler Kongress, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum "Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Dialog", Torun, 21-24 Sept. 1995
  66. I Krajowa Konferencja Użytkowników Matlaba, AGH Kraków, 14-15.11.1995 (member of the scientific committee).
  67. The 28th symposium on mathematical physics,
    5-8 December 1995, Torun
    Contribution: Self-organization and visaulization of multidimensional data

  68. ESANN'96, 4th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. Bruges, Belgium, 19-21.04.1996 (member of the scientific committee, session chairman).
    Contribution: Multidimensional scaling and Kohonen's self-organizing maps (with A. Naud)
  69. Open systems and information dynamics. (session chairman)
    Torun, Poland, 19-22 March 1996
    Contribution: Dynamical systems approach to models of mind. (invited talk)
  70. Recent Advances in Computational Quantum Chemistry, Munich, 28-31.03.1996 (session chairman)
    Contribution (invited): Artificial intelligence support for quantum chemistry. (invited talk)
  71. "Neural networks and their applications", Orle Gniazdo, kwiecien 1996, (member of the scientific committee, session chairman)
    Contribution: Tutorial "Cognitive and neural brain function modeling"
    Contribution: On simplifying brain functions
    Contribution: Feature Space Mapping network for classification (with R. Adamczak)
    Contribution: Duch W, Naud A, Multidimensional scaling and Kohonen's self-organizing maps (with A. Naud)
    Contribution: On optimal network processing functions (with N. Jankowski)
  72. EANN'96, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. London, UK, 21-28.08.1996 (member of the scientific committee, session chairman).
    Contribution: Improved memory-based classification.
  73. W. Duch, 34th ICM Seminar: Statistic and Clinical Practice, 24-28 June, 1996, Warsaw Poland,
    Invited talk: Neural-Based Classification and Visualization Methods with Applications to Psychometry (with R. Adamczak, N. Jankowski, A. Naud, J. Gomuła and T. Kucharski).
  74. Physics Computing'96, Kraków 9/1996 (member of the scientific committee, organization of neural computing session).
    Contribution: Simplexes, Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Self-Organized Mapping
  75. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'96), Hong Kong, Sept. 24-27, 1996
  76. Colloquia in Artificial Intelligence, Łódz, 19-21.12.1996 (member of the scientific committee)
    Contribution: Extraction of logical rules from neural networks (with R. Adamczak and K. Grabczewski).
  77. International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Systems, Iizuka, Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 1996
    Contribution: Categorization, prototype theory and neural dynamics (invited paper, cognitive science session, session chairman)
  78. Sympozjum Kognitywne 1996: Świadomość a percepcja, Poznań, 6-7.12.1996
    Contribution: From brain to mind to consciousness - without hard problems.
  79. International Workshop on Brainware (IWB'96), Tokyo, 10-11.12.1996

  80. 5th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'97), Bruges, Belgium, 16-18.04.1997
    Contribution: Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks (member of the scientific committte, paper with R. Adamczak, K. Grabczewski, Masumi Ishikawa and Hiroki Ueda)
  81. International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Houston, 9-12.6.1997
    Contribution: Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks (with R. Adamczak and K. Grabczewski, invited, special session organizer)
  82. Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN'97), 16-18 June 1997, Stockholm
    Contribution: Logical rules for classification of medical data using ontogenic neural algorithm (member of the scientific committee, paper with R. Adamczak and K. Grabczewski)
  83. Workshop on Biology as a Source of Inspiration for Technology, 19-20.06.1997, Sigtuna
    Contribution: Neurofuzzy system inspired by a model of mind (invitated talk)
  84. 4th European Transpersonal Conference, Warsaw 17-22.08.1997
    Contribution: Transpersonal theories of consciousness (invited plenary talk), and discussion panel.
  85. Fechner's Days 97, 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Poznań, 16-19.08.1997
  86. Congress of Analytical Philosophy, Munich, 16-18.08.1997
    Contribution: Platonic theory of mind - some philosophical questions (invited talk)
  87. XVI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki, Zakopane 25-29.09.1997
    Contribution: Optimalization of structures and parameters of neural networks and global minimization methods, (invited talk, in polish)
  88. Neural networks and their applications, Kule, 14-18.10.1997 (member of the scientific committee, chairman of two planary sessions)
    Six contributions: New developments in the Feature Space Mapping model (with R. Adamczak); Initialization of adaptive parameters in density networks (with R. Adamczak and N. Jankowski); Initialization and optimization of multilayered perceptrons (with R. Adamczak and N. Jankowski); Extraction of logical rules from medical datasets (with R. Adamczak and K. Grąbczewski); Scaling properties of neural classifiers; Neural minimal distance methods.
  89. Intelligent Software in Computational Chemistry, The Open Moll Project, Munich 23-26.10.1997
    Contribution (invited): Intelligent recommendation in computational chemistry: how to do it?
  90. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'97), Dunedin, New Zealand, November 24-28, 1997 (member of the scientific committee, organizer of special seesion "From neural networks to logical rules")
    Contribution (invited): Constraint MLP and density estimation for extraction of crisp logical rules from data

  91. Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications, March 11-12-13, 1998, Marseilles, France.
    Contribution: Rule extraction from linguistic rule Networks and from Fuzzy Neural Networks: Propositional versus Fuzzy Rules (paper with N. Kasabov and R. Kozma, presented by N. Kasabov)
  92. The 8th Workshop on Open Systems and Information Dynamics, March 3-5, 1998, Torun, Poland (organizer of a special session "Neural networks and machine learning")
    Contribution: Initialization of Adaptive Parameters in Neural Networks (invited talk, also papers with R. Adamczak and K. Grąbczewski)
  93. Fizyka u progu trzeciego tysiąclecia, 27-28.02,1998, Inst. of Physics, Toruń Poland
  94. 6th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'98), Bruges, Belgium, April 1998
  95. 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI'98, Anchorage, Alaska, 4-9 May 1998 (organizer of a special session "Machine Learning and Neural Networks")
    Contribution (invited): Neural minimal distance methods
  96. Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN'97), 10-12 June 1998, Gibraltar
    Contribution: Medical diagnosis support using neural and machine learning methods (member of the scientific committee, paper with R. Adamczak, K. Grabczewski, N. Jankowski N and G. Żal)
  97. Intelligent Information Systems VII, Malbork, Poland, 15-19 June 1998
    Contributions: A framework for similarity-based classification methods, and: Hybrid neural-global minimization logical rule extraction method for medical diagnosis support (with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G)
  98. Third International Seminar on Statistics and Clinical Practice, Warsaw, 24-25 June 1998
    Contributions: Hybrid neural-global minimization logical rule extraction method for medical diagnosis support (invited talk, with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G)
  99. American Neopragmatism. A conference honoring Hilary Putnam's philosophy, 8-11 Sept. 1998
    Contribution (invited): What constitutes a good theory of mind?
  100. Colloquia in Artificial Intelligence (CAI'98), Łódź, Poland, 28-30 Sept. 1998
    Contributions: A hybrid method for extraction of logical rules from data (invited, paper with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G) and A framework for similarity-based methods. (with Grudziński K)
  101. Symulacja w badaniach i rozwoju, Jelenia Góra, Poland, 7-9 Oct. 1998
    Contributions: member of the scientific commmittee, co-organizer of data mining special session; papers presented:
  102. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'98), Kitakyushu, Japan, 21-23 Oct. 1998
    Contributions: special session "Selection and optimization of neural architectures", Statistical methods for construction of neural networks. (invited talk, with R. Adamczak)
  103. Neural Network and the Brain, Beijing, 27-30 Oct. 1998
    Contribution: On neural implementation of psychological spaces.

  104. International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA'99), Vienna, February 1999 (member of the scientific committee)
    Contribution: Distance-based Multilayer Perceptrons (with Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF).
  105. European Transpersonal Conference, Oslo, 31.04-3.05
    Contribution: Consciousness and the transpersonal (invited talk, plenary discussion panel).
  106. 4th Polish Neural Network Society Conference, Zakopane, Poland, 18-22.05.1999 (member of the scientific committee)
    Contribution: Alternatives to gradient-based neural training and optimization,
    Searching for optimal MLP (with K. Grąbczewski),
    The weighted k-NN method with selection of features and its neural realization (with K. Grudziński),
    A general purpose separability criterion for classification systems (with K. Grąbczewski)
  107. ESM'99, International Conference on Qualitative Information, Fuzzy Techniques, and Neural Networks in Simulation, Warsaw, 01-04 June 1999 (member of the scientific committee)
  108. Komputerowe Systemy Rozpoznawania, KOSYR'99, Trzebieszowice, 24 -27.05.1999
    Member of the scientific committee
  109. IJCNN'99, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, 10-16.07.1999
    Contribution: Neural networks in non-Euclidean metric spaces (with R. Adamczak),
    Optimization of logical rules derived by neural procedures (with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G),
    Search and global minimization in similarity-based methods (with K. Grudziński)
  110. 7th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN'99, Brugge, Belgium
    Member of the scientific committee
  111. Intelligent Information Systems VIII, Ustroń, Poland, 4-18.06.1999
    Contribution: Methodology of extraction, optimization and application of logical rules (with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K, Żal G),
    Weighting and selection of features in Similarity Based Methods (with K. Grudziński)
  112. Mini Symposium, Molecular Physics Group, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, 19-20.08.1999
    Contribution: Knowledge Discovery in Science and Technology.
  113. FAMO, Toruń, September 1999
  114. 5th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks EANN'99, Warsaw, 13-15.09.1999 (general chair)
    Contribution: Neural methods for analysis of psychometric data (with Adamczak R, Grąbczewski K).
  115. International Interdisciplinary Conference on Metaphor and Cognition, Toruń, 25-27.10.1999
  116. IV konferencja Internetu Medycznego, Toruń, 12-13.11.1999 (member of the scientific board)
    Contribution: Metody sztucznej inteligencji w zastosowaniu do szukania informacji medycznej w Internecie.
  117. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'99), Perth, Western Australia, 16-20.11.1999
    Contribution: Neural optimization of linguistic variables and membership functions.
    Member of the scientific committee

  118. 8th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN'2000, Brugge, 23-26.04.2000
    Member of the scientific committee, organizer of a special session
  119. Integracyjne mechanizmy kory mózgowej, VII Wiosenna Szkoła Neurobiologii Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Układu Nerwowego (PTBUN), Warszawa 5.05.2000
    Contribution: Consciousness and the dynamic models of the brain. (invited)
  120. Sympozjum kognitywne "Subiektywność a świadomość", Obrzycko k. Poznania, 4-6.05.2000
    Contribution: Kognitywna Teoria Świadomości (zaproszony).
  121. V Krajowa Konferencja "Modelowanie cybernetyczne systemów biologicznych", Kraków 19-20.05.2000
    Member of the scientific committee.
  122. 5th Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane 5-10.06.2000
    Contributions: Naud A and Duch W, Interactive data exploration using MDS mapping.
    Grąbczewski K and Duch W, The separability of split value criterion.
    Duch W, Grudziński K and Stawski G, Symbolic features in neural networks.
    Adamczak R and Duch W, Neural networks for structure-activity relationship problems.
    Duch W, Adamczak, R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud A - tutorial: Extraction of knowledge from data using Computational Intelligence methods.
    Duch W, How does the brain work? (2 hours, special lecture)
  123. Intelligent Information Systems IX, Bystra, Poland, 12-16.06.2000
    Contributions: Duch W, Grąbczewski K, Jankowski N, Adamczak R, Optimization and interpretation of rule-based classifiers.
    Grudziński K, Duch W, SBL-PM: A Simple Algorithm for Selection of Reference Instances for Similarity Based Methods.
    Duch W, How does the brain work? (2 hours, special lecture)
  124. 4th International Seminar on Statistics and Clinical Practice, 26-20.06.2000, Warsaw.
    Contribution: Naud A, Duch W, Interactive data exploration with MDS.
  125. 6th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, EANN 2000, Kingston upon Thames, 17-19.07.2000
    Committee member
  126. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN2000, Como, Italy, 24-27.07.2000
    Contribution: Jankowski N, Duch W, Taxonomy of neural transfer functions.
    Duch W, Adamczak, R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud A - tutorial on understanding the data.
  127. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Kosice, Slovakia 30.08-01.09.2000
    Committee member, plenary lecture: Computational intelligence methods and data understanding.
  128. XXIX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki, Zakopane, 25.09.2000
    Contribution: Metody inteligencji obliczeniowej oceniające podobieństwo do wzorców (zaproszony)
  129. Colloquia in Artificial Intelligence CAI'2000 Łódź, 5-7.10.2000
    Committee member
  130. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation - 21st Century Technologies and Industrial Opportunities, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan 22- 28.10.2000
    Technical Program Committee member in the area of Emerging Technologies
  131. Medical Informatics and Technologies, Ustroń 8-10.11.2000
    Plenary lecture: Therapeutic implications of computer models of brain activity.
    Committee member
  132. International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP'2000, Teojon, Korea 13-18.11.2000
    Contributions: Duch W, Adamczak R, Hayashi Y, Eliminators and classifiers
    Duch W, Adamczak R, Diercksen GHF, Feature space mapping neural network applied to structure-activity relationship problems..
    Duch W, Adamczak, R, Grąbczewski K, Grudziński K, Jankowski N, Naud A - tutorial on understanding the data.
  133. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kognitywna, Toruń, 8-9.12.2000
    Contribution: Czas zamknąć Chiński Pokój (zaproszony)

  134. 9th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brugge, Belgium, 25-27.04.2001
    Contribution: 3 papers, special session, scientific committee member
  135. II Krajowa Konferencja "Technologia informacyjna w zmieniającej się edukacji", 14 - 16 maja 2001 - Toruń,
    Contribution: Zastosowania kognitywistyki (plenary talk).
  136. Komputerowe Systemy Rozpoznawania, KOSYR 2001, 28-31.05.2001
    Contribution: member of the program committee, + paper: Rules for melanoma skin cancer diagnosis (paper with K. Grabczewski, R. Adamczak, K. Grudzinski, Z. Hippe).
  137. The Tenth International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems, Zakopane 18-22.06.2001, .
    Contributon: Ensembles of Similarity-Based Models (with K. Grudziński).
  138. 5th Congress of Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, "Information Society", Wrocław 23-24.06.2001,
    Contribution: Future of the information society and information technology (invited).
  139. International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'2001, 9-11.07.2001, Las Vegas.
    Contributions: member of the Scientific Committee
  140. International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC'2001, 9-11.07.2001, Las Vegas, USA
    Contributions: member of the Scientific Committee
  141. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 14-19.07.2001, Washington D.C.
    Contributions: tutorial "Extraction of knowledge from data using computational intelligence methods", (2 h) + paper: Prototype based rules - new way to understanding the data.
  142. 7th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN), Cagliari, Italy, 16-18 July 2001.
    Contributions: member of the Organizing Committee
  143. Towards a better understanding of genomic data: computational approaches. Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio, 23.07.2001
    Contribution: Understanding medical data (invited talk).
  144. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Vienna, 21-25.08.2001
    Contribution: tutorial (2h), "Extraction of Knowledge from Data using Computational Intelligence Methods", + member of the scientific committee
  145. 5 congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, 6-9.09.2001,
    Contribution: Creation of topographical maps and modeling of brain plasticity (invited talk).
  146. Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne, Toruń, 17-20.10.2001,
    Contribution: Fizyka umysłu (invited, plenary talk).
  147. Int. workshop on complex systems in natural and social sciences (CSNSS'01), Torun, Poland, 18-21.10.2001
    No contributions.
  148. Medical Information Technologies, Ustroń, 8-10.11.2001
    Contribution: member of the Scientific Committee
  149. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Shanghai, 14-18.11.2001
    Contribution: member of the Scientific Committee, + paper: Meta-learning: searching in the model space (with K. Grudziński)
  150. Podsumowanie programu "Librarius", Biblioteka Główna UMK, Toruń, 19-20.11.2001
    Contribution: Przyszłość technologii informacyjnych i przyszłość książki (plenary talk).

