Neuroscience and Brain ResearchNeurobiologia i badania nad mózgiem |
![]() i Konferencje Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego |
Neurobiologia, modele biologicznych neuronów. |
Lists of resources
Antwerp Theoretical Neurobiology Index
The Brain Lab, IQ Tests and brain news
Brain Science Resource Kit
Brain & Neuro Center (Martindale)
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Computational Neuroscience/Neuroinformatics in Europe
Cognitive Neuroscience
Resources on the Internet: Homepages (CNBC)
Computational Neuroscience: Gateway To The World
Consciousness Studies
Eye-Hand Coordination for 3-D Oriented Objects
FSU Neuroscience / Other Neuroscience WWW Sites
History of Human Behavior sciences, PBS
Mind/brain resources
Medicine and Neurosciences on the Internet (Heidelberg)
Memory Guide
Neuro Ring
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Neuroinfromatics |
Neuroinfromatics PL
Neuro-IT, between neuroscience and IT, interesting lectures, grant info
Neurosciences (
Neuroscience Web Search and its
German mirror
Vision, computational models see also
Cognitive Science links
Simple Brain Neurocomputing, fish and frogs.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Neuroinformatics @Edinburgh
Hardin Meta Directory - Neurology/Neurosciences
Internet Neuroscience Resources (Chudler, U. Wash.)
MedWeb Neurology - huge list
Neurology/Neuroscience Korean list
*Neuroscience (Biosciences), part of Virtual Library
Neurosciences on the Internet (Neil Busis), mirrors in
UK |
Germany | and
Yahoo: Neurosciences
Basic neural processes - tutorial
Biological and Physiological Psychology
Brain connections (education) |
news page |
Neurowire magazine
Brain Facts and Figures
Brain Glossary, memory page
Number of neurons in the brain
Brain & Neuro Martindale links
The Brain Project (Stephen Jones): history, philosophy, neuroscience, models ...
Brain Science Resource Kit
Brain Science Research and other KAIST centers
Brain structure and function webquest
Cognitive-Neuroscience Resources(Carnegi Mellon)
CBCL Homepage (Poggio)
Computational Neurobiology - Publications (Sejnowski
Computational Neuroscience Laboratory (Attick, Rockefeler University)
Food and Drug Administration
FSU Neuroscience / Other Neuroscience WWW Sites
Handbook of brain theory and neural networks (book, Arbib)
HippoWeb Neurobiology
Human Brain Project |
Danish Repository of HBP
Global Anatomy - Brain
Jane's Brain Page - Layman's View on Brain Chemistry
Minds and Machines Module
Neuroanatomy and neuropathology on the Web (Debrecen), good references
Neurocomputing Research Centre, Brisbane, Au
Neuroscape Gateway
Neurosciences at the University of Southern California
Neurosciences at the UW (W. Calvin)
Neuroscience for Kids |
Our senses |
Other Neuroscience Resources (E. Chudler)
The Physiology of the Senses
Physiological Psychology
USC Brain models on the Web (
M. Arbib) and the
USC Brain Project
In Poland: MedBook - księgarnia medyczna | Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psycholgiczne (książki) |
Brain Poke (Washington & Lee Univ.)
Brainscape, brain bench and other brain imaging (J.H.U)
Brain Map database (PET, NMR)
Digital Anatomist Program, Interactive Brain Atlas (Washington University)
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain
Global Anatomy Home Page (Wisconsin)
Glossary of brain structures (Memory Key)
Learning guide for the human brain
Neuroanatomy Study Slides
Neuroscience Tutorial (WUSTL, van Essen)
Practical Anatomy of the Brain
Surface cortex atlases of human and macaque (van Essen lab)
The Whole Brain Atlas (Harvard)
The Visible Human Project (including visible brain and many links)
Virtual Body - brain, heart, skeleton, digestive system (Columbia)
Virtual Hospital - real brain dissections
Fly Brain
Popular, usefulf for demos:
Brainviews - Animated Brain
Human Anatomy
| |
USA Alzheimer Association |
Europe Alzheimer Association |
Alzheimer Association Weblinks |
Alzheimer Web
Behavioral and Mental Disorders
Brain Disorders Network / Index
Brain - from Health Answers
Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities Resources
Connectionist Models of Cognitive, Affective, Brain, and Behavioral Disorders, with introduction to models and bibliography.
