Cognitive Science Links collected by Wlodzislaw Duch

Red color = superpages. Please note that I do not actively maintain this page, look at my Filpboard for recent news in neuroscience and other areas.

Cognitive Science - General Info

General Lists, Associations, Organizations

Academic Programs in Cognitive Sciences
AI, Cognitive Science and Robotics (UK, Stephanie Warrick) | research groups | conferences
KLI lab cognitive science search, all areas
Association pour la Recherche Cognitive
Bibliographies on Self, Person, Personal Identity ...
Brain/Mind list-of-lists (Valerie Hardcastle)
Central and Eastern Europe CS Center, New Bulgarian University, Sophia
CogNet, books, journals ... paid subscription, MIT project
Cognitive Atlas ontology of CS concepts.
Cognitive & Psychological Sciences (Stanford) | mirror in UK
Cognitive Neuroscience Resources: homepages, societies, conferences ... (CNBC)
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cognitive Science Dictionary, University of Alberta
Cognitive Science: Gateway To The World (PNL Lab)
Cognitive Science (from Open Dir)
Cognitive Systems: Gateway To The World (PNL Lab)
Cognitive Systems: PNL Lab. excellent page
Cognitive Science Resources on the Internet (Chih-Hao Tsai)
CogWeb | Cognitive Science | Cognitive Cultural Studies | Evolutionary Psychology |
Computational Intelligence Resources, CITE (Elsevier)
The Cortical Column, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, the future and the technology news.
EU Cognitive Systems unit E5
Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
European Association for Logic, Language and Information, FoLLI
IRCS, Pennsylvania
The International Federation for Computational Logic (IFCoLog)
Kognitivewissenschaften, Uni. Bremen
Kognitivewissenschaften, Uni. Osnabruck
Learning Theories Web
Mind/Brain Resources
Neurofeedback Archive, Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation
Open Directory CS list
Philosophy/ Neuroscience/ Psychology Program
Psychological Sciences on the Internet
PsyLink (Northwester University), psychology, neural and cognitive sciences
Resources for Psychology and Cognitive Sciences on the Internet (from Japan)
Society for Mathematical Psychology
Relais d'Information sur les Sciences de la Cognition
Virtual Library - Psychology
Intro: 100 top CS papers;
Mind and Machine Module;
Cognitive Models List, list of models/architectures (Wheeler)
Indiana CogSci Tech reps, Nosofsky etc
MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences

In Poland: Kognitywistyka - strona Marka Kasperskiego |

Labs & Archives

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (John Dylan Haynes) |
Brown University Cognitive Science Dept. |
James Anderson
Ecological Study Perception & Action
Center for Biological & Computational Learning (CBCL), Poggio
Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition (Douglas Hofstadter), creative analogical thinking
CNBC, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
CMU Psychology faculty: J. Anderson | P. Carpenter | J. McClleland | D. Plaut | H. Simon |
Cognitive Systems: Integrated and Hybrid Architectures and Algorithms
CogSci Labs, at Indiana Univ.
Cognitive Technical Systems initiative (Munich)
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cognitive NeuroScience of Thought Lab, UBC (Kalina Christoff)
Cognitive Science Society
Cognitive Technology Society
CSLI Publications, logic and linguistics
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston ; Steven Grossberg
Duke University Psychology: Nestor Schmajuk
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Human Information Processing Lab, Queens Univ, Kingston
ICSI Berkeley (Int. Computer Science Institute), language, reasoning, Shruti
Image Understanding Laboratory, USC (Biederman)
Inserm cognitive neuroimaging unit (Paris, Dehaen, Cohen and others), numerosity, language, culture, etc.
Intel proactive computing, anticipation, behavioral modeling
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado
Laboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition (Mcgill University)
Learning in Humans and Machines (European Science Foundation)
MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Berwick, Jordan)
Neuropsychology Research Unit, Monash Univ, basal ganglia, disorders
Perceptual Science Laboratory - UCSC
Percepts and Concepts Laboratory, R.L. Goldstone, J.Y. Son, collective, similarity, concepts, category learning, complex systems, learning sciences and perceptual learning
Rutgers Psychology Department
UCSB, cogpsych lab, Ashby, others
Visual Neurocognition Lab, Harvard, Moshe Bar - proactive brain
Washington University's, Philosophy/Neuroscience/Psychology Archive

CS in Europe:
Austrian Society for Cognitive Science
European Association for Cognitive Ergonomics EACE
European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems ESSCS
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Göttingen (Florentin Wörgötter)

Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, School of Psychology - Birkbeck College, London
Central and Eastern European Center for Cognitive Science, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Stirling
Cognitive Neuroscience Sector, SISSA, Trieste
The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, CCARE, Stanford
Centro Internazionale di Studi Semiotici e Cognitivi, Repubblica di San Marino
Cognitive Sciences Centre at Edinbourgh University
Cognitive Sciences, Oxford University
Cognitive Sciences Centre at Southampton University
Behavioural and Social Sciences, Groningen dissertations
IDIAP - Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Suisse
ISSCO - Institut Dalle Molle pour les Etudes Sémantiques et Cognitives de Geneve
Institute for Cognitive Research, Hamburg
Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information, University of the Basque Country
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam
Institute of Medical Psychology (Munich, Poppel group)

Lab of Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience (LENA, CNRS), Paris.
Languages of Emotion, Berlin - Friedeman Pulvermuller new chair
Lund University Cognitive Science ( Peter Gärdenfors)
Max-Planck Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Berlin. Evolutionary psychology, rationality, heuristics (Gerd Gigerenzer)
Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (Lepizig)
MRC-APU, Cognition and Brain Sciences, Cambridge: Adrian Owen, Friedemann Pulvermuller
MRC Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (Oxford), McDonnell-Pew Program
Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology
Sheffield Psychology, Research
University College London: Centre for Cognitive Sciences
University College London: Centre for Cognitive Neurosciences
Unconscious Lab

