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This page last updated on 14 August 2001
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12 emulators listed:
[Speculator '97]
[ZX Spectrum Emulator]
Note: All the Aminet links are to the UK site.
Choose a mirror closer to you for quicker access :-).
- Emulates the 48K Spectrum (with AY sound), 128K Spectrum and various joysticks.
- Loads .SNA and .Z80 snapshots, and from .TAP tape files.
- Saves .SNA and .Z80 snapshots.
- No real tape support.
- Requires a 68020 or above, native chipset, Workbench 3.0 or above and approximately 800K of RAM.
- Happily runs at real Speccy speed, but can go faster or slower.
- Freeware.
- Multitasks and system-friendly. Very comprehensive Z80 core emulation. Small codesize. Now has an Arexx port for communication with other programs.
- Native chipset only. A bit slow on a 68030; needs an MMU and Thor's mmu.library.
- Actively under development.
- Available from the ASp Home Page or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates the Pentagon (Russian Spectrum clone) with TR-DOS and various joysticks and the Kempston mouse.
- Loads .SNA, .Z80 and possibly other format of snapshots, .TAP and
(partially) .TZX tape files and .TRD, .SCL and .DSK disk images. (The
.DSK format is a different TR-DOS format, not a +3 disk).
- Saves an unknown snapshot format and to .TRD, .SCL and .DSK disk images.
- No real tape support.
- Needs an A1200 with a 68030, 040 or 060 and 8Mb RAM.
- Auto-adjusts to real Spectrum speed; speed can't be changed.
- Freeware.
- The best 128K emulator for the Amiga. Disk and tape images cached
in memory, so you can play around with images and not affect the copy
on the Amiga's disk. Two R register modes for compatibility. Has rainbow
effects, but these are for Pentagon timings and so most 128K games will
look a bit funny. Can now use non-standard ROMs as well.
- Now works on 030s, 040s and 060s. No 48K sound or AY white noise.
- Thanks to Chris Young and
Joe Mackay for many of the above
- Available from the CBSpeccy Home Page or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum (presumably), interface 1 & Microdrives.
- Loads its own format of snapshots (more info welcome).
- Saves its own format of snapshots.
- No real tape support.
- Requirements? Old, so probably just a basic A500.
- Slow.
- Freeware?
- Fully multitasking.
- Microdrive emulation using standard Amiga disks.
- More information on this one welcome; any Amiga owners fancy
downloading it, trying it out and letting me know the results?
- Was available from http://www.cybercity.dk/users/ccc14241/icarus10.dms,
but this site has vanished. Anyone?
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum, cursor joystick (with cursor keys) and Kempston
joystick (with Amiga joyport 2).
- Loads .ZX snapshots.
- Saves .ZX snapshots.
- Loads/saves from/to real tapes via a sound-digitiser.
- Requires monochrome or colour.
- Speed not known.
- Freeware?
- Has a pitch-compensated mode, that transposes the sound two
octaves up (handy on slow Amigas).
- Doesn't multitask. Isn't completely compatible with ZX-Spectrum;
several games don't work, e.g. Chronos, Starstrike II.
- Version 2.0 is due soon, with more snapshot formats supported,
better real tape support, better speed, multitasking, Microdrive
emulation and some bugfixes.
- Available from World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48k Spectrum. Can load in 128k .Z80 files, so long as the
extra memory is not used. Supports +D disks (via a supplied DOSDriver)
and the Kempston Joystick.
- Loadable formats: ZX82, KGB, Z80, ZX, SP, SNA.
- Saves custom ZX82 snapshot.
- Can load in normal files through serial port interface.
- Kickstart 2.04 and 68020 or higher required.
- On an A1200 with a 25Mhz MC68030 Viper card + 32Bit Fast
RAM, Speculator will run at around the 100% mark; seems faster than ZXAM on some games.
- Shareware - £10.