  151. April 8-10, 2002, Bayer Diagnostic Lab Symposium, Berlin.
    Neural networks as an aid in medical diagnostics, talk + running workshop.
  152. April 22-26, 2002, Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI'2002), Yucatan, Mexico, member of the program committee.
  153. April 24-26.04.2002, 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brugge, Belgium
    Contribution: scientific committee member
  154. May 12-17, 2002, World Congress of Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, member of the International Joint Conference on Neural Information Processing (IJCNN) program committee.
    Contribution: tutorial "Computational intelligence for data mining", and paper "Heterogeneous adaptive systems".
  155. June 3-5, 2002, European Simulation Multiconference organised by The Society for Computer Simulation International, Darmstadt, member of the program committee.
  156. June 3-6, 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems, Sopot, Poland.
    Contributon: Meta-learning (with K. Grudziński).
  157. June 5-7, BIT'2002 - BioInformatyka Toruń, workshop
    Organizer (with W. Nowak)
  158. June 10, New trends in knowledge management, IBS and WSZMiI, Warsaw.
    Contribution: panel discussion
  159. June 11-15, 2002, ICNNSC'2002, Sixth International Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland
    General co-chair, plenary talk + 6 papers
  160. June 13, 2002, Krakow, Q.Ch. Symposium.
    Contribution: short talk
  161. June 17-20, 2002, 15 International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Cairns, Australia (IEA2002AIE)
    Contribution: invited plenary talk
  162. July 8-12, Neural networks in supervised classification and regression school, Porto, Portugal
    Contribution: lecturer
  163. August 27-31, ICANN, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, member of the program committee.
    Contribution: paper on tree forests
  164. September 16-17, Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne
    Member of the committee
  165. September 18-21, Z technologią informacyjną przez wszystkie lata w szkole.
    Member of the committee
  166. September 23-24, 2002, Bio-inspired Computational Models of Learning and Memory, Lejondal castle in Stockholm, Sweden.
    By invitation only, talk: Attractor neural networks and concept formation in psychological spaces.
  167. November 18-22, International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Singapore.
    Contribution: member of the program committee, talk, 2 plenary panel discussions.
  168. Nov. 13-15.11.2002, 3rd Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence, Gliwice, Poland
    Contribution: member of scientific committee.

  169. 2003.02.12-14, International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA 2003), Vienna, Austria
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  170. 2003.03.26-28, Signals, Systems, Decision &Information Technology (SSD'2003), Sousse, Tunisia
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  171. 2003.04.26-28, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2003) Brugge, Belgium.
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  172. 2003.05.26-29, 4th Computer Pattern Recognition Systems (Komputerowe Systemy Rozpoznawania, KOSYR 2003), Milkow, Poland
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  173. 2003.05.11-12, II Polish Cognitive Science Society Assembly (II Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego), Torun, Poland.
    Contribution: member of the program committee, short talk and panel discussion via teleconference media.
  174. 2003.06.2-5, New Trends in Information Processing and Web Mining, Warsaw, Poland.
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  175. 2003.06.11-13, V National conference on Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems, Wroclaw, Poland.
    Contribution: member of the program committee
  176. 2003.06.23-27, Joint International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) and International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, Turkey.
    Contribution: member of the program committee, 3-hour tutorial "Computational intelligence tools for data understanding" + statistical data analysis track chair + co-author of 5 papers
  177. 2003.07.02-04, The Twelvfth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN 2003), Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale.
    Contribution: International Program Committee member.
  178. 2003.07.14-17, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2003), Portland, Oregon, USA
    Contribution: member of the Board of Governors; one paper.
  179. 2003.09.8-10, 8th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN), Malaga, Spain.
    Contributions: member of the Organizing Committee
  180. 2003.09.17-21, South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, Pretoria
    Contribution: plenary talk "Conscious mind as a limit of brain-like computing".
  181. 2003.09.30-1, First International Workshop on Socio-Cognitive Engineering Foundations (SCEF-2003), Inst. of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Rome, Italy
    Contribution: member of the scientific board, discussion (virtual), short paper.
  182. 2003.12.3-5, CyberWorlds, Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore.
  183. 2003.12.12, Workshop: Bioinformatics and generation of hypothesis in biomedical studies, BioInformatics Research Center, Singapore.
  184. 2003.12.15-18, CIRAS 2003, 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, NUS, Singapore.

  185. 2004.01.4-7, International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP - 2004), Chennai, India.
    Contribution: tutorial, discussion panel, one paper.
  186. 2004.02.11-13: International Conference on Computational Intelligence (ICCI '2004), Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, in Canakkale, Turkey, committee member.
  187. 2004.04.28-30, 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'04), Brugge, Belgium, committee member.
  188. 2004.05.15-16, Lublin, Forum Filozoficzne, invited talk "Swiadomosc tworów sztucznych: odwrócony argument" ("Consciousness in artificial systems: reversed argument").
  189. 2004.05.17-20, New Trends in Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining (IIPWM'04), Zakopane, Poland, committee member.
  190. 2004.05.17-20, First Warsaw International Seminar on Intelligent Systems, Warsaw, "hidden secrets of neural networks", committee member, invited talk.
  191. 2004.06.7-11, The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC), Zakopane, Poland, June 7-11, 2004, general co-chair, plenary talk.
  192. 2004.07.2-3, The 4th Bioinformatics in Torun, workshop (BIT'04), Torun, Poland, co-organizer (with W. Nowak).
  193. 2004.07.25-28: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2004), and International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Budapest, Hungary
  194. 2004.08.19-21: International Symposium Neural Networks (ISNN 2004), Dalian, China, member of the program committee.
  195. 2004.08.25-28: International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Portugal.
  196. 2004.10.11-13, "Informacja - Reprezentacja - System Poznawczy", III Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego. Plenary Talk: 3 Projects that will change the world.
  197. 2004.11.22-25: International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2004), Calcutta, Chair of "Time series prediction and data analysis" track; one paper.

  198. 2005.01.7: First NTU Cognitive Science Workshop, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
    Two talks: "What is Cognitive Science", and "Introducing Humanized Interfaces".
  199. 2005.01.27-28, Gapfill, Euro-Singapore 2005, Regent Hotel, Singapore
    Meta-learning and information selection
  200. 2005.03.27-31, SETIT 2005, International Conference: Sciences of Electronic Technologies Of Information and Telecommunications, Tunisia; member of the Program Committee.
  201. 2005.03.28, CyberGames2005 workshop, NTU, Singapore; member of the Program Committee.
  202. 2005.04.18-21: KIMAS, Integration of Knowledge-Intensive Multi-Agent Systems, Waltham, MA.
  203. 2005.04.11-14: PD Forum-Conference on Computer Science'2005, Sulejów Lake, Bronislawow, Poland; member of the Program Committee, plenary talk.
  204. 2005.04.27-29, 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'05), Brugge, Belgium, committee member.
  205. 2005.05.13-16, Bachotek workshops on NLP, information selection and metaleanring, general chair.
  206. 2005.05.22-25, CORES, 4th Int Conf on Computer Recognition Systems, Rydzyna Castle, member of the Program Committee.
  207. 2005.05.23-25, IV Krajowa Konferencja Kognitywistyczna, "Znak, znaczenie, kontekst w badaniach kognitywistycznych", Toruń; member of the Program Committee, dyskusja panelowa "Naturalizowanie świadomości".
  208. 2005.05.25, Sztuka – Mózg – Emocje, Toruń; member of the Program Committee, referat zaproszony "Neuroestetyka".
  209. 2005.05.30-1, International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China; member of the Program Committee.
  210. 2005.06.30-2, International Symposium on Neural Networks and Soft Computing in Engineering, NNSC-2005, organized by ECCOMAS, European Community for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Krakow, Poland; member of the Program Committee.
  211. 2005.07.1-10, 4th conference on information and management sciences, Kunming, China 1-10.07.05, plenary talk, member of the committee.
  212. 2005.08.31-3, REI'05, 9th International Conference on Research in Electrotechnology and Applied Informatics. Member of the programm committee.
  213. 2005.09.03, EU COST Action B27 Group, Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition (ENOC), Istanbul meeting, report on activities in Poland.
  214. 2005.09.11-14, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'05), Warsaw, Poland, general co-chair (with Janusz Kacprzyk) + two presentations.
  215. 2005.09.15, workshop "Building Brains" organized in Torun (with John Taylor), talks: Large-scale projects to build artificial brains: review; and Large-scale projects to build artificial brains: ABACCUS.
  216. 2005.09.14-17: International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Barcelona; member of the Program Committee.
  217. 2005.09.26-27, Cognitive Science Symposium "Building Tomorrow’s Cognitive Systems", Aspiration Theatrette, Level 2M, Matrix Building, Biopolis, Singapore, plenary talk.
  218. 2005.10.30-11.2: International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2005), Taipei, member of the Program Committee.
  219. 2005.11.23-25, International Conference on Cyberworlds, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore; member of the Program Committee.
  220. 2005.11.28-30, International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA'05), Vienna, (member of the international program committee)
  221. 2005.12.5-9, XXI Autumn Meeting of Polish Information Processing Society (21 Jesienne Spotkania Polskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego), member of the Program Committee.

  222. 2006.01.14-15, First IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (ICEIS'2006), Islamabad, Pakistan (member of the Int. Program Committee)
  223. 2006.04.26-28, 14th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'06), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  224. 2006.05.12-13, EU COST Action B27 Group, Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition (ENOC), Skopie meeting, report on activities in Poland.
  225. 2006.05.29-31, Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, Sichuan, China (member of the international program committee).
  226. 2006.06.7-9, CIS-RAM 2006, IEEE Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, member of the International Program Committee.
  227. 2006.06.16-18, VI Krajowa Konf. Inżynieria wiedzy i systemy ekspertowe", Wrocław. Member of the Program Committee.
  228. 2006.06.6-8, Neurocognitive days, member of the organizing committee, 2 plenaries (Neurocognitive science, A machine that creates).
  229. 2006.06.19-22, 24 Konf Polioptymalizacja i Komputerowe Wspomaganie Projektowania, Sabrinowo, Poland (2 plenaries).
  230. 2006.06.19-22, Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining (IIPWM) 2006, Ustron, Poland (member of the scientific committee).
  231. 2006.06.25-29, The 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland (co-chairman).
  232. 2006.06.30, Homo automaticus, Homo sapiens, experimental psychology conference, Jadwisin/Warsaw, Discussion: Homo sapiens: w poszukiwaniu autonomii podmiotu.
  233. 2006.07.1-5, The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Chengdu, China (member of the international program committee).
  234. 2006.07.16-21 World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI/IJCNN), Sheraton Vancouver; technical co-chair; special session and discussion panel "How to reach human level intelligence".
  235. 2006.08.24-26, International Symposium on Artificial Brain with Emotion and Learning (ISABEL) - Bio-Inspired Models and Hardware for Brain-like Intelligent Functions. Seoul, Korea, invited plenary talk.
  236. 2006.09.10-14, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'06), Athens, Greece, program co-chair (with Erkki Oja).
  237. 2006.10.03-06, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP2006, Hong Kong, publicity co-chair, plenary talk.
  238. 2006.10.9-11, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2006), Bournemouth International Conference Centre, UK (member of the international program committee).
  239. 2006.10.10-14, Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems Island of Lesvos, Greece (member of the scientific committee).
  240. 2006.11.06-10, Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA’06) Wisla, Poland, Program Committee Member.
  241. 2006.11.16-18, Embodied and situated cognition: From phenomenology to neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland; organizing committee member.
  242. 2006.11.21-24, First International Conference on Neural Networks and Associative Memories (NNAM 2006), Mexico City, Program Committee Member.
  243. 2006.12.5-8, 9th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision ICARCV 2006, Grand Hyatt, Singapore.
  244. 2006.12.11-14, The International Conference in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering 2006 (ICBPE 2006), Orchard Hotel, Singapore; PC member.
  245. 2006.12.14-15, Human emotions in voice and body. Approaches from the affective sciences and virtual reality. Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.