CS in Poland:
Cognitive Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Konwersatorium Krakowskie and PhD curriculum |
Polskie Towarzystwo Fenomenologiczne
Poznańskie Forum Kognitywistyczne (PFK)
Instytut Psychologii UJ | Instytut Psychologii UW | Katedra Psychologii Eksperymentalnej KUL (Piotr Francuz) |
Instytut Filozofii UAM |
A. Klawiter | Wojciech Sady, Dzieje religii, filozofii i nauki.
R. Pilat | Czym jest umysl? (What is mind, seminars) |
Computational Linguistics in Poland | Zaklad Lingwistyki Informatycznej i Sztucznej Inteligencji (Poznan) | Z. Vetulani | tlumaczenie EN2PL |
Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji pismo (journal, in Polish)
ICF Diametros, Internetowe Czasopismo Filozoficzne | Justification, Truth, and Belief electronic forum |
Polish Neuropsychological Society | European Society for Cognitive Psychology conference, Sept. 2009 | International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting, 30.06-3.07, 2010

Experts in cognitive science

Aha David W - machine learning, lazy learning
Anderson Michael L, Action-grounded cognition lab
Ashby F. Gregory
Baddeley Roland, exp. psych, nn models
Barsalou Lawrence, perception, concepts, frames, thinking, categorization
Belew Rik, MDS, Latent Semantic Indexing
Alen Bond, brain models, robotics, vision
Baumeister RF, mental resources, self-regulation
Bringsjord Selmer, MLP, storytelling Brutus program
Burgess Curt, psycholinguistics, HAL model
Calvin William H. - book, The Cereberal Code (MIT Press 1996)
Calvin William H. - Books and Articles
Cognitive Science Celebrities
Dennis Simon - memory, learning
Dale Rick, language, cognition-action, dynamical approach
Dienes Zoltan, conscious/unconscious, hypnosis, implicit leanring, intentions
Dominey Peter - Functional Neurophysiology of Cognitive Processes in Behavioral Sequence Learning
Edelman Shimon - object recognition, Cornell
Elman Jeff - cognitive linguistics, neural networks
Foerst Anne, theologian in AI lab
Freeman, Walter, Neurophysiology Lab
French Robert, Bilinguism, Catastrophic forgetting, Turing test, Artificial Life, Representation, Analogy, Connectionism, Emergence
Gabrieli Lab, psychology, Stanford
Ghahramani Zoubin, neural networks, HMM, sensorimotor
Goldfarb Lev - inductive learning
Grangier Richard, Brain Engineering Laboratory (UCI)
Harnad Steven, Psycoloquy and BBS Journal Archives, copy in Princeton
Gregoryr Lockhead, Psychology, Duke Univ.
Horn David, psychiatric models, NN
Jordan Michael (MIT)
Koch, Chris
Kruschke John K. - categorization
Lieberman M.D. - social cognitive neuroscience lab papers
Lehar Steven - Gestal theory of visual perception
Lowe David - object recognition, nearest neighbors, UBC
Massaro Dominik W - categorization
Mathar, R, MDS and global optimization
Nosofsky Robert - categorization
Pei Wang, Indiana, Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS)
Prince Alan - optimality theory, morphology, phonology, language
Steven R Quartz - social cognitive neuroscience | book Liars, lovers and heroes
O' Reilly Randall C - hipokamp, memory, brain computing
Palmeri Thomas J.
Picard Rosalind (MIT), affective computing
Rachlin Howard, The science of self-control
Rumelhart David E, psychology, neuroscience, brain style computation
Schaal Stefan - Sensorimotor Integration
Shultz Thomas, McGill - cognitive development
Sloman Aaron (Birmingham) - philosophy of mind, affective computing, agents
Smolensky Paul - universal grammar, symbolic/neural integration, harmony & optimality theory
Sowa John - architectures for intelligent systems, language, reasoning.
Tarr Michael J - object recognition, categorical perception
Van de Velde Walter - Selected papers
Velmans Max, consciousness papers
Weigend Andreas

Interesting Projects and Special Topics

Educational material
Computational Cognition Cheat Sheets
Cognitive Modeling Greatest Hits

Mind models:
Mental models page
Mental models, Ruth Byrne
How to design a functioning mind - conference and links to many papers.
Probabilistic Models of Cognition: The Mathematics of Mind - graduate school 2007.
Cognitive Information Processing Technology, DARPA, USA
ATT-Meta Project: Mental States and Metaphor, Birmingham
Neural, Emergent and Agent Technologies (NEAT), Hull Univ.
Bruce Edmonds, free will
COGNET, A graphical environment for cognitive modeling (UK), with WebCognet demo
CMattie, Stan Franklin 'conscious' Baar's model
Pentti Haikonen, Nokia, Helsinki
IKAROS-system level modelling of the brain, open infrastructure
Daniel M. Wegner, Harvard, mind control, authorship, free will.
ACME LAb, Automaticity in Cognition, Motivation, Evaluation, Yale Lab, authorship, free will.
WebMind, by Intelligenesis (Ben Goertzel)
What is thought, book by Eric Baum and his other research
Cognitive robotics:
Robot Cognition Working Group, Peter Dominey et al
Cognitive Robotics (London)
Conscious robots, Raúl Arrabales Moreno
Humanoid robotics news and links
EU projects:
euCognition unit | Unit 5 Cognition |
Artificial Mouse | Computers in the Human Interaction Loop | CoSys - Cognitive Systems for Cognitive Assistants | Enactive interfaces | ENGAGE - Engineering Emotional Design | HUMAINE Portal - emotion-research net | SIMILAR to human-human communication | Open interface |
List of interesting EU project from HUMAINE |

