Toruń is located about 200 km north-west of Warsaw (Warszawa).
How to get to Poland by plane?
There are several international airports within the distance of 200 km from Toruń (Poznań, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Bydgoszcz) but we strongly recommend to fly to Warsaw offering the largest number of different international connections.
How to reach Toruń from Warsaw?
There is a bus service named POLSKI EXPRESS operating at the airport that can be used to reach the conference site without any problem. A small bus takes passengers from the airport to the center of the city (near Warsaw Central Station (Warszawa Centralna)) from which long-distance coaches depart for different destinations. The POLSKI EXPRESS buses depart from the airport at 7.00, 11.00, 13.00, 16.00.
Those who prefer to travel by train can take a train to Toruń at Warsaw Central Station (Warszawa Centralna). The time table can be found at
The other option is to fly from Warsaw to Bydgoszcz that is only 45 km from Toruń.