Mushroom data - features

Cap Shapebell, conical, convex, flat, knobbed, sunken
Cap Surface fibrous, grooves, scaly, smooth
Cap Colour brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, green, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
Bruises bruised, no
Odour almond, anise, creosote, fishy, foul, musty, none, pungent, spicy
Gill Attachment attached, descending, free, notched
Gill Spacing close, crowded, distant
Gill Size broad, narrow
Gill Colour black, brown, buff, chocolate, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
Stalk Shape enlarging, tapering
Stalk Root bulbous, club, cup, equal, rhizomorphs, rooted, missing
Surface Above Ring fibrous, scaly, silky, smooth
Surface Below Ring fibrous, scaly, silky, smooth
Colour Above Ring brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, orange, pink, red, white, yellow
Colour Below Ring brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, orange, pink, red, white, yellow
Veil Type partial, universal
Veil Colour brown, orange, white, yellow
Ring Number none, one, two
Ring Type cobwebby, evanescent, flaring, large, none, pendant, sheathing, zone
Spore Print Colour black, brown, buff, chocolate, green, orange, purple, white, yellow
Population abundant, clustered, numerous, scattered, several, solitary
Habitat grasses, leaves, meadows, paths, urban, waste, woods

Mushrooms: example of data vectors.

Mushroom-1 is: edible, convex, fibrous, yellow, bruises, anise, free, crowded, narrow, brown, tapering, bulbous, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, purple, several, woods

Mushroom-2 is: edible, flat, smooth, white, bruises, almond, free, crowded, narrow, pink, tapering, bulbous, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, purple, several, woods

Mushroom-3 is: edible, bell, smooth, white, bruises, almond, free, close, broad, white, enlarging, club, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, scattered, meadows

Mushroom-4 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, white, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, scattered, urban

Mushroom-5 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, pink, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, several, urban


Mushroom-8000 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, pink, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, brown, scattered, urban

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