**ALICE**: Adaptive Learning via Intuitive/Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional systems.
ARISTOTELE: Personalised Learning & Collaborative Working Environments Fostering Social Creativity and Innovations Inside the Organisations

**SIREN:** Social games for conflIct REsolution based on natural iNteraction.

xDELIA: Xcellence in Decision-making through Enhanced Learning in Immersive Applications
idSPACE: Tooling of and Training for Collaborative, Distributed Product Innovation

Serious Games EU projects:

Emotions from text:
Emotional text analyzer
Automatic Personality Recognition Demo
Neurophenomenology and meditation:
Wiki info.
Antoine Lutz, consciousness, meditation Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, Meditation Study Center run by Richard Davidson.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences Journal (Springer).
Evan Thompson, neurophilosophy/phenomenology.
Masking, priming:
Schlaghecken Friederike, masking, priming.
Leras A, attention, masking.
Other: Cognition as compression (J.G. Wolff) | Computing as compression | Language learning as compression
Confirmation measures course | Critical thinking directory | Group Theory in Cognitive Science, GT-CS | In-situ Behavioral Procedure Testbed | Folk Psychology vs. Mental Simulation | seminar papers
Research Group on Evolution and Higher Cognition (Rutgers)
Structured Statistical Learning (Brown Univ)
Thinking systems (QUT, Australia)
David E. Rumelhart Prize


Brain and Mind Electronic Magazine on Neuroscience
Brain and Mind, A Transdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Neurophilosophy
Cognitive Systems - list of journals from PNL
CogPrints - great archive of CS papers
Philosophy of Mind journals (Duke Univ.)
Journals & Magazines - Oehlmanna list
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology Journal
Psychological Journals - Psych Web list, over 1000 journals!
PubMed - NIH, milions of abstracts!

Behavioral & Brain Sciences (BBS) | a copy in Princeton
Cognitive Computation (Springer)
Cognitive Systems Research (free to the end of 2001)
Connectionists - archives of the list
Connexions, on-line cognitive science and philosophy journal
Connection Science
Constructivist Foundations (CF)
Current Directions in Psychological Science
Cybernetics and Systems
Foundations of Science
Noetica: A Cognitive Science Forum | Noetica Open Forum
New Ideas in Psychology
Neuroethics, Springer
Philosophical Psychology
Psychological Review
Psychological Science
Elsevier Trends Journals, including Cognitive Science
Psycoloquy and Psycoloquy via Google
Reviews of Philosophy and Psychology
Science and Consciousness reviews
Group Theory in Cognitive Science
Carl Zimmer, Soul Made Flesh, and other popular CS books
Eric Baum, What is Thought - MIT 2003 book
Cognitive Technologies, Springer series.


Conference on Thinking, 2005
Cognitive Informatics at PNNL
7th IEEE Cognitive Informatics Conference, 2008
Philosophy of Mind Conferences
How to design a functioning mind
Psychological Conferences List
Cogsci 2001
European Psychologist Conference Calendar
1st European Workshop on Cognitive Modeling(ECCM-97)
2nd European Conference on Cognitive Modelling (ECCM-98)
Forum for Scientific and Technological Arts
Next Generation approaches to Machine Consciousness: Imagination, Development, Intersubjectivity, and Embodiment. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 12th - 13th April, 2005

Cognitive Science Society virtual colloquium series
14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, and Conceptual Structures conferences via Google


ASSC - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
A Manual of Abhidhamma
Brain Project (Stephen Jones)
Wiki book on consciouness studies
Electronic Seminars
James Newman - Thalamocortical Foundations of Conscious Experience
Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness
Tucson II Conference (1996) New Scientist report | Tucson III Conference (1998) | Tucson IV Conference (2000) |
Consciousness Studies Webliography
Consciousness Studies - Peter Lloyd
Emotion, Consciousness and Cognitive Neuroscience, Online Conference
Emotion, Qualia and Consciousness Conference
Metaphysics by Default (personal identity),
Machine consciousness through internal modelling, Owen Holland
Qualia Manifesto
Wisdom in the Eye of the Frog
Conscious Mattie - agent implementing Baars Global Workspace ideas
The race for consciousness and CODAM model of J.G. Taylor

People: Anil K Seth (measuring consciousness) |
Ron Sun many CS papers, cognitive architectures
Journals and books related to consciousness research
Consciousness and Cognition
Journal of Consciousness Studies
PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
International Journal of Machine Consciousness (2009)
Brains, Minds and Media, Journal of New Media in Neural and Cognitive Science Education
The Journal of Mind and Behavior
Minds and Machines and their books available for reviewing
Philosophical Psychology
Science and Consciousness Review

A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness, B. Baars


Intuition, Brasilian group on complex decision making.
Computer intuition, psycholinguistic group searching for "Emotional X-Ray image" of people.
Computer intuition program, to guide scientific research in solving important biomedical questions by literature analysis.
Intuition: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Approach, paper by M.D. Lieberman (Harvard), Psychological Bulletin 2000, in PDF.
Intuition: Its Powers and Perils, book by D. Mayers (Hope College), 2002.