  246. 2007.02.14-17, Szkola Zimowa IF PAN 2007 Pamięć: od neuronu do kliniki, referat "Jak działa mózg? Uwagi dla modelarzy".
  247. 2007.02.24-24, Neuroestetyka, Poznan, ref. "Neuroestetyka".
  248. 2007.03.14-15, Brain days, KUL, Czy jesteśmy automatami? Wolna wola, podmiotowość i mózg (ref+dyskusja).
  249. 2007.03.25-29, 4th Int. Conf. Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT2007), Hammamet, Tunisia.
  250. 2007.03.25-28, EU COST Action B27 Group, Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition (ENOC), Florence meeting Neuroscience today.
  251. 2007.04.01-05: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, Hilton Hawaiian Village, CI in DataMining Symposium co-chair (with Joydeep Gosh, Univ. Texas at Austin).
  252. 2006.04.25-27: 15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'07), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  253. 2007.06.03-07: International Symposium on Neural Networks, Nanjing; steering committee.
  254. 2007.06.14-15: Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2007, Selekcja informacji dla analizy danych z mikromacierzy.
  255. 2007.07.01-06: 6th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences, Lhasa, Tibet, plenary talk, committee member.
  256. 2007.08.17-20, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'07), Renaissance Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida; International Chair.
  257. 2007.09.09-13, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'07), Porto, Portugal, program co-chair.
  258. 2007.09.24-26, Self, Intersubjectivity and Social Neuroscience: From Mind and Action to Society, Torun, Poland, committee member, invited talk "Are we automata?"
  259. 2007.10.15-17: Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA’07, a part of International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology), XXIII Fall Meeting of Polish Information Processing Society, Wisla, Poland, Program Committee Member.
  260. 2007.10.22-25: CORES 2007, 5th Int Conf on Computer Recognition Systems, Wroclaw, Poland; member of the Program Committee.
  261. 2007.11.13-16: International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2007), Kitakyushu, Japan.
  262. 2007.11.23-24: Fizyka a umysł, UAM Poznań, plenary "Od neurodynamiki do geometrii umysłu".
  263. 2007.12.01-05: Neuromath, Rzym, Advanced Methods for the Estimation of Human Brain Activity and Connectivity.
  264. 2007.12.11-11: Neuromarketing, interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na klienta, Poznań. Plenary: Perspektywy neuromarketingu.
  265. 2007.12.14-16: 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Computational intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS '07), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, keynote talk: Learning data structures with inherent complex logic.

  266. 2008.01.22-25: Neuropsychologia i Kognitywistyka w Medycynie, Bydgoszcz, CM UMK, plenary talk "Creativity, Neuroscience and Neurocognitive Informatics".
  267. 2008.01.22-25: 10th Neuroinformatics conference, Moscow, Russia, plenary talk: Meta-Learning and learning in highly non-separable cases.
  268. 2008.03.01-03: Artificial General Intelligence, Memphis, TN, member of the scientific committee; talk on Cognitive architectures, panel discussion.
  269. 2008.04.16-18: Wojna płci, Inst. Politologii UMK, Torun, talk: Kobiety, mężczyźni, mózgi i (nie)cała reszta.
  270. 2008.04.18-19: Polish Cognitive Science Society, UAM, Poznań. Talk: Architektury kognitywne, czyli jak zbudować sztuczny umysł?
  271. 2008.05.19-21: PDFCCS'2008, Forum-Conference on Computer Science for Ph. D. students and Post Doctoral researchers, Smardzewice, Poland.
  272. 2008.04.23-25: 16th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'08), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  273. 2008.04.28-29: Neuromath, Dornburg Castle, Jena, Germany, talk "Fuzzy symbolic dynamics".
  274. 2008.05.15-17: Argumentation as a cognitive process, Torun, invited talk.
  275. 2008.06.01-06: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), HK, tutorial-cochair.
  276. 2008.06.07-08: International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence 2008 (IWACI 2008), Makao, PC Comittee Member, invited speaker.
  277. 2008.06.11-14: Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2008, co-organizer.
  278. 2008.06.16-18: New Trends in Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Zakopane, Poland; member of the scientific committee.
  279. 2008.06.22-26: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2008, Zakopane, co-chair, pleanry talk "How to learn highly non-separable data".
  280. 2008.07.07-07: Computational intelligence for data understanding. Tutorial presented at the BEST 2008 School, Warsaw, Poland.
  281. 2008.06.24-27: Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008, member of the scientific committee.
  282. 2008.08.12-18: 7th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences, IMS 2008, Urumchi, Sinkiang, China, program co-chair, plenary talk: "Semantic Web: Asking the Right Questions".
  283. 2008.09.03-06: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'08), Prague, as ENNS President.
  284. 2008.09.17-19: AKRR'08 - International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Porvoo, Finland.
  285. 2008.09.24-26: 3rd Int. Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS'08), Burgos, Spain.
  286. 2008.09.25-26: Neuroscience Meets Theoretical Physics, Krakow, Jagiellonian University.
  287. 2008.10.06-09: Enactivism: A new paradigm? From neurophenomenology and social/evolutionary robotics to distributed cognition. Torun, Poland, PC Member, plenary "Is embodiment necessary for natural language understanding?".
  288. 2008.10.12-14: Ethics and Science for Environment, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum Forum; invited talk "Free will and the brain. Are we Automata".
  289. 2008.10.26-30: 19th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
  290. 2008.11.20-21: COST BM0605 Consciousness: A transdisciplinary, integrated approach, talk "Consciousness, Imagery and Music".
  291. 2008.11.25-28: International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2008, Auckland, NZ, Computational Intelligence track chair, plenary: "Neurocognitive approach to natural language understanding and creativity" + 2 discussion panels.
  292. 2008.12.20-20: Muzyka w naszym życiu, Toruń, Pałac Dąbskich, ref. zapr. "Mózgi i muzyka".

  293. 2009.01.14-15: Language Technology Days, Luxemburg.
  294. 2009.01.19-21: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, (ICAART-2009), Porto, Portugal, committee member.
  295. 2009.03.06-09: The Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-09.org), Arlington, Virginia, USA
  296. 2009.03.12-14: Neuromath, Leuven, Belgia.
  297. 2009.03.12-14: Studencki Festiwal Informatyczny, Kraków, Poland, invited plenary "Informatyka Neurokognitywna".
  298. 2009.03.13-15: III Krakowska Konferencja Kognitywistyczna: Język odnaleziony, Kraków, Poland, invited plenary "Język: jak robią to mózgi?"
  299. 2009.04.23-25: 16th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'09), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  300. 2009.05.21-23: Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2009, coorganizer, talk "Autism, ion channels and computer simulations".
  301. 2009.06.04-05: Coma and Consciousness Clinical, Societal and Ethical Implications. Berlin, COST/COMA meeting; two abstracts: Autism; Auditory Agnosia.
  302. 2009.06.14-19: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'09), 14-19 June 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, PC Member.
  303. 2009.06.23-25: International Joint Conference Intelligent Information Systems (IIS 2009), Kraków, 23-25 June 2009, PC Member.
  304. 2009.06.23-25: Inżynieria wiedzy i systemy ekspertowe, VII Krajowa Konferencja Naukowa, Wrocław, 23-25 June 2009, PC Member.
  305. 2009.07.20-28: 8th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences, IMS 2009, Kunming-Banna, Yunan, China, program co-chair.
  306. 2009.07.23-25: Int. Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition MLDM 2009.
  307. 2009.09.14-17: 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'09), Cyprus.
  308. 2009.09.16-17: COST IntelliCIS Action IC0806, Cyprus.
  309. 2009.10.01-02: INEB Porto, Portugal, External Advisory Committee.
  310. 2009.10.12-14: 4th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'09) Mragowo, Poland.
  311. 2009.10.26-29: CRYSTAL workshop, Centre of Research for Computational Sciences & Informatics in Biology, Bioindustry, Environment, Agriculture & Healthcare (CRYSTAL), University of Malaya, keynote talk and tutorial (4h).
  312. 2009.11.15-19: 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN 2009), Hangzhou, China.
  313. 2009.11.23-25: Body, perception and awareness. Motor and multimodal perspectives, Torun, Poland.
  314. 2009.12.01-05: 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'09), Bangkok, Thailand.
  315. 2009.12.04-07: The International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2009), Malacca, Malaysia, PC member.

  316. 2010.01.14-15: Open Access conference, Toruń, Poland; program committee, invited talk "Otwarta nauka".
  317. 2010.01.27-28: CogSys 2010, ETH, Zurich.
  318. 2010.01.29-29: Second EUCogII Members Conference.
  319. 2010.01.22-24: 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Valencia, Spain, member of the scientific committee.
  320. 2010.02.10-15: The First International Workshop on Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in Medicine and Biology, MLMB 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, member of the scientific committee.
  321. 2010.03.05-08: Artificial General Intelligence, Lugano, member of the scientific committee.
  322. 2010.03.17-17: Pracownia Pytań Granicznych, Poznań, Czy jesteśmy automatami? Wolna wola, podmiotowość i mózg.
  323. 2010.03.19-20: Dni mózgu, Lublin. Jak podejmujemy decyzje? Świat bez wolnej woli (invited talk).
  324. 2010.03.27-28: Neurodynamic insight into functional connectivity, cognition and consciousness. 2nd Joint Workshop of the NeuroMath COST Action BM0601 and Consciousness COST Action BM0605 Dubrovnik, Croatia
  325. 2010.04.14-16: Mirror Neurons: From Action to Empathy, UMK Torun, organization committee member, panel moderator, plenary talk "Deeper than Mirror Systems: Neural Mechanisms Responsible for Autism and ADHD".
  326. 2010.04.28-30: 17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'10), Bruges, Belgium, member of the scientific committee.
  327. 2010.05.12-14: The Third International Conference E- Medical, Systems ( E-medisys 2010), Fes, Marocco, member of the scientific committee.
  328. 2010.05.13-15: Argumentation as a cognitive process, UMK Toruń, co-organizer, pleanary talk "Neurodynamics of concepts".
  329. 2010.05.27-28: IX Międzynarodowa Konf. Technologie Edukacyjne: Tradycja, Współczesność, Przewidywana Przyszłość, UMK Toruń
  330. 2010.05.27-28: CHIST-ERA Conference, Rome, Talk "Consciousness and Creativity in Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures".
  331. 2010.06.10-12: Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2010, co-organizer, talk "Meta-Learning: the future of data mining".
  332. 2010.06.08-10: Intelligent Information Systems, IIS 2010, Siedlce, Poland, member of the scientific committee.
  333. 2010.06.13-17: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland, co-chair.
  334. 2010.06.21-24: The International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA 2010, Kayseri, Turkey, member of the scientific committee.
  335. 2010.06.27-30: Welt ohne Grenzen, SHP Congress, Toruń, plenary talk "The apparent lack of free will and its social consequences", member of the organizational committee.
  336. 2010.06.28-30: 7th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2010), University of Warsaw (paper presented by T. Maszczyk)
  337. 2010.06.29-30: Bison review meeting, Konstanz (remote only).
  338. 2010.07.05: Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan (invited talk)
  339. 2010.07.06: Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University, Machida, Japan (invited talk)
  340. 2010.07.07: Hirose Lab, University of Tokyo, Japan (invited talk)
  341. 2010.07.14: Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Saitama, Japan (invited talk)
  342. 2010.07.12-15: The 2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'10), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, member of the scientific committee.
  343. 2010.07.18-23: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010), Barcelona; tutorial (with Norbert Jankowski).
  344. 2010.08.10-12: 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'10) Yantai, China, member of the scientific committee.
  345. 2010.08.12-19: 9th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences, IMS 2010, China, general chair.
  346. 2010.09.09-11: Konceptualizacja. Aspekty kognitywne, semiotyczne i metafizyczne, UJ Kraków, ref. plenarny "Jak reprezentowane są pojęcia w mózgu i co z tego wynika".
  347. 2010.09.15-18: 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'10), Thessaloniki, Greece, general co-chair.
  348. 2010.09.15-18: First Consciousness Versus Attention Workshop, committe member (during ICANN 2010)
  349. 2010.09.20-22: International Conference of Computer Graphics and Vision ICCVG, Warsaw, Poland, member of the scientific committee.
  350. 2010.10.08-09: Third EUCogII Members Conference, Palma de Mallorca.
  351. 2010.10.18-20: International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, member of the scientific committee.
  352. 2010.11.11-14: IX Ogólnopolska Sesja Kół Naukowych Fizyków, OSKNF, Toruń, invited talk (in Polish): Fizyka umysłu.
  353. 2010.11.16-17: Nauki przyrodnicze a nowy ateizm. KUL, Lublin, Poland, invited talk "Neuronauki i natura ludzka" (nagranie wystąpienia).
  354. 2010.11.22-25: 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'2010), Sydney, Australia (advisory board member).
  355. 2010.12.09-11: Wizualizacja Wiedzy, od Biblia Pauperum do Hipertekstu. Muzeum Narodowe, Warszawa, referat z J. Szymańskim. Materiały konferencji.
  356. 2010.12.24-27: ISISE 2010, Third International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, Shanghai,China, keynote speaker.
  357. 2010.12.25-27, Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems and Applications, Ganzhou, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China, honorary chairman, keynote speaker.
  358. 2010.12.29: Research Center for Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (invited talk)
  359. 2010.12.30: Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (invited talk)

