W. Duch - music recordings


Technical remarks: I play recently mostly Sylphyo by Aodyo, and also AkaiPro-EWI instruments (4000s, 5000 and EWI-USB), with some analog voices from Patchman, Yamaha VL70m synthesizer with Patchman Turbo voices, Ketron SD2 and SD1000 modules and various software virtual instruments on EWI-USB. In 2022 I have added DynaSample XpressO-mini synth.

All 3 banks for Ketron SD2, 4 banks for Ketron SD1000 and 2 banks for Yamaha VL70m Turbo, in the .mlb format (ex. for Anvil Studio), needed to use these modules with EWI.
MIDI-OX can control Ketron and other synth, select favorities and assign parameters to different MIDI channels. After trying large DAW programs I gave up - too complicated and not doing what I need. For Ketron SD1000 with MIDI-OX use this instrument definition.

Sample of Ketron SD2 sounds of all Bank A instruments (large). I plan also record more sample from other banks and from the DynaSample XO-mini synth. 15 flute voices are in videos below.

I also use solo SWAM instruments from Audio Modeling. I have placed a few demos of sax and trumper sounds on audio.com. Adding pads from Omnisphere creates nice backgrounds, and there are hundreds of pads and other voices to explore.
My presets for Sax Alto Classical and Sax Tenor Classical are nothing special, I am still experimenting with paramters, and there are quire many, but most have very subtle influence on the sound. We need a community of people thta have created intersting presets. I have a list of YouTube videos on SWAM with some advice.

For me this was a scientific experiment, a part of my investigation in what I call "auditory blindsight" or auditory imagery agnosia (see talks 65, 69, 90, 97 and 101 here, and my paper on imagery agnosia).

A few samples of my brain's creation (highly flawed, no corrections, taken as it comes) are below.
Comments are welcomed on my blog.

First, a few YouTube videos:


Christmas Carols (Kolędy) - most quite old.

Sylphyo on Yamaha VL70m, with the fantastic VL-Wizard Editor

Sylphyo improvisation with AudioModelling (SWAM) Woodwinds + Musescore MIDI files

Sylphyo improvisation with AudioModelling (SWAM) Woodwinds + Omnisphere

Sylphyo improvisation, testing Omnisphere 2.8, with Vangelis Sounds from Luftrum. Even on EWI one can generate rich sounds.
More combinations of Ketron and Omnisphere background voices, with presets from Vicious Antelope: Strawberry Fields | Yesterday | Lover Man, Take 1 and Lover Man, Take 2 | Scarborough Fair
Christmas: Silent night: several voices | Take 1 and Take 2

Improvisations - Sylphyo on Ketron SD 1000

Improvisations on EWI5000+Ketron SD1000+Anvil Studio

Improvisations on EWI 4000/EWI USB:

Classical themes:

Baroque Period

Jan Sebastian Bach:

Christop Willibald Gluck:

Antonio Vivaldi

Romantic Period

Claude Debussy:

Erik Satie

Fryderyk Chopin:

Nicola Paganini:

Robert Schumann:

XX Century Classical composers

Jazz/popular themes

The Beatles:

Japanese melodies:

Other popular melodies

Wlodzislaw Duch

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