Human Factors
Aptima: Human Centered Engineering | CHI Systems model human intelligence and cognition to bring human-like behavior and capabilities to computer-based systems | iGEN - cognitive agent software kit (based on COGNET and BATON frameworks)
EPIC Project (Kieras) - ergonomic, or Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | The Brain, Cognition, and Action Laboratory: EPIC (Meyer) |
Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
Face recognition | Neural Networks for Face Recognition | Face Image Analysis (M.S. Bartlett) | Face microexpressions | Prosopagnosia | The Face Machine (eigenfaces) |
Neural Translator for Polish! Page of the co-creator, Danko Sipka
Eliciting and Describing Users �Models of Computer Systems, Angela Sasse
Artificial brains, neural hardware | Adaptive Brain Interfaces, thought control | Implicit memory glasses (DeVaul) |
Blue eyes - Monitoring saccadic eye movements | Jan Ober eye movement lab
Seeing Machines eye tracking
Tutorials (John Anderson ACT group) Intelligent Computer-Aided Training | Virtual Reality Training Environments |


American Philosophical Association
Athenaeum Library, Evans experientialism
Center for Philosophy of Science (Pittsburg)
Chinese Philosophy Page (Su Tzu)
Chinese Philosophy Page (Steven Brown, Monash University)
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Gallery of Philosophers
Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (Analitical Philosophy Society, Germany)
International Philosophical Preprint Exchange | IPPE mirrors at: Project Gutenberg | American Philosophical Association | UMKC Science Studies | UC Philosophy Project - nothing works?
The Institute for Interactivist Studies
International Directory Of On-line Philosophy Papers
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Logical Fallacies - Stephen's guide
Ontological philosophy, intersting attempt
Descriptive and formal Ontology, lists of 20 most important sites in philosophy, AI ...
Principia Cybernetica Web (most ambitious project)
Research Institute for the Humanities - Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Tao Teh Ching (translation)
Sophie's World

In Poland:
Polska Siec Filozoficzna |, serwis filozoficzny dla kazdego | FiloNeta, filozofia transcendujaca |, Studencki Serwis Filozoficzny | O�odek Racjonalistyczno-Sceptyczny im. de Voltaire� | RAJAMA �Wortal Filozoficzny | Cyberforum | Wirtualny Wszech�iat - filozofia | Mathesis Universalis, LogBank (e-journal) | Marciszewski Witold (editor)
Seminarium "Czym jest umysl"

Polish Philosophy | Links on Polish Philosophy | Filozofia w Interencie - katalog | Original texts

Guides and resource lists
Lists of lists
Encyclopedias and dictionaries of philosophy (IT)
Blackwell Publishers' Guide to On-line Philosophy Resources
Philosophy, Virtual Library, All
Philosophy Links and Theology links (

Primarily philosophy of mind
Bibliography of Mind-related Topics (Piero Scaruffi)
Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Mind (from Open Dir)
Philosophy of mind (HK)
Philosophy of mind and cognitive science (HK)
Encyclopedia of the Self

Pages with real content
Björn's Guide to Philosophy (Björn Christensson)
Chris' Philosophy Page (Chris Furlong)
Eastern and Western Philosophy (Prakash Arumugam)
EINet Galaxy Guide to Philosophy
*Episteme Links (Tom Stone, supersite)
Field Nodes, Philosophy and Science (Phil Hughes)
*Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Peter Suber, guides in many languages)
Guide to Philosophy and Logic (Paul Wong)
Historians and Philosophers (list of philosophers, Peter Rasmussen)
*Hopkins Philosophy Pages (John Hopkins University)
Hyper-Weirdness by World Wide Web (list of philosophers)
Introduction and FAQ,
Morville/Clark guide to Philosophy related resources
Philosophy at Large (Liverpool)
Philosophy around the Web (Peter King)
Philosophy in Cyberspace (Dey Alexander, Monash University)
Philosophy on the Web (Arno Wouters)
Philosophy pages, dictionary
Philosophy Resources, Rutgers University
Philosophy Resources on the Network (Rhodes College)
Philosophy - Yahoo (all topics, including conferences)
Philosophie-Seiten: German Language Resource Guide
Religion and Philosophy Resources (Boston University)
Sean's One-Stop Philosophy Shop (Sean Cearly)
Sophia - society for philosophy,
Virtual Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Religion (Bob Drudge)
The best philosophy resources(Q and A)
The Voice of the Shuttle Philosophy Page
Window to Philosophy (Brazil)
WWW Philosophy Sites (Waterloo, Canada)
Yahoo Guide to Philosophy

Katalog "Filozofia w Internecie" (PL)

Other philosophical topics

Can computers think?
Individuals with online papers in philosophy (Chalmers)
Online papers on consciousness (Chalmers) Mind Papers (Chalmers)

Sites with original philosophy (Kiekebend)
The Wisdom Page
Pain bibliography and links
Existential Phenomenology and Cognitive Science
Scientific Explanation, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Systems Philosophy, Helsinki group
Ultimate Reality and Meaning - Journal, Society

A few philosophers of mind with interesting WWW pages

Chalmers David - philosophy of mind
Churchland Patricia, neurophilosophy | Churchland Paul |
Dennett Daniel - philosophy of mind | Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts
Grush Rick S.D.
van Gelder T, dynamical approach.
Noe Alva - perception, action, consciousness
O'Regan Kevin - perception and change blindness demos
Putnam Hilary - philosophy of mind | Putnam on the Web
Popper Karl Institute
Searl Central, collection of papers and discussions.
Smith Barry, cognitive ontology, good papers.
Plato - Dialogues

Neurophilosophy blog at WordPress | Neurophilosophy blog | Evan Thompson | Brain and Mind Journal | Churchland Patricia, neurophilosophy | de la Sierra-Sheffer |


American Psychological Association
Association for Humanistic Psychology
Autopoiesis and Enaction: Varela and Maturana
CTI Psychology, centrum kompetencji dla psychologii
HCI, Fitts' Law, GOMS etc
Nurse groups psychology resources
Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology
Psychology (Social Sciences)
Psychology (UCSC)
Psychological WWW Services(Bonn)
Psychonomic Society Publications
Psychopathology, Milton's InterPsych Page
PsyLink (Northwester University)
Psych Web, scholary list sorted by Topic
Psychology:, news, blogs ...
Society for Computers in Psychology
Society for Mathematical Psychology
Society for Computers in Psychology
List of conferences (Bonn)
The Jean Piaget Archives

