Entering the Lion and Rhino reserve near Johanesburg, 164 KB |
 Birds near small lake, 168KB |
 Small antilopes, 191KB |
 Zebras, 129KB |
 A group of rhinos resting in the midday sun, 138KB |
 Another group munching hard, 131KB |
 Crocks in the pond, 101KB |
 I better watch for this guy, says suricat, 240KB |
 Hippos do not get out of water, 83KB |
 Time to feed the babies, 168KB |
 Then its is time to play, 214KB |
 Hey, do not touch my shoe! 167KB |
 Lazy around noon, 216KB |
 I am still a baby, 124KB |
 Come, giggle me more, 184KB |
 What, leaving so soon? 168KB |
 This jeep is 80 years old! 151KB |
 Gnus flock together, 147KB |
 Antilopes with an ostrich, 176KB |
 Wild boars seems to pray to their food ... 206KB |
 A group of hungry lionese, 171KB |
 Get off the road! 130KB |
 What are you staring at? Oh, you've got a friend there, 156KB |
 We know that you did not get food for a whole week, but why us? 230KB |
 We better stay in the middle of the seat, this jeep has no windows! 138KB |
 Liakons also will get food, 114KB |
 And then will fight for it, 185KB |
 Here comes the food for cheetah, 143KB |
 The grass is not high, 184KB |
 but cheetah vanish quickly, 168KB |
 and only when they drag the meat, 177KB |
 you may notice them, 192KB |