Connectionism and Language Disorders
Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives |
Brain for Kids! |
INNS SIG on Metal Functions and Dysfunctions |
Internet Mental Health, łącznie z
diagnozą on-line wielu chorób psychicznych
Mental Health Net - Professional Resources Index
Mental Health Net - Psychopharmacology & Drug References
Mental Health (from Snap)
Neurosurgery (Bowman Gray School of Medicine)
Neurosurgery (MedMark) |
Cyber Museum of Neurosurgery |
Nervous System Diseases (Karolinska Institute)
Psychopharmacology Tips
RebPage: the brain in health and disease
MentalHealth, łącznie z
diagnozą on-line wielu chorób psychicznych
Online Psych - various aspects of mental health
Physiology EUR - M.A. Frens
Psychiatry On-Line - International Journal of Psychiatry Key Information
Psychiatry Sites - 1997
Psychiatry and Neurology glossary
Society for Medical Decision Making, also journal
MedWeb: Biomedical Internet Resources (Emory University)
Psychiatric Society for Informatics
Chaos and Psyche
PDP++ software and book
Behavioral and brain functions journal
Drugs, Brains and Behavior book (C. Robin Timmons & Leonard W. Hamilton)
Psychiatria Polska (miesięcznik)
Neuropsychology Central
Neuropsychology Resources (NHN)
NeuroPsychology Sources & Course
PsychTrauma Glossary
Emotion Research Group, Geneve
Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig
Aphasia tutorial
Asperger disorder
Capgras links |
Capgras for kids |
Dyslexia Online, artykuły |
Dyslexia, helping dyslectic pupils and students (pomagając dyslektycznym uczniom i nauczycielom) |
Dyslexia Testing, testy dysleksji |, metoda Davisa
False Memory Syndrom
Neurological Examination
Phantom Limbs
Tourette Syndrom Association
Neuropsychology papers, great collection of reprints
Corpus callosum in sensorimotor integration, Marco Iacoboni lab
Maps, modules and internal models in human motor control
Neuromorphic Sensorimotor Systems Laboratory
Neuropsychology Research Unit, Monash Univ, basal ganglia, disorders
VETT Projects and Research (Virtual Environments, sensorimotor, MIT)
Zentrum für Sensomotorik München
neuromechanical simulation of salamander locomotion, Java applet
Books and articles on spike synchrony and oscillation, Lee lab, Rochester
Articles of particular interest for Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Neurolinguistics: Friedemann Pulvermuller, CBU MRC |
Auditory Image Model of Peripheral Auditory Processing
Biofeedback: Biofeedback Webzine
Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, Neurofeedback Archive, Neurotherapy
Berlin Brain Computer Interface
Biomental - EOG Biofeedback
Child Neurology
Consciousness - see Cognitive Science links
Complex Systems in Psychology Conference
Eye-Movement resources
History of Neuroscience
Human Brain, Aging
Mind Uploading Home Page (speculations on coping the mind!)
Modeling Interacting Populations of "Biological"
Mus Silicum, integration of spatiotemporal patterns
Neuromorphic Analog VLSI
NeuroMuscular Research Center (brain-machine connections)
Population Coding Literature
brain (assymetry)
Vestibulo-Oculomotor Lab - Neurology
Agora for Biosystems, Hans Liljenstrom
Adams Super Center for Brain Studies
Applied Neurodynamics, Deiss Stephen R.
Aston University: Neural Computing Research Group
Attention and Brain Recovery Lab, WU-StL (Corbetta)
Behavior On-line, for Mental Health and Applied Behavioral Science Professionals
BPEL, Biological and Physiological Engineering Laboratory, S. Usui
Brain Dynamics Center
Brainscape, Inc.
Brain-Mind Institute, Lausanne
Center for Neuroscience, U.C. Davis
CELEST, A Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science, and Technolog, Boston
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Online (CLIO)
MRC-CBU, Cognition and Brain Sciences, Cambridge
Computation & Neural Systems (Caltech)
Computational Neuroscience (Berne) publications
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab, Harvard Univ.