In Poland:
Psychology: Uniw. Jagiellonski | Uniw. Warszawski | UAM Poznan |
Swiat psychoanalizy - elektroniczny miesiecznik


ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation
Psychological Testing and Human Intelligence
MMPI tests - Minnesota info
NCS psychological assessment
Psychological assessments list
Psychological assessments online
Psychometric Methods
Psychometric Online (Canada)
List of Psychological tests (PSI)

IQ tests: Overview of IQ tests | AllTheTests | Personality & IQ Tests | list at | european | Queendom | 20 questions | Majon IQ Test | Intelligence tests | Self Discovery test | Mensa workout

CogState Test, test of cognitive abilities

The Personality Project - teorie osobowo �i | Personality Process - review |
Personal Construct Psychology of G. Kelly | PCP RepGrid | PCP WebGrid Project | more constructivist software |
Radical Constructivism |
DeYoung Colin perosnality from neuroscience perspective.

Categorization, memory, tests

Categorical Pereception (Wiki)
Categorical Perception: Bibliography (Harnad)
False Memory Syndrome | Paul Ingram story
Knowledge Spaces (Albert)
Improve your memory course
Human Memory, article and links
Human Memory, Amsterdam, mnemonics, Jaap Murre
Memory links froma AmoebaWeb
Mnemonika - book in Polish
Categorization in birds

Developmental Psychology

The International Society for Infant Studies | The Society for Research in Child Development | Kidzgrow | International Parenting Association, child Genius Magazine | Infant intelligence | Infant intelligence resources | Infant development | Sound Beginnings - infant learning
AURORA, Autonomous robotic platform as a remedial tool for children with autism
Infant behavior and development journal
Developmental Science journal

Jusczyk Peter W - infant language and sound learning
Molfese Dennis L, Developmental Neuroscience Lab, Louisville
NYU Infant Language Center, Gary Marcus
UBC Infant Studies Center, Janet Werker
The Lincoln BabyLab
Oxford University Baby Lab, Kim Plunkett
Reading University Baby Lab
Harvard Lab, Susan Carey
UW Learning and Brain Sciences, Speech and Hearing - Patricia Kuhl
Uppsala Babylab
The Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development (London)
UCSD Centre for human development
Infant Learning Lab, Wisconsin
Developmental Science issue on Bayes models in development
Developing intelligence, Science Blog

Computational approaches in psychiatry

Rossi Ernest, psychoterapy, hypotherapy, Ultradian Healing Response

Cognition, learning and behavior, M. K. Gardner, Utah Uni.
Thinking and Cognition, Charles Schmidt, Rutgers Uni.

Linguistics, Languages

Computational Linguistics in Poland

Association for Computational Linguistics, Text Generation SIG
Center for Research in Language | CRL Newsletter, UCSD
Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain (CSLB), Department of Experimental Psychology, Cambridge, UK
Center for Applied Linguistics
Computation and Language E-Print Archive
CTI Centre for Modern Languages
Dialects of American English
ELSNET'S - Language & Speech Page | lista konferencji (excellent list of conferences)
ELRA - European Language Resources Association
English grammar - on line course
Exotic Language Phenomena
Human-Languages Page
Human Language Technology Central
Human Language Technology Survey
Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique (wersja angielska)
LangTech, European Forum for Language Technology
Le Journal - the journal for human language technology
Language Acquisition - by Steven Pinker
Language and Linguistics, SocSciNet
Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography
The Linguist List (everything!)
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Neurocognitive linguistics - Sydney Lamb, class notes and projects in neurolinguisticsPsycholinguistics & Computational Cognition Lab
Rosetta Stone, 2376 lanuages ...
Survey of Languages
WordNet - a Lexical Database for English (Princeton).
Transparent Languages - 51 languages on CD-ROM
Foundations of Computational Linguistics - slides for lectures (R. Hausser)

Ontological semantics, ONTOSEM, V. Raskin, used in the Hakia project.
Speech, phonology Computational Phonology
Cued Speech
Similarity Relations among Spoken Words
Self-Organization in the Evolution of Speech
ORGANIC: Self-Organized Recurrent Neural Learning for Language Processing, EU project 2009-2012

Special projects

Mind Maps: Mind Maps Software | Mind Jet visual thinking | Deep quest | Freemind, nice | 3D Topicscape, nice | Inspiration (commercial) |
Google knowledge management | Google mind maps | Autonomous Formation of Concepts and Communication, DeJong thesis | Lakoff on Conceptual Metaphor

A-Lang, Computational modelling of the evolution of language
Autonomous Mental Development Repository
Computational Historical Linguistics Project
Conceptual Mapping guide | Concept Systems Inc | E-rater, automated essay scoring (ETS)
ILK: Induction of Linguistic Knowledge (NL)
John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project
Neural Theory of Language Project (NTL), ICSI, Feldman, Lakoff, Shastri (former L0 group)
Origins of language project, with language games played by real robots!
Statistical language modeling toolkit
Talking heads - how language is created in robot interactions
ThoughtTreasure, Daydreamer natural language processing, commonsense reasoning, daydreaming.