  360. 2011.01.28-30: EUCogII Workshop Challenges for Cognitive Systems, Rapperswil, Zurich Lake, Switzerland.
  361. 2011.03.15-15: Tydzień mózgu, Poznań. Gdzie ta wolna wola, czyli jak mózgi podejmują decyzje (invited talk).
  362. 2011.03.17-17: Debata "Umysł w mózgu, mózg w umyśle", Centrum Nauki Kopernik, Warszawa;
  363. 2011.03.18-19: Dni mózgu V, Lublin. Neuronauki i natura ludzka (invited talk).
  364. 2011.03.19-20: Tydzień mózgu w Krakowie. Neuronauki i natura ludzka (invited talk).
  365. 2011.04.18-19: Innovative Methods of Neurorehabilitation, Toruń, talk: Attention deficits in autism and ADHD.
  366. 2011.04.27-29: 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'11), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  367. 2011.05.22-24: Neuroculture, Torun, Poland
  368. 2011.05.25-26: Tribute to Francisco Varela, Torun, Poland.
  369. 2011.05.23-25: CORES 2011, The 7 International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, Wrocław, Poland, plenary talk.
  370. 2011.06.01-01: Akademia Dzieci, Dzień Młodego Naukowca, Gdańsk, Poland, ref. "Robotyka kognitywna"
  371. 2011.06.02-04: Bioinformatics in Torun, BIT 2011, co-organizer.
  372. 2011.06.03-05: Fluorishing Brain - Gdańsk, invited.
  373. 2011.06.09-13: 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN2011) Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido.
  374. 2011.06.14-17: 21th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'11), Helsinki, Finland, program co-chair, panel "Biological inspiration versus methodological rigor in modeling cognitive systems".
  375. 2011.06.22-24: Zlot filozoficzny, Torun, Poland (via Skype), Co i skąd o sobie wiemy? W poszukiwaniu podmiotu poznającego.
  376. 2011.06.28-30: 19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), Warsaw, Poland (PC member, not attending).
  377. 2011.07.31-05: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2011), Doubletree Hotel in San Jose, California.
  378. 2011.08.03-06: The 4th Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, Mountain View, Google Campus, CA, USA, PC Member
  379. 2011.08.06-11: 10th Int Conf on Information and Management Sciences, IMS 2011, China.
  380. 2011.09.09-12: FedCSIS, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. Wrocław, PC member.
  381. 2011.09.29-30: Models of Physiology and Disease Symposium, Center for Life Sciences, NUS, Singapore - From autism to ADHD: comprehensive theory based on computational simulations.
  382. 2011.10.17-19: COST BM605, final COMA meeting, Brussels.
  383. 2011.11.11-11: panel "Confluence of humans and computers", Brussels.
  384. 2011.11.14-17: 18th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'2011), Shanghai, China (advisory board member).
  385. 2011.11.29-30: Pisa, Italy, FET STREP Project Evaluation.
  386. 2011.12.02-03: Człowiek, istota wirtualna, Wrocław.
  387. 2011.12.16-16: Symposium of the Polish Chapter of the International Neuroinformatics Coordination Center (ICNF), Ins. Nenckiego, Warszawa - "Fenomika neuropsychiatryczna".
  388. 2011.12.17-19: PhD defence (oponent) in Lulea, Sweden,

  389. 2012.01.20-22: EuroCog II workshop "Challenges for Artificial Cognitive Systems II", Oxford, UK
  390. 2012.02.13-13: Dzieci i młodzież wybitnie uzdolniona, Klub dyskusyjny, U Damroki, g. 18:00
  391. 2012.02.18-18: How to reach full human potential (Youtube video), TEDx, Poznań, Poland
  392. 2012.02.23-23: 25 Wykład im. Aleksandra Jabłońskiego, Instytut Fizyki UMK, g: 17:15
  393. 2012.03.10-10: SINTELNET
  394. 2012.04.09-11: Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland, Meta-learning talk.
  395. 2012.04.22-22: Panel "Dokąd zmierza świat? Technologia - człowiek - społeczeństwo, nadzieje i zagrożenia", Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, Toruń.
  396. 2012.04.23-23: Wykład "Przyszłość cyberfantastyczna", Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, Toruń.
  397. 2012.04.26-26: INFER Workshop on Meta-learning for Complex, Adaptive Prediction Systems, Wrocław.
  398. 2012.04.26-27: Granice Nauki, Wrocław (plakat PDF); ref: Granice poznania: co i skąd możemy o sobie wiedzieć?
  399. 2012.04.25-27: 20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'12), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  400. 2012.04.29-03: 11th International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland.
  401. 2012.06.10-15: World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012), Brisbane, Australia | our saccade analysis competition.
  402. 2012.07.07-13: Interdisciplinary Graduate Summer School, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
  403. 2012.09.11-14: 22th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2012), Lausanne, Switzerland, program co-chair.
  404. 2012:09.17-21: Emerging Technology in Factory Automation (ETFA) conference, PC Committee.
  405. 2012.11.12-15: 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'2012), Doha, Qatar (advisory board member).
  406. 2012:11.28: Neurodydaktyka: w poszukiwaniu efektywniejszych koncepcji i metod nauczania. Nauczanie przyjazne mózgowi w teorii i praktyce. NKJO, Toruń.

  407. 2013.04.10-14: Third EUCogII Members Conference, Palma de Mallorca.
  408. 2013.04.15-19: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2013), Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore; co-organizer (with Jacek Mandziuk) of 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence.
    SSCI keynote speech: Computational intelligence: what can we learn from the brain?

    Regular talk: BrainGene: computational creativity algorithm that invents novel name.
  409. 2013.04.24-26: 21th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'12), Bruges, Belgium, committee member.
  410. 2013.05.09-09: Debata „Neuron i dusza. Od fizyki mózgu do metafizyki umysłu”. Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II, Warszawa.
  411. 2013.05.11-11: SINTELNET - Beliefs, Belief Systems and Cognitive Presuppositions. The Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw.
  412. 2013.05.25-26: Neuromania, I Konferencja Studentów Toruńskiej Kognitywistyki; referat "Memy w mózgach".
  413. 2013.05.27-29: CORES 2013, The 8 International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, Wrocław, Poland, plenary talk on meta-learning.
  414. 2013.06.09-13: 12th International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland (program co-chair).
  415. 2013.06.10-10: Tomasz Schreiber's Memorial Session, improvisations on Bach's themes (https://tv.umk.pl).
  416. 2013.06.20-21: Neurohistoria sztuki, Center for Contemporary Art, Toruń.
  417. 2013.06.22-22: Jordanowo, Bydgoszcz;
    Referat: Jak w pełni rozwinąć potencjał człowieka?
  418. 2013.06.24-25: Homo communicativus, Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa "Homo communicativus. Współczesne oblicza komunikacji i informacji", Toruń, Collegium Humanisticum; nagranie w TV UMK.
    Referat: Komunikacja jako rezonans między mózgami.
  419. 2013.07.02-05: World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE): learning while we are connected. Toruń, Poland.
    Talk: Brains and Education: Towards Neurocognitive Phenomics.
  420. 2013.08 28-31: XXVI Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, "Complexity of Brain: Critical Behaviour and Scaling", Kraków, Collegium Maius.
    Inivited talk: Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD: some conclusions from computational simulations.
  421. 2013.09.10-13: 23th BRICS Countries Congress on Computational Intelligence and the 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (CBIC 2013), Recife, Brasil, IPC member.
  422. 2013.09.10-13: 23th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2013), Sophia, Bulgaria, program co-chair.
  423. 2013.09.15-17: Symposium on Emergent Trends in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Košice, Slovakia; Advisory Board member.
  424. 2013.10.19-21, Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI2013), Hangzhou, China. Plenary talk: Meta-Learning:Towards Universal Learning Paradigms.
  425. 2013.11.03-07, ICONIP 2013, Daegu, Korea; invited talk: Autism and ADHD - two ends of the same spectrum?
  426. 2013.11.07-10, Trends in interdisciplinary studies, Center for Contemporary Art, Toruń.
  427. 2013.30.11-11: Nadmiar i brak, Wrocławska Akademia Młodych Uczonych i Artystów, naukowo-artystyczna konferencja w Centrum Innowacyjności – Centrum Sztuk Użytkowych Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta, Wrocław. Referat "Nadmiar magii, brak rozumu".

  428. Tomasz Schreiber's Memorial Session, concert w Ratuszu, Improvisations on Bach's themes, 2013.06.10 (https://tv.umk.pl).

  429. 2014.02.28-28: Nadmiar magii, brak rozumu, wykład otwarty w Szkole Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie w ramach projektu “Horyzonty Poznania”.
  430. 2014.03.01-02: Mózg-Umysł-Religia, Aula Collegium Novum, UJ, Kraków, referat: Dlaczego wierzymy w teorie spiskowe?
  431. 2014.03.19-20: EUCog3, Bochum. Withdrawn ...
  432. 2014.03.26-27: Creativity and ICT, Luxemburg. Withdrawn ...
  433. 2014.04.14: Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne w Polsce 2014: Analiza – Diagnoza - Prognoza. Seminarium, Uniwersytet Warszawski. Prezentacja: Analiza przypadku A+.
  434. 2014.04.26, g.18:00, O mózgu - najważniejszym narzędziu człowieka. Z prof. Aleksandrem Araszkiewiczem i prof Agatą Szulc, Dwór Artusa, w ramach Toruńskiego Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki 2014.
  435. 2014.04.03-05: EUNIS 2014 Rectors' conference, Helsinki/Espoo, Finland.
  436. 2014.05.15-17: 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data bases (AIKED '14), Gdansk, Poland, Scientific Commitee Member.
  437. 2014.06.01-05: ICAISC, 13th International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland (program co-chair).
  438. 2014.06.05-07: UKN Kielce
  439. 2014.06.24-26: INEB evaluations, Porto, Portugal
  440. 2014.07.06-11: World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), Beijing, China; Special Session on Towards Human-Like Intelligence (THLI) – co-organizer.
  441. 2014.07.18-20: 2014 International Conference on Education and Modern Educational Technologies (EMET 2014), Santorini, Greece. Program Committee member. ISBN: 978-1-61804-238-5.
  442. 2014.08.11-14: Brain Informatics and Health, Warsaw, Poland.
    Paper with P. Matykiewicz and discussion panel with R. Kowasli and J. Sowa.
  443. 2014.09.08-08: Gdańsk, Poland. Infobazy, ref. Repositories in Poland (plenary).
  444. 2014.09.09-10: Navarra Uni, Pampeluna (resignation)
  445. 2014.09.15-19: ICANN, Hamburg, Germany (org. committee).
  446. 2014.09.24-26: IEEE Intelligent Systems IS’14 (technical co-chair, opening address).
  447. 2014.10.23-24: EADTU, The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014 “New Technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning”, AGH Kraków, Poland. Digital Higher Education and the modernization of Polish universities (plenary).
  448. 2014.10.27-29: CGW Workshop 2014, Cyfronet Kraków, Poland.
    Computational neurophenomics: grand challenge for understanding people (plenary).
  449. 2014.11.03-06: ICONIP, Kuching, Malaysia (sci committee)
  450. 2014.11.07-09: The Fourth International Neural Network Society Symposia Series, INNS-CIS 2014, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, November 2014.
  451. 2014.12.09-12: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-Like Intelligence, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2014), Orlando, Fl, USA - co-organizer.

  452. 2015.02.16-21, Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning (TFML), Będlewo (could not make it ...).
  453. 2015.02.25-26, Copernicus - the road to economic development, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw; general chair.
  454. 2015.03.11-13, Siódma konferencja centrów nauki „Interakcja-Integracja, Toruń, referat inauguracyjny "Za dużo magii, za mało rozumu".
  455. 2015.03.17-17: Centrum Neurobiologii w Instytucie Biologii Doświadczalnej PAN, Perspektywy nauk neurokognitywnych.
  456. 2015.03.25-25: Kongres Uniwersytetów Dziecięcych. Neuronauka w dydaktyce. Senat RP.
  457. 2015.03.26-26: Autyzm. ICM Seminar, Warsaw.
  458. 2015.05.10-13: Ethics in Science and Life, Standards and Dilemmas, Humboldt-Kolleg, Toruń.
  459. 2015.05.15-16: Umysł-Decyzje-Zachowania, Międzywydziałowe Koło Nauk Humanistycznych (MKNH) i Toruńskie Koło Kognitywistyczne (TKK), Toruń.
  460. 2015.06.21-23: Humboldt Kolleg, Progress in Biomedicine & Neuromedicine. Workshop with participation of Prof. Erwin Neher, a Nobel Prize Winner”. Kraków, Poland.
    Plenary: Grand challenge: neurophenomics for understanding people, from genes to behavior.
  461. 2015.07.01-01: Grand challenge: Computational Neurophenomics for understanding people’s behavior. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of Polish Academy od Science.
  462. 2015.07.16-16: Hearing Implants and Music (Implanty słuchowe i muzyka). Plenary: Music and Cognitive Science.
  463. 2015.09.18-18: Wizualizacja dla nauki. Otwarte Repozytorium Nauk Historycznych „Lectorium” (Wydział Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) oraz MNiSW. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie. Invited talk: Visualization for Science Policy Makers.
  464. 2015.09.18-18: Machine consciousness, Sekcja Filozofii Umysłu i Kognitywistyki, X Zjazd Filozofii Polskiej. UAM Poznań. Invited talk: Signs of consciousness in humans and machines.
  465. 2015.09.18-18: Współczesne wyzwania dla naukoznawcy w świetle polityki naukowej, jak i refleksji filozoficznej . X Zjazd Filozofii Polskiej. UAM Poznań.
  466. 2015.09.19-19: Podmiot i Świadomość, Sympozjum specjalne w ramach X Zjazdu Filozofii Polskiej. UAM Poznań. Podmiot, świadomość, wolna wola.
  467. 2015.09.19-19: 45th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM2015), Understanding linguistic concepts, debate panel. UAM Poznań.
  468. 2015.09.21-22: Otwieramy Polską Naukę: Horyzont 2020, Otwarta Nauka i Trzecie Polsko-Chińskie Forum Rektorów. Hotel Intercontinental, Warszawa.
  469. 2015.09.21-21: Otwarta Nauka w Polsce i na Świecie, konferencja na temat otwartej nauki, zorganizowanej przez MNiSW. Referat otwierający.
  470. 2015.10.17-17: Otwarta Nauka: Plany Wdrożenia, referaty na spotkaniu KRASP.
  471. 2015.11.05-05: Jak w pełni rozwinąć potencjał człowieka. KALEJDOSKOP, Spotkanie Akademickich Festiwali Nauki, Bydgoszcz.
  472. 2015.12.07-08: Trends in interdisciplinary research, Warsaw.
  473. 2015.12.15-18: IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: Zaburzenia Świadomości - Wyzwania XXI wieku, Filmar hotel, Toruń.
  474. 2015.12.12-12: How to reach full human potential (Youtube video), TEDx, Toruń

