Pulsed Parametric Down Conversion
Brief introduction
The nonlinear crystal of length L and cut angles Subscript[θ, p], SubscriptBox[φ, p] is pumped by pulsed gaussian
beam of central wavelength Subscript[λ, p], time duration SubscriptBox[τ, p] and beam waist Subscript[w, p].The
colecting optics and single mode fibers determine coupled spatial gaussian shape modes centered arround direction
SubscriptBox[θ, s] SubscriptBox[φ, s] and Subscript[θ, i], Subscript[φ, i] for signal and idler arms
respectively.The gaussian fiber determined modes waists are SubscriptBox[w, s] and SubscriptBox[w, i].
Steereing parameters
Number of points - the numeber of rows and columns of matrix approximation of biphoton wave function Frequency range
- the range of frequencies arround signal Subscript[λ, s] and idler Subscript[λ, i] central frequencies
Setup parameters