General Semantics:
European Society of General Semantics | Europejskie Towarzystwo Semantyki Ogolnej, biografia Alfreda Korzybskiego
Institute of General Semantics
International Society for General Semantics
Steven Lewis page | Ken Erickson page | John McPherson page | Steve Stockdale page | Craig Presson page | General Semantics for Kids
Transhumanist Linguistics, artificial languages and general semantics.
Language learning: International Language Development | Foreign Languages for Travelers | Berlitz Poland |

Conceptual Metaphor Page | Center for the Cognitive Science of Metaphor (old) | Mind metaphors | Metaphore links |

NLP, Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing, from PC-AI
Loebner contest - uproszczony test Turinga, examples PC Therapist| Turing Test Conference 2000
Brutus.1: The State of the Art in Story Generation
CMU/LTI: Research/CMT-home
The CHAT Natural Language System
DISCERN, Miikkulainen group
Dual Route model of reading

NLP dictionary | The Natural Language Software Registry
Natural Language Processing with ThoughtTreasure, book!
The psychology of language, with many links
The Semantic Network Processing System (SNePS)
Statistical Language Modeling Toolkit
Thinknowlogy NLP system.

L&H iTranslator Online
Alta Vista Babel fish translation engine
Alis technology, translation of El Pais, Spiegel etc!
Copernic summarizer
Acoustics - interesting links, acoustics around the world
Automatic Language Identification Bibliography
comp.speech FAQ
Bell Labs multilinguial Text-to-Speech system (TTS) - dialekty chinskie, rosyjski i europejskie jezyki
ATTS Text-to-Speech za darmo
BAS, Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
Babel Project, multi-language databases: Bulgarian, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian
CSLU, Center for Spoken Language Understanding (Oregon) - speech toolkit with facial animation, speech corpora
Spoken Language Laboratory (Kanzas Uni, M.S. Vitevitch)
dspWatch, digital signal procesing for speech
ELRA - European Language Resources Association, Speech Corpora & Resources
Evoluton of Speech, B. de Boer, P. Kuhl
Festival Speech Synthesis System - English (British and American), Spanish and Welsh
International Phonetic Association, Journal, phonetic alphabet | IPA audio samples |
Phonetic course, vowels and consonants, IPA alphabet recordings
Museum of Speech Analysis and Synthesis
Speech Links - General Speech Technology Hyperlinks Page
Speech Recognition, from PC-AI
Speech Internet Dictionary
Speech + NLP at NIST
Speech Recognition
Speech Toys
VIsual SPEech PRocessing System (VISPER)
ViaVoice, IBM continuous speech recognition software
Voice Recognition Products and Services;
WWW Pages Relating to Sound Computation (ACM links)
WWW Information for Speech/Acoustics Research (from Shikano lab, Japan)
Univ of Victoria linguistic resources
Voice Recognition Products and Services;

Papers on phoneme-based speech analysis:
Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling for Phoneme Classification
Niko Ström papers, with PhD thesis
Infant vocalization

Ivona demo, syntezator mowy

ESP Game, or human computing, labeling images | Google image labeler |

Special topics, including psychophysics

Affective Computing, emotion models (modelowanie emocji):
Affective Computing (MIT) | Cognition and Affect Project (Birmingham);
Emotion Home Page(Salk)
Emotionally Rich Man-machine Intelligent System(ERMIS)
Affective Pattern Recognition and Modeling(Toronto)
Empathy group and article

Cognitive mathematics:
Wikipedia definition | Where Mathematics Comes From - Lakoff, Nunez | Towards a Cognitive Science of Science, by Razvan V. Florian | Neuromath, mathemathics and the brain project.
Cognitive physics:
AI-Wheel, Multidimensional Cognitive Physics |
Cognitive history:
Interesting books |

Humor research:
International Society for Humor Studies | Humor Research Biography | Humor Net links |
Creativity, Humor and Imagery in Language (UC Dublin), word games |
Can a Computer Laugh? by Igor M. Suslov.
Mezmer's Dictionary of Bad Psychology
Conferences: Cognitive Linguistics 2003: Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Humour | 2006 ISHS Humour Conference |

Brain Games
Brainist (many categories, tests, illusions) | Braingle (over 17,000 brain teasers, riddles, logic problems) | (Cognitive Labs games) | BrainBashers (games, puzzles, illusions, sudoku) | Eyetricks games | brain games and other info | Lumosity program (supported by neuroscience, free trial) | Sheppard software | Puzzles & Games |
Brain games in many languages | Exercise your brain - online schools

Baldwin Effect: A Bibliography (learning and evolution)
Biomotion demos -
Embodied Cognition and Action
Facial animation | Massaro's projects |
FISC - cognitive science grants, jobs
FreudNet: The A.A. Brill Library
Human Intelligence Amplification
Describing Inner Experience? Proponent Meets Skeptic, book by Russell T. Hurlburt and Eric Schwitzgebel, MIT Press 2007 |
Perplexed of consciousness Eric Schwitzgebel (2011)
International Society for Psychophysics (ISP)

Mental imagery

Neurotheology, Shakti LITE neural TMS stimulation | Neurotheology and Shamanism | Neurotheology and Cognitive Liberty |

Neuroesthetics Insititute of Neuroesthetics
Neural Processes in Cognition
Non-Cartesian Cognitive Science
Pre-History of Cognitive Science
Psychonomic Society Symposium on High-dimensional Memory Models, 1997
Social Research Methods, Bill Trochim
The GlobalPsych Institute


Wikipedia on the history of books
Paul Saenger, Space Between Words: The Origins of Silent Reading, Stanford University Press 1997.
Maryanne Wolf, Proust and the Squid. The Story and Science of the Reading Brain. (HarperCollins 2007)


International Synaesthete Association (ISA)
Synesthetic Experience (demos, MIT)
Synaesthesia - A Unity of Senses
Synesthesia at MIT lab
Synesthesia in Art
Synaesthesia - A Unity of Senses
Synesthesia: Phenomenology and Neuropsychology, review article
Art-mind connections, synaesthesia