  475. 2016.03.14-14: Tydzień Mózgu, Centrum Nowoczesności Młyn Wiedzy, referat otwierający Zajrzyjmy im do wnętrza...
  476. 2016.04.14-16: EUNIS 2016 Rectors' conference, AGH, Krakow, Poland. Opening talk What is digital world doing to our brains?
  477. 2016.05.15-16: Interfejsy, kody, symbole. Przyszłość komunikowania. Konferencja w Art Center, połączona z wystawą "Eco Expanded City", Wrocław, Poland. Gdzie nas zaprowadzą neuronauki?.
  478. 2016.05.19-20: Biofizmat, Centrum Banacha, Warszawa, From brain to mind - challenges for mathematicians (or problems where I could use help …).
  479. 2016.05.23-23: Badania nad mózgiem – charakter, znaczenie i perspektywy rozwoju. Centrum Transferu Wiedzy, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski.
  480. 2016.05.28-29: Neuromania, IV Konferencja Studentów Toruńskiej Kognitywistyki.
  481. 2016.06.12-16: ICAISC 2016, The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland (co-chair). Plenary talk: Understanding Brains Through Experiments and Models of Neurodynamics.
  482. 2016.06.20-21: III Ogólnopolskie Seminarium użytkowników oprogramowania Uczelnianej Bazy Wiedzy OMEGA-PSI, Politechnika Warszawska, panel discussion.
  483. 2016.06.23-23: Promocje doktorskie, habilitacyjne i nagrody. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki (IPPT), Warszawa. Wykład inauguracyjny "Technologie neurokognitywne".
  484. 2016.07.13-14: 2nd International Scientific Conference "Hearing Implants and Music", The World Hearing Center, Kajetany near Warsaw. Plenary: Music and Imagery.
  485. 2016.09.06-09: ICANN 2016, The 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Barcelona, Spain.
    Neurodynamics, Neuroimaging and Brains | (keynote)
  486. 2016.09.22-24: XI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Białystok.
    Perspektywy kognitywistyki - wykład inauguracyjny (opening keynote).
  487. 2016.10.16-18: CogInfoCom, Cognitive Infocommunications, Wroclaw, Poland.
    Communication as a resonance between cognitive systems. - opening keynote.
  488. 2016.10.19-21: Soul or brain: what makes us human? Interdisciplinary Workshop, Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, in cooperation with the Department of Christian Philosophy, University Innsbruck.
    Presentation: Self as a function of the brain.
  489. 2016.10.26-26: Nowoczesne Muzea i Galerie „Neuronauki w muzeach”. Warszawa.
    Jak mózg przetwarza informację? Neurohistoria sztuki (cancelled).
  490. 2016.10.27-27: Neighbourhoods of the Future. Ministry of Development, Warszawa.
    Discussion panel.
  491. 2016.10.27-27: Wykład im. Anny Zofii Krygowskiej, IM UP, Kraków.
    Matematyka w mózgach.
  492. 2016.11.25-25: Perceptual Dynamics Laboratory, Catholic University of Leuven.
    Imagery agnosia.
  493. 2016.11.18-19: "NeuroPerKog: rozwój słuchu fonematycznego i pamięci roboczej u niemowląt i dzieci", I konferencja w ramach grantu Symfonia.
  494. 2016.11.19-19: "Technologie neurokognitywne", wykład na uroczystości wręczania dyplomów na WFAiIS UMK.
  495. 2016.11.15-15: "Mission impossible: rozwijanie pełnego potencjału człowieka". Przegląd aktywności, seminarium organizowane przez Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Nowoczesnych Technologii UMK.
  496. 2016.12.02-03: International conference "Infants, Language and Cognitive Development", organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    UMK Toruń, Poland
  497. 2016.12.20-20: First International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Prof. Kalina Michalska, University of California – Riverside. Talk: Developmental pathways to aggression and victimization: what can we learn from neuroimaging studies?

  498. 2017.01.25-25: 2nd International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Prof. Alejandrina Cristia, CNRS, ENS-DEC, EHESS, France. Talk: Standing on the shoulders of infant giants: How to utilize others' research to inform your theory and practice.
  499. 2017.03.15-15: Tydzień Mózgu 2017, Biblioteka Pedagogiczna, Toruń.
    Wizualizacja umysłu w procesach zachodzących w mózgu.
  500. 2017.03.18-18: Tydzień Mózgu 2017, Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej UMK, Toruń.
    Czy neuronauki pomogą nam rozwinąć pełny potencjał?
  501. 2017.03.22-22: Prymus Pomorza i Kujaw 2017, Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej UMK, Toruń.
    Czy technologia pomoże nam usprawnić nasze mózgi?
  502. 2017.03.23-24: Information Visualisation in Humanities (keynote). NCU Toruń, Poland
    Visualization of mind inside the brain.
  503. 2017.03.29-31: Tydzień Mózgu, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku.
    Czy neuronauki pomogą nam rozwinąć pełny potencjał?
  504. 2017.03.30-30: KRON, czyli Kreatywne Rozmowy o Nauce pt. "Mózg i sztuczna inteligencja".
    Kreatywne Komputery.
  505. 2017.04.05-05: Konferencja regionalna WFAiIS UMK dla biznesu. Rewolucja przemysłowa a wsparcie naukowców,
    Informatyka stosowana: profile studentów i możliwości komercjalizacji prowadzonych projektów. COK WFAiIS UMK.
  506. 2017.04.06-08: II Ogólnopolska Konferencja O edukacji inaczej - edukacja oparta na dowodach,
    Czy neuronauki pomogą nam rozwinąć pełny potencjał? (keynote). Wrocław-Pawlowice, Poland
  507. 2017.04.27-27: 3rd International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Dr Natalie Boll-Avetisyan, Potsdam University, Germany. Talk: From speech input to linguistic knowledge, and Biases and cross-linguistic differences in phonological acquisition.
  508. 2017.05.17-19: International Conference Self-Consciousness and Rationality: Interdisciplinary approaches.
    UMK Toruń.
  509. 2017.05.23-23: Autyzm w perspektywie naukowej, edukacyjno-terapeutycznej i w środowisku domowym.
    University Library, UMK Toruń. Wykład inauguracyjny Perspektywy zrozumienia autyzmu.
  510. 2017.05.27-28: Neuromania. UMK Toruń
  511. 2017.06.02-02: 4th International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Prof. Rick Dale, University of California, Merced, talk: From Miles to Milliseconds: Connecting Cognitive Dynamics to Large Natural Data Sources.
  512. 2017.06.03-03: 5th International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Prof. Anne Warlaumont, University of California, Merced, talk: How do infants learn to produce syllabic speech sounds?
  513. 2017.06.11-15: ICAISC 2017, The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland (co-chair).
    Plenary talk: Mapping psychological concepts on higher order brain dynamics.
  514. 2017.06.20-21: 26 Kolokwia Psychologiczne PAN.
    Invited (plenary) talk: Poszukiwanie źródeł aktywności poznawczej w mózgu.
    Short report and photos.
  515. 2017.06.22-25: Limits of knowledge. International Scientific Conference Humboldt-Kolleg. Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Kraków.
    Invited talk: Brains and limits of self-knowledge.
  516. 2017.08.25-27: 18th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, International Neural Networks Society Conference. Athens, Greece
    Keynote talk: From understanding the brain to neurocognitive technologies.
  517. 2017.09.07-08: IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja "Ku standardom w opiece nad pacjentem w śpiączce".
    Komitet Naukowy, referat plenarny Perspektywy badań nad zaburzeniami świadomości.
  518. 2017.09.23-23: XXI Festiwal Nauki w Warszawie, Debata "Istota świadomości"
    Aula Starej Biblioteki UW, Warszawa; nagranie wideo na tej stronie, moja prezentacja jest tu.
  519. 2017.09.28-28: 6th International Developmental Seminar, organized by the Neurocognitive Laboratory, CMIT NCU.
    Prof. Katarzyna Chawarska - Yale Early Social Cognition Laboratory, talk: Attentional signatures of autism in infancy: Studies of siblings at risk for ASD.
  520. 2017.10.06-06: Czy neuronauki pomogą nam rozwinąć pełny potencjał człowieka? Wykład dla studentów i uczniów polskich szkół w Wilnie.
  521. 2017.10.06-06: Czy technologia pomoże nam usprawnić nasze mózgi? Inauguracja roku akademickiego, oddział UwB w Wilnie.
  522. 2017.11.21-21: Systemy inteligentne. teoria, praktyka, wyzwania. Seminarium środowiskowe, Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej.
    A few machine learning algorithms worth further development.
  523. 2017.11.27-01: 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence.
    Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (co-chair with Jacek Mandziuk and Janusz Starzyk).

  524. 2018.03.13-14: 3rd International Scientific Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces, Opole, Poland.
    Fingerprints of brain activity: promising approaches. Plenary talk.
  525. 2018.03.15-15: Tydzień Mózgu 2018, A3.16, ICNT UMK, Toruń.
    Człowiek-cyborg, kolejny etap ewolucji?.
  526. 2018.04.07-07: Międzyuczelniana Konferencja i VI Dzień Mózgu: "Mózg pod presją współczesności - technologie - pomoc czy zagrożenie", Aula Wydziału Humanistycznego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
    Wykład: Czy technologie mogą pomóc mózgowi?
    , g: 9:45-10:30
  527. 2018.04.16-19: Evolang 2018
    Toruń, Poland (honorary committee member).
  528. 2018.05.16-16: Polonium Foundation.
    Plenary: Optimizing brain processes. University of Surrey, UK.
  529. 2018.05.23-26: XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej, Szczecin, Poland.
    Opening plenary: Jak neurotechnologie zmienią człowieka.
  530. Święto Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Umysł-Mózg. Istota świadomości.
  531. 2018.05.27-27: World Economics Conferences of the Polish Diaspora, moderating panel discussion.
  532. 2018.06.02-03: Neuromania, VI Konferencja Studentów Toruńskiej Kognitywistyki.
  533. 2018.06.03-07: ICAISC 2018, The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland (co-chair).
    Plenary: Fingerprints of brain cognitive activity.
  534. 2018.06.15-23: Neuroscience: Machine Learning Meets Fundamental Theory, at Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, LVIII Course, Zakopane. 3 lectures.
  535. 2018.06.23-25: 27 Kolokwia Psychologiczne PAN,
    Panel (25.06): zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii w badaniach i praktyce psychologicznej.
  536. 2018.06.26-28: XV Konferencja Informatyka w Edukacji, 70-lecie polskiej informatyki.
    Przyszłość przetwarzania informacji. Następne 30 lat coraz szybszego rozwoju
  537. 2018.07.18-19: EIT Health, Brussels.
  538. 2018.09.07-08: Knowledge representation in many–agent systems. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń.
    Plenary: Representation of concepts in brain networks.
  539. 2018.09.09-12: FedCSIS 2018, Poznań
    Keynote lecture: Neurocognitive informatics for understanding brain functions.
  540. 2018.09.14-16: Copernicon: Karnawał Fantastyki, Toruń
    Transhumanizm i dogłębna przemiana człowieka.
  541. 2018.09.16-16: Czy dogadamy się z AI?
    Debata w ramach Festiwalu Przemiany w Centrum Nauki Kopernik, Warszawa.
  542. 2018.09.18-18: International Neuroinformatics Coordination (INCF PL) Meeting, Kraków.
  543. 2018.09.19-21: New Trends in Cognitive Science. XII Polish Cognitive Science Society Meeting (PTK), Kraków.
  544. 2018.09.26-28: EFNI 2018, Sopot, Poland.
    Europejskie Forum Nowych Idei, AI Panel (27, 9-10:30): Sztuczna inteligencja – niekontrolowana swoboda czy sterowalny porządek rozwoju? Podcast mojego wywiadu w TokFM.
  545. 2018.10.05-07: ICANN 2018, The 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Rhodos, Greece.
    Honorary Chair
  546. 2018.10.07-10: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Miyazaki, Japan
    Meeting of Global Current and Emerging Brain Initiatives. Presentation of brain research in Poland (invited).
  547. 2018.10.18-19: Zjazd Polskiego Porozumienia na Rzecz Rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji (Polish Initiative for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) 2018, Poznań (PP-RAI), Poznań.
    Plenary: AI and Neurocognitive Technologies
  548. 2018.10.19-20: Psychological, Genetic and Neurological Aspects of ASD Diagnosis. X International Scientific Symposium, Gdańsk, Poland.
    Introductory opening lecture: Critical review of current Autism Spectrum Disorders theories.
  549. 2018.11.04-06: 161st Seminar of International Centre of Biocybernetics, “Computer-aided diagnosis support by digital pathology", Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
    Invited: Diagnosis based on nonlinear analysis of brain neurodynamics.
  550. 2018.11.18-21: The 6th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence, Bengaluru, INDIA.
    Symposium Co-Chair, with Jacek Mańdziuk and Janusz Starzyk.
  551. 2018.12.03-03: , Konstrukcjonizm - nauczanie przez budowanie.
    Jak uczą się mózgi?. Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centrum Edukacji nauczycieli w Toruniu.
  552. 2018.12.05-05: Play and Life Long Learning, International Scientific Conference, Toruń
  553. 2018.12.05-05: Union Investment, Warszawa.
    Polska na cyfrowej mapie świata: gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy?
  554. 2018.12.07-09: ACMLC, Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    Keynote lecture: Neurocognitive informatics and machine learning (could not attend due to health reasons).

