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 prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Grabowski  

Nicolaus Copernicus University   Toruń   Poland
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy  and  Informatics
Institute of Physics
Department of Quantum Physics 

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Ph.D. position within NCN Preludium BIS-2 project (deadline July 30,2021)

Offer description

Four-year Ph.D. position starting October 1. 2021, available in the Institute of Physics Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland under PRELUDIUM BIS-2 Project No. 2020/39/O/ST4/00005 entitled “From Coupled Cluster theory to accurate semi-local Kohn-Sham correlation functional” (leader prof. dr. hab. Ireneusz Grabowski Ten adres email jest ukrywany przed spamerami, włącz obsługę JavaScript w przeglądarce, by go zobaczyć ).  MORE DETAILS (PDF) 


Latest publications:                  Google Scholar        



  • S. Śmiga, Sylwia Siecińska, I. Grabowski
    "From simple molecules to nanotubes. Reliable predictions of ionization potentials from the ∆MP2-SCS methods."
    New J. Phys. 22 (2020), 083084-1
  • S. Śmiga, I. Grabowski, Mateusz Witkowski, Bastien Mussard, Julien Toulouse
    "Self-consistent range-separated density-functional theory with second-order perturbative correction via the optimized-effective-potential method"
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (2020), 211-223
  • S. Śmiga, Volodymyr Marusiak, I. Grabowski, Eduardo Fabiano
    "The ab initio density functional theory applied for spin-polarized calculations"
    J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020), 054109
  • Eduardo Fabiano, S. Śmiga, Sara Giarrusso, Tim Daas, Fabio Della Sala, I. Grabowski, Paola Gori-Giorgi
    "Investigation of the exchange-correlation potential of functionals based on the adiabatic connection interpolation"
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 (2019), 1006-1015
  • S. Śmiga, I. Grabowski
    "The spin-component-scaled ΔMP2 parametrization: towards a simple and reliable method for ionization energies"
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 14 (2018), 4780-4790

 All publications




Research fields

New methods development in
quantum chemistry and physics
Many-electron theory 
    - Electron correlation
    - Density Functional Theory
    - Orbital dependent functionals and potentials
    - Optimized Effective Potential Method (OEP)
    - Coupled Cluster Method
    - Many-Body Perturbation Theory 
    - Spina-Scaled-Component MP2 method
    - Non-covalently interacting systems

Students (in polish)

Na stronie umieściłem nowe informacje dla studentów - Students & Teaching  

    - tematy prac licencjackich, magisterskich i inżynierskich.    

    - oferta wspólnych badań i  współpracy   



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