Personal Data:
Name: Wlodzimierz Jaskólski
Office address: Instytut Fizyki UMK, Grudziadzka 5, 87-100;Torun, Poland
e-mail address:
Degrees and Education:
2002 - full professor
1996 - D.Sc. solid state physics
1986 - PhD. theoretical physics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
'Quasirelativistic scattering theory'
1981-1984 - Postgraduate Studies at the Institute of Physics,
Nicholas Copernicus University
1979 - MSc, theoretical physics, Nicholas Copernicus University
1974-1979 - Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, theoretical physics
Professional experience:
2020 - 2023 Vice Rector for the Cooperation with Social and Business Environment
2019 – Head of the Team preparing application for the status of the Research University – Initiative of Excellence
2016 - 2020 Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
2015 - 2016 Head of the Department of Quantum Mechanics in the Institute of Physics
2012 - Expert of the National Science Center
2007- 2014 Director of the Institute of Physics
2001- 2006 - Deputy Director of the
Institute of Physics
2002- 2004 - Member of Physics Section of KBN (Polish Council for Scientific
since 2000 - Professor in the Institute of Physics
since 1996 - Head of Group of Theory of Low-dimensional Structures,
1987-1999 - Assistant Professor in the Institute of Physics, Nicholas
Copernicus University
1991-1997 - Head of Computer Laboratory at the Institute of Physics,
Nicholas Copernicus University
1984-1986 - Assistant in the Institute of Physics, Nicholas Copernicus
Research and Development Grants:
under the Fulbright Program,
at NIST,
Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain (3 months)
Honors and Awards:
2019-2023 several Awards of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2018 - Award (I degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2017 - Award (II degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2016 – Award (II degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2015 - LUMEN - Leader in Management at the University – group award
2012 – Award of the Marshal of Kuyavia-Pomerania Region
2011 – Award (I degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus Univesrisity
2009 – Award (II degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
2002 - Award (I degree) of The
Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
2000 - Group Award of The Rector of the University of Gdansk
1997 - Individual Award of The Minister of National Education
1995 - Educational Award of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
1992 - Award (II degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
1986 - Award (III degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
Memberships and Affiliations:
Polish Physical Society - since 1992
Research Fields:
Achievements (latest):
· First interpretation of the optical spectra
of colloidal InAs nanocrystals (1997)
· Prediction of the antibonding ground state of
pairs of self-organized InAs/GaAs QD (2004,2006), confirmed experimentally in
· Interpretation of the grain-boundary
localized states in graphene as originating from the zigzag-edge states (2011)
· Prediction of the existence of topologically
protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene (2016)
quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, theory of the solid state, physics of low-dimensional structures, computer science, numerical methods, programming
Schools, Conferences and Seminars:
1979, 1981, 1985, 1987 - Schools of
Advanced Methods of
Quantum Chemistry, Bachotek, Poland; posters,
1985 - School of Theoretical Chemistry, Zakopane, Poland; poster,
1986 - Symposium on Relativistic Many-body Problems, Trieste, Italy, 2
posters+oral presentation,
1988 - Workshop on Quantum Chemistry, Girona, Spain; poster,
1990 - Molecular Physics Seminar, MPI Garching, Germany, invited lecture,
1991 - Theoretical Chemistry Symposium HITY-91, Warszawa, Poland; invited
- Nato Advanced Study
Methods in
Computational Molecular Physics, Bad Windshaim, Germany
- Departamento de Ciencias
Experimentales, Universidad Jaume I, Castellon, Spain, invited lecture
1992 - Symposium 'Physics and Microelectronics', Torun, Poland; invited
- IV ECAMP, Riga, poster,
- 16 Seminar on Surface
Physics, Kudowa, Poland; poster,
1993 - Departamento de Fisica Quimica, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia,
Spain, invited lecture
1994 - XXIII International School on Physics of Semiconductor Compounds,
Jaszowiec, Poland
1995 - IX International School of Condensed Matter Physics,
Properties of Condensed Matter", Bialowieza, Poland
1996 - 18th International Seminar on Surface Physics, Polanica, Poland; invited
1997 - March Meeting of The American Physical Society, Kansas City, USA, oral
- Workshop on Recent Advances
on Physics of Single Quantum Dots
Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA, 22-23 July, poster
1998 - International School on Physics of Semiconductor Compounds, Jaszowiec,
Poland; 2 posters
- Atomic Physics Division,
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, invited lecture
- Molecular Physisc Seminar,
MPI Garching, Germany, invited lecture,
1999 - NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Optical properties of
semiconductor nanostructures",
Jaszowiec, Poland,
- Institute of Physics,
Wroclaw Technical University, invited lecture
2000 - Physics Division, University of Szczecin, invited lecture
- Atomic Physics and
Luminescence Division, Technical University of Gdansk, invited lecture
- Fourth Seminar on
Nanostructures: Research, Technology and Applications,
Bachotek'2000, invited lecture
- XXIX International
School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
Jaszowiec, oral