Vision and illusions

Bayesian theory of surprise (Baldi), predicting saccades
Cognitive Vision online, EU project | visual neurophysiology subtree, EU project
Cvnet-uk, Color vision research in UK
Color blindness check
Kids NIEHS optical illusion pages
MRF Modeling in Computer Vision
Representationalism, or Indirect Perception.
ReVision, overview of all vision-related subjects
Software for visual psychophysics
Sensation and Perception Tutorials, introduction to perception psychology
Vision Research WWW Servers
Vision Acuity applet
Vision Science
Vision tests
Visual attention
Vision, computational models
Visual Intelligence, applets, vision in Alzheimer (D.D. Hoffman)

Akiyoshi Kitaoka illusion pages.
Color Phi - Java version
eChalk optical illusions Exploratorium Illusions
Human Information Processing Laboratory, G. Sperling, motion, depth, illusion
IllusionWorks, Al Seckel
Joy of Visual Perception: A Web Book
Lotto lab, many illusions
Magic Eye 3D
Contrast illusions, Shapiro lab
O'Regan Kevin - perception, change blindness demos
Visual Cognition Lab, UIUC, Daniel Simons, change blindness movies
Masters of Deception: Escher, Dali + the Artists of Optical Illusion. Book 2004 + links to movies!
Visual illusion contest
Grand illusions | Mighty optical illusions | Dragon illusion |
Top 25 optical illusions on the Web
Internet resources for cognitive vision | Computer Vision On-line | kopia w Polsce |
Image Analysis and Understanding |
Hector - painting robot |

Other senses

Our precious senses
vOICe auditory image representations McGurk effect, visual-auditory interactions | another McGurk effect
Bionics links
USC neural engeneering

Music and the brain

Brain music and their excellent Selected Readings |
Music neuroimaging, or musician brain
MuSICA, Music and Brain Information Database + Newsletter | Music Perception and Cognition Society | NeuroMusic News | Music Performance & Brain Lab (Warsaw) |
Auditory Perception: Demonstrations and Experiments | Promenade Round the Colchea | Music, brain and cognition | Music Cognition Resource Center | Music and reason
Google: Brain Music Imagery
Auditory development lab, infant perception of music, Lurel Trainor.
Music and the brain, Stefan Koelsch.
Musical Illusions, Perfect Pitch, Diana Deutsch | Auditory Illusions and Tricks, Y. Nakajima |
Brain Opera - on hyperinstruments! | CTI Music | CTI Art & Design | Electronic Music Foundation | Evolution Of Computer Music | Genetic algorithms music | Genetic Jammer | Symbolic composer, algorithmic music | Music spectrograms and omse theory |
Fractal music (Stuttgart) | Fractal music lab | Fractal music project | Fractal music software |
Canadian Association for Music Therapy

Psychodelic experiences

Albert Hofmann: LSD, My Problem Child ˇ Index
CSP Resources
Drug Effects - Psychodelic and others
Isolation Tanks (Samadhi Tanks), John Lilly
Psychodelic Studies, MAPS
Island Foundation - dedicated to creation of psychodelic culture
Specific drugs: Ketamine - near death experiences

Computational biology, memetics, genetics, evolution, anthropology

Cogprints Biology, Socio, Behavioral, Population ...
Biology Links
BioMedNet - biomedycyna, genomika, bioogia molekularna, "life sciences"
Biospace - biotechnologia i farmaceutyka
Genomics: Comparative and Functional
MIT biology & genetics hypertextbook
New Scientist: Planet Science

Cogprints Biology, Socio, Behavioral, Population ...

Evolutionary and Emergent Behaviour Intelligence and Computation (EEBIC) group
Benzon & Hayes - 4 stages of mind evolution, synthetic ecosystems and organisms | A-life links
Lahlan A-life links
Evolutionary Psychology from CogWeb | Center for Evolutionary Psychology at UCSB | Evolutionary Psychology primer |
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, intro + articles on evolutionary psychology
World of Richard Dawkins - news about evolution
List of on-line articles about evolution/behavior

Anthropology, paleoanthropology
Anthropology resources
Greater antropology - good section on personality
Kent University Antropology Resources
Virtual library list of resources

Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute (Washoe, Moja, Tatu, Loulis & other)
Fossil Hominids FAQ
Becoming human (Flash presentation!)
Neuroanthropology network
Primate Info Net | Primate Evolution | Primate gallery links

Phylogeny - tree of life
Psychology, Culture, and Evolution (including paleohistory)

Cultural anthropology, Etnology, Memetics

Memetics - most important links | Swedish collection (Sandberg) | Journal of Memetics |
Meme Central | on-line publications | leksykon memetyki | artykul z "Brulionu" |
Sociobiologia-memetyka. grupa dyskusyjna |
Cognitive Cultural Studies, CogWeb
Cybernetics and Human Knowing - journal on cybernetics and cybersemiotics
Laughlin Charlie, biogenetic structuralism and transpersonal antropology
Development of Human Culture (Benzon)
Human Nature reviews
Wikibook on cultural anthropology

Information society.
Centre for Information Society , Warszawa.