  555. 2019.03.02-02: Interdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Naukowe "Interdyscyplinarność dla Społeczeństwa", Aula I Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Toruniu.
    Sztuczna inteligencja: gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy?
  556. 2019.03.12-12: Tydzień Mózgu 2019, Centrum Nowoczesności Młyn Wiedzy, Toruń, g: 18-20.
    Sztuczna inteligencja i przyszłość ludzkości.
  557. 2019.03.14-14: Polsko-Niemieckie Spotkania Naukowe: Warszawski Oddział Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Ambasada Niemiec, DAAD i Niemiecki Instytut Historyczny (DHI).
    Talk: Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognitive Technologies.
  558. 2019.04.02-02: "Bóg. Błędna hipoteza". – spotkanie w "Niebostanie" wokół książki V. Stengera, Uniwersytet Łódzki.
  559. 2019.04.25-25: Studio Polskiego Teatru Tańca , Poznań.
    Jak mózg tańczy?
  560. 2019.04.26-26: Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, Toruń. Oblicza komunikacji.
    Autyzm - sposoby komunikacji
    . Centrum Kultury Dwór Artusa. Impreza główna Festiwalu, WD prowadzący+Iwona Ruta-Sominka, Instytut Wspomagania Rozwoju Dziecka w Gdańsku, Izabella Wyborska, Centrum Te-rapii i Edukacji „Mały Książę” i Jacek Matulewski, Instytut Fizyki UMK.
  561. 2019.05.09-09: Krakowskie Konwersatorium Fizyczne, Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne, Instytut Fizyki UJ (plakat.)
    Fizyka umysłu
  562. 2019.05.10-10: Komisja Układów Złożonych PAU, piątek, 16:30 w gmachu PAU, Kraków.
    Sztuczna inteligencja i technologie neurokognitywne.
  563. 2019.05.16-16: czwartek 17:15, WFAiIS, Fizyka Wokół Nas.
    Fizyka - badanie i naprawa mózgów.
  564. 2019.05.18-19: 14 Poznańskie Forum Kognitywistyczne,
    Jak możemy zrozumieć aktywność mózgu?
  565. 2019.05.28-28: H2020 Call on European Network of Artificial Intelligence Excellence Centres.
    Information and Brokerage day, Brussels.
  566. 2019.05.29-31: X-lecie Kognitywistyki w Toruniu
    How can we understand brain activity?
    Discussion Panel: Research and Education in Interdisciplinary Dimension.
  567. 2019.06.07-07: Diakonia prawdy: nauka - teologia - przedsiębiorczość. Wydział Teologii UMK.
    Panel dyskusyjny "Jakiej teologii potrzebuje współczesny uniwersytet".
  568. 2019.06.16-20: ICAISC 2019, The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland (co-chair).
    Keynote: Analysis of neurodynamics for diagnosis of mental states.
  569. 2019.06.23-23: Mózg człowieka i sztuczna inteligencja.
    Fundacja Dzieło Nowego Tysiąclecia, UMK Toruń, 23.07.2019
  570. 2019.06.23-28: 1st Summer School of Interdisciplinary Research on Brain Network Dynamics, Val di Sole Monastery, Dolomite mountains, Italy.
    Multi-level explanations in neuroscience.
  571. 2019.06.27-28: BIT 2019, Bioinformatics in Torun.
    Invited, but it was overlapping with the Summer School.
  572. 2019.07.8-11: High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Mental Illness, Suicide Prevention, and Substance Abuse Research Summit.
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA (invited by the organizers).
    Talk High performance computing and neuropsychiatry.
  573. 2019.07.14-19: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2019),
    Budapest, Hungary. Panel 1: Funding Opportunities in Neural Networks and Biologically Inspired AI Research (replaced by prof. Mandziuk).
  574. 2019.08.31–02: 12th INCF Congress on Neuroinformatics and INCF Assembly, Warsaw, Poland
    Program Committee member. Photos on Flickr
  575. 2019.09.04-05: Neuromania, VII Konferencja Studentów Toruńskiej Kognitywistyki.
  576. 2019.09.12-15: Science in the age of globalization. International Scientific Conference Humboldt-Kolleg, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Szczecin.
  577. 2019.09.13-18 45. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich w Krakowie, otwierający Rok Stulecia PTF.
    Debata "Granice Fizyki" 14.09: Andrzej Białas, Iwo Białynicki-Birula, Włodzisław Duch, Michał Heller, Tadeusz Marek, Andrzej K. Wróblewski, Maciej Żylicz.
    Wykład 16.09, w sesji: Fizyka układów złożonych. W poszukiwaniu źródeł aktywności poznawczej mózgu.
  578. 2019.09.17-19 ICANN 2019,
    Steering Committee Member, Skype meeting.
  579. 2019.09.25-25, Inauguracja roku, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania, pod auspicjami Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
    Sztuczna inteligencja i technologie neurokognitywne.
  580. 2019.09.26-26. Debata na temat sztucznej inteligencji w redakcji "Polityki", Warszawa, w ramach Warszawskiego Festiwalu Nauki.
  581. 2019.10.16-18: Zjazd Polskiego Porozumienia na Rzecz Rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji (Polish Initiative for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) 2019, Politechnika Wrocławska.
    Sekcja: AI and Neurocognitive Technologies.
  582. 2019.10.24-25: VI Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Praca z osobami z ograniczoną świadomością – wyzwania i nowe kierunki diagnozy i rehabilitacji”.
    Hotel Filmar, Toruń
  583. 2019.10.26-26: Brainstorm. SKN Neuropsychologii i Psychofizjologii UW.
    Neurodynamika i konstrukty psychologiczne.
  584. 2019.11.11-14: Artificial Intelligence: Art or Science? SISSA, Trieste, Itally.
    AI for better brains.
  585. 2019.11.22-22: Interdyscyplinarność jako wyzwanie dla badań naukoznawczych. Komitet Naukoznawstwa PAN, Warszawa, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, s. 2513. g. 12 - 15.
    Dyscypliny horyzontalne.
  586. 2019.12.06-09: The 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence, Xiamen, China.
    Symposium Co-Chair, with Jacek Mańdziuk, Janusz Starzyk and Marcin Woźniak.

  587. 2020.01.18-18: Dyskusja w TV Polsat, Wszystko co Najważniejsze
  588. 2020.03.09-10: 12th TIME Economic Forum, Warsaw, Hilton hotel.
    Panel: Application of AI in the financial sector.
  589. 2020.03.23-26: 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, ACIIDS 2020, Phuket Graceland Resort and Spa (Thailand), moved to the Web.
    Keynote: Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognitive Technologies for Human Augmentation. PPSX with voice comments.
  590. 2020.04.21-22: Artificial Intelligence Conference, Toruń; head of scientific committee (canceled)
  591. 2020.03.16-16: Tydzień Mózgu 2020, Bydgoszcz.
    Przegląd Interwencji i Podejść Edukacyjnych Korzystających z Osiągnięć Neuronauki (delayed).
  592. 2020.03.19-19: Tydzień Mózgu 2020, Toruń
    Sztuczna Inteligencja i przyszłość cywilizacji (delayed).
  593. 2020.07.1-10: The 27th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2020), Warsaw, Poland,
    Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognitive Technologies for Human Augmentation.
  594. 2020.07.19-24: WCCI 2020, World Congress of Computational Intelligence (Web)
    Panel on Research Funding: European Union.
  595. 2020.09.21-23: XIII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Toruń. 25-lecie Kolokwiów Kognitywistycznych w Toruniu (przeniesione na 2021).
  596. 2020.09.22-25: XVII Konferencja Informatyka w Edukacji.
    Przegląd zastosowań edukacyjnych wykorzystujących osiągnięcia neuronauk. Streaming na żywo, .
  597. 2020.09.23-23: WeInnovators Webinar, David Hanson, discussion panel.
  598. 2020.09.25-25: Noc Naukowców, UMK Toruń (transmisja na YouTube).
    Sztuczna inteligencja i przyszłość cywilizacji.
  599. 2020.10.12-14: ICAISC 2020, The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland (co-chair).
    Keynote: Neurocognitive Technologies and Computational Intelligence for Human Augmentation.
  600. 2020.10.26-28: 3 Zjazd Polskiego Porozumienia na Rzecz Rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji (Polish Initiative for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) 2020, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland (moved to 2021).
  601. 2020.11.06-06: INNS Virtual Workshop on Explainable AI.
  602. 2020.11.17-18: Open Eyes Economy Summit 2020.
    Panel: Człowiek w środowisku sztucznej inteligencji.
  603. 2020.11.27-27: Seminar "Applications of Computational Intelligence", Komisja Informatyki i Automatyki, Oddział PAN w Poznaniu, WFAiIS UMK in Toruniu i WTIE UTP in Bydgoszczy, on TEAMS
    Brain-inspired cognitive computing.
  604. 2020.12.01-04: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence (IEEE CIHLI), Canberra, Australia.
    Organized by J. Mandziuk (WUT), W. Duch (UMK) and M. Woźniak (SUT).
  605. 2020.12.8-11: NEURONUS 2020 IBRO Neuroscience Forum (ONLINE)
  606. 2020.12.18-18: ML in PL Virtual Event 2020

  607. 2021.01.20-20: WeInnovators Webinar, Anna Topol, IBM - discussion panel.
  608. 2021.02.04-04: Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN we Wrocławiu.
    Informatyka neurokognitywna: stan obecny, zastosowania w fizyce i chemii, perspektywy.
  609. 2021.02.10-10: Seminarium Rady Dyscypliny Informatyka Techniczna i Telekomunikacja, Politechnika Wrocławska.
    Informatyka neurokognitywna: stan obecny, zastosowania, perspektywy.
  610. 2021.02.10-10: Klub Profesora, UMK
    Jak uczą się mózgi?
  611. 2021.02.17-17: Sztuczna inteligencja dla rozwoju miast i obszarów metropolitalnych, Miasto Wrocław.
    Sztuczna inteligencja – wielkie przyspieszenie. Artykuł na stronie wroclaw.pl.
  612. 2021.03.04-04: WFAiIS UMK, Toruń.
    Informatyka neurokognitywna: stan obecny, zastosowania w fizyce i chemii, perspektywy. Nagranie na YouTube.
  613. 2021.03.10-10: Symposium on Measurement and Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
    Invited talk: Searching for fingerprints of brain activity.
  614. 2021.03.15-15: Tydzień Mózgu 2021, Bydgoszcz.
    Przegląd Interwencji i Podejść Edukacyjnych Korzystających z Osiągnięć Neuronauki.
  615. 2021.03.16-16: Tydzień Mózgu 2021, Koło Naukowe Psychologii “Adesse” przy Instytucie Psychologii UMCS, Lublin.
    Neurodynamika i reprezentacje umysłowe.
  616. 2021.03.18-19: Czas na umysł 3.0, Lublin, konferencja poświęcona pamięci Piotra Francuza.
    Neuroedukacja – gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd idziemy?
  617. 2021.03.18-18: Tydzień Mózgu 2021, Toruń
    Sztuczna Inteligencja i przyszłość cywilizacji.
  618. 2021.04.15-15: Humantech Meetings: Współczesne Technologie a Stare i Nowe Ludzkie Zmysły
    Panel discussion after talks by D. Eagleman and P. Winkelman.
  619. 2021.04.16-16: I Międzynarodowa Konferencja: Priorytetowe Obszary Badawcze Politechniki Śląskiej - osiągnięcia i wyzwania.
    Panel: Artificial Intelligence in the Wild: The Big Data Problems or Big Problems with Data?
  620. 2021.04.19-19: The Future is Today: AI kupię albo sprzedam. Jak działa rynek rozwiązań AI w praktyce?
    Panel dyskusyjny, Forbes Polska. Wideo
  621. 2021.04.21-21: Komitet Informatyki PAN
    Wyzwania i perspektywy neuroinformatyki.
  622. 2021.05.07-07: Statistical Physics in Complex Systems (SPICy seminar), Wrocław Technical University.
    Challenges and prospects of neuroinformatics.
  623. 2021.05.19-19: University Centre of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence.
    Neuroinformatics: challenges – what, how and why
  624. 2021.05.21-23: Neurohackator 2021. Student Neurotechnology Scientific Club, ICNT UMK.
    Brain-Computer-Brain Interfaces.
  625. 2021.05.22-23: Kognikacja, Uniwersytet Szczeciński.
    Neurokognikacja - neurodynamika stanów poznawczych i komunikacji.
  626. 2021.06.16-17: LegalTech Forum 2021, Innowacje w praktyce prawniczej.
    Nadchodzi sztuczna inteligencja.
  627. 2020.06.20-24: ICAISC 2021, The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Hotel Mercure Kasprowy, Zakopane, Poland.
    Keynote: Brain-inspired cognitive computing.
  628. 2021.06.20-25: 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2021), virtual.
  629. 2021.06.28-29: ANTYCOVID 2021 - Computer science protecting human society against epidemics.
    PC member
  630. 2021.07.18-22: IJCNN 2021 Virtual Conference.
  631. 2021.07.19-23: 7th Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference.
    Virtual. Chairing Session on Artificial Intelligence & Text Mining, AI & Materials Science and Quantum Computing.
  632. 2021.08.25-27: FENS Regional Meeting 2021, Kraków.
  633. 2021.09.03-04: Nowe (stare) wyzwania edukacji akademickiej. Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki (WWSI), Copernicus Hotel, Toruń.
    Rozwój sztucznej inteligencji i przyszłość cywilizacji.
  634. 2021.09.09-09: Geophysics Toruń SA, Technological Workshop, Copernicus Hotel, Toruń.
    Artificial intelligence and the future of the world.
  635. 2021.09.12-19: The 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information, Japan.
  636. 2021.09.14-17 ICANN 2021,
    Steering Committee Member, virtual board meeting.
  637. 2021.09.21-21: InforTech Future, Teatr Kortez, Katowice, Poland.
    Czy prawne uregulowanie kwestii SI może wpłynąć na bezpieczeństwo jej użytkowania?
    Jakie jest największe ryzyko związane z rozwojem SI w najbliższym dziesięcioleciu?
  638. 2021.09.22-24: Ninth Recurrence Plot Symposium, Lublin, Poland.
    Neurodynamics of the brain revealed by EEG recurrence analysis. With: K. Tołpa, S. Duda, Ł. Furman, M. Lewandowska, J. Dreszer.
  639. 2021.09.23-25: XIII Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego.
    Keynote: What is needed to fully understand mental processes?
  640. 2021.09.25-26: INSPIR@CJE.
    Neuroedukacja – gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd idziemy?
  641. 2021.09.26-26: Festiwal Nauki w Warszawie, debata główna, "Czy nauka może przekroczyć samą siebie?"
    Nagranie spotkania na YouTube, slajdy.
  642. 2021.09.29-29: Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju- E(x)plory Day.
    Power Speech: Technologie neurokognitywne. Hotel Copernicus, Toruń. Slajdy.
  643. 2021.10.06-06: Agile Days. Dni otwarte transformacji cyfrowych.
    Jak technologie zmieniają społeczeństwa, jak osiągnąć swój potencjał? Warszawa. Slajdy.
  644. 2021.11.05-05: wystawa: "Przyszłość jest dziś. Cyfrowy mózg", Krótkie wideo wprowadzające do kilku ekspozycji. Centrum Nauki Kopernik, Warszawa,
  645. 2021.11.14-17: ACM ISS (Interactive Surfaces and Spaces), Politechnika Łódzka.
    Human enhancement and the future of BCI.
  646. 2021.11.21-22: Neuromania Conference 2021, organised by Cognitive Science Student Association at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
  647. 2021.11.25-25: Polskie Towarzystwo Astrobiologiczne, panel dyskusyjny „Wszechświat, życie, myśl”
    Informacje na Facebooku , transmisja na YouTube
  648. 2021.11.26-28: XI Międzynarodowa Konferencja "Aspects of Neuroscience". Wydział Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
    PC Member
  649. 2021.11.27: Przegląd i badania nad Ośrodkowym Układem Nerwowym – obecny stan wiedzy i perspektywy na przyszłość. Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki i rozwoju TYGIEL.
    Najciekawsze (IMHO) kierunki rozwoju neuronauk (Gość Honorowy, wykład inauguracyjny).
  650. 2021.12.05-08: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence (IEEE CIHLI), Orlando, USA.
    Organized by J. Mandziuk (WUT), W. Duch (UMK) and M. Woźniak (SUT).