- 20th International Seminar
on Surface Physics, Kudowa, 2 posters
2001 - Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, invited lecture
- Fifth Seminar on
Nanostructures: Research, Technology and Applications,
Bachotek'2001, invited lecture
- XXX International
School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
2001, poster
2002 - VIII Seminar Surfaces and Thin Layers
Poreba, may 2002, invited lecture
2002 - ICSNN 2002, Toulouse, France, poster
- LDSD2002, Fortaleza, Brazil,
oral presentation + poster
- Department of Physics,
University of Parana, Curitiba, Brasil invited lecture
2003 - NATO ARW on Quantm Dots: Fundamentals, Frontiers and Applications,
Crete, June, invited lecture
2004 - Department of Physics, University of Lancaster, UK, February, 'Quantum
dot molecules' invited lecture
- CECAM Workshop on Modeling
of Quantum Dots, Lyon, June 28-30, 'Tight-binding theory of strained
nanoheterostructures' invited lecture
- LDSD Conference, Cancun,
Meksyk, December 12-17, 'Tight-binding theory of strained quantum dots' poster
- Instituto de Fisica,
Universidad de Puebla, Puebla, Meksyk, 'Tight-binding theory of systems of
strained quantum dots' invited lecture
2005 - Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain, 'Carbon
nanotube quantum dots and superlattices' invited lecture
- Instytut Fizyki PAN,
Warszawa, 'On some peculiar properties of carbon nanotube superlattices' invited
- Brian Wybourne
Connmemorative Meeting, June 12-14, Torun, 'The role of symmetry in metallic
carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices"
- The EightInternational
School of Theoretical Physics SSPCM'2005,September 1-7, Myczkowce,
'Symmetry and
structural properties of carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices' invited
2006 - NANO2006 Workshop 'Prospectives in nanosciene and nanotechnology, Sab
Sebastian (
'Electronic and optical properties of quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators' oral presentation
2007 – Indian Associacion for the
Cultivation of Sciences,
- Benares Hindu University,
- Inter
‘Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators’ invited lecture
2007 – Second French-Polish
Workshop on High Magnetic Field,
Nanotubes in a magnetic field’ invited
2008 – Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UW, 11-01, “Systems of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field”
invited lecture
International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
May 2008, poster
- CECAM Workshop on Computational approaches to semiconductor, carbon and
- XXXII International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Coherence and Correlations in
Nanosystems, Ustron, September 2008.
- Workshop on Optics of Nanostructers,
2009 – Canada-Poland-Japan
International Symposium on Nanoscience, Wrocław, October 2009, invited lecture
“Interface states of carbon nanotube junctions”
2010 – Wydział Fizyki
Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, “Interface states of carbon nanotubes”, invited lecture
2011 - Polish-German Workshop on
the Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, February 2011, invited lecture
“Edge states and flat bands in grephene nanoribbons of arbitrary shape”
- Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Lublin, September 2011, invited lecture
“Jak bez
obliczeń znaleźć stany brzegowe wstęg grafenowych”
- XIII International Conference on the Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces, Praga, July 2011, poster
“Edge localized bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries”
2012 - 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Birmingham, August 2012, oral presentation
“Octagonal defects in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
2013 - 20 International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Wrocław, July 2013, invited lecture
“Octagonal defect lines in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, March 2013, invited lecture
„Octagonal defect lines in graphene structures”
- Centrum Astronomii UMK, November 2013, invited lecture
“Fascynujący, dwuwymiarowy świat grafenu”
2014 - The European Conference Physics of Magnetizm 2014, Poznań, June 2014, invited lecture
“Coulomb edge effects in graphene nanoribbons”
- Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, Barcelona, October 2013, invited lecture
“Theory of the electronic structure of grain boundaries in graphene”
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Conference, Porto, February 2014, invited lecture
“The role of octagonal defects in the electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
2015 - Instytut Fizyki Uniwersytetu
Szczecińskiego, March 2015, invited
magnetyczne wybranych struktur grafenowych”
- Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Uniwersytetu
Wrocławskiego, February 2015, invited
wlasciwosci grafenu”,
2018 - 3rd International Conference
on Physics of 2D Crystals, Valetta, Malta, May 2018, invited lecture
“Layertronics – the layer localization control of topological states in bilayer graphene with a gate voltage”
2019 - School on Two-Dimensional Crystals
and Photonics – 2DCP, September
2019,Tbilisi, Georgia, invited lecture,
„ Forcing single layer graphene to behave like a gated bilayer ”
2024 - Optics, Electronics and Magnetism in 2D Material, San Sebastian, May 2024, invited lecture,
“On the robustness of gapless states in gated multilayer graphene”
Graphene and other 2D materials – 9th
Polish Graphene Conference, September 2024, invited lecture,
“On the robustness of gapless states in gated multilayer graphene”
Wydział Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, November 2024, invited lecture,
- “On the robustness of gapless states in gated multilayer graphene”