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Senior Scientist, 2014-present, Technology Development Department, Research Division, R&D Center, Canon Ophthalmic Technologies Sp. z o. o., Poland.
Senior Scientist, 2008-2014, Technology Development Department, Research Division, R&D Center, Optopol Technology, Canon Group in Torun, Poland.
Assistant Professor, PhD, 2008-2011, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
PostDoc/Software Developer, 2012-2014, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland.
Lecturer, 2011-2013, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
Author, 2005-present, Helion SA Publishing Group in Gliwice, Poland.
Author, 2007-2009, HAKIN9 IT Security Magazine in Warsaw, Poland.
Author, 2010-2011, bs4 business solutions, testcv, in Poznan, Poland.
Ph.D. Student, 2004-2009, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
M.Sc., 2004, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
2011 Microsoft, Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA): Windows Development Fundamentals(Exam 98-362), Software Development Fundamentals (Exam 98-361), Networking Fundamentals (Exam 98-366), Security Fundamentals (98-367)
2010 TUV Nord, Validation of Medical Software
2006 Workshop on Monte Carlo and Statistics
2005 III Poznan Summer School of Bioinformatics
2004 Sun Microsystems, Fundamental of Java Programing Language
2002 - 2004 CISCO Network Academy, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Parallel Implementation of the Discrete Greens Function Formulation of the FDTD Method on a Multicore Central Processing Unit, Tomasz Stefanski, Slawomir Orlowski, Bartosz Reichel, Radioengineering (2014), 23(4):979 - 986
OpenGL Accelerated Method of the Material Matrix Generation for FDTD Simulations, Slawomir Orlowski, Tomasz Stefanski, Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communication (MIKON), 20th International Conference on (2014), 1-4 , Gdansk, Poland , 8-12 April
Development of Graphical User Interface for Modern FDTD Simulation Tool, Slawomir Orlowski, Tomasz Stefanski, PIERS Proceedings (2013), 1210-1214, Stockholm, Sweden
Material Matrix Generation for FDTD Simulations using OpenGL, Slawomir Orlowski, Tomasz Stefanski, Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 7th European Conference on (2013), 2652-2656, Gotheburg, Sweden, 8-12 April
Monte Carlo Approach to Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Biological Tissue, Pawel Ossowski, Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak, Current Topics in Biophysics (2011) 34:23-24
Quantitative Analysis of the Human Cornea Using High-speed Swept Source OCT, K. M. Karnowski, M. Gora, B. J. Kaluzny, D. Ruminski, S. Orlowski, A. Kowalczyk, and M. Wojtkowski, Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Miami, Florida (2010)
Topology and Thermodynamics of Gaseous Ligands Diffusion Paths in Human Neuroglobin, Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak, Biosystems (2008), 94:263-266
Computer Modeling of Small Ligands Diffusion in Drosophila Melanogaster Hemoglobin, Lukasz Dams, Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak, Proceedings of the CBSB08 (2008), 40:129-132
The Influence of the Water Surrounding on a Long-Distance Electron Transport in the DNA, Jacek Matulewski, Slawomir Orlowski, S.D. Baranovskii, P. Thomas, Physica Status Solidi C (2008), 5:714 - 717
Locally Enhanced Sampling Molecular Dynamics Study of the Dioxygen Transport in Human Cytoglobin, Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak, Journal of Molecuar Modeling (2007), 13:715-723
Oxygen Diffusion in Minihemoglobin from Cerebratulus lacteus - a Locally Enhanced Sampling Study, Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (2007) 117:253-258
conference materials:
Oxygen transport evolution in selected heme globins, conference: Bioinformatics 2008, Warsaw, Poland
Locally Enhanced Sampling Molecular Dynamics Study of the Dioxygen Transport in Human Cytoglobin, conference: Modeling&Design of Molecular Materials 2006, Wroclaw, Poland
Locally enhanced sampling molecular dynamics study of the dioxygen transport in H-NOX domain from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, conference: 20th "Darmstadt" Molecular Modeling Workshop Computer-Chemie-Centrum, Erlangen, Germany
Classical Ligand Diffusion Paths In Newly Discovered Heme Globular Proteins: Neuroglobin and Cytoglobin , conference: The International Conference Sequence-Structure-Function Relationships, Theoretical and Experimental Approaches, Interdisciplinary Centra of Mathematical and Computational Modeling and Center of Excellence for Multi-scale Biomolecular Modeling, Bioinformatics and Applications, Warsaw, Poland