- Fastest of the Amiga emulators. Lots of support utilities.
- Emulation is buggy and downright weird in places (Poking 23659,0
in BASIC doesn't lock up Speccy like it would on real Speccy). No .TAP
support. Only saves in custom format.
- Not updated since early 1997.
- Available from Aminet or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum, Kempston joystick.
- Loads .SNA snapshots, no tape support.
- Saves .SNA snapshots, no tape support.
- No real tape support.
- Requires just any Amiga with Kickstart 2.0 and around 435Kb of free memory.
- 'Faster than most' - except Peter McGavin's Spectrum on a 68000-based Amiga.
- Freeware.
- Fully multitasking, nice graphical interface, better sound than Peter
McGavin's Spectrum. Can dump Spectrum screen to an IFF ILBM file.
Preferences can be set globally and for individual snapshots. Better
Z80 emulation than ZXAM. Full BCD flags emulation.
- No particular bad points, unless you count lack of features - e.g.
no file support.
- The idea behind the project was to create a Z80 emulation kernel that
could run on any 68000 machine, i.e. not using any Amiga specifics.
The Z80 emulator kernel can therefore be used for an emulator on any
other 68000-based machine, e.g. the Atari ST. Recently updated (September 1996),
with Kempston joystick emulation the next thing on the author's to-do list.
- Available from author's homepage, Aminet or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum, cursor joystick (with cursor keys) and Kempston
joystick (with Amiga joyport 2).
- Loads .SNA snapshots and tape files from separate .header and .bytes
files on Amiga disks.
- Saves .SNA snapshots and tape files to separate .header and .bytes files
on Amiga disks.
- Loads Spectrum files via a parallel port sampler, saves via Amiga audio.
- Works on any OCS, ECS or AGA Amiga from 68000 to 68060 with Kickstart 1.2
and up.
- Is reasonably fast on 68030/25MHz, but slow on 68000/7.14MHz machines.
At least 68020/14MHz (A1200) and FAST RAM are recommended. Not as fast
as ZXAM. Comes with different versions for the 68000/68010/68020, as
well as a 'corner-cutting' version for the 68000.
- Freeware?
- Multitasks.
- Colour palette is a bit strange.
- Very old, and not supported any more. There is a version 2.0 around, but
this is a fake: it's just v 1.7 with the version strings changed.
- Available from Aminet or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 128K Spectrum.
- Loads .SNA, version 1 .Z80 files, and 128K version 2 and 3 .Z80 files.
- No saving.
- No real tape support.
- None mentioned.
- Very slow on a 68030.
- Freeware.
- First and foremost, emulates the 128K on an Amiga! Can be made slightly faster by switching to a less compatible mode (interrupts not emulated so accurately), and also has a simple built-in debugger, mono mode and can multitask.
- No sound or GUI; keys don't always respond. Monochrome screen is green on white (!), and the colour palette in general is a bit funny.
- Thanks to Chris Young for
bringing this to my attention and reviewing it; all the above comments
apply to v0.1 and so may be out of date.
- Available from Aminet or World of Spectrum;
see also the author's home page.
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- Emulates 48K/128K Spectrum, +2A/+3, Kempston/Sinclair/Cursor
joysticks, MGT interface, Multiface 128 and Multiface 3, Also has
emulation of the Pentagon 128 and (partially) the Scorpion (Russian
Spectrum variants).
- Loads .SNA, .Z80 and .SLT snapshots, from .TAP and .TZX tape files
(the latter complete with optional loading noise!), from .DSK (+3
disk), .TRD (TR-DOS), .MGT and .IMG (images of MGT disks), and from
.POK poke files.
- Saves .SNA, .Z80 and .SLT snapshots, .TAP tapes, .TRD disks and .PCX screen dumps (including any rainbow effects).
- No real tape support.
- Requires?
- Speed?
- Freeware.
