Artificial intelligence and the future of scientific thinking.

Academia Copernicana short course: Artificial Intelligence and the future of scientific thinking, USOS Id: 7405-AC-AI-2
Place: Grudziądzka 5, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Auditorium C.1.10 (SA COK).
Days: 24.10, 7, 14.11, and 5, 12, 19.12. Time: 16-18
This year we have only 10 hours and there is a lot of material that we should cover. Each week we shall have two topics. We shall start in October 24.
Evaluation: With large number of students this year we shall make off-line evaluations, based on your short presentation on the topic - how can I benefit from using AI in my own work.
The course slides are in Moodle here
To join, you have to enroll yourself for this course. You may download presentation from the course Moodle page before the lecture.
Many presentations on the topic of AI are on my page here, including links to youTube videos, in English and Polish.

If you need my contact information this link will Google my name and find my web page, where you will find all the details.

This is preliminary list of topic but things are changing so fast that each time new topic will arise. Also your are welcome to ask.

  1. General introduction to Artificial Intelligence: what it is and is not , types of AI, similarities and differences to the brain processes. Word on history of AI. GOFAI, Machine learning. Role of large scale computing.
  2. Trustworthy and Explainable AI. Symbolic AI, heuristic search-based methods, Games and Cognition. Importance of Go Zero. Chats and GPTs, some examples of current tools. Predictive and Generative AI.
  3. Knowledge Representation in symbolic systems. Expert Systems and Natural Language Processing - Transformers and knowledge in and LLMs/LMMs. AI for science.
  4. LMMs and new advanced tools, promptology. Machine Learning and our agentic future. Limits of AI.
  5. How can I use it? Your 2-slide presentations.
    Links to AI tools and sites
  6. Assessment: Presentations of AI usefulness in your field.

Włodzisław Duch