Social networks, sociobiology

Evolution and behavior, sociobiology
Social networks, dynamic visualization
Socioscope, collective intelligence


Wikipedia on creativity| Computational creativity (Duch Lab) | Computational modeling of creativity (UCLA) |

Workshop on Creative Systems: First, Vancouver 2001 | 2nd, Lyon 2002 | 3rd, Acapulco 2003 |
International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity: First, Madrid 2004 | 4th, London 2007 | 5th, Madrid 2008, proceedings are available!
Computational Creativity Support: Using Algorithms and Machine Learning to Help People Be More Creative, Boston, April 2009

Wikipedia on Computational Creativity
Artificial Creativity page | Computational | Computational Creativity, Duch project | Computational Modelling of Mechanisms of Creativity, Bipin Indurkhya | Solomon Sorin - artificial life, creativity templates, science of complexity |
Creative Language System Group (UC Dublin), word games |
Creativity, Humor and Imagery in Language (UC Dublin), word games |
Creative Systems (Portugal)
Go Create resources | Generate new ideas, creativity support software | Creativity, Humor and Imagery in Language (UC Dublin), word games |
Mambo server inventing new names |
Brainstorming | Triarchic Teaching (Sternberg theory) | Mind mapping resources | ConceptDraw Mindmap |
Intelligence and creativity, historical development (Indiana) | Sternberg Robert, creativity and intelligence at Yale

Aaron by Harold Cohen, robot paintings | Creativity Web | Creative thinking, from PC-AI | Kurzweil's links on creativity and future | Leonel Moura, robot and swarm paintings |
Wolfram Music, is it creative?

Bibliography on creativity, including Polish books (
TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Journal | Creativity and Innovation Management, Blackwell Journal |
Creativity, Innovation and Problem Solving book |
A Computer Model of Creativity Based on Perceptual Activity TheoryPeter J. Blain PhD (2007), Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Demonstrates the computational viability of the Perceptual Activity Theory of imagery, and throws much light on the theory as well as demonstrating its relevance to understanding imaginative creativity.

Center for the Mind (Australia) |
Bentley Peter (UCL UK) |
Dean Keith Simonton (UC Davis) genius and creativity, BVSR theory |
Intelligence, all aspects, C. Morris.

Various topics relevant to mind

Mind machines, biofeedback etc: | Synetic Systems Int. | Altar (PL) | Sita PL |
Music for Health (Muzykoterapia) | Hemisync, Monroe Institute | Neurofeedback Archive, Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation |
Play Attention - Neurofeedback and Edufeedback for attentional deficits |
Animal behavior:
Wikibook on Animal Behavior
Livestock Animal Behavior, autism - Temple Grandin.
Hypnosis, Brief Therapy, and Altered States of Consciousness | Alman's self-hypnosis | HypnoGenesis journal | Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Stress & Healing (E. Rossi) | ,
Self Hypnosis Confidence
Idiot savants, and savant syndrom:
Centre for the mind, Australia Nat. Univ + Sydney Univ; mind idiot savants conference
Savant syndrome, Wisconsin Medical Society
Neil Smith videoclips, language savant.

Other topics hard to classify: - book reviews on mind, evolution etc.
Interesting organizations (list from
Center "Leo Apostel": music, science, arts, global brain, foundations of science
CTI Centres Primary Contacts
Causality talk (J. Pearl)
Compuer Art
ConsciousNet New Age Information and Services
Dolphin institute
Bridges: math connections in art and science
Edge Magazine - the edge of world's knowledge.
Empowerment Now! - motivation & inspiration training
Etyka i polityka spoleczna
Evolutionary Computation in art
Evolution vs. Creationism
Institute of Noetic Sciences | Noetic Sciences Strategic Partners and Links
Institute of Advanced Thinking
Life Extension Site - health issues and more
MAD Scientist Network answers all your questions
Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson, fascinating! The book is here
Mind is, mind in religion, science, psychology, art, classic works
Mind Bluff, illusions, brain teasers, mental tricks, mind.body experiments
Mind Magic, tests, illusions from eBaum's World
Mind Performance Hacks
Nanotechnology - Foresight Institute
Neuromorphic Engineer
Neuroscience and the Human Spirit
Neuroscience Resources Online
Neutronics Technologies
Quantum Computation
RapidReader: Speed Reading Software | SpeedReader Software | SpeedLearning, Self Improvement Courses |
Science Without Bounds (Art D'Adamo, book)
Society for Human Sexuality
Socio-cognitive engineering, A.M. Gadomski, Rome
Waking Up - from Scientific American
Whole Systems
TREC, Text Retrival, NIST conference
Other interesting journals

Education, pedagogy

Paideia movement
International Mind, Brain & Education Society, also journal (Koizumi et al.)
C.D. Schunncognitive education.

The Mind Project: best undergrad educational resources for cognitive science


Dictionary of Scientific Quotations
APA history of psychology division
Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Darwin and Wallace - history of evolution
Alfred Wallace page
Galileo and his contemporaries - biographies
History of Chemistry
History of Human Behavior sciences, PBS
History of evolution research
History of Science and Medicine
History of Mathematics
Soul & spirit, ideas of the Church Fathers
Spiritual pilgrim, history of cultures, morality, theology | scientists, creators
Milestones in Neuroscience Research (Chudler)
Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Numerations and numerals, history of numbers

History of Psychology

Classics in the History of Psychology - full texts of many important papers!
History of Psychology: Dewey, James, Helmholtz, Mead, Piaget, Pavlov, Skinner | NMU course | Univ. of Illinois course | Harold O. Kiess course | David Likely course | Mark Mitchell, History and Systems course
History of Psychology major events
History of Experimental Psychology (photos)
WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science, Technology & Medicine
HistPsyc Headlines Pages 1650-1959
Mind and Body (from Descartes to modern psychology)
Resources in the History of Psychology
Psychologists: William James | John Dewey | Donald Hebb | Alexander Luria | Alen Newell | Charles S. Peirce |

Interesting books:
Mind, Brain and Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century, Cerebral Localization and Its Biological Context from Gall to Ferrier. Great book by Robert M. Young!
J.R. Skoyles, Origins of modern cognition and other interesting book projects
Transforming Nature, book by Michael Gorman
APA-style converter |

Other pages: AI in IR | AI & ML | Computational Intelligence | Cognitive Science | Neuroscience and brains | Software and data | Science & Fringes |
Last modification 30.12.2012, by Wlodzislaw Duch