Oxygen Diffusion in Minihemoglobin from Cerebratulus lacteus - a Locally Enhanced Sampling Study, conference: The 10th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECC10)
S. Orłowski, M. Grabek, C#. Tworzenie aplikacji sieciowych. Gotowe projekty (eng. C#. Network Applications Development ), Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 9788324629107/978-83-246-2910-7, 312 pages, relase date: 01/2012
J. Matulewski, D. Borycki, S. Orłowski, Visual Studio 2010 dla programistów C# (eng. Visual Studio 2010 for C# Developer ), Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 978-83-246-2173-6, 824 pages, relase date: 04/2011
S. Orłowski, J. Matulewski, Technologie ASP.NET i ADO.NET w Visual Web Developer (eng. ASP.NET and ADO.NET Technology with Visual Web Developer), Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 978-83-246-0738-9, 296 pages, relase date: 08/2007
S. Orłowski, C#. Tworzenie aplikacji sieciowych. 101 gotowych projektów (eng. C#. Network Applications Development. 101 projects), Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 83-246-0572-X, 264 pages, relase date: 12/2006
S. Orłowski, K. Górska, J. Matulewski, Diagnostyka sprzętu komputerowego, Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 83-246-0319-0, 144 pages, relase date: 09/2006
J. Matulewski, S. Orłowski, M. Zieliński, Delphi 2005. 303 gotowe rozwiązania (eng. Delphi 2005. 303 projects), Helion SA Publishing Group, ISBN: 83-7361-923-2, 648 pages, relase date: 11/2005
Now, I am writing: C#.NET. Techniki programowania obiektowego, Helion SA Publishing Group
Software engineering:
Jacek Matulewski, Sławomir Orłowski, Uwierzytelnianie i autoryzacja w ASP.NET 2.0, 6/2007, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, Jacek Matulewski, Konfiguracja serwera IIS dla ASP.NET z protokołem SSL, 10/2007, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, C#.NET. Diagnostyka sieci, 12/2007, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, Maciej Pakulski, C#.NET. Podsłuchiwanie klawiatury, 1/2008, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, C#.NET. Podglądanie pulpitu, 2/2008, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, Maciej Pakulski, Atak na wirtualną klawiaturę, 3/2008, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, Automatyczna generacja ciągów, 5/2008, Hakin9
Sławomir Orłowski, Test CAPTCHA, 6/2008, Hakin9
Bartosz Kamiński, Sławomir Orłowski, Administracja kontami w Linux, 9/2008, Hakin9
12-15 August 2013, The 34th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS2013, Stockholm, Sweden. Poster presentation: S. Orlowski, T. Stefanski, "Development of Graphical User Interface for Modern FDTD Simulation Tool"
8-12 April 2013, The 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation - EUCAP2013, Göteborg, Sweden. Oral presentation: S. Orlowski, T. Stefanski, "Material matrix generation for FDTD simulations using OpenGL"
27-29 September 2012, BioInformatics in Torun - BIT12, Torun, Poland. Workshop: "Photons and tissue - scientific and industrial approach to software development"
2-4 June 2011, BioInformatics in Torun - BIT11, Torun, Poland. Poster: P. Ossowski, S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Monte Carlo approach to electromagnetic wave propagation through biological tissue"
20 May 2011, Electromagnetic fields and Quantum phenomena in the Biological Systems (EQBS), Poznan, Poland. Poster: P. Ossowski, S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Monte Carlo approach to electromagnetic wave propagation through biological tissue"
2-5 May 2010, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, USA. Poster: M. Szkulmowski, D. Szlag, S. Orlowski, M. Sylwestrzak, A. Szkulmowska, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski, "Three-Dimensional Real-Time Flow Visualization Using Spectral and Time Domain Optical Coherence Tomography"
19-21 May 2008, From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB08), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Oral presentation: S. Orlowski, L. Dams, W.Nowak, "Computer Modeling of Small Ligands Diffusion in Drosophila Melanogaster Hemoglobin"
24-27 April 2008, Bioinformatics 2008 Conference, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland. Poster: S. Orlowski, W.Nowak, "Oxygen transport evolution in selected heme globins"
10-11 March 2008, International Symposium on Bionanomaterials, Faculty of Chemistry, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. Oral presentation: W. Nowak, S. Orlowski, "Oxygen transport in bionano-objects: neuroglobin and cytoglobin"
