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This page last updated on 14 August 2001
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[Other Sites]
- 8-Bit Nirvana has some pictures and brief technical specifications of various Speccy models.
- Lee Friend's 100% ZX Spectrum: some history and a couple of downloads.
- The Acorn Emulation Page: reviews of some Speccy emulators for RISC OS.
- Adrian Petford's Sinclair ZX Spectrum Resources: a few Speccy links, more than anything else.
- The Arctic Computer & Console Museum: pictures of various machines, including the Speccy.
- BUBL Link: a rather small collection of links.
- Cheesy Wizards: another emulators, games and links site.
- There's more pictures and specs of the Spectrum and friends at Computing Museum.
- c't have very old review of Mac Spectacle.
- The Chuckie Egg Appreciation Society believe that Chuckie Egg is the highest quality game ever released. Rather out of date page, though...
- Crash: issue 1 at least, from Robert Hazelby. Not updated since November 1996.
- The Digital Century Encyclopedia: a rather inaccurate entry on Sir Clive.
- There's some not very detailed information on the Speccy at Dinocomputers.
- dunSpectrum: bog standard emulators/games/links.
- Emuladores de computadoras: a large Spanish list of emulators, with some Speccy ones listed.
- Execute Spectrum Programs via the Web: a fairly silly way of playing Speccy games :-).
- Stephen L. Judd's The Fridge: "lots of C64/Spectrum related text files from the great spring 1997 Flamefest".
- Gerado Oporto Jorrin's Spectrum Page: just a few games.
- The GO Network have a small collection of Sinclair-related links.
- Golden Reviews:
aimed to do a game review every day, but has so far managed a grand total of ... one :-(.
- Gooey Blob is a Yahoo! club devoted to the classic `Chaos'. Doesn't appear very active, though.
- Heim Computer have a picture and stats on the 128K Speccy.
- Gojira's Homage to the ZX Spectrum: the answers to a few simple Speccy questions. To find it, click on the 'Documents' link, and then 'Homage to the ZX Spectrum' [I hate frames - Phil]
- Ixtab's Homepage: just some moderately out-of-date links to emulators and a few other sites.
- Jontydog's Spectrum Emulation Station: another emulators/games/links page.
- Kevan's Computer Bits: a list of the Sinclair machines which he has collected.
- The Machine Room: pictures of computers.
- Marat Fayzullin's Home Page: a brief mention of the Speccy. Not updated for a long time.
- Miodrag Stancevic has put Sinclair User's cover tape from March 1992 on his Home Page.
- El museo de los 8 bits: some pictures of the Spectrum, as well as other 8-bit machines.
- The Netscape Open Directory has a large collection of Sinclair links, but they don't appear very well sorted or up to date.
- La página del Spectrum: some out of date links.
- There's a picture (and that's about it) of the Elwro Junior at Okrina.
- The OS/2 e-Zine
had a feature on Thomas Ahn Kolbeck Kjær's x128 for OS/2.
- The Sinclair section of Phill's Computer Museum: basically just the tech specs of various Sinclair machines.
- Retro Classix magazine has some Sinclair-related stuff it in occasionally.
- The Spectrum section of retro gaming: a couple of emulator links and a brief history of the Speccy.
- Retrospectrum: an article written by David McCandless for the Daily Telegraph of 17 Sep 1998; the link here is to the Telegraph main page as that's what the Telegraph webmasters like... the easiest way to get to the article is to use the search engine (not from the front page) for "retrospectrum".
- Steve Cooper's Sinclair Page: a few pictures of the machines buried in here.
- The Sinclair Spectrum Users Club
and Sinclair Spectrum Cyber Hippies:
two Speccy-related message boards, hosted by Yahoo!.
- Sinclair Spectrum: two Spectrum emulators and that's all.
- Sinclair Spectrum: a very brief introduction to the Spectrum (in Spanish).
- Sinclair Spectrum casette reading using PC: a very brief bit of code to read a tape into your DOS/Windows machine.
- Steve Jones' Sinclair Spectrum Page: a snapshots requests page, but not updated since it started a long time ago.
- Camelot Web's Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48/128: a collection of not particularly up-to-date links.
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum Flyer: some old advertising bumph.
- Daren Pearcy's SpecChums.org has a top ten games list and some mugshots of the inhabitants of comp.sys.sinclair.
- Damian Audley's Speccy Page: mostly links for Mac emulators etc.
- Marco Vaquier's Speccy Page: just a few links.
- The mysteriously named 'Carcoma2099' has created SpeccyWorld. It's in Spanish, so I can't tell you any more about it...
- I couldn't find much unique at spectrum, but that may because it's all in Italian, which I don't speak :-(
- The Spectrum And ZX81 Technical Information Board.
- Spectrum Appreciation Society: a Windows version of Advanced Lawnmower Simulator and a selection of sound samples from Speccy games.
- Mark Timberlake's Spectrum Heaven: a couple of emulators and a small collection of games.
- The SpectrumOS Tech Page: a new Spectrum operating system being worked on by Phoenix and Namco.
- Ben Baylis' Spectrum Stuff: requested snapshots and YS Smash Tips! Not updated for
a long time.
- The Timex Sinclair 2068: a brief history of that machine.
- The .TZX vault: some games in .TZX format. Nothing that can't be found on World of Spectrum.
- The UK Classic Collectors Database: a listing of people interested in retro-computing.
- The World Centre of Palaeo Computing: a list of the old machines collected by a couple of French guys.
- Yahoo's Sinclair page: a few links, many out of date. Spectrum links now on a further page.
- ZX: nicely presented, but no really unique content.
- Pavel Riha's ZX Spectrum page: No real idea, as it's in Czech.
- Søren Tjørnov's ZX Spectrum: all in Danish (apart from a mirror of this FAQ), so I can't tell you much about it.
- ZX Spectrum 128K is another Yahoo! group about the Speccy, but appears to have managed a grand total of 4 messages since being formed in January 2001.
- Viking's ZX Spectrum Corner: just a brief description of his Spectrum history and five links.
- Lex Klassen's ZX Spectrum Page: just links.
- ZX Spectrum, by Cowl Innovations: a few games and emulators.
- Zx-Spectrum: Spanish site with just some emulators and games.
- Marco Fichera's ZX Spectrum Pages: a fairly standard emulators/games/links set (in Italian).
- The ZX Spectrum Realm: a standard emulators, games and links site.
- Richard Jeffery's ZX Spectrum Rulez OK?: some links and promises of things to come.
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