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston (Steven Grossberg)
Cricket lab, biomorphic approach
FSU Neuroscience / Other Neuroscience WWW Sites
Kawato Mitsuo, Dynamic Brain Project, JSTC
Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics, KRINC, Rostov State University
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Studies, GMU, neural dynamics, neuroanatomy
Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Institut für Theoretische Neurophysik
International Center of Biocybernetics (Warsaw)
Lab. for neural computation (Bartlett Mel, neurobiology)
Lab. for Behavior and Dynamic Cognition, Jun Tani, RIKEN
MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Berwick,
McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience
McDonnell Foundation
Neureka ANS
Neuropsychology Research Unit, basal ganglia, disorders (Monash Univ)
MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Neutronics Technologies Corporation and NTCE Ltd (robots, wavelet processors?)
Salk Institute - Computational Neurobiology (Sejnowski and others)
Section of Neurobiology, Yale, Goldman-Rakic, others
Van Essen Land
Washington Univ, Cognitive Control and Psychopatology Lab
Yale Section of Neurobiology, Goldman-Rakic & others
Large-scale brain simulations and hardware projects:
Goodman Brain Computation lab, Uni. Nevada at Reno, Neocortical simulator (NCS3)
ALAVLSI, EU consortium, a general architecture for perceptual attention and learning
FACET, First Analog Computing with Emergent Transient States EU consortium.
W Polsce - in Poland:
The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology (Warsaw)
Polish Neuroscience Society, Polskie Towarzystwo Badań
Układu Nerwowego
Komitet Neurobiologii PAN
Cognitive Neuroscience - Neuronauki kognitywne |
Neuroinfromatics PL |
Neuroforum |
DANA, Polskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Krzewienia
Wiedzy o Mózgu
Europejski Dzień Mózgu, obchodzony w marcu
(pierwszy raz w 1998)
Polish Neural Networks Society - Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych,
info w Toruniu
Europejski Dzień Mózgu, obchodzony w marcu
(pierwszy raz w 1998)
Virtual Brain Research Institute, Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz
Abbott Laurence F, sensorimotor
Amit Daniel J. recurrent networks, brain models
Baddeley Roland, exp. psych, nn models
Bechtel William, philosophy-neuroscience
Bekkering Harold, MPIPF (Max Planck Inst Psychological Research, Munich)
Theodore W. Berger, artificial hippocampus
Bialek William, neurons, spikes
Boes Siegfried - Papers (RIKEN)