28 November 2007, IT Academic Day, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.
14-15 July 2007, Bioinformatics in Torun - BIT07, Faculty of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. S. Orlowski, Workshop: Interactive Molecular Dynamics with Haptic Device
14 April 2007, Bioinformatics in Torun - BIT06, Faculty of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
10-15 September 2006, Modeling&Design of Molecular Materials 2006, Wroclaw, Poland. Poster: S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Locally Enhanced Sampling Molecular Dynamics Study of the Dioxygen Transport in Human Cytoglobin"
23- 24 May 2006, 20th "Darmstadt" Molecular Modeling Workshop, Computer-Chemie-Centrum, Erlangen, Germany. Poster: S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Locally enhanced sampling molecular dynamics study of the dioxygen transport in H-NOX domain from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis"
19 May 2006, Development and Optimization of Genomics and Proteomics Algotithms, Center of Excellence for Multi-scale Biomolecular Modeling, Bioinformatics and Applications, Warsaw, Poland
18-19 May 2006, Bioinformatics Centre Openinig Session, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland. Poster: S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "A LES Comparative Study of Oxygen Transport in Heme Globins: H-NOX Domain from Th. Tengcongensis vs. H. Sapiens Neuroglobin"
1-6 August 2005, III Poznan Summer School of Bioinformatics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
6-10 April 2005, The International Conference Sequence-Structure-Function Relationships; Theoretical and Experimental Approaches, Interdisciplinary Centra of Mathematical and Computational Modelling and Center of Excellence for Multi-scale Biomolecular Modeling, Bioinformatics and Applications, Warsaw, Poland. Oral presentation: S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Classical Ligand Diffusion Paths In Newly Discovered Heme Globular Proteins: Neuroglobin and Cytoglobin"
1-30 April 2005, The 10th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC10). On-line presentation: S. Orlowski, W. Nowak, "Oxygen Diffusion in Minihemoglobin from Cerebratulus lacteus - a Locally Enhanced Sampling Study". Price: Outstanding Scientific Presentation
16-17 September 2005, Workshop on Applications of Statistical and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics BIT 2005, Faculty of Physics, NCU Torun, Poland
2-3 July 2004, Bioinformatics In Torun - BIT04, Faculty of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. Oral presentation: S. Orłowski, B. Dobrzelecki, W. Nowak, "Lokalnie wzmocnione próbkowanie przestrzeni konformacyjnej pozwala zbadać mechanizm wiazania tlenu do neuroglobiny"
24-25 October 2003, Bioinformatics In Torun - BIT03, Faculty of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Invited lectures:
9 November 2010, Integracja kodu niezarzadzanego z zarzadzanym, Toruńska Grupa .NET (TGD.NET)
31 January 2012, Ukryta potęga C++/CLI, Toruńska Grupa .NET (TGD.NET)
Delphi Programming; C#.NET Programming; Visual C++ Programming; Java Programming; Digital Image Processing; Mathematical Modeling; Web Development with CSS, PHP and JavaScript; Molecular Dynamics Tutorial