  651. 2022.03.02-04: XXXIX Szkoła Zimowa Instytutu Farmakologii PAN, Dysfunkcje metaboliczne a choroby ośrodkowego układu nerwowego.
    Fenomika neuropsychiatryczna - slajdy.
  652. 2022.03.10-10: Seminarium czwartkowe, WFAiIS UMK Recipe for a conspiracy theory – memes and neuroscience. Recording on YouTube.
  653. 2022.04.25-27: Zjazd Polskiego Porozumienia na Rzecz Rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji (Polish Initiative for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), Gdynia.
    AI and Neuroscience track (with Julian Szymański); running panel on AI present and future, chairing session. Poster: Non-linear features for EEG based on recurrence analysis and Short-Term Fourier Transform.
  654. 2022.05.23-23: Mental states in brains and computers. SANO Krakow.
  655. 2022.05.31-31:Edukacja wobec wyzwań przyszłości, II Ogólnopolskie Forum Doskonalenia Kadr Oświaty. Rzeszów. Ref. plenarny: Mózgi, sztuczna inteligencja i edukacja (recorded on 24.05).
  656. 2022.06.02-02: "Kosmos i życie, spotkanie autorskie w Centrum Nowoczesności Młyny Wiedzy, Toruń,
  657. 2022.06.03-03: Kongres Medycyny Rodzinnej, Toruń, Hotel Copernicus. Opening talk: Diagnozy i terapie cyfrowe.
  658. 2022.06.19-23: The 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2022)
    Plenary talk: New developments in EEG analysis for diagnosis, biofeedback and brain-computer interfaces.
  659. 2022.06.23-25:BioInformatics in Torun 2022 – BIT20->22
    Invited talk: "Mental states in brains and computers"
  660. 2022.07.15-15: Radio PiK, wywiad, książka "Kosmos i życie"
  661. 2022.07.19-19: "No to pięknie", wideo dla Centrum Kopernika Badań Dyscyplinarnych UJ.
  662. 2022.09.05-09: PhD School: Artificial Intelligence for Urban Air Mobility (AI4UAM) School, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
    Plenary lecture: Artificial Intelligence and neuro-cognitive technologies for human augmentation.
  663. 2022.10.06-06: Radio PiK, "Kosmos i życie, spotkanie autorskie w Książnicy Kopernikańskiej, Toruń.
  664. 2022.10.09-12: International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics . Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic. Digital privacy panel (11.10, at 10:00).
  665. 2022.10.11-11: Brain-Machine Interfaces Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic.
    Keynote lecture: BMIs for human enhancement: what has been done and what is coming?
  666. 2022.10.15-15: Sztuczna Inteligencja a Transhumanizm. Teorie – Zastosowania – Zagrożenia. Katedra Epistemologii, Logiki i Kognitywistyki IFiS UP Kraków.
    Ref. inauguracyjny: W stronę transhumanizmu: sztuczna inteligencja i technologie neurokognitywne + panel dyskusyjny.
  667. 2022.10.17-17: Akademia Muzyczna im. I. Paderewskiego, Poznań
    Wykład Inauguracyjny na otwarcie roku "Grające mózgi", nagranie na YouTube.
  668. 2024.12.06-07: HumanTech Summit 2024, SWPS University, Warszawa. TBC
  669. 2024.12.07-09: Śląski Festiwal Nauki. Katowice.
    Nauka. To Lubię w niedzielę, 08.12, godz. 10:15-10:50. "Czy maszyny czują i jak możemy się o tym przekonać?" + rozmowa z Tomaszem Rożkiem (zdalnie?)
  670. 2022.10.19-21: Hypothesis in science: a permanent feature or a temporary expedient to be tolerated? The 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus. International Conference on the Philosophical Perspectives on Sciences.
    Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Center of Dialogue in Torun, Poland. Member of academic committee.
  671. 2022.10.20-23: Festiwal "Nowe Oświecenie", Centrum Kultury "Alternatywy", Ursynów, Warszawa.
    Spotkanie: Czy sztuczna inteligencja zrobi nam lepszy świat? (z dr Ł. Łomżą).
  672. 2022.11.04-04: Falowanie – II Konferencja Katedry Obszarów Sztuki. ASP Kraków
    Referat otwierający: Falujące mózgi. Waving brains.
  673. 2022.11.24-24: Seminaria "Paradygmat ewolucji w naukach społecznych". Referat: Mózgi i ewolucja kultury.
  674. 2022.11.25-25: Komisja Informatyki, Oddział PAN, Poznań, 10-15:30. Referat: Neurodynamics and recurrence quantification analysis of EEG data.
  675. 2022.11.29-02: SCIS and ISIS 2022, 2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Ise-Shima, Mie, Japan.
    Full paper: Time-frequency Analysis Combined with Recurrence Quantification for Classification of Onset of Dementia Using Data from the Oddball BCI Paradigm (with Krystian Dereziński, Krzysztof Tołpa, Łukasz Furman and Tomasz M. Rutkowski).
  676. 2022.12.04-07: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence (IEEE CIHLI), Singapore.
    Organized by J. Mandziuk (WUT), W. Duch (NCU) and M. Woźniak (SUT).
  677. 2022.12.06-06: YUFE Academy, NCU Toruń.
    YouTube stream Artificial Intelligence, neurotechnologies and human augmentation.
  678. 2022.12.09-10: HumanTech Summit 2022, SWPS University.
  679. 2022.12.06-17: Dokąd zmierza kognitywistyka? Czyli o przyszłości kognitywistyki z mistrzami kierunku, Koło Naukowe Kognitywistyki na UMCS w Lublinie.

  680. 2023.02.10-13: XXXI Krajowa Konferencja Stowarzyszenia Nauczycieli Matematyki, Łódź.
    Ref. inauguracyjny: Matematyka, sztuczna inteligencja i mózgi.
  681. 2023.03.04-05: WIAD23, Orientacja i odnajdywanie drogi. Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji, UMK
  682. 2023.03.06-07: Czas na Umysł: Wyobraźnia. Lublin, KUL.
    Agnozje wyobrażeniowe: nowy dział neuropsychologii.
  683. 2023.03.13-13: Tydzień mózgu. Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice.
    Neuroinformatyka - droga do zrozumienia mózgów.
  684. 2023.03.15-16: Salz21, Home of Innovation. Human | Technology | Future.
  685. 2023.03.15-17: Nonlinear data analysis and modeling: advances, applications, perspectives, Potsdam, Germany.
    Recurrence analysis for complex attractor networks.
  686. 2023.03.24-26: XI Aspects of Neuroscience, University of Warsaw Faculty of Physics.
  687. 2023.03.27-27: Department of Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University. State of AI.
  688. 2023.04.14-16: FAIML, 2023 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Hangzhou, China.
    Keynote talk: Artificial Intelligence and neurocognitive technologies for human augmentation.
  689. 2023.04.17-17: Klub Nauki i Biznesu, Dell Technologies, Warszawa, State of Artificial Intelligence.
  690. 2023.04.24-26: 4-th PP-RAI Conference, Technical University of Łódź. Panel: AI in medicine. PR-RAI board meeting; PSSI board meeting.
  691. 2023.05.20-20: Jak funkcjonuje umysł-perspektywy buddyzmu i nauki zachodniej. Uniwersytet Szczeciński.
    Modele umysłu AI a filozofia buddyjska, panel dyskusyjny.
  692. 2023.05.21-21: Gdzie są granice poznania? Podcast w Radio357, przez dwie godziny prowadził Patrycjusz Wyżga.
  693. 2023.06.01-01: Thursday Colloquium, WFAiIS UMK, AI changes everything (on YouTube) | slides here.
  694. 2023.06.04-04: Wywiad w ramach serii "This is IT" Macieja Kaweckiego.
    Sztuczna inteligencja już zyskała świadomość. Oto gdzie są jej granice.
  695. 2023.06.05-05: nagranie fragmentu filmu dokumentalnego traktującego o potencjale najnowszych systemów sztucznej inteligencji, Maciej Wójcicki.
  696. 2023.06.05-05: Konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego i Leopolda Infelda (Physics Colloquium), Warsaw University, Current state and future prospects of artificial intelligence. Link do YouTube wkrótce.
  697. 2023.06.05-05: GAIA action in Salzburg (short), Podcast z Edi Pyrkiem dla fundacji GAIA na temat rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji. Link do YouTube wkrótce.
  698. 2023.06.18-22: The 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2023)
    Plenary talk: Understanding real brain neurodynamics using recurrence analysis.
  699. 2023.08.09-09: Wywiad dla WP na temat rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji (Patryk Wyżga). Link do YouTube wkrótce.
  700. 2023.09.17-17: Copernicon. Cyberprzyszłość naprawdę fantastyczna II.
  701. 2023.09.20-23: PTBUN Toruń.
  702. 2023.09.22-24: XIX Konferencja "Informatyka w Edukacji" (IWE 2023). Sztuczna inteligencja dla każdego.
  703. 2023.09.25-25: Riken AIP and NCU workshop, Complex systems science and neuroscience. Toruń, Poland.
    Presentation: Recurrence Analysis of EEG Signals
  704. 2023.09.26-26: Riken AIP and NCU workshop, Mathematical foundations of machine learning. Toruń, Poland.
  705. 2023.09.26-26: Dell Technologies Forum, AI challenges (main panel)
  706. 2023.10.02-02: Inauguracja roku akademickiego, UMK. nagranie na YouTube i slajdy do referatu "Jak się uczyć w czasach sztucznej inteligencji".
  707. 2023.10.11-11: AI in pharma, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE Poland Affiliate), Google Warsaw Campus.
    Keynote: AI SOTA + future challenges.
  708. 2023.10.16-16: mBank, Pabianice, Fabryka Wełny.
    AI: gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy?
  709. 2023.10.18-18: Vobacom, otwarcie centrum R&D. Opening talk: Sztuczna inteligencja i rozszerzona rzeczywistość.
  710. 2023.10.19-19: CFA Society, Warsaw, Annual Conference
    Panel "AI – revolution or just another bubble?"
  711. 2023.11.02-03: Bomba megabitowa, Festiwal Przyszłości, Kraków.
    Panel otwierający, "Wewnętrzne życie komputerów", z Maciejem Kaweckim (10:45, 2.11.23).
  712. 2023.11.07-07: T-Mobile TEDx, Warszawa.
  713. 2023.11.12-12: Młyny Wiedzy, Toruń, dyskusja A. Dragan, A. Przygalińska.
    Debata o sztucznej inteligencji.
  714. 2023.11.16-16: Metodyk(a) Przyszłości. Zmiany w edukacji wyższej. Wrocław.
    Jak sztuczna inteligencja zmieni edukację.
  715. 2023.11.17-17: Nauka - to lubię (YouTube, wywiad, dr Tomasz Rożek). Warszawa
  716. 2023.11.18-26: 2023 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023), Changsha, China.
    Asymptotic spatiotemporal averaging of the power of EEG signals for schizophrenia diagnostics.
  717. 2023.12.05-08: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence (IEEE CIHLI), Mexico City, Mexico.
    Organized by J. Mandziuk (WUT), W. Duch (NCU) and M. Woźniak (SUT).
  718. 2023.12.06-7: NAWA, „Szanse i wyzwania dla szkolnictwa wyższego związane z AI oraz możliwości i wyzwania w obszarze cyfryzacji nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego”, Józefów | Slajdy.
  719. 2023.12.09-10: HumanTech Summit 2023, SWPS University, Warszawa.
  720. 2023.12.13-13: NCBR, Warsaw.
    Invited talk: Sztuczna inteligencja i mózgi | Slajdy.
  721. 2023.12.13-13: Dell Technologies, Warsaw.
    Panel on AI with A. Dragan, moderated by D. Piotrowski.
  722. 2023.12.19-19: DAMSI/INT Colloquium, UMK,
    Large foundational models, brains and scientific discoveries | Slides here | YouTube recording.