Bülthoff Heinrich, MPI Biocybernetics, director
Chimera: LANN group, Amit, Fusi
Fusi Stefano, neuromorphic hardware
Deco Gustavo , brain functions, vision, information theory
Dorffner Georg , EEG, NN
Edelman Shimon - object recognition |
at Cornell |
at Sussex |
older, at MIT |
Freeman, Walter, Neurophysiology Lab
Ghahramani Zoubin, neural networks, HMM, sensorimotor
Goodhill Geoff, topographical maps, brain
Hasselmo lab (Harvard) - hippocampus, Alzheimer, memory
Horn David, psychiatric models, NN
Iacoboni Marco, corpus callosum in sensorimotor integration
Ingber Lester - Code and Reprint Archive
Kozma, Robert, Computational Neurodynamics Lab
Levine Daniel, frontal lobes, decision making
Levy William, hippocampus simulations
Jefferys John - Neuroscience, and
40 Hz brain waves (Traub i inn.)
Kahana Michael - Human Memory
Kieras, David E. Human-Computer Interaction
EPIC Project (Kieras)
Koch, Chris (CalTech)
Lansner Anders, SANS, NADA, Stockholm, cell assemblies, Bayesian, integrative
Lappe Markus, vision, eye movement, sensorimotor integration
Maass Wolfgang, spiking networks |
Neural microcurcuits simulations |
Mallot Hanspeter A., vision, cognitive maps, population networks
Marwan Jabri, superior colliculus, brain models
McCormick David, vision, EEG, cellular
Meeter Martin, Hippocampus, Amnesia
Mjolsness Eric, Neuroengineering
Mussa-Ivaldi, F. motor behavior
Opstal, John Van (sensorimotor)
Parga Nestor, Assoc. Mem, ICA, neuroscience
Pouget Alexandre, Computational Neurobiology, population coding, vision
Ramachandran Vilayanur, UCSD Brain and Perceptual Process Laboratory (phantom limbs, illusions)
Rybak Ilya (vision, populations of biological neurons)
Ruppin Eytan (psychiatry)
Samsonovich Alexei, neuroscience, consciousness
Schaal Stefan - Sensorimotor Integration
Schmajuk Nestor, psychiatric modeling
Sejnowski Terry, Computational Neurobiology
Simpson John I, sensorimotor integration, cerebellum input
Sparks David L, neural control of saccadic eye movements
Taylor John R, KCL Computational Neuroscience Group |
CNG projects |
Oresteia network, drawing attention to dangers |
Tani Jun, RIKEN, mirror neurons, dynamical networks, robotics |
Warden Robert, theoretical papers on the brain evolution
Wiskott Laurenz, cortical map formation (Theoretical Biology, Berlin)
Wörgötter Florentin, biophysical models, vision
Pisma - Journals
Neuroscholar - neuroscientific literature knowledge management
Behavioral and Brain Sciences ETOC96 |
Brain briefings (Society for Neuroscience) |
Brain, Behaviour and Evolution (only sample on-line copy) |
BrainWork, brain news from |
Brain and Mind Electronic Magazine, mostly Neuroscience |
Brain, Mind and Media |
Current opinion in neurobiology
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience |
Journal of Computational Neuroscience |
Journal of Consciousness Studies |
Journal of Theoretical Biology |
Harvard BRAIN (journal, pdf format)
Neuroscience-Net (scholary journal)
Neurology and Neurosciences Journals |
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Neurology Network Commentary Online |
Neurosci-on news, library etc. |
On the Brain (Harvard journal)
Książki - Books
Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function
AI Group, Iowa (Honavar)
LSA, Lernende Systeme und Anwendungen, Keiserlautern - Reports
London & South East High Performance Computing Centre
Benzon & Hays evolutionary 4 stage development
Can Recurrent Neural Networks Learn Natural Language Grammars?
Cost-Sensitive Classification: Evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic Decision Tree Induction Algorithm
Function Approximation in the State-Space (Bayesian, clustering EM)
In Search of Common Foundations for Cortical Computation (Phillips, Singer)
Indeterminacy of the visual hierarchy, analiza układu wzrokowego
Language as a dynamical system - Jeff Elman
Mjolsness, UCSD - good optimization paper!
Mus silicum, Hopfield, sensory analysis
NCRG Tech Reports
Recognition Memory, Ratcliff, Zandt, McKoon
Neural Networks: Automata and Formal Models of Computation
Tensor Product Network Publications
PhD thesis - prace doktorskie
Functional MRI : Methods and Applications
Brain humor!
Cell Assemblies - the basis of thought
Decade of the brain - resolutions
Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition (ENOC) working group.
InterSpecies R&D: human-dolphin interactions
International Society for Human Ethology
In-Vitro Reinforcement brain plasticity mechnism, alternative to LTP
Logical Fallacies - Stephen's guide
Institute of neuroesthetics, Wellcome Laboratory of Neurobiology (Vislab), University College London
Nanotubes for neurons, Deepak Srivastava, NASA Ames
NeuroQuantology, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics
Nonverbal Communications, Center for Nonverbal Studies
Learn perfect pitch software (sluch absolutny)
Quantitative Biology
Quantum Computation qubit server
Biography: antropology, biology ... sociology (The Glass Bead Page)
Silico-neural links
Competence Center for Sleep Analysis, The Siesta Group (Georg Dorffner)
News and on-line journals dealing with neuroscience: Science Daily | InScight | ScienceNOW | EurekAlert | Helios Science News | Exploration Network | (Discovery), CNN Science News | Dziennik Internetowy PAP - Nauka |
Neuroscience + announcements: CNBC page for postdocs | TSC jobs | Okinawa neuroscience school 2004 |
Other interesting math/science journals
Inne strony: AI w IR | AI + ML | Inteligencja Obliczeniowa | Kognitywistyka | Programy i dane | Nauka i obrzeża | |
Last modification 10.11.2005,
Wlodzislaw Duch