![Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu](files/images/theme_banup1_0.jpg)
- K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra , M. M. Miller Bertolami,
"The mysterious age invariance of the planetary nebula luminosity function bright cut-off"
Nat. Astron. Vol. 2 July 2018 (2018), 580-584
DOI: 10.1038/s41550-018-0453-9
- C. L. Smith, A. A. Zijlstra, K. Gęsicki, H. L. Dinerstein,
"Abundances in Galactic bulge planetary nebulae from optical, ultraviolet and infrared observations"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 471 (2017), 3008-3018
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx1720 - K. Gęsicki, Zijlstra, A. A., Miller Bertolami, M. M.,
"Post-AGB Evolution Much Faster Than Previously Thought"
ASPCS 509 (2017), 457-460 - Zijlstra, A. A., K. Gęsicki, Miller Bertolami, M. M.,
"The history of the Galactic bulge"
IAUS 323 (2017), 184-187
DOI: 10.1017/S1743921317000989
- K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra, C. Morisset,
"3D pyCloudy modelling of bipolar planetary nebulae: Evidence for fast fading of the lobes"
Astron. Astrophys. 585 (2016), A69 p.1-A69 p.14
DOI: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201526653
- K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra,
"Constraints to Post-AGB Evolution Speed and to IFMR Derived from Planetary Nebulae"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 493 (2015), 331-335
DOI: 978-1-58381-870-1 - L. Guzman-Ramirez, E. Lagadec, D. Jones, A. A. Zijlstra, K. Gęsicki,
"PAH Formation in O-rich Evolved Stars"
ASPCS 497 (2015), 155-160 - K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra, C. Morisset,
"The Very Fast Evolution of Bi-Lobed Planetary Nebulae"
EAS PS 71-72 (2015), 313-314
DOI: 10.1051/eas/1571073
- K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra, M. Hajduk, C. Szyszka,
"Accelerated post-AGB evolution, initial-final mass relations, and the star-formation history of the Galactic bulge"
Astron. Astrophys. 566 (2014), A48-A74
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201118391 - L. Guzman-Ramirez, E. Lagadec, D. Jones, A. A. Zijlstra, K. Gęsicki,
"PAH formation in O-rich planetary nebulae"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 441 (2014), 364-377
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu454 - M. Hajduk, P. A. M. van Hoof, K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra, S. K. Górny, M. Gładkowski,
"The evolving spectrum of the planetary nebula Hen 2-260"
Astron. Astrophys. 567 (2014), A15-A22
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201322742
- K. Gęsicki, A. A. Zijlstra,
"Central Stars of Milky Way Bulge Planetary Nebulae"
ASPCS 469 (2013), 313-316
DOI: 978-1-58381-820-6
- L. Guzmán-Ramírez, A. A. Zijlstra, R. Níchuimín, K. Gęsicki, E. Lagadec, T. J. Millar, P. M. Woods,
"Galactic bulge PNe: carbon molecules in oxygen-rich environments."
IAUS 283 (2012), 259-262
DOI: 1743-9221