  723. 2024.01.19-19: Sztuczna inteligencja i nasze mózgi (AI and Brains, talk in Polish), Biblioteka Pedagogiczna im. gen. bryg. prof. Elżbiety Zawackiej w Toruniu. Nagranie wideo na YouTube.
  724. 2024.01.26-26: Amazon Alexa Stage, Gdańsk. Nagranie Spotkanie Alexa Stage na Youtube (1g 50 min) , Amazon Oliwia Business Center, Gdańsk, 26.01.2024.
  725. 2024.02.21-21: Sztuczna inteligencja czy już sztuczne mózgi?
    Klub Profesora, UMK. Slajdy nr 152 są tu.
  726. 2024.03.01: ING, Kraków, dyskusja na temat sztucznej inteligencji z Jarosławem Kuźmiarem, moderowana przez Patrycjusza Wyżgę.
  727. 2024.03.09-10: Neuropsyche - Dni Mózgu , SWPS, Warszawa.
    Na ile wielkie sieci neuronowe działają podobnie jak nasze mózgi? Slajdy nr 154.
  728. 2024.03.18-18: Laboratorium Nauki i Biznesu - Dell, Warszawa. Komputery kwantowe.
  729. 2024.04.04-04: Konwersatorium SDNŚiP dla doktorantów UJ, Cognitive science and AI. Large foundational models, scientific discoveries and artificial consciousness.
  730. 2024.04.05-06: GhostDay, Applied Machine Learning Conference. Poznań.
    Discussion panel on "Future of AI: our responsibilities" with Jurek Stefanowski and Robert Kroplewski, 5.04.
  731. 2024.04.11-11: LegalTech Forum 2024
    Keynote: Jak sztuczna inteligencja zmienia prawo. Slajdy nr 155.
  732. 2024.04.17-19: Meeting of BosomShield Project participants in IBBE PAS in Warsaw, Poland, Seminar of the International Centre of Biocybernetics (MCB IBIB), Warsaw.
    Large foundational AI models, brains, transfer learning and scientific discoveries. 14-18
  733. 2024.04.18-20: PP-RAI 2024, 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Warsaw, Poland deadline 11.02.2024
    Moderator of Panel: Influence of AI on science as we know it.
  734. 2024.04.18-18: Free Market Road Show, SGH, Warsaw.
    AI and new digital tech: regulate or develop?
  735. 2024.04.24-24: Current Trends in Human Science, Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ, "Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities” I.
  736. 2024.04.25-25: Rola sztucznej inteligencji w tworzeniu metropolii wiedzy, PLama, Pol Gdańska.
    Otwarcie: Jak w inteligentny sposób wykorzystać sztuczną inteligencję.
    Debata Networking w obszarze sztucznej inteligencji.
  737. 2024.05.15-15: Current Trends in Human Science, Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ, "Artificial intelligence and the limits of the humanities” II.
  738. 2024.05.18-18: Digital Mindscape Conference, Wrocław.
    Czy LLMy to funkcjonalne modele mózgów? (Canceled).
  739. 2024.05.21-21: Radio 357, g. 8:00
    Rozmowa: Postępy AI.
  740. 2024.05.21-21: Radio Naukowe, RN200, Outriders Klub, g. 19.00
    Gdzie AI nie sięgnie.
  741. 2024.05.21-21: BiznessTech Platform SAP,, Marriott Warszawa.
    Sztuczna inteligencja jako najważniejszy czynnik rozwoju.
  742. 2024.05.22-22: Bank ING, spotkanie integracyjne, Zamek w Gniewie.
    Sztuczna Inteligencja. Czas się spieszyć.
  743. 2024.05.22-22: Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN, Warszawa; ZOOM.
    Zrozumieć jak działa mózg. Największe wyzwanie nauki. Slajdy nr 157.
  744. 2024.06.05-05: Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli, Edukacja w cyfrowym wymiarze. Włocławek.
    Jak sztuczna inteligencja zmieni edukację (zdalnie).
  745. 2024.06.05-06: ISPE AI in Pharma, Gdańsk, hotel Mercure, ul Jana Heweliusza
    AI in Lifescience. (10:00)
  746. 2024.06.06-07, Bioinformatics in Toruń (BIT 2024)
    Large Multimodal Models for Intelligent Digital Beings.
  747. 2024.06.06-06, Przystanek JP2", debata "AI a nasza codzienność", Laboratorium Etyki Cyfrowej "DERL", Samorząd Województwa Kuj-Pom.
  748. 2024.06.07-07: Komitet Naukoznawstwa, Pałac Kultury, Warszawa.
  749. 2024.06.10-10: AI Trek z ING, Katowice. Sztuczna inteligencja bez granic.
  750. 2024.06.12-15: EuroScience Open Forum, ESOF2024, Katowice
    Large multimodal models, scientific discoveries and artificial consciousness, short intro.
  751. 2024.06.16-20: The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2024).
    Keynote: Towards clinically useful biomarkers of mental disorders based on brain activity patterns.
    Panel “AI-Centric AI” (with Danuta Rutkowska and Vagan Terziyan).
  752. 2024.06.18-20: IT Manager of Tomorrow 2024, Gdynia.
    Invited: Sztuczna inteligencja i człowiek przyszłości.
  753. 2024.06.25-27: XX Konferencja "Informatyka w Edukacji" (IWE 2024).
    Jak się uczyć i uczyć innych w czasach sztucznej inteligencji?
  754. 2024.06.28-07: IEEE WCCI 2024, Yokohama, Japan.
    Special session: Machine Learning and Signal Processing for Brain or Behavioral Analysis (organized with T. Rutkowski, RIKEN). Deadline 29.01.24
  755. 2024.09.13-14: Neuromania, UMK, Toruń.
  756. 2024.09.17-19: 26. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Opieki Długoterminowej, The biggest long-term care event in Europe. Fundacja TZMO Razem Zmieniamy Świat. Europejskie Centrum Opieki Długoterminowej, Toruń.
    Otwarcie: Sztuczna Inteligencja i ludzie: czas na symbiozę.
  757. 2024.09.19-20: XIV Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, UMK
  758. 2024.09.20-20: XI uroczysta gala dla najlepszych polskich maturzystów, Teatr W. Horzycy, Toruń
    Nowy, wspaniały świat?
  759. 2024.09.23-24: AccorInvest, Kraków, Poland.
    Invited lecture: AI Milestones.
  760. 2024.09.24-25: Christian Philosophy facing Naturalism, Kraków, Poland.
    Invited lecture/panel: Consciousness and human megalomania.
  761. 2024.09.27-27: Sztuczna inteligencja w służbie nauki i edukacji. KPCEN Bydgoszcz. Departament Edukacji, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w Toruniu.
    Wykład inauguracyjny: Sztuczna Inteligencja, mózgi i edukacja.
  762. 2024.10.02-02, Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego, Politechnika Gdańska.
    Sztuczne Mózgi?. Nagranie i zdjęcia na stronie Politechniki Gdańskiej.
  763. 2024.10.07: Wywiad dla PR24 Sztuczna Inteligencja jest już wszędzie-prof Duch apeluje do polityków o przebudzenie.
  764. 2024.10.08-09, SAP NOW, Sopot. Panel z Andrzejem Draganem i Jowitą Michalską.
  765. 2024.10.18-18, UKEN/NAWA, Kraków.
    Sztuczna inteligencja i ludzkie mózgi. Wykład mistrzowski.
  766. 2024.10.25-25, Konferencja Centrum Modelowania Meteorologicznego "Wyzwania środowiskowe i klimatyczne a zdrowie publiczne".
    Wykład otwierający: "Sztuczna inteligencja przed wielkimi wyzwaniami związanymi z klimatem, środowiskiem i zdrowiem". Nagranie na YouTube. Slajdy są tu.
  767. 2024.10.25-26: PM CONNECT CONF 2024. Blaski i cienie sztucznej inteligencji.
    Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania UMK. Slajdy są tu.
  768. 2024.10.25-27: XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja "Aspects of Neuroscience".
    Wydział Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. PC Member.
  769. 2024.10.29-29: Doroczne spotkanie PSSI, IPI PAN, Warszawa.
  770. 2024.10.29-29: Inst. of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw: Conversatorium "Nobilitation of Neural Networks"..
  771. 2024.11.05-05, ING AI TREK (spotkanie zamknięte).
  772. 2024.11.05-06, Cyberexpert 2024, Eksperckie Centrum Szkolenia Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Warszawa.
  773. 2024.11.07-07, Inst. of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków: PTF Conversatorium "Nobilitation of Neural Networks". Facebook link.
  774. 2024.11.12-13, E-LEARNING FUSION (ELF24), narzędzia cyfrowej transformacji uczenia się.
    Panel dyskusyjny, 11:30.
  775. 2024.11.14-14: BGK, Warszawa. AI: symbioza czy eliminacja?
  776. 2024.11.14-14: XTB Investing Masterclass, Warszawa.
    Na drodze bez odwrotu. Dokąd prowadzi nas rewolucja AI? | Dragan, Duch, Gawron, Tuszkiewicz.
  777. 2024.11.15-15: MC Warszawa + Liber Mundi kickoff, Łódź
  778. 2024.11.19-20: AI Impact 2024, Warszawa, ADN Centrum Konferencyjne.
    Talk: Ludzka megalomania i sztuczna inteligencja.
  779. 2024.11.21-21, ING AI TREK final gala (spotkanie zamknięte).
  780. 2024.11.23-23: Dyplomatorium, WFAiIS, UMK, Toruń. "Sztuczna inteligencja i wielkie wyzwania".
  781. 2024.11.25-30: International Assessment of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, Sichuan.
    Short talk: Brain biomarkers: spatial, temporal & spectral fingerprints.
  782. 2024.12.07-10: The 9th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN 2024), Hong Kong Baptist University.
    Member of the International Advisory Committee.
  783. 2024.12.06-07: HumanTech Summit 2024, SWPS University, Warszawa. TBC
  784. 2024.12.07-09: Śląski Festiwal Nauki. Katowice.
    Nauka. To Lubię w niedzielę, 08.12, godz. 10:15-10:50. "Czy maszyny czują i jak możemy się o tym przekonać?" + rozmowa z Tomaszem Rożkiem (zdalnie?, nie wyszło)
  785. 2024.12.13-15, The 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2024) - Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence. Presentation slides and recording of the talk .
  786. 2024.12.17-17: International Neural Network Society (INNS) 2024 Annual INNS Lecture.
    Nobilitation of neural networks: historical roots and insane future. Recording and slides.
  787. 2024.12.20-20: Commission on Complex Systems of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), Kraków, Poland.
    Conversatorium "Nobilitation of Neural Networks" (streaming). .

  788. 2025.01.21-21: Faculty of Physics, University of Białystok.
    Nobilitacja sieci neuronowych.
  789. 2025.01.23-23: Komitet Neurobiologii PAN, TEAMS
  790. 2025.02.13-13: Komitet Informatyki PAN, Sekcja edukacji, TEAMS
  791. 2025.03.03-03: Kapituła GRAI, Grupy Roboczej AI, Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji, Warszawa, 9.00-18.
  792. 2025.03.03-04: Welconomy forum, Hotel Copernicus, Toruń.
    Sztuczna inteligencja - wyzwania dla Polski i Europy związane z szybkim rozwojem technologii AI oraz jej praktycznych zastosowań. Wpływ rozwoju AI na strategię podmiotów gospodarczych i publicznych. 4.03, 13:15. .

  793. 2025.03.07-07: AI Made in Poland, .
    Keynote: Od modelu Isinga przez Wielkie Modele Językowe do przyszłości AI.
  794. 2025.03.10-10: Forum Gospodarcze TIME.
    Dyskusja nt. kierunków wdrożenia sztucznej inteligencji w Unii Europejskiej, z udziałem Ministra Michała Boniego.
  795. 2025.03.10-10: Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych. Warszawa
    The Coming of Superhuman Intelligence. G. 15:15.
  796. 2025.03.13-13: Dzień Mózgu, Kuratorium Oświaty Bydgoszcz, V LO w Toruniu.
    Mózgi kontra komputery. Godz. 12:00
  797. 2025.03.18-19: "MUSKAI: Mózg w erze AI", Dni Mózgu, KUL
    Sztuczna inteligencja: cyfrowe inteligentne istoty?
  798. 2025.03.21-21: XV Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Naukowe Fundacji Instytut Wspomagania Rozwoju Dziecka. „Stosowana Analiza Zachowania w perspektywie naukowca, rodzica i praktyka”.
  799. 2025.03.26-27: Data Economy Congress,
    Keynote: Sztuczna inteligencja: nadchodzą cyfrowe inteligentne istoty.
  800. 2025.04.04-05: Wyższą Szkołę Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie.
    AI, TBA
  801. 2025.04.07-09: PP-RAI 2025, 6th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Warsaw, Poland deadline 15.01.2025
    Moderator of Panel: ???
  802. 2025.04.07-09: Collegium Medicum UMK, Promocja doktorska.
    Jak sztuczna inteligencja zmienia medycynę?
  803. 2025.05.09-09: Academia 30+, Gdańsk.
    Sztuczna inteligencja kontra ludzkie mózgi.
  804. 2025.05.17-17: Zdarzenia Poznawcze, UW, Warszawa
    Co filozofia nam wyjąśni na temat AI?
  805. 2025.05.23-24: Copernicus Festival, Kraków
    AI, TBA
  806. 2025.06.1-05: Neural coding, Ascona.
  807. 2024.06.22-26: The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2025).
    Keynote: AI: state-of-the-art and the near future prospects.
  808. 2025.06.30-05: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2025),
    Rome, Italy. Special session/workshops 15.11, papers 15.01
  809. 2025.08.29-30: Letnia Konferencja Laboratorium Psychoedukacji "Rozszczepienie i integracja - psychoterapia wobec wyzwań społecznych i technologicznych", Warszawa Novotel Centrum.
    Czy agenci AI mogą nas poznać lepiej niż my sami siebie?
  810. 2025.01.17-18: Bitfold, Warszawa - przeniesione TBA

Wlodzislaw Duch