- Hi-res emulation of screen and left & right border allowing colours
in an 8x1 block (rainbowing). Has a nice file selector and Z80-like
user interface.
- Bad points?
- Also available for DOS; there are
OS/2 and
OS/2 XFree86 versions, although
these haven't been developed for years. Above comments basically copied
from the DOS version, so any corrections welcomed.
- Available from World of Spectrum. You'll also need the
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum, Kempston, Sinclair II and Cursor joysticks. Also
emulates the 128K's AY-8910 sound chip, so 128K-enhanced games that use
only the sound chip and not the extra RAM often work and give better
- Loads .SNA, .SP, KGB and .Z80 snapshots. Can theoretically load
any format via ARexx scripts (a .TAP script is supplied). Loads tape
files as .header and .bytes files from disk, the same as Spectrum v1.7.
- Saves .SNA and .SP snapshots. Once again, can use ARexx scripts to do
any other format (scripts for .Z80 and .TAP are supplied). Saves tape files
to disk as .header and .bytes.
- Real tape support via a custom tape interface (diagram and instructions
to make this are supplied).
- Kickstart 2.04 and 68020 or higher required.
- Runs quite well on a 14MHz A1200.
- Shareware.
- Runs in a window on Workbench screen, on a separate draggable screen, or
in exclusive mode. Automatic speed adjustment for fast machines. Can
save snapshots to a real tape for loading on a real Spectrum. Can load
PowerPacked snapshots if you have the powerpacker.library in the LIBS:
drawer. Comes with an ARexx-based monitor/debugger.
- At least 38 games (including Chronos, Starstrike II and Head over
Heels) do not work; so emulation obviously isn't perfected.
- Not being developed any more. There is a thing called the ZX
Poke Guide which is not an emulator but instead it's an AmigaGuide
by Richard Koerber full of POKEs (about 784 games). It uses the ARexx
port of ZXAM to make the pokes and run/stop the emulator from the
AmigaGuide itself. Gerard Sweeney
has brought another such program to my attention; Hack Attack III
which has around 400 more games than the ZX Poke Guide, 90% of which
have been tested by the author ('Rastan'). It is also apparently
easier to add more pokes to HA3 than to ZXPG.
- Available from Aminet or World of Spectrum.
Aminet has the ZX Poke Guide and
Hack Attack III.
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- Emulates 48K/80K/128K Spectrum, interface 1, Opus, Specdrum, Currah uSpeech.
- Loads .SNA and .Z80 snapshots, .TZX tape files and a proprietary snapshot format also.
- Saves .SNA and .Z80 snapshots, .TZX tape files and a proprietary snapshot format also.
- Has real tape support.
- Requires any Amiga.
- 25 MHZ 68030 = 48K 100%, 33 MHZ 68030 = 48K 132%, 7 MHZ 68000 = 48K 32%.
- Freeware?
- Good points?
- Bad points?
- No other comments.
- Never going to be publicly released after the author got
harrassment from the emulator scene; the previous version (4.71) is
available from World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum, presumably, and Kempston joystick.
- Loads snapshots (type unknown) and from tape (AmigaDOS files).
- Presumably saves snapshots and to AmigaDOS files.
- Real tape support via a tape interface.
- Requires any Amiga.
- Speed? Has three video modes; monochrome, where you choose the overall
PAPER and INK colour for the screen; colour 1 with limited updates of
the screen and colour 2 with full updates (slower).
- Appears to be a commercial product. The demo does not include tape
support or snapshot support, and resets after a certain amount of time.
- Good points?
- Spectrum ROM doesn't come with the emulator; apparently Amstrad denied
permission (perhaps because this is a commercial product). A hacked
version of the demo does include it, illegally.
- Information here comes from a brief Readme file in a hacked demo version
of the emulator. More information welcome.
- Available from DigiMail in Italy:
Digimail Srl
Via Coronelli 10
20146 Milano
Phone: ++39-2-427621
Fax: ++39-2-427768
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